Read Seduced by Magic Online

Authors: Stephanie Julian

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Fantasy

Seduced by Magic (12 page)

BOOK: Seduced by Magic
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“The bed,” he gasped. “Better way.”

Scarlata stood, looking up at Justin, whose face displayed an all-consuming hunger.

For her. Her stomach attempted to twist in on itself at the emotions he laid bare. She smiled and watched the heat in his eyes flare hotter.

She waved a hand toward the bed. “After you.”

He stepped out of his shorts then walked around her without saying a word. He was stretched on his back crosswise on the mattress before she got there.

Justin held out his hands and gestured for her to approach. “Come here, babe. I want to taste you again.”

Her sex contracted and moisture pooled at his husky tone. But instead of jumping onto the bed immediately, she shook her hair over her shoulders, feeling the strands stroke her skin like silk.


Stephanie Julian

The motion drew his gaze to her breasts and her nipples tightened into hard, aching points. She glanced down his body, noting the rapid rise and fall of his chest, the line of dark blond hair that led to the darker hair at his groin.

His cock—the head nearly purple in its glory, shaft bulging with veins—gave a twitch as she watched and she couldn’t help but smile at the sight.

Scarlata walked to the bed, letting her hips sway a little more freely. “So what did you have in mind,

His mouth quirked as his breathing picked up speed. “Climb up and I’ll let you know.”

Putting one knee on the bed on the opposite side from his head, she knew exactly what he had in mind. But she didn’t want to make it too easy for him. Anticipation was half the fun.

“Do you want me here?” She grabbed for his ankle faster than his human eyes could see and pulled him closer until his legs hung over the bed at the knee. “Or do you want to come closer?”

“You know what I want.” His voice was a barely audible growl. “Get up here, woman. On your knees. Over my face. Now.”

His blunt words caused her sex to contract almost painfully and her desire for him made her lungs burn. Still, she smiled but didn’t move.

“You certainly don’t expect me to follow your every command, do you? Lowly human, don’t you know—Ah!”

She screamed in delight as he grabbed her around the waist and lifted her onto the bed, setting her on her knees. But instead of settling her on his shaft, he positioned her directly over his face.

“Prepare to scream, my goddess.” His hands dug into her hips, his breath teasing the inside of her thighs. “And to beg.”


Seduced by Magic

Justin lifted his head and sealed his mouth over her sex, flicking his tongue over her clit. Her head fell back as her body gave itself over to sensation. To the rough, wet licks, the exquisite suction.

He held her there easily, even as she let him take more and more of her weight. An orgasm began to tighten low in her body as he feasted on her with such unrepentant hunger.

Almost there. Her body taut, she needed him to drive her harder, tongue her clit with more force. But the damn man seemed intent on taking his time.

She tried to roll her hips, to encourage him to go faster. But he gripped her more firmly and held her at his mercy.

Moaning, she grabbed his wrists. “Justin, I need more. Now.”

“Now, Red,” his voice was muffled as he spoke against her inner thigh, “I told you, you have to beg for it.”

She nearly screamed in frustration when he pulled away, looking up at her with a cocky grin on his wet lips.

A laugh bubbled its way through her need at the male arrogance in that statement and that smile. But she recognized it for the challenge it was. “You will pay for that,

He lifted an eyebrow. “Not so sure that designation fits anymore, babe.” Lifting his shoulders off the bed, he gave her a quick swipe with his tongue. “You can just call me Master.”

She laughed again and unfurled her wings. “That’s not going to cut it either, Justin.”

With one quick flutter, she broke his hold on her and hovered just out of his reach above him. “I think I need to teach you a little humility.”

Justin stared at her for one brief second before he gave a short bark of laughter then lay back with his hands behind his head. “Red, you can teach me anything you want.”


Stephanie Julian

Using her wings to keep her aloft, she moved down his body until she could reach his cock, throbbing and near to bursting. Hovering above him, she let her hair fall over her shoulders, brushing along his thighs, tickling his shaft. A quick glance up caught Justin as his head kicked back into the pillow, eyes shut tight.

“Let’s see who begs now, Justin.”

She took him in her mouth, sliding the red tip between her lips, careful to touch just the head. She sucked gently, just enough to make him as frustrated as she’d been, the only contact between them the brush of her hair against his thighs and her mouth on his cock.

For several minutes, she played with him, licking along the shaft with quick, delicate strokes then taking only the head into her mouth. He writhed beneath her, his scent intensifying as he struggled to control his need.

Then, with a groan, he tried to thrust farther into her mouth. She moved away, tsking slowly.

“You’re killing me here, Red.” His voice came out on a growl but he knew better than to use his hands, because he kept them locked beneath his head. Still, he wanted to use them. The bunched muscles in his arms told of his restraint.

Smiling, she rewarded him by taking him in farther, getting him deeper then starting a back-and-forth motion that made his breath come in gasps.

She didn’t know how long she sucked him, lost in his taste and in his response.

Determined to make him break first, she scraped her teeth along his cock on the way back up, eliciting a deep groan from him.

Close, he was so close—

“Oh Christ, Red.” His voice rasped out from between his clenched lips. “Please, I’ll beg. Just take me already, sweetheart.”


Seduced by Magic

Her lips curved around his cock and she gave him one last, deep pull before she eased back. Lifting her head, she found him staring straight into her eyes, no longer smiling. Right on the edge. Exactly where she’d wanted him.

Using her wings, she repositioned her body over his until her sex rested on the tip of his cock, held straight by her hand. His eyelids closed for a few brief seconds as she hung there, suspended over him, their bodies only touching by the merest degree.

His hands unlaced from behind his head and she floated up, breaking the contact.

His loud groan echoed in the room. Hell, Sal and Nortia and Selvans probably heard it downstairs. She didn’t care. To her, it was the most erotic sound in the world.

When he opened his eyes and grabbed the slats in the headboard, she smiled and let herself sink slowly down on his cock.

She nearly lost her control as she enveloped the tip, hot and hard. Sinking centimeter by centimeter, she let her weight settle her onto him. The delicious friction created by his width against her sheath made her womb clench. The first spasms of an orgasm made her muscles contract, drawing him in farther.

“Oh Christ, Scarlata.” The roughness of his voice made her breath catch in her throat. “Come on, babe. Move.”

Stilling her wings, she dropped her body the last few inches, impaling herself on his shaft and freeing the orgasm to rack through her body.

With a growl, Justin reversed their positions and began to pump into her clutching pussy. With his hands on her shoulders and his body covering hers, he nailed her to the bed with his thrusting hips, his breath short, sharp gasps in her ear.

Arms pinned to her side and her legs spread wide, Scarlata rode out her orgasm on a cloud of bliss.

And after Justin finally groaned and released into her, his head nestled into her neck, she took a deep breath and fell asleep.

* * * * *


Stephanie Julian

“Scary, we got a problem.”

Sal’s quiet voice roused her from her doze.

She stretched and found herself sprawled over Justin, who looked exhausted even in sleep. Not wanting to wake him, she used her wings to lift herself off his body without shaking the bed. Even so, he shifted restlessly, turning onto his side and grabbing the pillow next to him. Curling around it, he breathed her name on a sigh.

It made her heart contract and she wanted nothing more than to crawl back into bed with him.

“Scary, come on, move it.”

She sighed and moved to open the door before Sal woke Justin.

“What’s going on? Has something happened?”

Sal nodded and the look on his face was somber. “You’d better come down. We’ve got a major clusterfuck on our hands.”

He turned and headed down the stairs, hurrying as fast as his short legs could carry him, which surprisingly, was extremely fast. He beat her down the stairs to the front room where Nortia and Selvans were staring at the television.

“The blaze appears to have been deliberately set in a distinct circle on Hawk Mountain,” the man on the screen said. “Firefighters are finding it difficult to get to the scene due to the remoteness of the area.”

Nortia and Selvans turned when she gasped.

“I’ve got to get back.”

“You know it’s a trap, Scary.” Nortia shook her head. “You can’t go. That’s what they want.”

Her wings fluttering in distress, Scarlata headed for the door. “I have to go. There are more than thirty
living in that area.”

“What?” the goddess screeched as if someone had stuck her with a pin, stopping her in her tracks. “Why did I not know there was an enclave there?”


Seduced by Magic

“Now don’t jump down Scary’s throat.” Selvans raised a spread hand. “I set it up.

Seemed like the perfect spot. But the
appear to know more than we gave them credit for. They knew exactly where to hit. What I don’t understand is how they knew and why they needed Justin.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Scarlata shook her head. “Those people are my responsibility and I need to get them to safety.”

“I’ve already tried to transport there,” Sal added. “Whoever’s working the mojo, they’ve got a shield around the perimeter to keep us from getting in there and taking them out. They know exactly what they’re doing. You’re going to have to go in over the flames. Be careful, babe. They must want you pretty badly. Don’t make it easy for them.”

“I won’t.” Scarlata added a brief smile before opening the door. “Please tell Justin…I love him.”

Then she stepped out into the bright light of day and flew north.

* * * * *

“What the hell do you mean, she’s gone?”

Justin had heard the door close and woken, only to realize Scarlata was nowhere to be found. He’d pulled on his shorts and barreled down the stairs to find everyone huddled around the TV. After his father had filled him in, his mouth had dropped open.

“And why are you all just sitting here?” Justin added when no one answered his first question.

“Norty and I are too big a prize for these people,” his dad said, shaking his head.

“We can’t be taken. Not by the
. Besides, Scary knows what she’s doing. I don’t like it either, son, but—”

“I’m going.” Justin stabbed a finger at Sal. “Transport me there. Right now.”


Stephanie Julian

Sal shrugged, hands in the air. “Don’t know that it’ll work. The
strung up a screening spell. Although…you may be able to slip through. They’re not screening humans. Probably because they know humans would blab to the tabloids about some strange force in the forest if they couldn’t get to the site. Yeah, this might work.”

“Son, you can’t go. What help will you be?”

Justin turned, ready to tell his dad to shut up, but throttled back when he saw the real fear in Michael’s eyes. “Those people must be terrified. At least I can help calm them until Red can get them out. I gotta go. I can’t sit here and do nothing. This is partly my fault.”

His dad sighed. “I don’t like this. I’m not convinced those men don’t know
who you are. Maybe this trap is for you too.”

“It doesn’t matter. She’s out there alone and I can’t live with that.”


Seduced by Magic

Chapter Nine

Smoke billowed into the air, making her eyes sting and her lungs burn.

Still, Scarlata flew into the gray haze, fighting tears of rage.

Her beautiful forest, willfully decimated. When she found the men responsible, she would kill them. Painfully and slowly. Possibly by the same means they had used to scar her forest.

They’d set the fire in a mile-wide circle, perfectly encompassing the enclave. By the way the fire stayed in a ring, not moving forward or backward, she knew it was being magically controlled. By someone with a lot of power.

By the time she’d breached the choking circle of smoke, she flew directly to the center of the ring, where she knew they would be gathered.

And they were.

Scarlata had barely landed when they converged around her—a mix of
, including a few
. None had wings. There were few
left in the Americas. Possibly one less if she failed.

“Scarlata, we can’t get out.” Barboso ran for her, the beautiful, young
nearly frantic. “The fire—”

“No time to explain.” She searched the crowd until she found what she wanted.

“Johanna, bring me the twins. Quickly. I’ll get the children away then we’ll figure out how to get everyone else out.”

Goddess willing, she would have the time.

Johanna ran forward, a twin in each arm. The girl and boy toddlers were barely three, their bright gold hair already showing the streaks of green that marked them full-101

Stephanie Julian

. Johanna, herself one of the oldest
in America, had only moved here in the last hundred years. She’d never revealed the children’s father.

BOOK: Seduced by Magic
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