SecretDom (4 page)

BOOK: SecretDom
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So tempted and turned on by the whole thing, her skin seemed raw. The warm water felt more like a lover

s caress driving her higher and higher until her hand traveled down her body to her slit and started to part her folds. If she went to him this way, this aroused, she
wouldn’t last five minutes in the hand
s of a skilled Dom. Then again, if she brought herself to orgasm so soon before meeting with him, a true Dom would know and rule number one

your pleasure belongs to your Dom. Dammit. She reached over and turned the water as cold as it would go to cool her desperate body down. The jolt of icy water snapped her to attention, and she squealed but forced herself to say under the frigid spray. At least it was a distraction for her libido.

Time ticked by faster than she realized, and the skin on her fingertips started to prune. Finally turning off the water and stepping out of the shower into the warmth of a fluffy bathrobe, a mixture of anticipation and excitement roiled in her belly. When she finally stood in front of her floor-length mirror, she felt more like herself in that moment than she had in longer than she could remember. Soft, dark chocolate ringlets cascaded down her back, pinned only at the crown of her head for added body and to keep them out of her eyes. Soft natural makeup accentuated by a strong, deep-red lip color brought attention to her best facial feature. While none of this situation seemed to scream,
“Look at me! I have sound
!” it would be
dangerous to leave the house in just the corset and stockings. With that in mind, she
carefully dressed in the beautiful garments she’d received and paired them with a
short-sleeved black wrap dress that just covered the tops of the stockings but fit snugly enough to show off her curves. Topping off the outfit were a pair of black four-inch patent leather stilettos with an ankle strap.

A spritz of Chanel Mademoiselle across her collar bone, and she smiled. The corset hugged her like a custom glove, and the slight pressure of the boning helped center her mind. God
d missed this. Pulling her coat on over her dress, she switched her oversized tote for a smaller clutch, packing her cell phone, lipstick, keys, credit card, id, and a small can of mace, just in case. One more pass in front of the mirror and a mental pep talk, she heard the buzz of the building door man informing her that the car service had arrived.

“Thank you, Randall
I will be right down.” Letting go of the intercom
button, she took one more deep breath and stepped out of her comfort zone, leaving the safety of her apartment and her loneliness behind. Mumbling to herself as she
stepped into the elevator, “Myles, you better not let me down now

she knew he
wouldn’t let anything happen to her
. But the element of danger present from stepping into something unknown only increased the furor gnawing at her belly.

Chapter Six

The cool, crisp autumn air nipped at the end of her nose, the wind blew her hair around behind her, but the warmth that had settled low in her stomach and between her thighs kept her from really even noticing. A very well mannered, sharp-dressed older man stepped out of the sleek black town car that waited just outside for her to open her door.
He didn’t say a word, just gave her a nod before
closing her in the car and driving away. He easily maneuvered the busy streets of downtown through the darkness, and for the first time in a long time, she watched the people she shared the city with but saw them differently. Couples wrapped around each other, caught up
in nothing more than their significant other’s

so easy. She missed that. But then again, her life with Deacon had never been easy. Instead of seeing the couples wrapped in their own little worlds as something from her past, she began to picture herself in them. Her arms wrapped around the waist of a lover, her head resting on his chest; she began to see what life, and love, could be like for her again.

Never mind all of that. The past was best left in the past, and this, this chance, this risk she was taking was a chance at a new beginning in her life. A life
where she could indulge the part of herself that she’d denied so long to be with the man she’d loved
, but
who’d thrown it all aw
ay for nothing. Righting herself in the seat, she looked confused when the car came to a stop at a small shop just on the outer limits of the city. Neat white letters against a black backdrop read
Leather and Lace, and the storefront windows displayed beautiful one-of-a-kind pieces of

Her confusion grew even more when the driver opened her door and gestured for her to step into the shop. After thanking him for the ride, she hesitantly stepped into the store, the scent of sandalwood and roses calming
whatever confusion she’d
felt before. Sandalwood had always been a scent that relaxed her

yet aroused her even more. That heady aroma mixed with her anxious desire made her thighs feel damp, and her nipples strained against the satin of the corset. Abraded with every step that shifted the corset against her skin, her nipples begged to be soothed by the skillful mouth of a man. Her skin burned
, and Rissa couldn’t help shake the feeling that whatever she’d decided to take a chance on tonight would change her life
forever. Not wanting to appear overly eager, she took a moment to sift through some of the finer pieces in the store. Delicate lace teddies, studded leather halters, stockings in dozens of patterns; each piece was more stunning and artistic than the last. Wide paths between the racks allowed her to move without feeling cramped, but the anticipation of what awaited her was quickly becoming more than she could stand. Tired of walking around the small shop, she needed to know if she was in the right place, and if not, she needed to find a ride home


“Excuse me, I’m supposed to be meeting someone, but I don’t see anyone
else here. Was there someone here earlier? Or is there posssibly a bar nearby or
something?” Rissa’s breath hitched when the attendant caught a glimpse of the
black satin and gold threading of her corset peeking over the top of her dress and smiled like the cat that ate the canary.

“You’re right on time
. And he was right

are gorgeous.” The tall,
leggy, busty blonde winked, and Rissa could have sworn there was a twinkle of
mischief in the woman’s green eyes as she turned and beckoned her to follow along.
Back past the dressing rooms and the racks and racks of black leather, she stopped at a door in the back of a storage room. She knocked three times, paused and knocked twice more. Rissa heard a series of locks from the other side before it opened and the blonde store clerk gestured for her to follow the winding staircase down.

“Um, you do know this screams
with a dungeon… right?” Rissa said.
The blonde just laughed and nodded.
“Yes, I know. I thought the same thing

the first time I stood here looking down. That was two years ago, and now
I’m there
every night.
The club is called The Devil’s Boudoir. It’s
invitation only, and the members list is beyond exclusive.
You’ll be ok
. If the black and gold scheme going on under your dress is any indication,
you’ll be way more than fine, sweetie. The bar’s all the way down and to the left. Order a drink and wait there. Anybody asks,
just flash them a glimpse of tha
t corset you’re rocking
and they’ll understand. Now go, before you’re late.”

One last chance to turn around and run,
but her feet wouldn’t move backwards… only forwards and down the first step. The cool gold handrail offered
an anchor as she descended the winding staircase to the bottom. BDSM and swinging clubs were not new to Rissa Trent

not by a long shot

but this was by
far the most luxurious club she’d ever imagined. Sumptuous fabrics draped from the
ceilings. Plush sofas and chaise lounges in leather, some upholstered in velvet, segmented the open space into intimate settings. The whole room was decorated in jewel tones and gold. Polished marble flooring seemed to shimmer from the flecks of gold imbedded in the finish. Low lights and candles, people milling about made
the club seem like little more than a vanilla bar she’d find downtown, but if someone knew what to look for, they’
d see the BDSM influence. A saw horse here, a St.
Andrew’s against the wall, a restraint table double
d as a coffee table; all familiar and further calming to
Rissa’s edginess.

Walking over to the bar, she ordered a vodka and cranberry and looked past the end of the bar as the warm, smooth drink slid down her throat. A couple, obviously a committed Dom/sub, were beginning a scene in a room just through a glass window. In a traditionally submissive pose; on her slightly parted knees, head down, her hands behind her back, she looked calm, completely relaxed as her Dom walked in a circle around her, inspecting his bare submissive. The way the tall
blonde man’s hand caressed the pale cheek of his partner, brushing her auburn hair
from her cheek and over her shoulder, showed his approval of her gift. To Rissa, it was like watching a well-choreographed dance, each giving and taking, the Dom guiding his sub through the steps. Kneeling behind his woman, a length of crimson rope in his hand, Rissa watched, enraptured, as he threaded it between her arms behind her back, weaving and lacing the braided strands into an intricate latticework down both her arms from shoulder to wrist.

s concentration was only broken by the now familiar scent of subtle cologne only a moment before she felt strong, firm hands slide up and down her arms. Warm breath and smooth skin nuzzled the side of her neck. The unmistakable thickness of a man pressed against her lower back, pinning her lightly against the bar and making her shiver. Her skin tingled and burned with desire,
feeling stretched too thin, like without it she’d melt into a quiver
ing puddle of hormones and desperation.
She didn’t say a word, just listened and soaked up the
warmth of his touch.

“They are beautiful, aren’t they? The way she submits so fully, her trust, her
body, her very soul handed over to him

the way he obviously cherishes her gift the way a man should.
” His strong hand wrapped around her arm and gently turned her
around. Without instruction, her eyes lowered as he turned her, and she waited for permission to look up into his face. What she could see through lowered lashes was expensive leather dress shoes, jet-black slacks and a matching suit jacket. The deep red dress cuffs that peeked out from beneath his suit jacket matched the deep rouge of her lipstick, but it was the ring on his right ring finger that caught her attention. Something in her responded to that ring. The Celtic filigree embossed on the gold
band matched the pattern on the cards she’d re
ceived from this mystery Dom. But it was more than that.
The realization of why she’d kept the letters i
n the first place and why she was standing here right now finally dawned. She had met him before when she was with Myles at the grand opening of his club. Before she could remember his name, one thick finger crooked beneath her chin and tilted her face to meet his.

“Evan Daniels…” His name came easily the moment she saw his face.
Chiseled features, smooth skin, dark hair the same chocolate brown as hers fell in waves to his shoulders, framing his handsome face. He was massive, muscled and bulged in all the right places

even beneath his well-tailored suit. His name on her lips clearly had the same impact on him that it did on her, and he smiled.

“Yes. Evan Daniels. We met years ago when you were new to the lifestyle
and learning under Myles. The moment I met you I knew your submission was all
I’d crave
; that has never changed.
You lowered your eyes when we met as you’d
been trained to do, but your posture defied the submissive gesture. A strong woman shined through, but the desire to please and be pleased in return shone brighter. I
knew you’d felt it too in that moment.”

His voice lowered, and he leaned in close enough for his breath to dance across her bare collarbone.
“Your body spoke what you would never dare tell. The
heaving of your chest in that deep emerald strapless dress stopped, you held your breath.
I held mine.” Moving back from her to give her space, she realized she hadn’t been breathing now either.

“There hasn’t been a day that’s gone by when you didn’t haunt my thoughts
or a ni
ght when you didn’t submit to me in my dreams. When I ran into Myles a
few weeks ago, he told me you were single again, and I knew if I let another moment pass without telling, no,
you how I feel that I’d never forgive
myself. Myles gave me the r
un down on where I might find you, but please don’t be
angry with him.
I don’t know what it is, I can’t
explain it, but right here, this moment, with you in my arms, I cannot imagine why I let you walk out of the club that night so long ago, or why I have
n’t come to you since, but I would be a fool to let you walk out that door again without this…”

BOOK: SecretDom
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