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Authors: Madame B

Seduction (11 page)

BOOK: Seduction
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A cruise?” I looked at Ben in disbelief. A He was supposed to be my sex slave, my partner in crime, my beautiful boy. And for our first holiday in years, he’d booked us on a cruise, which would be full of old women playing bingo and fat, ancient men sunbathing in banana hammocks. “You’ve booked us on a cruise? What next? A pipe and slippers?” I stormed off upstairs to the bedroom, regretting the decision to hand our vacation planning over to him. I’d wanted somewhere exotic, earthy, sexy; a bit of sensual luxury in the Maldives, maybe, or a vibrant city packed with sex clubs like Paris. But a goddamned cruise?
Ben took my outburst in good humor. “Trust me, Charmaine,” he said. “I promise it’ll be fun. Have I ever let you down before?”
He hadn’t, of course. Usually Ben’s surprises were very sexy and creative, but something as mundane as a cruise was totally out of character.
Ben followed me upstairs and slid a brochure in my direction.
“Trust me,” he said. “Just look at where I’m taking you, and then tell me if you still think I’m ready for a pipe and slippers.”
He pushed the slim, glossy brochure across the duvet to me. Instead of pictures of middle-aged men and women on its cover, there was a gang of glorious bodies, all entwined on the same lounge chair, looking bronzed and relaxed. And then I saw what it said. “The Swinging Ship,” it read. “The cruise company where anything goes.”
Intrigued, I flipped through the pages and discovered that this wasn’t just any old cruise around the Mediterranean. This was a sex cruise, a couples-only floating paradise for those who wanted to experiment with their bodies—and other people’s, too. Idle browsing turned to serious interest as I read about nightclub rooms where clothing was optional, a huge sauna complex, and luxurious cabins with beds large enough for six or seven people. Glossy pictures of young, attractive couples from all over Europe illustrated the brochure. I’d always loved the idea of going to an orgy, and now Ben had decided to make my fantasy a reality. I pictured Ben and me among their number and looked up to see him standing in the doorway, a smile of self-satisfaction on his face.
“You clever bastard,” I said. “Now come here and let me say thank you.” I hitched up my skirt, and we fucked on our bed there and then. Ben lay on top, his chunky body crushing the breath out of me as he whispered in my ear about how sexy it would be when we saw other couples fucking. He told me how he couldn’t wait to show me off to all those other men. The more he talked, the more I lost myself in the fantasy. When I came, about thirty seconds after he penetrated me, it was the strongest, sweetest orgasm I’d had in years.
Before we left for our cruise, I visited my favorite lingerie boutique and picked up several exquisite designer bikinis, scraps of spandex in vibrant colors, barely held together with wisps of string and lace. They left nothing about my body to the imagination. If I was going to spend the next week wearing very little, then I wanted what little I did wear to be sensational. I read and reread the brochure, so excited that I didn’t know what aspect of the ship I would enjoy exploring the most. I decided that I was going to try everything, from the sex swing in the ship’s dungeon, to the naked sauna, to the nude sunbathing. Ben and I were going to have the holiday of our lives together! For the next day or so I was constantly wet just at the thought of it. I could have made love to Ben ten times a day, but I decided to abstain before the holiday to let the exquisite tension buildup. We didn’t discuss it, but I knew Ben felt the same way; after five years we knew each other inside and out.
We flew to the south of France and boarded the ship in a private harbor near Nice. I’d never been up close to a cruise liner before, and it was a vast, floating hotel. Lights twinkled from windows and it was thrilling to think of all the adventures that lay in store for us on deck. Walking up the gangplank we noticed an extremely glamorous couple who had been on our flight. Both were tall and slender. He had olive skin and piercing blue eyes under jet-black eyebrows while she was as pale as he was tanned, with long red hair that wound down her back in flaming ropes.
“Well,” Ben said, watching me devour their bodies with my eyes, “if all the clientele are this sexy, I think we’re going to have a rather wonderful time.”
Our cabin was, as promised, beautiful, with dark, dramatic, Gothic décor; deep red walls, arched mirrors, and black, wrought-iron candelabra hanging from the ceiling. The cabin was dominated by a vast iron bed. It was thrilling to be here, but as Ben and I dressed for dinner, we were suddenly nervous, too. This was something we’d always talked about, but now that we were here we felt like two kids on their first day of school. What if the other couples didn’t want to play with us? What if we didn’t want to play with them? We were after a fun, sexy, anything-goes atmosphere, but what if other people’s idea of “swinging” was dark and sinister? Our arousal was masked by a shared sense of trepidation.
Once we left the cabin, we began to feel immediately better. In the gangways and on deck, everyone smiled and said hello. The sun was setting as cocktail hour began, and it was clear that everyone was dressed to impress. Women and men alike wore dramatic, revealing clothes, and there was a flirty, fun atmosphere.
Dinner, a formal affair, was held in the ship’s banquet hall. We sipped cocktails while studying the seating plan, looking for our names. We finally took our places opposite Willem and Nina, a friendly couple from Holland. Like us, they were in their late twenties, but it was their third time on the cruise. “We’ll never go on holiday anywhere else,” they said, but before they could divulge anything more, the sound of a fork tapping a wineglass called us to attention and made us all turn toward the stage at one end of the hall. A devastatingly handsome man with cropped, light brown hair was standing on a podium. He was dressed in a traditional white captain’s uniform complete with peaked cap. Beside him stood a beautiful Asian woman, her expensively highlighted hair the same color as her smooth and creamy skin.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” said the uniformed man into a microphone. “Hello and welcome to the best week of your lives. I’m Adam, and I’m the captain of your ship. This is my wife Suki.” At this, Suki raised a slender arm in a graceful wave. “We’ve got a lot of fun things planned for you this week, and we want you to feel that you can ask us anything. It’s up to you. You can do as little as you wish or as much as you can handle.” A ripple of laughter echoed through the room. “I just want to announce a few ship rules. First of all, this is a cruise for consenting adults. We’re all here to have a good time, so no one is allowed to judge anything that other consenting adults do for pleasure. We’re here to get away from the narrow-minded attitudes of the general public who don’t understand—poor things—just how far you can take sex play and all the wonderful sensations you can experience.” There was a small round of applause and a couple of people cheered. “But that goes both ways,” continued Adam. “At no point is it acceptable for any of our guests to pressure other passengers into participating in something that makes them feel uncomfortable. On the ship we have a code: If you’re not comfortable with something or someone, you simply remove their hand and say, ‘No, that’s not for me.’ Failure to respect another guest’s privacy like this will result in your being ejected from the cruise.”
Ben slid his arm around my waist. I could tell that he was forgetting his nervousness and growing curious and excited, like me. Even hearing Adam describe the ship’s activities was a turn-on. I felt my nipples begin to harden, and I grabbed Ben’s hand and held it between my legs so that he could feel the faint throb of my awakening clitoris.
Now it was Suki’s turn to step up to the mic.
“That’s really all we have to say,” she said. “Although we’re here to help with any questions you have. And the final thing is to remember that this is an all-inclusive holiday. That means you don’t have to pay for any food, drink, condoms, or lube on board. Feel free to consume as much as you like of any of them. And have a wonderful, delicious holiday full of new sensations!”
This time the round of applause was louder, and Ben and I joined in. Over a steak dinner we got to chat more with Willem and Nina. It was fascinating to hear their words of experience.
“Adam and Suki control the captain’s table,” explained Nina. “Every evening, they invite one or two couples they like the look of to dine with them. And then the partying goes on in their suite way into the night.”
Ben and I looked again at the captain and his wife, both so confident and sexy. I knew that, like me, he was wondering what it would be like to fuck them, to swap partners, to watch them fuck and have them watch us. I knew what he was thinking because my hand was resting on his lap, and I could feel his dick growing rock hard as Willem continued his explaination.
“Last time we were here, we dined with them one night. It was the most intense night of my whole life. I’ll never forget it.” And with the memory of it obviously overwhelming them, he and Nina leaned in and gave each other a lingering, intimate kiss. He slid his hand under her top, lifted her breast to his lips, and began to suck her nipple. I shivered with shock and excitement. Sure I’ve watched porn and seen other people have sex. I’ve sat behind teenagers dry-humping on the night bus, but I’d never been so close to two other people like that before—freely indulging in foreplay before my eyes. My own nipples began to harden, and I felt Ben’s cock strain and bounce, ready for action. I gave the sensitive tip of his penis a squeeze. We ate the rest of dinner with Nina’s round, bulbous breast exposed. Ben couldn’t take his eyes off it, and neither could I. I’d never been that near another woman’s naked breast before, and it was wildly distracting. As I sipped my wine, I wondered idly what it would be like to put that breast in my mouth and gently suck on it, teasing it with my tongue, seeing how big and hard I could make that nipple go.
After dinner we wandered around the ship. The stars twinkled in the sky above us and cast tiny dancing reflections on the inky surface of the Mediterranean. Fairy lights gave a soft, sensual glow to everything on deck. The atmosphere was now more overtly sexy. A pretty, petite French woman placed her hand on Ben’s thigh as we stood in front of a large display detailing all the different nights and activities available on board. Her sexual overture sent a sizzle of excitement up and down my spine and between my legs. It didn’t mean anything was going to happen between us; it was the simple gesture of an attractive woman who wanted to touch an attractive man. All the usual rules didn’t apply here.
There were so many activities to choose from, I didn’t know where to start. In the end, we decided to unwind in the ship’s spa. We’d heard it was a great place to relax and to meet people. We wandered down to the fitness suite and exchanged our clothes, which we placed in a locker, for a pristine white towel that did little to cover one’s modesty, but that was the idea. After trying and failing to fasten the towels around our bodies, Ben and I shrugged and threw them over our shoulders, trying to look cool and nonchalant as we strode through the sauna. It was the first time we’d been naked together in public, and I loved it immediately: the warm, dry air crackling on my skin, the sense of freedom, the heat radiating from Ben’s body next to mine. And I loved the admiring glances we were getting from strangers, both male and female.
Ben opened a glass door into the steam room, where we luxuriated in the misty heat while our muscles relaxed and sweat ran down our bodies. The sauna itself was as pristine as that of any upscale health spa, with gleaming white tiles, polished marble, and smooth, blond wood. Couples lolled about in whatever position felt comfortable. We reclined on our towels, watching others come and go. A black couple was kissing passionately on a bench a few yards away, and when another man and a woman came up and started touching the black woman’s tits, she moaned softly with pleasure. Then, slowly, all four of them became entwined, dark brown and pale pink flesh making a Celtic knot of human bodies. As we watched them, Ben and I instinctively grabbed each other’s genitals. I massaged his dick into a rock-hard pole, and he fondled my clit until I had to bite my lip and dig my fingernails into the palm of my hand to stop myself from coming. All the while, we never took our eyes off the heaving, entwined bodies that we could see through the steam. They were grabbing at each other, hands clawing at buttocks and tits, wet, steamy flesh making sexy slapping noises as they writhed about on the slippery marble. At one point the black man knelt, and in the steam we could see his magnificent erection in profile before he drove his cock into the white woman, who screamed in ecstasy.
I lay on my back and Ben crouched over me, our heads turned to the right so that we didn’t miss a second of the live porn show before our eyes. My pussy was so swollen that the tip of Ben’s dick on my lips and clitoris was almost painful, but when he forced his cock inside my engorged hole, it was the sweetest sensation imaginable. Never taking my eyes off the others, I allowed him to fuck me hard. As Ben pounded away, so ferociously that my whole body slid up the wooden bench, I made eye contact with the woman who was being fucked just feet away from me. Soon we were all looking at each other, six people but just two sets of bodies, all lost in what we were doing, what we were seeing, and what was being done to us. The white guy opposite me looked at my tits with raw lust, even as he was fondling and squishing the breasts of the black girl. His animal desire was a huge aphrodisiac, and the harder he stared, the more intensely I felt Ben’s cock inside me. And I was really getting off on watching the other women; the more time I spent on this ship, the more obsessed I became with other women’s tits. I loved watching them jiggle as they moved. I was fascinated by the way nipples changed shape, size, and even color as the women were turned on. It’s no wonder that men are so obsessed with breasts. One by one, the four people opposite us surrendered to their climaxes, faces blurred by the clouds of steam but their voices carrying perfectly. Their moans overlapped, giving a whole new meaning to the words “multiple orgasm.”
BOOK: Seduction
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