Seducing Samantha (18 page)

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Authors: R. E. Butler

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Seducing Samantha
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“He feels guilty,” John sighed, lowering his voice.

“What for?”  Grant asked, shocked.

“Because he couldn’t help her.  He chose to leap out of his bedroom window and come for us rather than stand up to the men.”

“That’s insane,” Grant said.  “He’s only fourteen.  He couldn’t have hoped to stand up to them.  He did the right thing.”

“I know he did, but he wishes he was older, so he could have shifted and helped.”  John let out a worried sigh.

Grant could understand the feelings of guilt that his nephew had.  He had them himself.  And his boys were upset they hadn’t been able to help her either.

Two doctors walked into the waiting room, and Grant and Aaron rushed to them.  “I’m Dr. Piretti, and this is Dr. Growd.  We saw Samantha when she came into the ER.  Are either of you her husband?”

“I am,” Aaron said.  He and Grant had already decided that they didn’t want to be cut out of any news about her, so they told the intake desk that Aaron was her husband and that she hadn’t changed her maiden name yet, explaining the difference in their last names.  As far as Grant was concerned, it was the truth anyway, since they were mates and mates meant marriage in the were-world.  It just wasn’t official on paper yet.

The two doctors shook Aaron’s hand, and then Dr. Piretti said, “Your wife is awake now.  I will take you to her, but I warn you that it’s difficult for her to talk because her trachea is bruised.  Her voice is raspy, and it hurts to speak, so she’s best just resting her throat until it’s had a chance to recover.  She has a lot of bruising on her face and body, but no sprains or breaks.  She’ll need to take it easy for a few days, and I’ll have the pharmacy fill a prescription for pain medication for her.”  The doctor paused for a moment and looked around the room.  “Not too many at a time.  You can stay with her in the room, Mr. Fallon, because you’re her husband.  After everyone has seen her, they’ll need to leave because visiting hours are over.”

Nodding, Aaron looked back at his brothers and the still-sleeping kids and followed the two doctors to Sam’s room.  Grant went as well, frustrated that he wasn’t going to be able to stay with her long.

The doctors left them at the door to the patient room, and they stepped inside.  Sam was lying on a bed with the head of the bed elevated.  She turned slowly towards the door, wincing as if even the slight, slow motion of moving her head hurt.  Although Grant wanted to race to the bed, he and Aaron both moved cautiously so they didn’t startle her.

“Oh, Sam,” Grant breathed, stopping next to the bed and looking down at her.  Her beautiful face was swollen, one eye ringed with black, and a dark bruise along her jaw.  Her throat looked red and raw, and he could still picture the man with his arm wrapped around her throat, choking the breath from her.

Aaron, on the other side of the bed, fell to his knees and reached gingerly for her hand.  Her right hand had an IV taped to the top of it, and Grant gently touched her fingertips before leaning forward and kissing her forehead.

“Sweetheart, we’re so glad you’re okay,” Grant said, fighting not to cry.  It was like a knife in his heart to see her like this.

Her lips parted into a small smile, and she opened her mouth.  Grant pressed his finger gently but firmly to her lips.  “Don’t talk, baby.  The doctor said you should rest your throat.”

She nodded once.  Aaron told her that he was playing the part of her husband so that he could stay with her overnight.  She glanced at Grant, and he smiled even though he didn’t feel like it.  It warred with him to leave her for the night, even though he knew he couldn’t explain to the hospital that they were both her husbands.

Aaron lifted her hand and pressed it to his cheek.  She looked at him and he squeezed his eyes shut for a moment before opening them and saying, “Thank you for sacrificing yourself for the kids, Sam.  You proved yourself more of a mother to them in the space of a few hours than they’ve known their entire lives.  I will thank you for the rest of my life for standing in their place, baby, even though I hate that we left you there with them alone, which allowed this to happen.”

Grant tried hard to reign in his emotions. “I love you so much, Sam.  I’m so sorry this happened to you.”

She shook her head, wincing again, and Grant leaned over and touched her temple.  “We’ll talk when you’re able, sweetheart.  Don’t stress yourself out now.  You need to rest and get better.  The doctors said you are staying here for the day, so we’ll take you home Monday morning.  I’ll call the school and let them know you’re going to take a few sick days until you’re able to talk.”

She nodded and tears sprang into her eyes.  One spilled down her cheek, and Grant wiped it away gently.  “Don’t cry, sweetheart.  You’re safe now, the kids are okay, and we’re not going to leave you alone like that again.”

She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath.  She looked exhausted, and he knew that it was best to get everyone in to see her and then head home so they could all rest.

He went to get the kids and brought them first.  It broke his heart the way the kids started crying over her, scared to touch her for fear of hurting her but wanting to comfort her.  Henry gave her his iPad, and she used a note program to type with her left hand, which was free of an IV needle.

Love you kids.  Glad you are safe.  I’ll be fine.  Your dads are taking good care of me.  I’ll be home soon.

Nathan sniffled and wiped at his eyes.  “Home?  You’re coming home with us, Mom?”

Sam’s eyes widened slightly, and she typed,
It’s my home now, too.

Brian looked at Aaron and said, “Dad, can we stay the night with Mom, too?”

Grant smiled as his son called his brother
for the first time.  He supposed it was true in a strange sort of way; they were both mated to the same woman, which technically made all the boys her step-sons.  And judging from Aaron’s surprised grin, Grant knew he liked it, too.

“Sorry, kiddo.  Your dad is going to take all of you home, but he’ll bring you back tomorrow to visit.  When we bring Mom home on Monday, you guys can help us take good care of her after school so she rests and gets better really fast.”

Ben looked up at Grant.  “Can we make her soup, Dad?”

“Of course,” he said and laid his hand on Ben’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

Grant took the kids back to the waiting room and waited with them while James and John went to see Sam.  When they were done, he went back to the room by himself to say goodnight.

“Sweetheart, do you want me to call your parents for you?” Grant asked as he sat down in the chair next to the bed.

She typed into the iPad that their house number was the first one programmed into her cell.

“I’ll let them know you’re okay.”

He kissed the places on her face where there were no bruises, said goodnight, and told her that he loved her.  Aaron walked him out of the room and shut the door.

“Your son called me Dad,” Aaron said and smiled.

“Yours did to me, too.  And they called her Mom.  That’s just so amazing.”

Nodding, Aaron frowned slightly.  “I wish you could stay here tonight with us.  It doesn’t feel right not having you here.”

“I wish I could stay, too, but the humans wouldn’t understand.  And the kids need one of us to be there with them.  I have a feeling that my bed is going to be full of five kids.”

“Bring me some clothes when you come tomorrow, okay?  And make sure you tell Sam’s parents that nothing like this will ever happen again.”

“I’m not looking forward to the conversation.  It’s not exactly the way I wanted to be introduced to them.”

“She’s alive and she’ll recover.  That’s the most important thing right now.”

Grant said goodnight and headed back to the waiting room to gather the kids.  Everyone was exhausted as they made their way from the hospital to the boarding house.  The sun rose as he carried Brian, sleeping in his arms, into the house.  After hanging up their coats and putting their shoes away, his brothers helped him tuck the kids into their beds.

Down in the kitchen, Grant looked at the clock, knowing that visiting hours were at noon, giving him a handful of hours to sleep.  After filling in the other pride members and thanking them for their help, he retrieved Sam’s cell phone from her purse and called her parents.

Sam’s mother answered, and when Grant explained who he was and what happened to Sam, she had started crying and handed the phone to her husband.  Grant’s voice cracked as he told her dad about Sam.

“Do you need someone to come watch the kids so you can spend time with her?” her dad, Thomas, asked.

“That would be really great, but we promised the kids they could visit her.”

“If it’s okay, son, Lorraine and I can meet you and the kids at the hospital, and after they visit with her for a bit, we’ll bring them back to your home and keep them occupied.”

“That would be really wonderful, Thomas.”

“It’s what family does, Grant.  You’re mates to my daughter, and that makes you and your kids family in my book.”

Grant tried not to get choked up by the sheer amazement that he was feeling towards Sam’s parents.  He gave her father the address to the hospital and the room number and agreed to meet them in the waiting room at one, which would give the kids an hour to visit with Sam.  Grant would wait with the kids while she visited with her parents.

“Can we do anything?” Dylan asked, when Grant finished the call.

James yawned and ran a hand through his hair.  “John is heading into the station to relieve Eryx from his double shift.  I’m going to shower and drive up to Bracks and see what the thugs have to say for themselves.  I’m hopeful they’ll know where the females are.”

“But what can we even do with that information?” Ray asked.

“If we can find out where the females are, Pope said he has some contacts in Canadian law enforcement who can check things out for him and keep an eye on the border.  I’m not sure if the men they were working with have any idea of who they really are.  If they do know anything, we’ll find out and go from there,” James said.

“I think that means we’re never leaving a mate or the kids alone ever again,” Micah said, angrily.  “Why can’t they just fucking leave us be?  Didn’t they torture us enough when we were in King?”

Tristan put his arm around his brother.  “We’ll make sure that everyone we love, now and in the future, is safe.”

Grant wondered if he’d stayed home with the kids like he’d planned, if they would have attacked.

He showered and fell into bed, exhausted, setting his alarm for eleven.  When he woke up with the shrill beep of the alarm, he found himself in bed with five kids, all burrowed under the covers and sleeping soundly.  Only Owen lifted his head sleepily, pushing away the blanket.

“Hey, kiddo,” he said and yawned.

“Can we go see Mom?” Owen asked, sitting up and stretching.

Nodding, Grant climbed gingerly over two kids and got out of bed.  “We need to leave in a half hour.”  He turned to the dresser to gather clothes and then looked back at his son.  “I’m really glad you called Sam
and Aaron
, Owen.  When did you guys decide to do that?”

The other boys started to wake up, yawning and stretching.  Owen got out of bed and rubbed at his eyes.  “Last night, when the female and those males came into the house, Sam took our place.”  Owen’s eyes brightened as they filled with tears, and he rubbed at his eyes again.  “She
our mom because she loves us so much.  And you’re both our dads because you love us and her.”

The kids agreed and Grant walked over to the bed and hugged each kid.  Once more, he was thankful that Sam was part of their lives, and more importantly, safe.  Now, they just had to figure out how to keep her, and their kids, that way.






Chapter 14


Sunday afternoon, Sam blinked, trying to stay awake.  She’d had an extremely long night.  The attempted kidnapping and then the attempted neck-breaking had been bad enough, but no matter how she tried, she hadn’t been able to get any rest at all once Grant and the kids had left.  The doctor had urged her not to speak at all, to give her bruised throat a rest.  Thankfully, the injury was mild and left her with only a very sore throat.  It was getting better slowly, and she was doing her best to keep her lips zipped so she could recover.  Aaron had stayed all night with her, watching over her carefully, getting her hot tea and broth to soothe her throat.  She dozed off a few times.  Aaron had put the rails on one side of the bed down and pulled the chair as close as he could, leaning over the edge of the bed and cradling her in his arms.  The problem was that every time she closed her eyes and drifted off, images of the people who had come to take the kids assaulted her and she would wake up startled, a scream lodged in her sore throat.

Eventually, she gave up trying to sleep.  Even though Aaron argued for her to try to rest, she fixed the bed so the head was elevated, and waited for Grant and the kids to come back.

She was staring at a bowl of chicken broth and a Styrofoam cup of hot tea and wishing she had some ice cream instead, when she heard the sounds of many feet walking down the hallway.  Aaron pulled the table away from the bed as Grant and the kids came into the room.

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