Secretly Craving You (15 page)

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Authors: Nicole North

BOOK: Secretly Craving You
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"No, you didn't. You don't have to make up stuff like that to appease me." Her look of vulnerability was like a kick to the gut.

"I'm telling the truth, Em," he said firmly. "Why would I say such a thing if it wasn't true? I couldn't get you out of my head." So why the hell would he want another woman? This one was his ultimate fantasy.

She gave him a coy, teasing smile. "I hope I never leave your head, then."

He tugged her tighter against him and pulled her bent leg over his hip. "Never leave the bed I'm in, either," he murmured against her lips. "No matter where that bed may be."


He nodded.

She framed his face with her hands, her gaze delving deeply into his. "I love you, Nick."

His gut clenched and pleasurable happiness like he'd never felt before spread out through him. "Good god, Emily." She took his breath away.

"What? Don't you want me to love you?"

"Hell, yes. You better, because I love you. And I can't live without you."


"Keep your eyes closed," Nick ordered Emily for the tenth time since they'd gotten into the car that November afternoon at her house. Nick had driven them for about fifteen minutes through Savannah and out of town. And now he was helping her out of the car.

"They're closed." Emily smiled, loving that he had a surprise in store for her. "Why didn't you just blindfold me?"

"I plan to." He kissed the tip of her nose. "But I didn't want anyone else to see you that way. They might think I'm kidnapping you."

"Well, you are, aren't you?" Squeezing her eyes shut tight so she wouldn't be tempted to look at him, she slid an arm around his trim waist.

"If that's the fantasy you want to play out this time." His tone was low and rough, but she heard the smile in his voice.

It didn't take a genius to figure out where they were. She'd smelled the stronger scent of salt air as soon as he'd helped her step from the car. And now she heard the waves crashing onto the shore. Given the short drive, they had to be on Tybee Island. And the cool refreshing wind was stronger here. She loved the beach in autumn. Nick remembered that detail about her and it touched her deeply.

She and Nick had escaped for a few romantic long weekends during the four months they'd been together. Just this week, Nick had been able to transfer to the Savannah police force and accepted a detective position. Now, he was going to move in with her. She couldn't wait. Giddiness consumed her. She was tired of all the traveling between Savannah and Atlanta.

Once the demand for coordinating weddings had slowed at the beginning of fall, Emily had been able to spend more time in Atlanta. But sometimes he had to work so much, she couldn't see him. The nights without him were tough and she missed him terribly. But now that was all behind them.

After he guided her inside a building, Nick surprised her by swinging her up into his arms and carrying her onto an elevator.

She snickered. "What are you up to?"

"Seducing you," he whispered into her ear, then kissed her.

She brushed her palm against his stubbled cheek and opened her eyes a crack. She couldn't resist looking at him for just one second.

"You're peeking," he muttered.

Grinning, she immediately slammed her eyes closed. The elevator door swished open and Nick carried her down what she imagined was a carpeted hallway, given that the flooring muffled his footsteps. He somehow managed to slide a keycard into the slot and open the door, all without dropping her. The door slammed closed behind them.

The room was quiet but she smelled a hint of wood smoke and heard faint popping. Was it a fireplace? She hoped so because she loved fireplaces.

"Can I open my eyes now?"

"Not yet." He carried her across a room and lowered her to a standing position. "Now, open your eyes."

When she did, she gazed out over an amazing view of the beach on Tybee Island and colorful pink clouds at sunset.

"Wow, what a view! This is beautiful." But even more pleasing to her eyes was Nick. She reached up and kissed him. "Thank you," she said between kisses.

"You're welcome," he murmured giving her more delectable kisses.

When he pulled back, she glanced around the luxurious room. The king-sized four-poster bed with sumptuous bedding was her favorite, along with the flickering flames of the nearby fireplace. "What a nice place! You splurged."

"We're celebrating." He reached for a bottle of champagne on a nearby mahogany table and popped the cork.

"Of course," she said, accepting the full glass of sparkling pink champagne he offered her. "To your new career here in Savannah."

"Thank you." He touched his glass to hers and they drank. "And…" He set his glass down on the table before turning back to her.

"And?" she asked. "Moving in with me!" she said, smiling.

"Yeah. And…" he said mysteriously with a hint of teasing amusement.

She bit her lip, unable to think of what else they might be celebrating.

He took the glass from her hand and set it beside his, then faced her, looking a bit uncomfortable, or unsure of himself. What was going on? He was never unsure of himself. He was the most confident man she knew. Nothing fazed him.

"Emily." He took her hands, his expression turning serious, which alarmed her slightly.

"Yes. What is it?" she asked, truly concerned now.

He cleared his throat. "Do you know how special you are to me?"

She nodded. He told her every day how much he loved her. Just as she did him.

"Because we lived so far apart, the last few months have been hard," he said. "Probably harder on you than on me, and I'm sorry for that."

She shook her head. "You don't need to apologize for that. I was happy to go to Atlanta to spend time with you."

Looking more nervous than she'd ever seen him, he sucked in a deep breath and lowered himself to one knee. "Emily…will you marry me?"

Her breath stopped as she studied his dark gray eyes, now going from nervous to smiling. So, that's what this was about? He was proposing? "Oh my god! Yes!" She laughed and hot tears flooded her eyes. She tugged him up and threw her arms around his neck.

He laughed, picked her up and spun her around. But she couldn't stop the tears from flowing, no matter how hard she laughed. Wow! Nick was going to be her husband. Truthfully, she had been unsure whether he was the marrying type. He'd never mentioned it the whole time she'd known him. This was a complete surprise.

"Oh, I almost forgot." He set her to her feet and pulled a small black box from his jeans pocket. Opening it, he revealed a large sparkling diamond.

"Wow, Nick," she whispered. "Are you nuts? This must have cost a fortune."

Grinning, he took it from the box and slid it onto her finger. "Nothing's too good for you, sweetness."

But she knew the truth. A diamond of this quality and size must have cost a pretty penny. "You're the one who's sweet. I love it." She kissed him. "And I love you."

"I love you, too." He placed little kisses on her lips, then flicked his tongue against them, totally stealing her breath away again. Each time he kissed her felt better than the last, and she was completely ready to tear his clothes off and drag him to the bed. But she didn't get the chance. He lifted her and carried her to the bed instead.

They quickly discarded their clothes and made love in the dim glow of sunset and dusk. Afterward, he held her tightly in his arms.

"So…why don't we get married at Christmas?" he asked.

"What? This Christmas?"

He nodded.

"That's only a little over a month away!"

"Yeah. Long engagements are overrated."

"But that only gives me a month to plan the wedding," she said, panic engulfing her.

"Oh." He suddenly looked glum.


"You want a humongous wedding, don't you? I should've guessed, given your profession."

"Well…no. Not humongous."

"Really?" He brightened a bit. "A small wedding would be better, wouldn't it? No need to invite every person we've ever met. Just immediate family and close friends."

She liked the sound of that. It would be more intimate and fun. She didn't care for big social scenes anyway. She'd coordinated plenty of them and knew they weren't all they were cracked up to be.

"Yes." She smiled. "That would be perfect, actually."

He lifted a brow. "Really?"

"Of course. Just the people we're closest to."

"So, it doesn't have to be so elaborate, nor take much time to organize. I like spontaneity."

"Me, too. I have to call Tia so she can start helping me arrange things." She tried to wriggle from his arms so she could go get her phone.

"Not so fast." He dragged her back to him and pulled her leg over his. And since they were still naked, she felt every bare inch of him. "I'm not yet done devouring my delicious fiancée."

She laughed and accepted his scorching kisses. He then proceeded to devour her in the best way possible. And she returned the favor.

* * * *

Two weeks later, Nick and Emily, along with their friends and family were at their engagement party at a Savannah night club. The party had been arranged by Pierce, Nick's best man.

"Are you enjoying this?" Tia asked Emily over the loud dance music.

"Of course. Aren't you?"

Tia's annoyed expression said everything. "Well, it doesn't matter. All that matters is that you and Nick enjoy it."

Emily did. It reminded her of the nightclub where she and Nick had shared their first kiss. It had been so scorching Emily had never been the same since. But she was concerned about Tia and her horrid mood.

"I didn't know you were into dance clubs, strobe lights and mirror balls," Tia said.

"I'm not, really." Emily smiled and shrugged. "Just relax and have fun, girlfriend. At least someone else handled all the arrangements, right? Besides, we need to let down our hair and go a little crazy sometimes. We worked hard all summer. Why don't you go talk to Pierce and tell him I said thanks for the awesome party."

"Seriously?" Tia scowled.

"You know he's hot and you want him."

"Very funny. He's barely spoken to me, even when I tried to strike up a conversation." She shrugged. "He's not interested."

Finding that hard to believe, Emily glanced across the dance floor at the sexy man in question. His dark hair and black clothes blended into the dimness. His gaze wandered the room, then shifted abruptly to Emily and Tia. Or more specifically, Tia.

"He's staring at you right now," Emily said.

Tia turned, but Pierce's attention had shifted to one of his friends who'd joined him.

"He's just playing hard-to-get," Emily said with a grin.

"Hmph. Well, I don't like playing games. Maybe I'll find some other hottie here tonight." Tia's gaze darted along the dance floor.

"Yeah, why don't you do that?" Emily challenged.

"I will," Tia said. She drained her mixed drink, then set the glass on a nearby table.

"Don't get into too much trouble. I'm going to find my future husband."

"Great. Have fun."

Emily found Nick chatting with a couple of his friends and coworkers. She slipped her arms around his waist from behind. He excused himself from his friends and led her to the dance floor. She slid her arms around his neck and he pulled her close into a slow dance.

"You know what this reminds me of?" he asked.

"Our first dance, and our first kiss."

He nodded with a mischievous grin. "I'm going to kiss you now. Try to make it convincing and don't slap me."

She wanted to laugh, but his warm sensual lips on hers made all thoughts fly from her mind. Oh, it truly was almost like their first kiss all over again. She opened her mouth and he flicked his tongue inside to tease hers. Arousal electrified all her nerve endings, just as it had the first time he'd kissed her months ago.

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