Secrets Abound (Supernaturally Bound Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: Secrets Abound (Supernaturally Bound Book 1)
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He unfastened my bra and yanked it off in one swift movement. I ran my hands over his chest, pressing my fingers into the indentions of his muscles. My heart raced as he kissed me with more passion than ever before, and I responded with just as much. His kisses moved down my neck as his hands roamed my body. One of them found its way into my underwear, and my breath caught.

This was new territory for me, but I wasn’t scared. His eyes gripped mine as his hand gently caressed me. I felt new warmth spread through my body, and I wanted more. He teased me with his finger until he finally pushed in. I gasped with newfound pleasure. His eyes studied my face as his finger found spots I had no clue even existed. My breathing became rapid as new feelings pulsated through me.

I traced down his abs until I reached the top of his pants. I struggled with the button but got it undone after a moment. I slipped my hand into his pants and into his boxers until I found what I was searching for. It was far bigger than I expected, not that I had too much to compare it to, but I had seen a few.

The moment I grabbed a hold of him, his whole body seemed to quiver. My eyes searched his face. I couldn’t read his expression, but his eyes grew dark. Unsure of what to make of it, I began stroking him. All of a sudden, he jerked back. When I glanced up, he was facing away from me on the edge of the bed.

“What’s the matter?” I asked, worried I had done something wrong.

“Nothing, but this isn’t a good idea.” He said in a hushed voice with his back still facing me. I thought of arguing, but it seemed like I had been snapped back to reality, myself. I was flabbergasted at the way I had just behaved. That wasn’t me. I’m a
, I don’t
guys. What’s wrong with me? Still, I was curious why Aiden had pulled away. It was obvious from the looks of his pants that his body still wanted me. He stood, buttoning his pants. “It’s better if I sleep on the couch.”

“Okay.” I muttered.

I was mortified not only that I threw myself at him, but that he had then rejected me. I didn’t know how I was ever going to face him, again. He probably thought I was the hugest slut ever. I wrapped myself up in his blanket and tried to push all thoughts out of my head. It was quite the battle, but I eventually won and fell asleep.



Aiden sat on the couch trying to collect himself. He knew he’d crossed the line tonight, but part of him wanted to rush back into the room and finish what had been started. He rubbed his hands over his face roughly. This was not part of his orders. He was supposed to become her friend, nothing more. Still, he found himself unable to resist her more and more. He knew he needed to end things, but, as selfish as it was, he simply didn’t want to. He wanted to run away with her and forget about all this, but he knew the consequences if he did that. This wasn’t only about him.

Aiden had never expected the mission to turn out like this, but the moment he laid eyes on Bridget, he could feel something awaken inside of him that had been long asleep. She was so breathtakingly beautiful, and she didn’t even know it. She’d had a hard life, which was something Aiden could relate to, but she was still caring. She didn’t let it make her hard and cold like Aiden had for so long.

He groaned, unable to keep his mind off of Bridget’s nearly naked body lying in his bed. Need coursed through him as he thought of how close he’d come to sleeping with her. Would that have been so bad? He could tell that she had wanted it, too.
No, that would have been unforgivable,
he scolded himself. To sour what should be a perfect memory of her first time? How could she make an informed decision when all she knew about him were lies? He would be worse than scum to take her virginity under false pretenses. He had to get himself under control.



When I woke up the next morning, Aiden was long gone to school, but he left me a note on his dresser. It read:


You were sleeping so well,

I didn’t want to wake you.

I will see you later.


I was relieved that I didn’t have to face him, just yet. I tossed off the blankets and saw that I was still in my red panties. All the humiliation of last night came rushing back to me. I threw on my clothes and crawled back out Aiden’s window. I didn’t feel like dealing with Ash at the moment, and I wasn’t sure if he was home or not.

I thought of how I should spend my last day of suspension. Wallowing in my shame at home wasn’t an option because I could see Judy’s car parked out front. My shift at the diner didn’t start for a while, so I decided I’d wander around town until I was no longer supposed to be in school.

The library seemed like the obvious choice, if not the only choice. It wasn’t as if Waverly had a plethora of hang out spots. I strolled along the backstreets so that none of Bill or Judy’s friends would see me out and about during school hours and report back to them.

I decided to cut through an alley that led one street over from the library. It was deserted as I avoided trash cans and empty boxes. About halfway, I heard footsteps echo behind me. I twirled around to see Cal. He must have seen me come down here and followed me.

“What do you want?” I crossed my arms over my chest defiantly.

He was quick to close the distance between us. “Vicky told me you’re the one that got us expelled.”

His face was covered in a scowl. I could tell he was looking for trouble, but I wasn’t scared of him.

“I revealed the truth, if that’s what you’re referring to.” I lifted a brow.

“You ruined my life. I lost my scholarship because of you.” He spat.

“What? Universities don’t want dickheads that harass innocent girls attending their school? Their loss, am I right?” I taunted.

The blow was unexpected as his fist met with my gut at full force. I doubled over, attempting to catch my breath. My eyes snapped up furiously at him. Rage poured from them straight into Cal. He faltered as he caught my expression. Horror flashed across his face.

My body vibrated with excess energy. I stood, but Cal sprinted out of sight before I could attack. I howled in anger and punched the nearest thing which happened to be a commercial size trash container. The green metal bent around my fist as I released the energy into the spot of contact. Shock poured through me. Did I seriously just bend the metal? With my
? No, it was probably already bent.


I woke up the next day still feeling rattled by all the strangeness that had been occurring. On top of everything, I wasn’t looking forward to two weeks of detention. I was nervous about walking to school with Aiden. However, when I saw him, he acted like nothing had happened. I went with it. It was far less humiliating than actually talking about it.

“We’re supposed to get a lot of snow tonight.” Aiden commented.

“Do you think school will be cancelled tomorrow?” I asked him.

“Yeah, I do, but we should probably do it in the middle of the night after the janitor leaves.”

“You don’t think anyone else is going to try to pull a prank tonight, do you?” I asked him.

“No, I don’t think anyone is going to do anything as bold as this.” He answered.

“How are we going to get in?” I asked.

“I’ll leave a window open.” He announced.

It sounded like a solid plan, but anxiety nibbled at me. I’d be screwed if we got caught. I was already in so much trouble as it was, but it was too late to back out, now. Besides, I had my eyes on the prize. I wanted that cell phone.

The day seemed to go smoother with Vicky out of the picture. I still had to deal with a few glares from Candy and Mandy, but the bite wasn’t there with those two. They were like lost puppies without their mama.

Despite the detention I had to look forward to, I was in a great mood. Even when I got a note from Mrs. Owens that she wanted to see me last period. I knew that two meetings in two weeks wasn’t a good thing, but I couldn’t bring myself to care.

When last period rolled around, I made my way to Mrs. Owens office. I stopped outside her door and stared at the sign on it. It read: Kathy Owens, School Counselor. I knocked on the door and opened it when she said to.

“Ms. King.” She started off. I knew this was going nowhere good when she called me Ms. King. “Let me see if I’ve got my facts straight. In the last few days, you’ve been in a
, got
, and been

“Yeah, that about sums it up.” I grimaced.

“I don’t understand, Bridget. You were doing so well. You made it a whole
without getting into to trouble. Is all this because Chad’s back in town?” Her tone was accusing. Only in Waverly would your school counselor know when your friend was visiting. I hated small towns.

“Chad? He wasn’t even with me.” I argued.

“It says here he’s the one who picked you up from jail.” She flipped through a file.

“Yeah because I called him.” I said. “Are you even going to ask me
I was arrested?”

“It says you shoplifted.” She said matter-of-factly.

“Are you going to ask me if I did it?” I asked. She raised a skeptical eyebrow. “That’s what I thought.” After that, I shut down. I picked a spot on the wall and stared at it for the next forty minutes.

After our meeting, I reported to the library for detention. The librarian pointed to a cart full of books and instructed me that I was to put them where they belonged. I was in charge of the books that went to the second floor. I didn’t understand how there could be so many books that needed to be put away on the second floor when no one ever goes up there.

It was quite an ordeal trying to pull the cart up all those stairs. Once I was up there, I took a moment to look around. It was dark, dank, and dusty. Walking through the aisles, a cloud of dust surrounded my face and caused me to sneeze.

“Gesundheit.” I heard a small voice say from one of the corners.

“Thank you.” I followed the voice. I found a slight freshman girl with curly, strawberry blonde hair and glasses. She was sitting in the corner on the floor with a book spread across her lap. She glanced up at me with a surprised expression. “I’m Bridget.”

“I’m Sylvia.” She said, going back to her book.

“Did the principal give you detention, too?” I asked her.

“No, I’ve always loved it up here. It’s so quiet.” She said in a hinting tone.

“Oh, okay. I’ll just get back to work.” I left her to her book.

I took as long as possible to put away those books so it’d fill up the entire hour. When I left, Sylvia was still in the corner reading her book. Now,
was concentration.

That evening, Aiden and I packed everything and went over our plans. He had left the window in the chemistry lab open, so that would be our entry point. Snow was already coming down heavy, so we were positive school would be closed the next day. That meant that after the janitor left tonight, the school would be empty all weekend. Tonight would be our best shot of pulling this off without getting caught.

Once everything was in order, we watched TV on his couch as we waited for it to turn two a.m. I could feel my eyes getting heavy, and before I knew it, my head was on his lap, and I was asleep. I woke up briefly, but he told me to go back to sleep and he would wake me when it was time. I didn’t hesitate to shut my eyes and return to my slumber.

A few hours later, I felt Aiden nudge me and whisper that it was time. I forced open my eyes and glanced around. The clock said it was two and the window was frosted over. I grabbed my coat and wrapped it around me.

“Aren’t you going to grab your coat?” I asked, noticing his bare arms.

“Oh yeah.” He said, running to his room. He emerged, this time wearing a coat. “Okay, let’s go.”

We grabbed the bags that were full of our decorations and headed outside. We decided it was best to go the back way so we could avoid being seen by any cars. We cut through our backyards and into the woods. Most people would have found this creepy, strolling through the woods in the middle of the night, but I knew these woods like the back of my hand. I felt calm, blissful even. The trees were all so picturesque covered in snow, and I felt an urge I couldn’t resist.

I dropped the bag I was carrying and raced to the nearest tree. Grabbing the lowest branch, I hauled myself up into the tree. I sat on the tree’s branch, taking a deep breath. It felt like the tree was cradling me as the breeze surrounded us both. I closed my eyes and could hear the trees speaking to me.

“What are you doing?” Aiden yelled up at me, breaking my reverie. I suddenly felt disoriented and dizzy. I gripped the tree to keep from falling.

“I… I don’t know.” I admitted. I slowly climbed back down, grabbing Aiden’s hand for balance as I leapt off the last branch.

“You’ve been acting unusual, lately.” He commented.

Unsure of how to respond, I didn’t. I
been acting extremely unusual lately, and I didn’t know why. I couldn’t stop the flush of embarrassment that crept up my face. He said
Was he referring to my striptease the other night? I didn’t dare ask.

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