Secrets Shared (10 page)

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Authors: Raven McAllan

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Secrets Shared
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“Here you are. Can you read and sign this?” David walked up behind her and noticed where she was looking. “Ah, yes, a demonstration worth seeing. If you sign this you’ll get the chance. Otherwise I’ll close the blinds.”

“What?” Jess was startled. She hadn’t heard him approach. “Oh right, er, shit, David, can I be turned on my head any more than I have? And can I believe I said that?” Her hand shook slightly as she took the form from him, and began to read. It was straightforward and sensible. Even though she wanted to stare through the window and watch what was happening, she read it twice over before signing. “There you are. What now?”

“You watch and I’ll order us a meal. When it’s ready we’ll go into the dining room and eat. Then it’s up to you. But just in case, a light meal would be best. Soup and salad?”

“Oh, er, yeah, whatever,” Jess answered him absently. She replayed his words in her mind.
Just in case? For what? No, I don’t think I’ll ask, not yet anyhow.
She was determined to watch and learn what she could. Her own awful experience was fast fading as David’s quiet strength surrounded her, but she didn’t kid herself it was all going to be plain sailing whatever she chose to do. With one part of her mind, she heard David on the phone. After a few seconds he came and stood next to her.

“It might be better to look on the screen.” He touched her shoulder and half turned her toward a big screen that hung down from the ceiling. “Come on, sit down with me and watch.”

Jess let him guide her to a large squishy chair. Instead of seating her, he sat himself and pulled her onto his lap. “Right, this is Master Eric and his trainee sub Silvana. She’s eager, and is mostly interested in bondage and flogging. This is her third time, and the first time she’s on show. You’ll notice that Master Eric has the room set up so very few people can see in the flesh so to speak, although the screens are turned on elsewhere. And we do have a control room here, where someone is always monitoring everything that goes on, as well as a dungeon master in each area. We take safety very seriously. Now look. See how Eric is making sure Silvana and the dungeon master are clear about their limits? Do you want to listen as well?”

Jess bit her lip and watched as his eyes narrowed. “Sorry, Sir.” The salutation came naturally, and Jess realized she meant it. “I mean, sorry about biting my lip, but I do it when I think hard. I’m not sure about listening. It seems we’d be intruding on something very personal.”

“And watching isn’t?”

He had a point.

Chapter Twelve




David wondered if Jess realized how open she was? A bundle of shows and tells inside one hot body. If her quickened and erratic breathing didn’t give the game away, the soft sheen and peachy skin of her arousal did. She circled her lips with her tongue in the way that made his cock thicken and ache for her to touch it in a similar manner. The mental images of her lips circling him and her tongue laving him was enough to make David hold her tight against his aching dick. If he couldn’t be naked with her, or deep into a scene, this was the next best thing.

“Um, I’m still not sure about the sound, though. Maybe you could talk me through it?”

And maybe I’ll talk you through our scene as I do?
He liked the thought of that, and was pleased he’d said they would wait half an hour for food.

“No problems. Ask if anything isn’t clear.”

“Yeah…” She wriggled. The movement rested his cock between the globes of her ass. Jess’s eyes widened and she wriggled again. “Well, that’s clear.”

“Minx, if you don’t want to be put over my knee or fucked five ways from Friday, stop jiggling about and watch the screen. See, Eric is checking each tie carefully. It might seem like he’s going very slowly, but for Silvana this is part of the appeal. The build-up, the anticipation of what will eventually happen. How would you like me to take you, Jess? Over the spanking bench, redden your ass, then take you away and make love with you? We don’t allow sexual intercourse in public here, but after our scene I could spirit you away to my apartment and love you however you want.”

Oh, Lord. She tried to cover her cheeks, but David took both her hands in one of his.

“Jess, you’re so bloody ready for so much you won’t admit to, I could spank you just for that, not for anything else. Now look at Eric—he never lets Silvana out of his sight, even though there’s a dungeon master watching, to say nothing of those who get the front row seats, so to speak. And she’s so receptive. So excited and ready for him now. Look closely. And no, only the control room, myself and Jeff can zoom in like this.” He flicked a switch so Silvana’s face came into close focus. “Eric hasn’t touched her yet, but she’s ready for him. Her skin is damp, and I bet if he ran his fingers over her pussy and into her, he’d be covered in her essence. No, he won’t, theirs is not that sort of relationship. She wants flogging pure and simple. With us it would be different. Now watch how he alternates the placing of the flogger and how it lands on her. Thuds and stings, soft and hard. Look at her face, look how she’s floating. She’s so receptive—a few words and well placed lashes and she’s floating in sub space.” He ceased speaking and let Jess’s choppy breathing fill the silence.

Jess took a deep, shuddering breath and sighed.

“Would you like to feel that, love? Discover what you should have had? Let me show you?”

“Yes, Sir… Blimey, did I say that?” She didn’t sound over bothered, more amused.

“You did, and I’m holding you to it later.” A buzzer sounded. “That’s dinner ready for us. You okay for the dining room? Braless and all?” He had to ask her. David was determined that Jess would acknowledge her acceptance at every tiny step on the way.

“Yes, no probs. Look, I’m going to say this all in a rush before I change my mind. Okay, I’m turned on. There’s no point in denying it, even if it confuses me as to how I could go from anti-anti everything kinky, nothing doing, to about ready to beg you spank me here then make love to me. Would I feel the same about it with anyone else?” She shrugged. “Who knows, but somehow I doubt it. I’ve known enough hot to trot, macho men over the years and not a one had even started the engine, yet alone revved it. I was quite happy being man-less. So I guess Kath and Jeff know me better than I know me. Why now and why you? You tell me.”

“They knew I was ready to be aware again. I’d had an intense period of mentoring and tutoring and needed someone special. And yeah, they know me better than I know myself. So they turned matchmakers, and we match.” He purposefully didn’t say just how, for in truth he wasn’t sure. But, by God he intended to find out.

David glanced at the screen. Silvana was wrapped in a blanket and settled on Eric’s knee. He and Jess had been so involved in their chat they’d missed the end of the scene. It didn’t matter. Jess would experience her own soon enough.

“Can I tempt you take anything else off? Shoes, jeans? My shirt?”

Jess giggled. “A for effort, but D for delivery. No thanks.”

He hadn’t imagined she would. They’d made great advances, however there was no need to push her too far. “Ah well, I’ll add to my personal report I must try harder. You can keep the clothes, but if we go any farther than the dining room, it’ll be shoes off at least. Come on or the food will be cold.” He took her hand—he enjoyed the feeling of contact—and dragged her out of the office. “Down here, and yes, you will be on show. I’ve only ever demoed and scened downstairs, I’ve never socialized, so be prepared for avid nosiness. It’ll be good natured, though, I promise.”

Jess sniggered. “Phew, I’m not up to meeting subs who want to scratch my eyes out.”

“No chance.” He ushered her into the dining room, where a smiling trainee sub bowed toward them, before he ushered them to their table. Once there, he stood behind a chair and kept his head bowed.

“Thank you.” Jess smiled up at the waiter, who lifted his head for a brief second.

“You’re welcome, ma’am.”

Her expression was one of relief. David guessed it was because the waiter was very properly dressed. If you could call a tiny waistcoat and loose fitting linen trousers that seemed to emphasis his cock rather than cover it proper. His long blond hair was in a plait that followed the curve of his spine, and he wore a thick metal band on each wrist. Jess stared at them, but didn’t say anything. David guessed the questions would come later.

“Thank you, Leon.”

“My pleasure, Sir.”

For once the room was almost empty. It was later than most people ate, and a quick glance at his watch showed the dining room was due to close quite soon. There was only one other couple in the room, who were sitting in a corner and drinking coffee as they watched a monitor in front of their table. David realized he’d forgotten to tell Jess about those tiny little screens which could be raised if the occupants wanted to watch a scene. Smaller versions of the one in his office, albeit with a lot less features. Maybe they’d be the one step too far. He decided they could stay unmentioned for the time being.

David watched the young man hold out the chair at right angles to his own for Jess to be seated then walk away. Jess thanked the young man again and glanced at David, a query in her eyes.

“He wants to be a slave. His cuffs are to remind him who he is and what he wants. When he’s not serving, if his Master desires, they can be clipped together or to something. They’ve chosen cuffs instead of a collar. His Master wants him to be very, very sure, so he’s learning how to wait on people in this way. Would you want to be like that Jess? 24/7 at my beck and call and do everything I demanded or needed?”

“On your bike,” she replied inelegantly. “Not in a million years. It’s bad enough looking after myself. Oh, for heaven’s sake, stop it.”

David was laughing. He watched Jess’s eyes narrow and her fingers twitch. He’d bet if they had been anywhere else she’d have poked him. Instead she sat on her hands and said nothing more. To his own astonishment, and he’d imagine that of the staff and the only other couple in the room, David leaned sideways and put his hand at the nape of her neck. With one smooth movement he pulled Jess half out of her chair to kiss her hard, letting his fingers splay over her skin.

“Ahem.” A soft cough came from behind him. David didn’t need to look up to see who it was. He lifted his lips a scant inch.

“Go away, Jeff. This is my scenario, not yours.”

“And mine.” Jess voice was indistinct. “I don’t watch you make out, Jeff, so butt out while I do.”

David had to try very hard to stop himself guffawing like a school kid. He raised his eyebrows and waved his spare hand at Jeff. “As my lady says.”

“Okay,” Jeff said good-naturedly. “I was only coming to confirm that you’ve nothing to do boss man wise tonight. Kath and I will teach for you, and Eric is happy to oversee the control room for your hour. You can help him out another time. I owe him as well, so he says he’s saving all his swaps up for an orgy of no overseeing.”

“Good and goodbye.” David ignored his friend and pulled Jess back to him to take her mouth again. She opened to him eagerly, and he thrust his tongue deep inside to search and mesh with hers. The guttural groan she made around him was more arousing than watching any scene. David gave into the moment. When he finally pulled back, Jeff had gone and Leon was standing, eyes downcast, next to the table. It was probably as well the soup was under heat retaining covers.

“Thank you, Leon.” David spoke quietly to the young man. “We’re ready now.” Beside him, Jess swayed and opened her eyes before he needed to catch her. Her flush of embarrassment appeared over the top of his shirt and spread upward. To spare her, he waited until Leon moved away, and spoke softly. “I bet that blush covers you everywhere. And if it has missed any tiny place, then I bet I can sort that with a nice tap or two. Or a sweet bondage scene. Just the two of us if you want? We don’t need to go downstairs. I’d love to welcome you into my playroom. You’re ready, aren’t you, love? Wet, hot and oh, so ready to let me dominate you. Let me take you and show you how to fly. Let go and find out that sweet sub space reserved for you. What do you say?”

“Drink your soup, and stop living in hope. This is Scotland, not a tiny town in la-la land.”

He couldn’t help it. David laughed so loud he knocked the table. It rocked and very nearly put paid to any hopes he might have had of fathering children, by the dint of roasting his balls with steaming hot soup.

Chapter Thirteen




Sheesh, men are kids.
Why David considered her remarks so humorous, Jess had no idea.

“Shh, people are staring,” she said in an undertone and raised her spoon to her mouth. The hot metal seared her lips, and she moved it back a fraction to blow on the contents. In reality, the thought of food now nauseated her. She was wound up tighter than an elastic band round a pencil. Her knickers were so damp they rubbed like crazy, and her skin itched with the need for something.

“All two of them, oh, and the staff. Of course they are, I’m sitting here with someone who shows no signs of subbing to me. You need a spanking. Then hot sex. And maybe a forced orgasm or three.”

Those few words sent her pussy into overdrive and soaked her knickers. Why didn’t he just get on with it then?

“Say it, Jess. I can see it in your eyes, say it. Tell me what you want and let’s go for it, wherever and however you want. You don’t need to shout it out loud, just tell me here and now.”

Could she? It was now or never. Jess made her mind up. “Then take me back to your playroom, and spank me, Sir. Show me how it should be done. Let me fly, then please make love with me.” She hesitated and swallowed. “Let me free of my past to enjoy our future.” Would he understand what she was offering? He stared at her for a long moment before he nodded.

“Do you want your soup?”

The prosaic question threw her. She looked at her half empty bowl. “I’ve had enough. I’m too…oh, I don’t know. Eager, excited, scared—all of those—to eat any more. I want you now, or whatever you say is going to happen.”

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