Seduction's Call (6 page)

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Authors: Dakota Trace

BOOK: Seduction's Call
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Chapter Six

Continuing to kneel at the mouth of the darkened hall,
concentrated on her breathing, debating on the wisdom of her earlier words as she heard the closing of the door at the other end. She knew even if Flannery didn’t give her his seed,
would never know. By claiming she’d slept with him, even showing him the physical proof, when she didn’t increase, the god would only assume it was because the timing hadn’t been right.
And who honestly knows if a
can impregnate a half-breed banshee anyway?

While she ached for something more than a night of intimacy, she’d settle for stopping the
and giving Flannery ease. She was so ignorant of human medicines. Unable to tell the difference between an actual drug and those funny herbal supplements, she wasn’t sure what to do.
Or how to proceed even if I knew.
She’d just have to wait and see if the sex would ease the effects of whatever was coursing inside of him.
Plus make a few memories for when it’s over.

Regardless of the outcome, she was looking forward to finding out if the submission and fire she’d dreamed about could become a reality. Keeping her eyes down, she tried to remember everything she’d ever read about being submissive. A smile crept over her face at the thought of her secret stash of instructional tomes concerning submissive behavior and pleasing a Dom.

She’d spent hours practicing in front of mirror in her room so she’d be perfect for her future Master.
Now I can only hope my practice wasn’t for nothing and I please him.
Keeping her head bowed, she rubbed her sweaty palms over her thighs. ‘
Cause Goddess only knows what my mother would’ve thought if she’d caught me.

The thought made her still. While it was painful to hide her true nature, she just couldn’t disappoint her mother. Her mother fully expected her to settle down one day with a male banshee and start popping out banshee babies for her to love on.
But no banshee will indulge my need for submission and the tantalizing warmth of fire. Not unlike vampires avoiding the sun, true creatures of the mist avoid fire.
She could only assume her bizarre need for domination and things outside the norm came from her father, since her mother was the least submissive person she knew.

The sound of the door opening again broke into her thoughts. Had it been that long? She’d have thought it took longer than a few minutes to prepare a room for a night of naughty kinky sex.

“I see you’re still here.” Flannery’s tone was neutral. She caught a glimpse of his legs as he stepped through the entryway of the hall. They disappeared from view as he moved out of her line of sight. The temptation to look up was great, but she was scared to see resignation on his face.

“Yes, Sir.” It took everything she had to keep her voice steady.

The muffled creak of the sofa preceded his bare feet coming back into her line of vision once more.
He must be leaning up against the back of it, stretching his legs.

“Tell me something, little one, before we start. Why do you wish to submit?”

Her mouth opened and reluctantly closed before she finally was able to speak. Of all the questions she’d thought he’d ask, this wasn’t one of them. “Have you ever longed for something so badly, it’s an unbearable ache? That each morn you rise only to find your dreams of fulfillment are nothing more than that…dreams? And you’re once again stuck in a hellish existence not of your own making?” She tipped her head lower, wanting to hide her embarrassment.

The silence followed by a heavy sigh which met her response, made her realize that answering a question with a question probably wasn’t her best idea. So she tried again to put her need into words. “It’s what I go through every day, Sir. I am a misfit, a half-breed who longs for more than what her kind deem acceptable. A male banshee might understand my need to serve, to pleasure him by the mere offering of my submission, but never will he allow or accept for my need to feel the kiss of fire.”

A low growl filled the air. “You realize there is absolutely nothing wrong with your need to submit, or for wanting to experience the warmth of fire caressing your skin, correct?”

A semi-bitter sound built in her chest. It took an effort but she suppressed it. Now was not the time for her to think about her one failed attempt at sex or the male banshee who’d rejected her so harshly. She needed to focus on tonight and the memories she would make. “Honestly, Sir, I could only dream to find a man who would feel that way. In the banshee world, it will never be acceptable. We are not like other demons. The business of collecting souls is the ultimate end of our existence. Intimacy is merely for children and the fulfillment of our duty to the God of the Underworld.”

“Yet surprisingly you’re a banshee who doesn’t long for mere obligation in the bedroom. You’re one who longs for more, and somehow possesses the most perfect form I’ve ever had the pleasure to experience. If I were any other Dom, I would assume your former Master was a lucky man to have such a treasure.”

Heat filled her cheeks at his subtle praise. “Thank you, Sir.”

“There are no thanks needed,
but there will be honesty. By your own admission you are untouched, and my nose assures me it is true. So how is it possible for you to know, let alone be well versed in the different positions I will require from you?”

Keeping her head lowered, her breath caught at the determination in his tone. She was unsure if she should admit to what most considered a betrayal to her race. “I…”

“Without honesty, we can have nothing. You will not lie to me, little one. There will be truth between us.”

She nodded, tears of frustration burning the back of her eyes.

“Look at me,
. There is nothing you will tell me that I will berate you for. I merely need to understand you before I can give you what you need.” The command, along with the promise in his voice, left little room for further uncertainty.

Lifting her head, she focused on his chest. As she suspected earlier, he was leaning against the piece of furniture with his long legs kicked out in front of him. He hadn’t taken the time to put on a shirt so every inch of his torso’s golden skin glimmered in the light. The sight of the darker gold ring piercing one nipple sent a wave of need washing through her. She hadn’t noticed it earlier. Her eyes slid down his stomach and she nearly mourned. He’d fastened his leather jeans; his magnificent cock was no longer on display.

“I said look at me. My face,
, not my damned dick.” The harshness sent her gaze skittering upwards. Her blood thundered in her ears as she took in both the intense need, and the determination glittering in his eyes. It made them seem bluer than before.

“Better. Now, answer my question, little one. What knowledge do you have concerning
and submission? How did you come to know what pleases me to my core?”

She trembled but fought to keep her voice steady. “Books, Sir. I’ve studied every tome I can find on the subject.”

“You’ve learned your near-perfect form from a book?” His brow furrowed as he shifted.

Fighting the urge to fidget, she nodded. “Yes, Sir. I’ve practiced them in my room for many years now.”

Surprise lit up his face. “How many?”

She sucked her lower lip into her mouth, then released it before answering. “Nearly a century, Sir. Ever since the first time I visited the Underworld and saw a Dom using the fire cups on his sub. It consumed my thoughts until I wanted it more than my next breath. To be able to feel the heat of fire against my skin— to know there’s a chance I could be burned but still being able to trust my Master to know how to control both the fire and me— has been my dream for a long time.”

She struggled to stay still under his intense gaze. “So it made sense to prepare myself, then if the rare occurrence happened and I found a man who would indulge my need, he wouldn’t turn me away. So I’d be able to prove I’m ready and able to serve him.”

As she finished the wide slabs of his chest expanded in a visual response to her words. His voice came out gruff. “You’re certain you want me to be that man?”

When she opened her mouth to reply, he held up a hand.

“Before you answer, I need to tell you something.”

“Okay…” Uncertainty had her in its grasp, but she held strong.

“The drug that my brother said he slipped me? He didn’t. I would’ve smelled the
So if you’re doing this merely to save me, because of some drug which
told you he gave me...” his eyes grew darker “…then I’d rather you didn’t.”

Relief at his admission filled her. She didn’t have to worry about him dying. She could enjoy him without it hanging over her head. “I’d want to be here even if
hadn’t lied to me.” Then she remembered the ambrosia. “But what about the other, Sir?”

He smiled, cupping her cheek. “I’ve been drinking ambrosia since I was a horny teenager. I’ve built up quite a tolerance to it”

She licked her lips, pressed her face deeper into his palm. “Then why drink it?”

He chuckled. “Because it makes my orgasms more intense.”

Her face flushed. “Oh.”

Releasing her, he backed away. “I can’t believe I’m doing this, but I’m going to give you one last chance to back out of this madness.” His hand clenched into a fist. “You need to understand that I’m not an easy man, Banshee. I will accept nothing less than your complete and utter submission. There will be no half-measures if you get frightened.”

I won’t allow you to back out once we enter my bedroom and you see the pleasures I have planned for us. They will probably scare the hell out you, but I will be relentless in my pursuit. I will have what you’ve promised me. Between what my brother did and my natural desire for you, I won’t be able to accept less.”

A low whimper escaped her tight throat. She wanted so badly what he offered but realized he had a valid point. Despite all of her reading, she was truly inexperienced. “And if I get scared, Sir?”

“I will sooth your fears to the best of my abilities, if I can. Just realize I will never hurt you. I’ll push your boundaries but my intent is not to cause you true harm. Knowing this, do you still offer your submission?”

She licked her lower lip. “Can I ask for a boon before I answer, Sir?”

His nostrils flared as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Ask.”

“Would you please kiss me, Sir? I know it seems silly, but I think it would calm my nerves…”

The rest of what she was going to say was swallowed by his mouth. She hadn’t expected him to move so fast. One moment he’d been leaning against the couch and the next he was crouched in front of her, one hand buried in her hair, while the other wrapped around her waist to hold her still for his kiss.

She sighed at the feel of his firm lips. Need pooled deep in womb and sparked an onslaught of moisture between her thighs. It took all her control to keep her hands upturned on her knees.

His tongue brushed over the outer curves of her lips. “Open for me, little one.”

Obeying, she thrust her tongue against his. The spicy taste of the ambrosia-laced wine filled her senses as his tongue rubbed over hers, battling for supremacy, and ultimately getting it with her submission. As he conquered her mouth, staking his claim, she fought to keep her hands in position. She ached to thread them through his hair, to cling to his thick neck, to hang on to anything as he blew her world apart.

Then the hand at her waist moved to settle over the curve of her breast and she forgot about being still, about holding her form. Her arms moved of their own violation as his fingers pinched and rubbed at her nipple, the slight sting of pain intensifying the pleasure his touch had invoked. It was all she could do to keep from singing out her pleasure when his answering growl vibrated against her lips.

She sobbed as the song, unbidden, built in her throat. Even through her desire and desperation for Flannery, she knew she couldn’t free it.
I promised…I can’t.
Tearing her mouth away from his, she rested her head under his chin, in the hollow of his throat. “I…”

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