Seducing the Wolf (30 page)

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Authors: Maureen Smith

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Seducing the Wolf
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“Manning…” she breathed. “You’re gonna make me so late.”

He sucked her earlobe. “Want me to pull out?”

Hell, no!

He chuckled hoarsely, grinding against her as the hot water rained down on them, cocooning them in sultry steam.

Taylor moaned as his palms glided over her breasts, kneading and caressing the slick mounds of flesh. When she turned her face into his, he took her lips in a deep kiss, his tongue stroking into her mouth in time with his slow thrusts.

Undulating her hips, she reached between her spread legs and cupped his swollen balls. His breath hissed out between his teeth.

Sucking his lower lip, she began massaging his sac, which spurred him into a faster pace. Heart thundering, adrenaline soaring, he slid his hands around her waist and pulled her tighter against him as he powered into her.

She keened his name, smacking her hand against the tile as his stomach and thighs slapped her quivering buttocks. He felt her pussy tightening as the first jet of semen shot from his body. He kept thrusting, driving his cock back and forth into her flesh until they erupted together, their hedonistic cries filling the glass stall.

Manning collapsed against Taylor, his weight pinning her to the wall as they panted and shuddered beneath the pounding waterfall. He didn’t want to move. He wanted to stay embedded inside her, permanently connected. He would have if he’d had his way.

When their breathing slowed to normal, he eased out of her, watching a string of cum trickle down the inside of her thighs and swirl down the drain.

Turning her around, he kissed the soft bow of her mouth, then reached for her abandoned washcloth. She gazed at him as he gently cleaned her, lavishing attention on every inch of her beautiful body. After rinsing all the soap from her skin, he washed himself, then shut off the water.

Stepping out of the stall, he grabbed one of the meticulously folded bath towels and held it out for Taylor. When she walked into his arms, he wrapped the thick towel around her body and hugged her close to his chest. Close to his heart.

She sighed, a sound of sated bliss. “You’re making it very hard for me to leave.”

“I’m sorry. I can’t help myself.”

“Actually, you did. You helped yourself to

He chuckled, rubbing his cheek against her damp hair.

When she lifted her face to his, he kissed the tip of her nose and smiled. “Mr. Haley’s waiting for us. Let’s get dressed.”

Her lips twitched. “Yeah, let’s. But
get dressed in here while
get dressed out there.”

He grinned. “Fair enough.” Grabbing another clean towel, he draped it around his hips and strolled to the vanity area. After putting on some deodorant, he winked at Taylor.

Shaking her head, she padded after him as he sauntered from the bathroom. When she closed and locked the door behind him, he could only laugh.

Fifteen minutes later, he was standing before the dresser mirror knotting his tie when Taylor emerged from the bathroom, her hips swinging in a pair of low-rise skinny jeans. His eyes followed her as she strode to the closet and opened the doors. When she bent over to pick up her shoes, her jeans stretched tight across her shapely butt.

Manning frowned, watching as she sat down on the edge of the bed to strap on her sandals. “Are any of your music students male?”

“Of course.” She shot him a puzzled look. “Why?”

“Because they’re gonna have a helluva time keeping their eyes off your ass in those jeans.”

Taylor guffawed. “They are not.”

Manning stared at her. “You’re kidding, right? I’m hard as fuck over here just from watching you bend over. I guarantee you those horny college boys are gonna have the same problem.”

“No, they won’t. They’ll be too focused on their instruments—”

Manning snorted. “Yeah, but not the instruments
thinking about.”

Taylor laughed, shaking her head at him as he turned from the mirror. “All right. I’ll play along. What do you suggest I wear?”

“How about a dress? A long one that covers your legs and doesn’t cling to your body?”

She wrinkled her nose at him. “I wear ball gowns every time I perform. Am I not allowed to dress down and be comfortable when I’m not on stage?”

“I suppose,” Manning grudgingly conceded.

She grinned impishly.

When he walked over to the bed, she rose with his navy blue suit jacket and helped him into it, smoothing her hands over his shoulders with a sigh. “
the one who should be worried about the women at your office ogling
all damn day.”

“For what?” Manning scoffed. “There’s no comparison between me wearing a business suit and you wearing those tight jeans.”

Taylor shook her head, running an appreciative eye over him. “You obviously have no idea how freakin’ hot you look in Armani. My God, Manning. It ought to be illegal how well you wear a damn suit.”

His lips quirked. “Okay. How about this. I lose the suit—you lose the jeans.”

“Umm…” Her eyes glinted wickedly as she reached inside his jacket, slowly sliding her hands up his chest. The heat of her touch penetrated the layers of his broadcloth shirt and undershirt to scorch his skin. When her fingers grazed his nipples, they actually hardened.

“Well?” he rasped.

“I’m gonna have to say…no.” She playfully snapped his suspenders and grinned. “
. Let’s go.”

As she grabbed his hand and began tugging him from the room, Manning grumbled, “Could you at least change into a longer shirt?”

She just laughed at him.

When they arrived downstairs, Mr. Haley was waiting for them at the Bentley.

“Good morning, Mr. Haley,” Taylor greeted him cheerfully.

He smiled warmly at her. “Good to see you, Miss Chastain.”

He opened the rear door for them. Manning climbed in after Taylor, drawing her to his side when she slid too far across the seat. He wanted to keep her close to him for as long as he could.

Before pulling off, Mr. Haley passed them two covered cups of coffee and a fragrant paper bag from the hotel’s gourmet café. “I knew you two wouldn’t have time to stop for breakfast, so I got it for you.”

“Oh, thank you so much, Mr. Haley,” Taylor gushed. “That was so kind and thoughtful of you.”

“Yes, it was,” Manning agreed.

Taylor took a sip of her coffee and exclaimed delightedly, “And you got me a caramel latte! How did you know?”

“I asked the fella at the counter. He says you come in there every morning and order a caramel latte.” The old man shrugged. “Just figured you wouldn’t want to break your routine.”

“Oh, Mr. Haley.” Taylor sat forward and kissed him soundly on the cheek.

When the grizzled war veteran grinned bashfully and ducked his head, Manning stared at Taylor, grateful to her for making the old man’s day, and awed by how easily she’d done it.

As Mr. Haley pulled into morning traffic, Manning captured Taylor’s left hand and linked their fingers together, forcing them to eat their ham and cheese croissants with one hand. Even after they finished their breakfast and wiped flaky crumbs from each other’s mouths, he held on to her. Thankfully, she didn’t seem to mind.

“I just thought of something,” he said. “Where’s your violin?”

She smiled. “My main violin—the one I perform with—is back home in Paris,” she explained. “The one I brought here is under lock and key at the university. I figured it’s easier to store it there during the week rather than schlepping it back and forth to campus every day. Whenever I want to practice in the evening, I’ll bring it back with me.”

Manning nodded. “Makes sense.”

She grinned, bumping her shoulder against his. “You thought I forgot it at the hotel, didn’t you?”

He chuckled. “Not at all. I know you could never forget your violin, Taylor. It’s a part of you.”

“It is.” She sighed. “I miss Lady Ella. It was hard to leave her behind in Paris.”

Manning smiled. He found it incredibly endearing that she’d named her violin after her idol Ella Fitzgerald.

As the Bentley wove through downtown traffic, he pointed out different buildings and landmarks to her. “I’ll take you sightseeing this weekend,” he promised.

“I’d like that.” She paused. “But it’ll have to be next weekend.”

Manning turned from the window to look at her. “You already have plans?”

“Yes.” He could sense her discomfiture, feel the sudden tension in her body. “I’m going to D.C.”

“You are?”

She nodded. “My mother’s having a dinner party. And Truman’s home from Iraq, so I really want to see him.”

“Of course.” Manning lowered his gaze to their joined hands. “Will Aidan be there?”

She took a long time to answer. “Yes…I’ll see him.”

Manning’s gut twisted with jealousy. And fear.

After a heavy silence, Taylor murmured, “I should let Ken know that I’m running a little late.”

Manning nodded, relinquishing her hand so that she could retrieve her cell phone from her purse. He stared out the window as she typed out a short text message.

When she finished, she shyly recaptured his hand, lacing her fingers through his.

He closed his eyes as he savored their connection, knowing it was as fragile as the delicate wings of the butterfly that had landed on her nose that day at Callaway Gardens.

When they reached the university, she smiled at Mr. Haley. “Thank you for the ride.”

He returned her warm smile. “It was my pleasure, young lady.”

Manning pressed her fingertips to his lips. “I’ll pick you up at six-thirty,” he said, reminding her of tonight’s dinner with his family.

She nodded. “I’ll be ready. Should we bring anything?”

“Your presence will be more than enough.”

She smiled shyly.

As she moved to slide out the door, Manning grabbed her wrist. When she turned around, he cupped her face between his hands and kissed her—a long, deep, searing kiss that let her know she belonged to him. Just in case she’d slipped and forgotten.

By the time he released her, she was quivering and panting for breath. She stared at him, looking dazed as she lifted trembling fingers to her soft, swollen lips.

“Have a good day,” Manning murmured.

She nodded slowly. “You too.”

He watched her climb out of the car and walk away, disappearing inside the building.

“No wonder.”

Manning met Mr. Haley’s quiet gaze in the rearview mirror. “No wonder what?”

“No wonder she’s had a hold of your heart all these years. She’s really something.” The old man pulled away from the curb. “Better hold on to her this time.”

“I’m trying, Mr. Haley.” Manning put his head back against the seat and closed his eyes. “God knows I’m trying.”









hat afternoon, Manning spoke at a benefit luncheon to raise awareness about the underrepresentation of low-income and minority students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields. The event was hosted by a consortium of community leaders, educators and activists who had partnered with the Manning Wolf Youth Science Foundation, which awarded college scholarships to underserved students pursuing careers in science.

During his remarks, Manning discussed strategies for successfully engaging minority youth beyond the classroom. When he thanked his mother for fostering his early love of science and asked her to stand up, the audience saluted her with a hearty round of applause.

At the end of his speech, he received a rousing standing ovation that brought tears to his mother’s eyes.

“I’m so proud of you,” she told him afterward as they faced the crowd that had rushed the stage to shake his hand and take pictures with him. “Doesn’t matter how many times I hear you give a speech,” she confessed, dabbing at the corners of her eyes. “I get choked up every single time.”

“I know.” Manning smiled, affectionately kissing her temple. “Thanks for coming today, Ma.”

She sniffled, waving off his gratitude. “You know you don’t have to thank me. I live for these moments.”

Manning offered his arm to her. “Shall we, Dr. Wolf?”

She grinned through her tears. “Why, yes, we shall, Dr. Wolf.”

With her arm tucked through his, mother and son moved through the crowd greeting people, talking to reporters and answering questions about Manning’s youth foundation. As chair of Atlanta’s board of education, Prissy already knew most of the attendees, many of whom were women. The younger ones smiled flirtatiously at Manning, pressed their bodies close to his and let their hands linger on his arm as they bantered with him. While Prissy normally indulged the women’s advances, today she deflected their coy matchmaking requests and kept conversations short as she ushered Manning through the throng and out the door. 

“I need to get back to the office to tie up some loose ends before I leave early for the day,” she told him as they waited for the valet to bring their separate cars around. Manning had driven himself to the luncheon because Mr. Haley had a doctor’s appointment.

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