Seducing the Professor (10 page)

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Authors: Sabel Simmons

BOOK: Seducing the Professor
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The kiss was desperate, wild and passionate.  Their hunger for each other clear in their groping hands, smashing lips and grinding teeth.  Alexandra pulled back and looked into his eyes.  Hers were feverish and begged into his.

“Make love to me, Paul!  Please! I need you!”

His breath froze in his chest and his shaft slammed in full arousal against his jeans.  He wasted no time and lifted her loose dress over her head and threw it on the floor.  He snapped the G-string in two and it too fluttered to the floor.  Alexandra unzipped his pants and rammed it down to his knees.  He turned around and pressed her back against the wall, lifting her legs around his waist and he surge
d forward, plunging deep inside her and she cried out clamping him tight against her with her legs tight around him.

“Oh … that feels so good!  Paul … please, don’t stop!”

He thrust then, plunging fast, hard and deep, his arms below hers holding her in place. She thrashed against him and he felt the pressure building to bursting point in his groin.  Alexandra cried and panted with each plunge inside her, urging him on for more. She screamed as he speared ferociously fast and she climaxed so hard she felt as if she shattered in two.  Paul’s shout followed immediately as his whole body tightened. He pressed her hard against the wall, his release shooting from him with so much force he could not breathe.

They did not move for a long while.  Both too shattered to get any muscle to obey a command.  Paul toed his sneakers off and shook his pants off.  He locked Alexandra’s legs around his waist and walked further inside the house and sank down on a couch in the den.  His hand fisted in her hair at the nape of her neck and he pulled her head back for his kiss.  His lips captured hers and he kissed her deeply, hungrily drinking from her lips.  Their tongues twirled and he pressed deeper,
she opened wider and moaned with pleasure.

He left her lips and slowly kissed down her neck to clamp his lips around her nipple and he suckled greedily.  She keened and rotated her hips against him, grinding his shaft still inside her
, deeper.   She threw her head back, pushing her breast deeper into his mouth.  His lips hardened and he sucked harder, nibbling and biting the tip, causing her to jerk against his shaft.  He moved to the other and kept alternating between them until she was on fire and her cries constant and needy.

“Angel … Lord woman, I missed you!”

“And I you!”

She complained loudly when he pushed her off his lap and she frowned at him.  Her core throbbed at the loss
of his hardness inside her.  He smiled at her, sat up and pulled her back towards the couch.

“Get on your knees, Baby.  Yes … spread your legs … wider …”

Alexandra panted when he leaned into her from behind and pushed her forward so that she fell on the couch with her hips thrust upwards.  She keened when he swept his fingers in a slow torturous sweep from her clit through her sheath to the back.  She felt his blunt, broad tip sliding up and down her sheath and she moaned low and deep.

“Oh … please!  Honey … please!  Don’t make me wait!”

“Easy Angel, we have all night … hmmm … you are so damn hot!”

Aahhh … hmmmm … more … deeper honey!  Deeper!  Ohlordohlordohlord!”

He pushed deeper tortuously slowly, treasuring every inch she took him inside.  He started plunging, the sight of his shaft disappearing inside her so erotic he nearly came there and then.  He clenched his jaw and set a slow, easy pace, driving into her with controlled force, pressing down knowing he hit her G-spot by her uncontrolled whimpers
and keens begging for more.

He maintained the same pace, closing his eyes and savoring her heat and her tight channel clasping him so tight he had to
breathe harder to keep his climax back.  He wanted to stretch it out … he wanted her to be weak and desperate … and then still keep her hanging.  Eventually there was not a muscle in his body that was not trembling in need and Alexandra was delirious in front of him.

Her voice was hoarse from all the begging and cries.  He kept her hanging on the verge of climaxing over and over again, to stop and bring her back every time.  Her whole body trembled, her core painful with such intense pressure she could not hold the tears back any longer, desperate for release.

“Honey … please … I beg you!  I can’t stand it anymore!  Please, please!  Ahhhh!”

Paul relented at last and his fingers rubbed up and down her clit fast and constantly
. He plunged hard, deep, faster and faster. He slammed hard as deep as he dared when he felt her climax around him with so much strength she forced his climax to fruition along with hers and his shout echoed hers.  He pushed forward against her and he flattened her on the couch, thrusting deep, short plunges through his climax, spilling so much inside her he swore he had no fluids left in his body.

“Oh God … oh Lord … Paul!”

He lifted off her slightly when her panic registered.  She shivered and he felt her inner muscles continuous clamping and milking around his shaft. She panted, her hands gripping the couch and she looked over her shoulder at him, fear in her eyes.

“Honey … it’s …. Oh God … Paul!”

He pulled from her and flipped her over and immediately pressed his shaft back into her pulsing and milking channel.  She clutched at his arms, her legs wrapped around his waist and she thrashed against him in desperation.

“Why am I not …. Honey!  It’s not
sto …. Oohhh!”

He smiled with a feeling of so much elation it burnt his soul.  She lost total control and begged and pleaded, crying through the
uncontrolled and constant pressure in her core that ripped through her for a short relief only to tighten again.  Paul thrust inside her, grinding against her hips and she cried harder, he stroked her clit and she screamed.

Jeeeezzzz Angel!”

His shout echoed hers when she started to squirt, strong, hard and continuous.  She screamed
at the intensity and clutched at him, desperate for the release of her clenching inner muscles, that kept milking him deeper and clutched her core relentlessly.  He stopped moving and ground his jaw.  He winced at her nails scratching down his back and he caressed her back slowly until the climax started to recede to a pulsing constant.

He held her close and did not move for nearly
ten minutes until he could feel her body relaxing and become slack beneath his.  He leaned on his elbows and their eyes met.  He brushed her hair from her forehead and traced her lips.

“Are you okay, Angel?”

“No, how did you do that?  How is something like that even possible?  I thought I was going to tear in two!”

“I guess your body missed me more than you are willing to admit.”

“I was scared Paul!  It was … too much!  Too intense!  Next time … warn me first!  I don’t think I’ll survive it again.”

“Next time, I’ll make sure we’re in a bed where I can keep feeding your climax the whole night long!”



“So, there is a fiancé?”

Alexandra glared at him.

“Ex!  Ex

He looked out to the sea. 
After dinner they sat on the patio facing the sea.  He nodded and looked at her expectantly.  She sighed and cleared her throat.

“We both worked at Washington University, got engaged and I broke it off two years later.  End of story.”

“Really?  Is that why he was at lunch with you this afternoon?”

“He was not at lunch with me.  I had lunch with my mother.  She brought him with!”

“Why did you break it off?”

“Do we really have to talk about this?”


She sighed heavily.  “We … were … not … really compatible.”

His eyebrows rose.

“And the real reason, Alexandra?”

“You are so pushy!  He was … too set in his ways.”


“Okay!  He was boring!  Sexually old fashioned!  We only had sex six months after we became engaged.  He never even took my nipples in his mouth!  I never once had a climax with him!”

“He really is a stupid man.  Did you sleep with him?”

She gaped at him.  “I had sex with him.”

“Did you sleep with him?’

“I had sex with him and you are more concerned on whether I ever slept with him?”

“Sleeping with someone is a lot more intimate and personal than just having sex.  If he was so boring, why did it take you two years to break it off?”

She rubbed her forehead.  “My Mom is extremely old fashioned.  It was ingrained into me that a woman only give herself to the man she is going to marry.  I honored my parent’s beliefs and had every intention of marrying him, even though he did not satisfy me.  My mother was shattered when I broke it off.  I brought disgrace to the family name.  I just realized one day that I could not live the rest of my life needing and craving something more.   I knew I would not find it with him.”

“You still did not tell me if you slept with

She looked at him.  “No, Paul.  I never slept with him.”

“Good … I would not have liked it if you had.”

“But you’re fine with me having had sex with him.”

“Baby, whatever you had with him, it was not sex and as far as I am concerned, after what you just told me … you were as good as a virgin when I made you mine!”

She blushed at his bluntness and
the possessiveness that was thick in his voice.

“Now … come over here and sit on my lap.  You are too far away over there.”

She walked around the patio table and lowered onto his lap.  She leaned back against him and his arms wrapped around her to fold over her belly.  She straightened her legs on top of his and held onto his arms.

“Thank you.”

“For what?”

“Coming to visit.
  When are you going back?”

“When will you be done?”

“We are doing the final tests on Monday, so probably Wednesday at the latest.”

“Then I will be going home on Wednesday.”

She twisted her head to look at him.


“Yes, my love, really.”

Sooo … how many women have you slept with?”


“Oh?  And who is she?”  Her voice hardened and he smiled.

“I am holding her in my arms.”

She searched his eyes and he chuckled.

“Angel, I am thirty four years old and
do not deny having sex with women, but that is it.  I never spent a whole night with any of them and always slept in my own bed.”

“Kiss me.”

He did not need a second invitation and his lips closed over hers to draw on her lips so sweetly and so tenderly her heart missed a beat.

Sunday they spent
relaxing and swimming in the sea. They talked and really got to know each other well.  They made love as if they would never let each other go and Paul held her in his arms every night.

Tuesday afternoon whilst Alexandra was at the Centre finalizing the tests, Paul received a phone call from Samuel and he cursed.

“How bad is it?”

“It is still burning.  The fire department is trying to build a fire wall a bit further down the hill.  If they can do it in time, it should burn out there.  We lost two thousand hectares of pastures.  Also …”

“Also what?”

“Those new Stallions you bought last month were trapped.”

Paul closed his eyes, pain shooting through his heart at the loss of those magnificent animals.

“Did any of them manage to escape?”

“Of the eight, five yes, but three of them are very badly burnt.  Brett does not have a lot of hope for them.”

“I’m leaving in a half hour.  Hold the fort, Samuel.”

He ran upstairs and packed his clothes, his jaw rigid.  He did not ask whether it was sabotage, he knew it was.  He had to find who was behind this.  Apart from financial losses, the cruelty to the animals was tearing him apart.

He dialed Alexandra’s number and waited impatiently for her to answer.  When the call went to voicemail he cursed and ended the call.  He would phone her once he arrived at the Ranch.  He could not afford to wait longer.

Paul circled over the pastures that were still burning and cursed.  It was worse than he anticipated.  The first firewall was not successful and it was closer to four thousand pastures that were lost.  He noticed however that the second firewall did hold and circled until he spotted a landing spot.

Samuel arrived cantering on his horse, leading Lancelot by his reins.  They rode back to where the fire fighters were
still busy with the fire that at long last was appearing to be dying down.

“Christopher, what can you tell me about this fire?”

The fire chief wiped his brow and looked at Paul, a frown between his eyes.

“I’ll tell you one thing for sure, my friend, this was not a natural fire.  It was too wide spread and too fast.  I have a suspicion a few small fires were started at intervals apart and that is why it flared so wide.  With everything so dry, it is a wonder we did not lose more of your land here.  I’ll be able to tell you more once we start
the investigation.  I just want to make sure we kill this fire first.”

“Who noticed the fire first, Samuel?”

“Richard Gomez.  He was herding the western pasture Stallions for their shots when he noticed the smoke.  He alerted me first before he rode out to go and check.  He is the one that managed to get the Stallions out in time.”

“Is Brett here?”

“Yes, we loaded all of them in trailers and drove them to the stables.  He has been working with them since.  It does not look good.”

In the end it took
another two days to kill the fire totally and Paul remained to assist and ensure it was dead.  He took the chopper back to the airfield and arrived back at the stables around four in the afternoon on Wednesday.  He strode towards the hospital stable with long strides, worry between his eyes.

“You don’t look too well, my friend. Why don’t you go and take a shower and have something to eat?  There is not much you can do here.”

“How are they?”

“Hanging in there, but you’ll have to make a call on two of them.  Go, I want to clean their wounds again and should be done by the time you’re back.”

“No, I want to see them now.”

Brett just shook his head a
nd they walked inside.  He spent the rest of the night and the next day by his side working and caring for the injured animals. 

By the time he fell into bed, he was dead on his feet.  The thought flashed through his mind
that he still had to phone Alexandra, but sleep overcame him.

tsk’ed when he walked into the kitchen on Saturday morning and handed him a plate overloaded with a hearty breakfast.

“Sit down,
Paulie.  I’ll pour your coffee.”

He started eating and only realized then the last time he ate was breakfast at Alexandra’s
on Tuesday morning.


“What, Paulie?”

“I forgot to phone Alexandra.”

“Oh, yes.  She phoned yesterday morning, but you were at the stables.  She sounded very upset and said to tell you Wade will be coming to finish the research himself.  She is going to Russia.”

“What!  Did you tell her about the fire?”

“Yes … but she said something about at least leaving a note or a message.  She actually, now that I think about it sounded angry.”


Paul dialed her number and sat strumming his fingers on the table and cursed when it went directly to voicemail.  He scrolled to Wade’s number and dialed.

“Paul, my friend … how are you?  Alexandra mumbled something about a fire?”

“Yes, quite a bad one.  Where is she?  What is this nonsense about you coming instead of her?”

“Beats me.  But she was very upset this
whole week and I have not been able to get much out of her.”

“Can you take your phone to her?”

“That might be a bit difficult.”

“What do you mean?”

“She is already on a plane on her way to Russia.”

Paul’s jaw turned rigid and he clenched his fists. 

“She has a responsibility to this Ranch and to solve my problem, Wade.  I suggest you get her right back on a plane the moment she lands in Russia.”

“I am more than capable to …”

“I don’t care.  She started it, she knows what is what already and she will finish this! It is her responsibility! Do you hear me, Wade?  You get her back here!”

Wade could hear the fury in Paul’s voice and cringed.  He warned Alexandra, but she was adamant that she was not going back.  How the hell was he supposed to make her now?

“What the hell happened, Paul?  Monday everything was fine?”

Paul clenched his teeth.  If she was angry
because he left without telling her, he could understand it, but to run away?  Dammit, it was not as though he did it on purpose!

“No Wade, I am not going back!  I just arrived in Moscow!”

“I am afraid you don’t have a choice, Alexa.  Paul Shuttle is adamant you have to finish the assignment or he is going to ruin the ADC’s reputation.  You know how much power he has in the Racehorse industry.  We can’t afford to annoy him.”

“Wade, the chips will work.  I don’t need to do much else.”

“There is still a lot to do and you know it Alexa.  The defected chromosomes have to be identified, then you have to find a way to eliminate it.  No, I am sorry, but Paul is right.  You have to go back.”

Wade was immovable and Alexandra had no other choice but to go and collect her
pre-booked ticket at the counter.  At least the flight was only the following day, so at least she would not have to sit through an immediately torturous long flight.

She cursed and lugged her bags to the cab stand where she hailed a cab.  This was not what
she wanted … he proved that she was no more than another … concubine to him!  To just disappear without a message, without a phone call.  She realized he must have been preoccupied and unable to call while out dealing with the fire, but Ellie said he has been back at the Ranch since Wednesday evening and he still did not call her!

Now that he remembered about her existence she must jump at the snap of his fingers!  She snorted and caught the cab drivers look in the mirror.  She smiled apologetically and stared outside fuming.

She’ll go back.  This time she would only be there to work and she would stay in town.  She refused to be his convenient sex partner … no matter how much pleasure he gave her.  She wanted more than that.  She deserved more than that!  Her mother was right.  You should only have sex with the man you’re about to marry.  That way at least your heart does not get shattered … crushed and used!

She gasped the instant the thoughts ran through her mind.  She loved him.  She loved him with a depth that burnt into her soul. That was why it hurt so much to arrive at home and f
ind him gone … just vanished!  No note, no phone call, no message.  She has never hurt as much as she did right at that moment … except when Ellie told her he was in the stables and she realized how little she meant to him.

Alexandra was not in a good mood by the time she arrived at the Hotel in Richmond, Kentucky.  Two eleven hour flights within two days took its toll and she was dead tired.  She has never been a good flight traveler and hardly slept on such long flights.

She unpacked her luggage that Wade had delivered, took a long bath and fell into bed at four in the afternoon. When she woke up the next morning she felt much
better and as hungry as a horse.  She dressed in baggy cargo pants with a tight black strappy top and her Cats boots.  She pulled her hair in a pony at the back of her head and headed down for breakfast.

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