Seducing Liselle (8 page)

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Authors: Marie E. Blossom

BOOK: Seducing Liselle
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“John—” she begged, no longer knowing
exactly what she was saying. He shifted beneath her, cock sliding against her
leg as he tossed the blanket to the floor. She looked down, shocked at the way
her legs spread wantonly over his. He dug his feet into the sofa, the wide
cushions giving him just enough room to lift her up entirely. He thrust again,
breathing hard into her neck.

“You ready?” he asked after another of
those hard jerks. His arm around her ribs was like hot steel, holding her

“Yes, yes,” she cried, tears pricking at
her eyes. She glanced down again just in time to see him touch himself, angling
his cock down. His hips gave a little twitch and suddenly the head of his cock
was just inside her pussy.

“Fuck,” he gasped, body trembling.

She had to agree with him. She’d never
been so aroused in her entire life, and certainly not with another person.
She’d never even managed to orgasm during sex before. She couldn’t believe John
had managed to reduce her to this trembling, desperate wreck.

“John, come on,” she begged, writhing,
trying to shove more of him inside. “Please…” She no longer worried about his
size. She wanted him inside, right now.

“Yeah, I’m so fucking close. I can feel
you fluttering around me. Jesus,
,” he
muttered, biting down on her shoulder.

She shuddered violently and his cock slid
in a little further. He flexed his hips, working his way inside. She moaned as
he pressed into her clit, so large that the sheer mass of his dick made
everything feel more intense. She tried to shove herself down on him, but he
stopped her with a strong hand on her thigh.

“Hold still,” he admonished when she
protested. He chuckled,
rubbed a single finger
over her clit.

Her spine arched and abruptly, shockingly,
he slid the rest of the way in, so deep the head of his cock pushed against her
womb. His finger circled again, and he pulled out and thrust once, twice,
breathing harshly into her ear.

back bowed and she cried out, voice going hoarse as pleasure ripped
through her. Her fingers and toes tingled and she had to close her eyes as he
pumped into her, his cock thick and gorgeous and exactly what she needed to
climax again and then again. She shivered, clutching at his legs, and then he
grunted, arm around her ribs going rock hard as his hips pushed hard into her
ass. His cock leaped inside her. The wave of heat that spread through her pussy
felt like comfort and arousal and everything she didn’t know she wanted. When
she finally collapsed on top of him, panting and trembling, he kissed her head
and held her tight. His cock slowly softened and slipped out, but he simply
closed his legs and cuddled her until she thought she could breathe again.

,” he
murmured finally, kissing behind her ear.

“John,” she said thickly,
tracks drying on her cheeks.

He traced a gentle hand up and over her
hip, over her breasts, to cup at her cheek. He kissed her jaw, then turned her
head to touch his mouth to hers, a meeting more poignant than she expected.

“You okay?” he asked, kissing her again
and then again.

She smiled into his skin.

Her sudden yawn had him chuckling.

“Hang on,” he said, leaning over the side
of the couch.

She protested the loss of his warmth,
settled down again as he spread the blanket over the
two of them.

“Sleep,” he said, hand soothing the
wrinkles out of the fleece.

She swallowed, still completely stunned at
what had just happened. Her thoughts ran over each other—what was she thinking,
letting him make love to her like that? How had he made her feel so protected,
yet so vulnerable at the same time? What was she going to do now?—until
exhaustion caught up with her and she finally dropped off to sleep, strong arms
holding her tight.





Chapter Five


swam up out of the warm, sweet dark to the sound of someone
whimpering. She frowned, blinking her eyes open. She was naked. Someone was
holding her closely and she felt both relaxed and tired, her muscles tingling
with the feeling she got after a good workout. She yawned and all at once the
events of earlier rushed in on her. John! She’d made love with a near stranger
after he rescued her from the snow.
Oh God
, she thought,
what the
hell was I thinking?
She shifted and his arms tightened around her, a low,
tortured moan making the hair on the back of her neck stand up. Wait, something
was wrong. What was happening?

He trembled, legs jerking. She turned in
his arms, wondering what was going on. When she got a look at his face, the dim
flickers of the fire showed a grimace. He whimpered again. She frowned,
disturbed to see such a strong, self-sufficient man so vulnerable. Clearly he
was having a nightmare.

bad one, too, from the looks of it
, she thought.
She flicked a glance at the scars on his shoulder and winced.
Yeah, not surprising
She ran a hand down his chest
soothingly. He settled a bit under her touch, then abruptly he groaned, back
arching, the tendons in his neck standing out.
grabbed on, almost falling off the sofa.

“John?” she tried again, cupping his jaw.
His stubble scraped against her fingers. She traced over his mouth, breathing a
sigh of relief when he relaxed. His eyes opened and he frowned, confused. She
hoped he remembered her.

?” he
said, voice still thick from dreaming. “Are you okay?”

She smiled wryly. “I should be asking you

He blinked, waking up more.
A bad dream.
It’s nothing.”

“It didn’t look like nothing,” she argued,
running her hand over his cheek again.

He tensed, looking away. “It comes with
the territory.”

She waited a beat,
nodded, leaning down to kiss his jaw. She understood. She had enough bad dreams
of her own to outrun. Her mind shied away from the specific horrors she’d endured,
wanting instead to soothe away John’s unhappiness.

That’s more productive than dwelling on
shit I can’t change
, she thought. She kissed him
again, trying to put all of her empathy into it. She wanted him to know she
understood. She knew how it felt.

“You don’t have to stay,” he muttered,
hands automatically cupping her hips.

She shook her head. He wasn’t getting it,
even though she could feel his cock lengthening against her thigh.

. Don’t
talk,” she said instead of trying to explain. She put a finger over his lips,
trying to reassure him with her touch. He gazed at her, eyes dark. She couldn’t
tell what he was thinking, but it didn’t matter. She smiled,
shimmied down until she was between his legs, blanket crumpled under her ass.

“What—” he began. She touched her tongue
to the tip of him and his words choked off. He tasted sweet. And hot. She
smiled against the soft skin then took him in, sucking on the head. He tasted a
bit like her. He was so large she couldn’t fit much of him inside her mouth.
Instead, she wrapped her hands around the shaft, leaning her weight on his
thighs. He trembled, hands going to her hair.

“You don’t have to do this,” he said

She pulled off with a pop, pleased when it
made him jerk. “I know.”

His nostrils flared when she licked her
lips, and he groaned. She smiled, enjoying his reaction to her teasing, and
took him back in. His hips made tiny, abortive movements, and she appreciated
the control he exerted. Everything about him was controlled: his strength, his
intelligence, his interaction with others. She closed her eyes and sucked
harder, wanting to give him the pleasure she’d felt earlier. She traced her
tongue over the crown, flicking at his circumcision scar until he shuddered.
She kissed down the shaft, sucking tiny bites into the delicate skin. She
licked over his balls, urging his legs wider until she could explore down
behind them. He liked that, so she pressed a finger there while she sucked his
cock in again. When he tugged on her hair, lifting her up, she moaned a

“Come here,” he said.

She frowned at him, but let him draw her
up over his body. He kissed her deeply, wet and dirty, and she groaned. His
thigh wedged up between her legs and she ground down on him, clit swollen and
sensitive. The hair on his leg scraped over her labia perfectly.

“Hang on,” he murmured, breaking the kiss.
He was breathing as heavily as her. She allowed herself a tiny flash of triumph
even as he urged her down to the floor. The thick throw in front of the fire
was soft under her knees.

“Yeah, just like that,” he said, leaning
over her back.

She wiggled her hips, expecting him to
fuck her. Instead he smoothed a hand down her spine,
crouched down, head nuzzling between her legs.

“Oh my God, what are you doing?” she asked,
teeth snapping shut as his mouth closed over her clit.

“I’m kissing you, just like you kissed
me,” he said, licking up and down her pussy.

She shuddered, trying to keep her balance
as he inserted one finger, then another, licking around them as he pressed
against her G-spot.

a genius,
she thought vaguely. He flicked his
tongue over her clit, drawing out the pleasure until she cried out, close to
climax. He moved back and she moaned.
, she thought. She didn’t want him to tease her. She needed him inside
her, but he didn’t give her what she wanted. He grabbed a pillow, shoving it
under her arms.

“Hang on to that,” he said, licking into
her again. When he moved his mouth back, nibbling over the sensitive nerves of
her anus, she grunted, legs almost giving out.

“Okay?” he asked.

She nodded, muffling her moans in the soft
pillow. She couldn’t believe he was licking her there, but when he inserted a
finger, too, she couldn’t help groaning. She pushed back, wanting more.

He chuckled. “Yeah, feels good. I know how
good that feels.”

He does?
thought, then pleasure chased the words out of her mind.
He licked around his finger until she was writhing, desperate for more. He
moved back, not giving her what she wanted. When the front of his thighs shoved
up against the back of her legs, she surged back, fucking herself on his hands,
his cock, whatever she could reach.

“Uh-uh, just wait,
he said, hand on her hips, holding her steady.

Her growl of frustration was cut off
abruptly when she felt his cock nudge at her pussy. He was hot and thick and
she wanted him inside.
Right now.

He leaned his forehead down on her spine,
shoving his cock inside her with one strong thrust. She jerked forward, but his
hands were on her hips, holding her still while he fucked into her roughly.

“Is this okay?” he panted, groaning as she
tightened her internal muscles.

“Yes. Yes, God,” she managed, knowing
instinctively that this was exactly what he needed. She was happy to give it to

“The dreams, sometimes they make me
crazy,” he choked out, fucking into her so hard he had to grab her shoulders to
keep her from sprawling onto her stomach.

“Stop thinking,” she said, just like he’d
said to her earlier.

He groaned,
kissed the small of her back. “You’re so sweet.”

She smiled into the pillow, amused that he
thought that while he was shoving himself so far inside her she could taste
him. When he shifted again, one thigh slipping in between hers, she held onto
the pillow tighter. He teased at her asshole again,
slid a finger inside. Her climax roared up out of nowhere and she nearly
screamed as he fucked her, a finger in her ass and another on her clit, rubbing
until another orgasm took her over. She sobbed, body fluttering around him, and
then just when she didn’t think she could take any more, his hips snapped
forward with one, last violent thrust and he moaned,
falling onto her back. She lost her balance and slumped to the floor, his
strong length a heavy comfort all along her back. She tried to catch her breath.

“I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he murmured a
few minutes later, sliding her hair out of her face.

“God, no,” she said. She felt … strange.
Like she’d been turned inside out.
Everything was different

“I’m sorry,” he breathed into her cheek.

“For what?”
She rolled over and looked him in the eye. “For making me feel so
good I forgot my name?
For telling me that I’m beautiful?”
Her smile faded as she looked him over. He looked tired. His cock hung over his
thigh, soft and sweet looking, of all things. “For letting me give you the same
pleasure you gave me?”

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