Secrets of a Soprano (3 page)

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Authors: Miranda Neville

Tags: #Fiction, #Historical, #Romance

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“Don’t be absurd, Anthony. That’s not why I don’t like Bonaparte. Besides, I haven’t met him since I was twelve years old and far too young to be interested.”

“I’m relieved to hear you won’t be taking ship to St. Helena to join him.”

James continued reading. “
La Divina’s antecedents are mysterious. Some say she is Italian, like her late husband, a scion of a noble Venetian family. Other reports maintain that Madame Foscari is of French, Spanish or Austrian origins

“And only I know the answer to that!” Jacobin said smugly. “She is half French and half English, just like me. My father and her mother, Suzanne de Chastelux, were first cousins. Their fathers were twins.”

“I wish I’d known before there were twins in the family,” Lord Storrington complained. “It wouldn’t have been such a shock when Augustus appeared to join Felicity here.”

Storrington looked over at his heir, sleeping peacefully in his mother’s arms. Augustus slept a great deal, not yet recovered from the exhausting experience of sharing a womb for nine months with his elder sister. The Storringtons’ infant daughter was wriggling in her father’s arms. She’d already drooled on his shoulder, leaving a white mark on his otherwise pristine coat. His starched neckcloth was the worse for the efforts of her tiny hands. She was currently engaged in trying to amputate his forefinger with toothless gums while beating on his forearm with her small fist.

“I never met my cousin or her parents,” Jacobin went on. “They left Paris before I was born. Papa’s cousin married an Englishman, Jonathan Birkett. When the revolution came they moved to Portugal. I had forgotten about them but I was so happy to receive a letter from Tessa. And it’s very exciting to discover my long-lost cousin is famous.”

“How can you be sure Teresa Foscari really is Tessa Birkett?” James asked. “She might be an imposter.”

Jacobin gesticulated indignantly, eliciting a squeak of complaint from her son. She soothed him and he quickly relapsed into slumber. “Why would she lie? How would anyone else even know of our connection? No James, as soon as I read her letter I felt such kinship. She even mentioned meeting my father when she was a young child. I cannot wait to make her acquaintance.”

James exchanged glances with his brother and set aside his concern. Anthony would make inquiries and ascertain that Jacobin, in her delight at finding a relative to call her own, didn’t fall prey to an unscrupulous charlatan. James picked up
The Morning Post

All of fashionable London will be in attendance tonight at the Tavistock Theatre to hear Madame Foscari in The Marriage of Figaro. Members of the beau monde wishing to view the phenomenon at closer quarters, must wait till next month when, it is reported, she will make her first private appearance at a soirée in the home of that ornament of society, the Honorable Mrs. Charles Sackville

The Countess of Storrington rose to her feet, eyes ablaze. “We must leave for London at once!”

“It’s too late to attend tonight’s performance,” her husband argued. “Even if it weren’t, I doubt we could get a box.”

“I don’t care about tonight’s performance! My cousin is not going to give her first recital at Lydia Sackville’s house. Over my dead body!”


“Who was that?”
Tessa looked up from the seat of the Broadwood piano she’d hired for the duration of their London visit. “The door hasn’t been still all day. I could hardly concentrate for the noise. And there’s a wobble in my
mezza voce

Sempronio raised his eyes to the ceiling. “How many times must I tell you? You were perfect.”

Tessa trusted Sempronio’s assessment of her voice and she never had the least difficulty attending to her singing. Her devotion to her craft was the constant that had kept her sane through times she preferred not to remember. But distress at conditions at the Tavistock had made her edgy. She was still upset about last night’s encounter with Mortimer and she couldn’t stop thinking about Max Hawthorne. How foolish to dwell on an eleven-year-old affair simply because she and Max now occupied the same island.

“I’ve had a delightful afternoon,” Sofie said, “being entertained by your callers.”

“Better you than me,” Tessa said, still fretful.

Sofie ignored her ill temper. “No truly. Both Somerville and Allerton are charming gentlemen though not at all happy that you refused to receive them.”

“Hm, Somerville. That one is pure trouble. And he thought to impress me, ambushing me at the stage door and insisting on accompanying me home. I hope you told him the lilies he sent this morning make me sneeze.”

“Allerton brought red tulips.”

“I like tulips. Were other flowers delivered? Any white roses?”

“No one in London knows your favorite flower yet,” Sofie said. “I shall drop a hint into a few ears.”

She was being silly again. Even if Max Hawthorne still loved opera it didn’t follow that he had been at the opera house last night. If he had, he wouldn’t send her flowers the next day. And he certainly wouldn’t remember that first bouquet of white roses with which he’d come calling on her backstage at the Oporto Opera. There was no reason for him to connect Teresa Foscari with Tessa Birkett, none at all. And if he did, he wouldn’t seek her out.

Perhaps he no longer enjoyed the opera. He’d claimed to adore it but it might have been a lie to beguile her. More than likely considering what happened later.

“Tell me about Allerton,” she said, determined to be sensible. “Is he as good-looking as Somerville?”

“At first I thought not,” Sofie said thoughtfully. “He’s tall, very dark, straight hair, almost black eyes, sculpted features like one of those medieval Flemish portraits. At first he seems grim, but he’s quite different when he smiles.”

Sofie’s sketch brought another man to mind, a much younger man who’d once answered to her companion’s description, the man she had to stop thinking about. That man had always smiled at her.

Perhaps he lived in the country.

Or perhaps he was dead. She shouldn’t care. She didn’t much care. He was nothing to her, only a distant memory of a few happy weeks. Why did everything conspire to make her think of Max Hawthorne? Max Hawthorne who had not, and would not, send her white roses.

She distracted her unruly mind by teasing Sofie. “I can see you like Lord Allerton, Sofie. Sempronio had better take care.”

Sofie’s husband looked up and gave them a tolerant smile, then returned to his task of sorting through a pile of musical scores.

“Really,” Sofie said earnestly, “he was most agreeable. He talked to me and sounded as though he were interested in what I had to say.”

“Oh, oh! Sempronio. This is serious. Lord Allerton likes Sofie,” Tessa teased.

“Then he has excellent taste in women,” said the cherub-faced pianist, regarding his wife warmly. “And I hear his musical taste is just as good. This new opera house of his is going to be magnificent. No expense spared to make it ideal for the art.”

“Very well, we are agreed,” Tessa said, getting to her feet. “Allerton is a paragon and I should be singing in his company. Too bad I’m pledged to the disgusting Mortimer and the filthy Tavistock for the season. Now Sofie, are you too tired after your entertaining afternoon, or shall we go shopping? I know you’re dying to see the famous Bond Street just as much as I am, even if we can’t afford to buy much.”

“Shouldn’t you answer Lady Storrington’s letter first?” Sofie asked. “It sounds like your cousin has done well for herself. A very useful connection.”

“Yes, of course, cousin Jacobin. She wants me to sing at her house next week, any day I name. I wonder how much I should charge her. We could use a handsome fee right now.”

“Does she get a family rate?” Sempronio asked.

“No,” Tessa replied. “No family rates. We can’t afford it. Holy Saint George! I don’t even know how much to ask for a private recital. Let me see, what did Domenico always say? Ask for twice what you want because they will make you accept less.”

“You’re such a tough bargainer.” The little Italian spoke with affectionate and warranted sarcasm. Domenico had also complained that she overpaid shopkeepers if he wasn’t with her.

“You’re right.” Tessa swung around. “You shall conduct the negotiation, Sofie.”

“I, Teresa? I don’t know that I could. I’ve never had much to do with business.” Before she eloped with Sempronio in Vienna, Sofie’s life had been even more sheltered than Tessa’s. An amateur singer of good birth and mediocre talent, she’d come to Tessa for lessons and fallen in love with the pianist.

“Then it’s time you started. God knows I hated the negotiation with Mortimer. Seriously, I think you should take charge of our financial affairs.”

Sofie looked alarmed. “But Teresa, I know nothing. Think of the way I was brought up. The daughters of Austrian counts are taught nothing about managing money. I’m sorry to be so useless.”

Tessa moved quickly to give Sofie a hug. “You aren’t useless. You’re my dearest friend. You’d think, since my father was a merchant, that I’d have some idea how to conduct business. Negotiating contracts was the one thing Domenico was good for.”

And, because thinking about her late husband only made her depressed, she held out a hand to Sempronio while keeping an arm around Sofie’s waist. She didn’t know what she’d do without the Montellis, and Angela too. She owed them all so much.

“Sempronio,” she said in a rallying tone. “How about you? Will you talk to my cousin about the fee?”

Sempronio was not to be drawn. He merely grinned and looked more like a gray-haired angel than ever. “Forget it,
, I’m just a musician.”

“I’ll do it,” blurted Sofie with a determined gulp. “I’ll learn. Shall I call on Lady Storrington?”

Dear Sofie, Tessa thought, embracing her again. “Thank you, my love. I know you’ll do a splendid job. Now, let’s go and buy some clothes.”

“We shouldn’t be spending money now!” Sofie wailed.

Tessa laughed. “I can tell you’re going to be very strict and that’s a good thing. But Mortimer tells me every performance is sold out for the next month, and I have my cousin’s and Mrs. Sackville’s soirées. I think we both deserve a little treat.”


“Madame Foscari’s vocal exertions were much beyond anything we ever heard in this country before, and the public appeared so enraptured with her performance, that she sang amidst a continued scene of universal applause and admiration.”

The Times

ociety musicales were
hit-or-miss affairs and Max tended to avoid them. But they didn’t often feature an attraction as potent as La Divina. New arrivals packed the hall of Lord Storrington’s Upper Brook Street house more quickly than their predecessors could make their way up the stairs. As Max inched his way across the black and white marble floor, he was greeted by a diminutive redhead with a smile like the smallest drizzle of honey on lips that tasted only vinegar.

He kissed Lydia Sackville’s hand with more enthusiasm that he usually displayed since he fully sympathized with her sentiments at being beaten by her sometimes friend and frequent rival, Lady Storrington, for the services of Teresa Foscari.

“I hear Edouard Delorme is simply marvelous, Lord Allerton,” Mrs. Sackville said. “Your new venture will be a sensation.”

Max would have been more gratified if he hadn’t suspected her praise was heavily flavored with sour grapes.

He was one of the last arrivals and by the time he reached the top of the stairs and greeted the hosts, there was almost no one behind him.

“Will you greet the rest of our guests?” the Earl of Storrington said to his wife. “I want to have a word with Max.” Leaving the countess to exchange rapturous air kisses with Lydia Sackville, he drew Max aside.

“Is it wise to leave Lady Storrington and Mrs. Sackville alone together?” Max had known Storrington for years.

The earl grinned. “I’m ready to intervene before the outbreak of open warfare.”

“What can I do for you?”

“You know all about the business of singers,” he said. “I’d like to know whether my wife was charged a fair price for Madame Foscari’s appearance this evening.” He named a sum that made Max whistle through his teeth.

“Good Lord, Storrington,” he said. “That’s almost twice the going rate, even for a singer of Foscari’s éclat. Catalani herself doesn’t earn that much for a few songs.”

“I wondered,” mused Storrington, “but it’s no great matter. Tonight’s recital made Jacobin happy and at least it’s all in the family.”

“Family? Are Lady Storrington and La Foscari related?”

“Their grandfathers were twins, younger sons of the Comte de Chastelux. Madame Foscari may sing for her supper but she is well born, at least on the French side.”

Tessa Birkett, Max remembered, was half French. She’d also demonstrated a talent for extorting large sums of money. His stomach lurched and he was tempted to act the coward and go home.

, he told himself. Tessa never said anything about a French count in the family. Drawing him in with her wiles, she was unlikely to have kept noble connections to herself.

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