Seduce (22 page)

Read Seduce Online

Authors: Lexi Buchanan

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Business, #Adult

BOOK: Seduce
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Michael tensed.

“You know he’s only joking. I thought you were cooking steak and potatoes.”

He looked at me.  “Do you want me to put them on now?”

“I’m starting to get hungry, and this wine you keep plying me with is going down rather nice.” I grinned at him.

“Is that your way of saying
you’re slowly getting drunk?”


“Oh brother.  I would get her sobered up if you have, um, things planned for later,” Sebastian said.

I couldn’t help but laugh
– and blush.

“You two are going to be kicked out of here without any food if you carry on,” Michael
warned with a smirk.

“Hey, I’ve behaved.  I think I should get Sebastian’s share,” Ruben said.

“What about ‘w
e don’t mind sharing you’

“Okay, we’ll both shut up.  In fact
, I’ll cook so you can stay with your woman.”

Ruben stood up and
walked into the house to retrieve the meat and potatoes.  I was really looking forward to this.  The wine had really started to make me feel tipsy, so some food would be good.

It was
nice sitting outside with Michael and two of his brothers.  They made me feel like I was part of their family, which had me all choked up.

Michael held me tight and had his fingers wrapped in my hair.

I snuggled into him and placed my face on his chest then kissed him.  I decided to shut my eyes for a few minutes. I was so cozy.

Chapter 46


I couldn’t
concentrate on work. The object of my desire was sitting outside my office while she sorted some spreadsheets out for me.

had been amazing.  Lily was living with me and I had no intention of letting her go.  Just over two weeks ago I’d been okay, not happy, but okay.  I had every intention of staying single, because from past experiences it was easier being on my own, although lonely.

fter two weeks of longing for her, she was finally sharing my home and everything which that entailed.

’d woken up together two mornings in a row.  I’d brought her breakfast in bed twice.  I’d woken abruptly in the morning when I’d orgasmed down her throat.  I’d had no idea what she was doing and thought I was dreaming until I came and felt her sucking me off.

I reache
d under my desk to rearrange my shaft, which had hardened, thanks to the image in my head.  She had one wicked mouth on her.

As soon a
s I’d walked into my office, I’d taken one look at the conference table and stiffened.  I’d remembered her words about what it would be like on the conference table. The words which had made me shoot my load the minute they’d left her mouth yesterday.  A secret fantasy of mine that I’d admitted to.  Which, if I knew my woman, would come true when I least expected it.

was sure as hell looking forward to that surprise.  Until I’d met Lily, I never fantasized about having a woman in my office and now I couldn’t get it out of my head.

She had all my brothers enthralled with
her, especially Lucien.  When I’d watched her interact with Sebastian and Ruben yesterday, I realized I had nothing to worry about.  She treated them like her own brothers and if I was honest, it thrilled me that she felt so comfortable with them. It had felt like she’d been a part of that for a lot longer than a day.

I pushed away from my desk and stalked to
the door.  Just one look, then I would get some work done.

The door opened silently.
As I was about to step out I overheard Jacky say, ‘
He won’t want you for long, because that’s what he’s like. He’ll keep going to bed you at your place.  He won’t ever take you to his house, he never does
’. I stepped out at that point, pissed to hell.

“Jacky,” I barked.  They both jumped.  I walked over and
pulled Lily up from her seat. I wrapped her into my chest and watched Jacky’s eyes open wide at my show of affection.  “If I ever hear you speak to Lily like that again, you’ll be looking for another job.  Are we clear on that?”

“Yes, Mr McKenzie.”

“Good.  On your way back to your office, please let personnel know that Lily’s contact details have changed. Everything has changed to the same as mine except her cellphone number. Have them add me as her emergency contact too.  You got that?”

,” she said and practically ran out of the office.  She was mad, but no one speaks to Lily like that.

“Are you
all right?”  I took hold of her head and lowered mine to place a kiss on her luscious lips.

“I’m fine.  S
he was actually about to be told to mind her own business and exactly where I was living when my knight in shining armor appeared.”  She grinned at me.

“Well that
should take care of everything. Within thirty minutes the whole company will know we’re living together.”  I kissed her right eye.  “You’re addictive.”  I kissed her left eye.  “I can’t concentrate on anything, because you’re sitting out here instead of in there with me.”  I kissed her on the lips.

She pushed me awa
y.  “If I sit in there with you we both know we wouldn’t get anything done.”

“Yes we w
ould.”  I grinned.  “At least I’d be able to see you without having to get up from my desk. So, you see, I’ll get loads more done because I wouldn’t be spending my time running to the door just to look at you.”

Her arms were wrapped
around my waist and she was stroking my back.  It felt good and right to have her in my arms.  “If I was in there with you we both know you still wouldn’t get anything done, you’ll spend all your time staring at me!”

“Exactly,” I said and laughed at her.

We both turned at the sound of a throat being cleared.  “When you’ve both finished, do you have a minute Michael?” Dale asked, trying not to laugh.

Lily snickered and turned away.

“Yes, let’s go into my office so Lily can get back to work.  She gets distracted easily.”

“Like someone else,” Lily said under her breath.

Chapter 47


After the run in with Jacky a few people gave m
e odd looks every time I passed, but the majority of the staff were pleasant, if not a little curious.  I kept my relationship with Michael private because it was no one else’s business but ours.

Michael made me feel loved and cherished.  It was a wonderful feeling.

To celebrate our one week together, Michael had insisted on taking me away for the weekend to a beautiful hotel on the river.  The hotel was a small family run, two story, colonial ranch house with only ten rooms available to the public.

stood on the balcony taking in the wonderful view of the river and mountains beyond, while Michael finished getting dressed.  He’d asked me to pack a cocktail dress because he planned on taking me out to dinner.  The dress I’d packed was red with one breast covered in red sequins and the other in silk, the same as the rest of the dress.  It fit me like a glove and if that didn’t drive Michael crazy, my shoes would. They where high and I mean high.  I just hoped he wouldn’t be too distracted by my legs and walked into something.

“How am I supposed to eat dinner with you looking so hot?” Michael asked, sliding his hands aro
und my waist from behind.

“You’ll have to behave.  This dress isn’t suit
able for making out….” My sentence trailed off. “Mmm...” He started kissing my neck.  “Michael…. stop.”

Michael took a deep breath and stepped back, turning me around to face him.  He left me speechless.  It wa
s the first time I’d seen him in black and he looked – gorgeous.

“I don’t know what to say, but wow.  You always look hot, but in that black suit and shirt, with the red tie you leave me speechless.”

He grinned at me, took my hand and pulled me inside.  “We need to leave before I forget about dinner and go straight for dessert.”

“I agree!
I love being naked with you, but I haven’t gone to all this trouble to not be seen.  Besides, I was planning on torturing you all through the meal.”

He groaned, handed me my purse from the bed and opened the door.  “You’re going to drive me insane in that dress.”

“Think how hot it will be when we get back to the hotel – all that pent up energy.”

Do not say another word until we are in the car and on our way to the restaurant.”

I snickered.  He
was funny and in for a treat. I’d been telling him the truth when I said I wanted to torture him, but I didn’t think he realized just how far I was planning to go .

“Why are you grinning like the ca
t that got the cream?” he asked while waiting for me to climb into the car.

“No reason.”  I patted him on the cheek and climbed

Michael ran around to the d
river’s side, climbed in, then started the engine.

We sat in silence while he guided the car down the mountain road towards town.

I was looking forward to eating at the restaurant.  It would be the first time that we’d done anything like this.  Our first date.  I started to giggle and saw Michael frown at me.

“I was just thinking that toni
ght is our first date.  I think we’ve kind of done this whole thing backwards.”

“That’s why I wanted to
rectify it this weekend.  I don’t want you to miss out on anything.”  He blushed.

“You really are the s
weetest guy.” I had to quickly root around in my purse for a tissue, he’d brought tears to my eyes with his declaration.

“Hell, I never meant to make you cry.”

“I’m okay.  Just get us to the restaurant. I’m rather hungry now, but I want your arms around me before we go inside.”

“You got it.”

Chapter 48


Lily crushed me.  It made me angry
to realize that she’d never been treated like she was special.  She was special to me and I would spend every day making sure she knew it.

’d been in a meeting on Friday when it had suddenly hit me.  I hadn’t taken Lily out on a date.  My concentration had been shot to hell for the rest of the meeting and as soon as they’d left my office, I was on the internet looking up phone numbers to make the arrangements for the hotel and restaurant.

The hotel was amazing and had e
verything that we could possibly need.  The bathroom even had strawberry and chocolate flavored condoms. When Lily discovered them she’d giggled hysterically.

I  pulled up outside the restaurant
and after switching the engine off, I exited the car and ran around to open Lily’s door.  I took her hand, pulled her straight into my arms and held her tight.

“You feel amazing against me.  You always do.”

“Thank you, Michael.  For this weekend, for this dinner and for changing my life.”

I had no words after her ‘thank you’, so I took hold of her hand and led her into the restaurant
where the maitre d’ showed us to a cozy table at the back of the room.

After placing our order w
e sat close together on the high back sofa. I held Lily’s hand that was resting on her stomach, entwining our fingers together.  Her free hand rested on my thigh.

“You’re playing with fire.”  I leaned in and kissed her on the side of her neck.

“Mmm, I want to see how much you can take,” she said. Her hand crept further up my thigh, heading towards the family jewels.

I grabbed her wondering hand and placed it on the table
just before she could reach my groin.  “You need to stay away from there.”

The last thing I needed was for Lily to feel my erection.  I was having a hard enou
gh time controlling it already.  One touch from her and it would want to come out and play. That was so not happening in the restaurant.

We needed to talk about something other than us, but what?  George!

“I got a call from the hospital while you were in the shower.  George is going to be released within the next couple of weeks, so I need to find a nurse for him. No matter what he thinks, he is not being left to his own devices.  If he is, he’ll end up back in the hospital or even worse.”

“Don’t worry, Michael.  I’ll tell him.  He’ll probably be less likely to r
efuse if it comes from me, but if you suggested it he’ll probably curse to high heaven at the idea.”

Why did Lily’s smile look
?  Too sweet.  Then her hand landed straight on my semi-erect cock.  I growled.  She laughed.

I inhaled and tried to control my body’s response to her, to no avail.  “Lily….”

“Our foods here.”

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