Secrets Behind Those Eyes (14 page)

Read Secrets Behind Those Eyes Online

Authors: S.M. Donaldson

Tags: #southern, #Adult, #Humor, #savannah, #steamy, #scad, #New Adult

BOOK: Secrets Behind Those Eyes
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He pulls in behind me. “Baby what are
you doing?”

I step out of the car and walk over to
him. “Did you really start calling that calf Button?” He nods. “Did
you really sit out there and get drunk with Button?”


“Did you really call him my

“Yeah. Baby what is this all

“Stay right here I’m going to get a
room, we are staying here tonight because I’m going to screw your
brains out.” His mouth drops open as I turn and go in to get a

Ten minutes later we barely make it in
the hotel room. We are both breathing heavy. “Fuck Scarlet this is
some wild shit. You are so fucking hot.”

I reach and grab the hem of my shirt
and snatch it off over my head. I unhook my bra and throw it off.
We are a tumble of clothes flying and finally he has my ass in his
hands with me pressed against the door. “Ryder condom.”

“Shit.” He reaches down and grabs one
out of his pants and puts it on. The next thing I know he has his
hands on my ass again drilling into me against the door.

I bite his shoulder and let go. “Fuck
Ryder, harder. Oh God. Oh God don’t stop.”

“Baby I don’t know how much longer I’m
gonna last, you pussy is like a vice grip on my dick.”

“Oh shit. I’m coming, I’m

He slams into me one last hard time.
He leans against me and the door. “Shit baby. That was crazy, but
sexy as hell.” He kisses my lips hard as he starts to let my legs

I start to the bathroom and fall down.
I start laughing. “Damn I was going to screw your brains out and
you fucked me til I can’t walk.”

He leans down and picks me up. “Here
I’ll help you walk and then once you catch your breath I’ll let you
screw my brains out.”

So we do just that. We’ve tried out
the bed, the floor, bent over the desk, in the desk chair, on the
bathroom counter and in the shower. Needless to say I think we’ve
both been thoroughly fucked.

Checking out this morning he looks at
me. “Hey are you ready to go home now or do we need to stay another

“I’m ready to go home now. I have a
calf to check on.”

He kisses the side of my forehead as
I’m getting in my car. “I love you.”

I think I just stopped breathing. “I-
I love you too.”

Chapter 22


It’s been six weeks since Scarlet and
I came back from her brother’s house. Six weeks since we first said
I love you to each other. Six weeks since I drove her to that bar
so she could quit. She pretty much stays with me all the time when
dad is out of town. He wouldn’t care if she stayed while he’s here,
but she feels weird about it. It’s not like he doesn’t know what’s
been going on between us, but she says it doesn’t matter. However
she does come by every day to check on Button. That cow loves her,
she has this magical way with anything or anyone she comes in
contact with.

Thanksgiving is coming up
next week. Since her mom is going on
retreat, Gable is still on
tour and Cade is going to his mother’s, she is coming to my house.
I told her even though Dad is home she is going to be staying with
me. She agreed, but not happily. My Nana is so excited about me
bringing Scarlet to a family dinner that you’d think I was
announcing our engagement or something. We aren’t there yet though.
If I was to ask Scar right now, she’d probably punch me in the face
and leave town. I’m going to one day though.

When I look into her eyes
I see my forever. I see living on this farm with her. Staying right
here was not something I cared to even imagine before her. I see
little blonde headed kids running around, I see the entire
Shuttering I put that shit in the
back of my head.

I pull in her driveway on my
motorcycle. She bounces out the front door. “Hey sexy what brings
you by?”

I grin. “Well, I came into town to
grab this beautiful girl I know and take her for a drive. Maybe go
to my cabin for the weekend.”

“Oh really. Without even calling her
to make sure she wasn’t seeing someone else?”

“Call me confident.”

She shakes her head and laughs. “Okay
let me grab my jacket and a bag.”

“Wait. Here I got you this.” I hand
her the riding jacket I got for her.”

She kisses me on the lips. “Wow this
is sweet.” She slides it on. “How do I look?”


Before jumping on the back she runs
back inside to lock-up, grab her purse and an overnight

“Okay now I’m ready. Now where is your

“It’s at my farm in Waycross. It’s an
old fishing cabin.” I kiss her cheek. “But it’s quiet and it’s very

Her eyes light up. “Private huh?” She
winks. “Let’s go.”

We drive for a couple of hours making
great time getting to my farm. Pulling up to the old cabin she
smiles. “This is really a gorgeous place. How old is this

“The land has been in my family since
1926 best we can tell the cabin was built in the 1940’s. Nana
remembers my granddads brother building it. We’ve done a little
remodeling and upkeep to the inside. We added indoor plumbing and
rewired it. Stuff like that.”

“Well thank God for indoor plumbing.”
She laughs. “Let’s go inside.”

“I came by the other week and opened
it up, but it may still smell musky from being shut up.”

She walks in and smiles. “This is
really cute.” She looks around at the simple one room cabin, with a
small bathroom added in the corner. There is a small couch and
chair, a fireplace, small kitchenette and a full size bed. “It’s
cozy. I love it.”

“I brought some groceries out the
other day when I came by. I keep a little stuff out here anyway,
since I’m out here working sometimes. It’s a lot easier than trying
to run back into town just to grab a sandwich.”

“Yeah I bet. So what do you want to do

“Well I’d love to throw you down and
make passionate love to you, but I’m going to gather a little wood
for tonight because it’s supposed to get chilly tonight. Then I
thought we might try and catch a few fish for supper. What do you

She jumps up and down. “I haven’t been
fishing in forever. Gable and I used to go when we were little.
It’s probably been in probably 10 years.”

“Well it sounds like a plan. Why don’t
your grab our little bags and I’ll gather up some wood. Then we’ll
do some fishing in the pond.”

She smiles. “Sounds great to


An hour later we are on the dock of
the pond. She looks over at me. “So what kind of fish are we trying
to catch?”

“Well there are mostly catfish in

“Good I like catfish.”

“On the chance that we don’t catch
anything, I made sure that there is some meat in the

She sits down Indian style on the
ground like a kid. “So you really have been planning this

“Sure have. I wanted to get you all to
myself for a weekend.”

“I think it’s really

I sit down beside her. “Oh you do

She sits her rod down on the ground
and kisses me. “Yes Mr. Abbott I do.”

I drop my rod on the ground and pull
her close. “Oh so it’s Mr. Abbott now?”

She nods her head into my neck as she
kisses the vein that runs up the side. “Mmm hmm.”

I glance over at her rod and jump. “Oh
shit you have a bite.”

She shrieks. “Oh crap. Ryder help

Grabbing the rod we fight the fish for
a minute before her line snaps. We fall back onto the ground
laughing. She rolls off of me. “You are way too distracting to go
fishing with. That could’ve been like a sixty pound trophy fish and
I’ll never know now.”

I laugh. “I doubt it was sixty pounds.
He was probably just a fighter and we had crappy line.”

“Nope I say he was huge and I lost

“Baby this is a small fish pond and I
hate to break your heart but Moby Dick doesn’t live in

She looks up at the sky. “Whatever
helps you sleep at night buddy.”

I roll over on top of her. “I think
you help me sleep at night.”

“For some reason I don’t think we’ll
be having fish for supper tonight.”

I kiss down her neck to her collar
bone. “I think you might be right.”

She grabs my shirt and snatches the
buttons open. She giggles. “Good thing those are snaps

I grab the bottom of her shirt and
pull it over her head. Staring down at the rise and fall of her
chest over the cups of her bra. I reach down and flip the clasp
exposing her beautiful tits. She reaches for my belt and what feels
like seconds her hands are pushing my jeans and boxers down. I flip
the buttons on her jeans and slide them along with her panties down
her legs. All of a sudden she stops me. Putting her hands across
her chest she looks embarrassed. “Ryder someone may see us it’s
still light outside.”

I smile. “Baby there is no one here
but you and me. No workers. No one. So relax.”

She gives me an evil grin and pulls me
on top of her.

I duck my head down and pull her
nipple into my mouth and she arches her back up off the ground. I
slowly kiss down her body, dipping my tongue into her navel,
working my way to her warm wet core. As my tongue flicks her
swollen nub, she cries out. I work my way back up her body and
thrust into her.

“Oh God Ryder!”

I slowly pull back and slam back into
her. I start pumping in and out of her faster and faster until I
explode inside of her. I barely hear her come again, over my own

As I pull out I realize I just screwed
up big time. “Oh shit Scarlet. I forgot a condom.”

She smiles. “It’s okay sweetie. I’ve
been on the pill for a little over a month now. I know that’s not a
hundred percent or anything but, I’m pretty sure we are

I let out a huge sigh. “Are you sure?
I mean I’ve never had sex without a condom before.”

“It’s okay. It’s not even my ovulation
time, we are okay.”

I grin. “Well in that case can we do
that again? That felt fucking amazing.”

Chapter 23


Sitting on the couch watching a
shirtless Ryder work in the small kitchen I smile. Standing up I
walk over to him and put my arms around his waist. “Hmm there is
something sexy about a man in the kitchen.”

“Babe I’m just making

“I know, but I’ve never had any guy
except Gable or Cade cook anything for me. Also let’s face it
you’re sexy without even trying.” I kiss his back.

“Are you trying to seduce me or tempt
me you vixen?”

I pat his ass. “Maybe.”

“Well let me finish these burgers and
you can have your wicked way with me all night.”

Wearing only his snap button shirt I’d
torn off of him earlier I feel a chill run down my spine. I shiver.
“I’m glad you brought in that firewood it’s starting to get

“I promise I’ll keep you warm.” He
kisses me as he puts the last hamburger on the plate. He grabs the
plates and pulls me to the couch. “Here cover up with this throw.”
He spreads a small blanket over my legs.

I smile and laugh a little.

“What’s so funny?”

“Just the fact that you aren’t
anything like that guy I met over the summer. He was cocky and
arrogant. He was only thinking about himself. This guy is so sweet,
takes me for weekend getaways in the woods and plans romantic
dates. Oh and he is a very very generous guy in bed.”

“Oh crap I’m going to have to meet
this guy who is so nice.”

“Hmm maybe I can introduce you

He smiles as we eat. “So how are my
culinary skills measuring up?”

“I’d give you an 8.”

“Hey I’m good with that. Burgers and
steaks are about the only things I can do. I am however a master at

He reaches over and wipes the corner
of my mouth. I smile. “What?”

“You had a little ketchup mixture on
your face.”

“Thanks.” I sit my now empty plate
down. “So what are we going to do now?”

“Hmm.” He moves closer to me. “I can
think of a few things.” He kisses me. “But first I’m going to build
a fire, because it is starting to get pretty chilly in here.
Especially since I turned the stove off.”

I stand up and wrap the blanket around
me. I walk around the cabin while he starts a fire. I find a deck
of playing cards lying on the counter in the kitchen. I pick them
up. “So do you want to play some cards?”

He grins as he pokes the fire. “Play
maybe some strip poker?”

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