Seductive Knight (23 page)

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Authors: Tierney O'Malley

BOOK: Seductive Knight
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“Come.” He took her hands. As soon as she straddled his hips, he cupped her ass. Slowly, he guided her to move up his chest.

“What are you doing?”

“I want to taste you.” He reached up to touch her breast. “So beautiful.” Alex’s pussy was hot against his chest, but he wanted her on his mouth. His cock throbbing, he helped her move until her pussy was directly above his mouth. Her scent had him groaning.


“Alex…” He ran his hands on the outside of her thighs and all the way up to her breasts. “You are so smooth and golden.”

“Thank you. You are so hard and delicious in my eyes.”

Gawain grinned. “I have full range access, love.” He slowly ran the tips of his fingers down her belly. He felt Alex shiver. “And you, you have to move your lovely ass to let me know where I should focus my tongue and lips.” He gripped her hips and pressed her lower until his mouth clamped on her clit.

“I never thought…Gawain…”

He spread her pussy lips, exposing her distended clit. Gawain sucked her clit while Alex arched her spine. She began gyrating her hips, riding his face. Warm juice coated his mouth. She tasted fucking wonderful.

“Gawain…” She lifted her body up a bit, then cupped his face. “I want to do the same.”

“You don’t—”

She turned around to straddle his chest while facing his toes. She looked down at him. “We can both play this game.” Alex leaned forward on top of Gawain’s taut body.

Gawain couldn’t believe it. Alex wanted a soixante-neuf or sixty-nine. When Alex began to fondle his hard shaft and testicles, he thought he’d lose his control. And then he felt her tongue lick his dick’s head. “Fuck, baby.” Her tentative licking drove him crazy. “Take me. In your mouth. Now.”

Alex obeyed. He spread her pussy in return and then began feasting.

His cock throbbed fiercely. Damn, her mouth was warm. He groaned loud when Alex ran her tongue along the length of his cock and then down to his hard balls. His hips instinctively moved. He fucked her mouth while she gyrated her hips. It was heaven.

“Hmm…Ahhh…” Alex moaned erotically.

“Fuck. I love your ass.” He spread her lips wider, then flicked his tongue on her clit. He could tell she was close to coming. He was, too. If he didn’t move now, he’d come in her mouth.

Gently, he urged Alex to lie down on her back. In between Alex’s spread legs, he sat back on his heels. “Now, baby. We fuck.” He rested Alex’s ass on his thighs, aimed his cock at her entry and then thrust hard. “Yes!”

“Gawain! I love you, I love you.”

Even with his sex-drowned brain, he heard what she said. Alex loved him. That knowledge made him surge harder and deeper. He gripped her hips and fucked her, his mind reeling from pleasure.

“Say it again, Alex. Say it.”

“I love you.”

“You’re mine. Ah, baby. You’re fucking good.” Running his hands on her body, he helped her turn on her side, lifted her leg and then rammed her pussy. He went so deep he touched her womb. “Come baby, come.”

“Gawain, please…so good…”

Gawain pulled out. He placed his mouth where his cock had been and sucked her juice. “Damn, baby.” And then he sucked her clit until Alex cried his name. He was mindless now. This woman was his, his mate. And he loved her, too. Oh, yeah. He loved her. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he plunged his cock deep into her pussy once again. After two more thrusts, he pulled out and spilled his seed below her belly button.

Shit! He’d never made love to a woman like this. As if this was their last moment together. Breathing hard, he pulled Alex against him and closed his eyes. “Did I hurt you?”

“No. You made me hungry, though.”

“Making love is hard work.”

“But worth every minute of it.”

“Got that right. Ready for big hotdogs.” He grinned.

“I have a mouth for it.”

Gawain choked on his own laughter.


Chapter Sixteen



Still dripping wet from swimming, Gawain held Alex’s hand as they walked back to Bors’s backyard. They could hear his brothers cursing, teasing, and laughing. The smell of barbecued hot dogs and steaks mingled with the pine-scented air. Bors’s property was surrounded with thick cedar trees. Everywhere he looked he could see green. It was beautiful.

He looked down at Alex. Her face was flushed either from the heat or their recent tryst at the boat shed. He imagined her walking around his property, barefoot, heavy with their child.

Their child.

He tripped on his own feet. Man, where the heck did that idea came from, he thought. Whatever prompted him to think about children made his chest constrict. He tightened his hold on her. God, he loved her.

“You okay?”

“Fine, baby. It’s just my legs still felt like noodles from kneeling on the ground.”

“Not my fault.”

“I know. Guess what?”


“Don’t care if I skinned my knees from kneeling as long as I am—”


“What?” He grinned.


Gawain leaned down for a quick kiss. He’d fallen in love before, but his feelings had never gone so deep to think about having a child.
Until now

He could not believe what he’d made her do. With this woman, the beast inside him had been clamoring to get out, to do things with her that must be illegal in all fifty states. No, he’d never hurt her. Although, he wanted to try all possible carnal thoughts known to man. Gawain’s dick quickly thickened. Jesus Christ! He stopped walking and then closed his eyes, willing his body to cool down.

“What’s wrong?”

Gawain opened his eyes and smiled at Alex. “It seems I didn’t get enough of you. We can’t face those knuckle butts with me looking like this.” He lowered his eyes.

Alex giggled.

“And she laughs.”

Hand in hand, they walked slowly. Gawain didn’t want to let go of her hand. Not now. Not ever. Would she keep her hold on him? She’d better. Or he’d die trying to keep them together. He understood her wanting to go back to the Philippines, but he’d make her understand as well that he would go wherever she wanted to go. He loved her that much.

“Well, well. Look who decided to join us.” Percival lounged on the chair, holding a can of beer, his wife’s feet propped on his thighs.

“You showed up just in time,” Tristan said while he turned over the steaks.

“I’m sure Gawain’s not hungry, bro. He just ate.”

Gawain shook his head at Bors. “Fuck you, man.” He took the towels from the picnic table and handed one to Alex.

“Thank you.”

He had just moved to stand by the grill to pick a barbecued bell pepper when the back door opened. Gawain recognized the man right away. Bors’s partner, Branyan. He looked at Bors. His brother nodded before he stood up. It must have been Branyan who had called earlier.

“Expecting him, bro?”


“Man, that smell reached the hollow part of my stomach. Save me some of them hotdogs, Doc.”

“We have plenty, Agent. We’ll have steaks and corn on a cob.”

“Jeysus. I wonder how you guys could maintain your weight. You eat like warriors.” Branyan waved at the women. “What’s going on here? Miss Universe contestants on a break?”

“Aww. That’s why I love you, Branyan.” Taylor blew him a kiss. “How’s Lucy?”

“Busy chasing little Jake around. And how’s little Pen?”

“An angel. Like her daddy.”

“He is. Just don’t tell that to his face,” Branyan whispered but loud enough for everyone to hear.

“Angel, my ass. Bran, meet Alex.” Bors said, “Alex, I want you to meet my partner, Agent Branyan.”

Alex removed the beach towel that she wrapped around herself, stood up and then offered her hand. “How do you do, Agent Branyan.”

Branyan’s jaw went slack, his eyes blinking fast while looking at Alex from head to toe. “This…this is…wow.”

Gawain wanted to kick his ass. “Uhm, Branyan. You’re supposed to shake Alex’s hand.”

Coming out of his shock, Branyan blinked. “Sorry. I’m just surprised.”


“I had this image of you in my head as a little girl with twiggy arms and legs. Not—”


“Never mind I said that. You look shockingly beautiful.” To Gawain, he said, “It’s okay to say that, right?”

Gawain raised a brow, but said nothing. Branyan was so startled by Alex’s beauty, he couldn’t even think right. Gawain had never seen the man so off like this.

Branyan took Alex’s hand and shook it fast. “Glad to meet you, Alex.”

“Same here.”

Gawain noticed everyone was trying to hide their smiles. He couldn’t blame Branyan for losing his tongue. He wasn’t the only one to look dumbstruck after seeing Alex. She’d get that reaction wherever she went. Her eyes alone would make you forget everything.

Branyan cleared his throat. “So, how’s the water? Damn, I would go for a dip if I’m wasn’t on duty.”

“Next time, partner. The water is really refreshing.” Bors looked at Gawain. He tipped his head toward the dock. It was brief and he would have missed it if he weren’t watching.

One by one, his brothers left their spots to follow Bors and Branyan. Something was up. Gawain walked toward Alex, leaned down, then kissed her. “Be right back.”

Alex’s face turned the same color as the towel she wrapped on her shoulder—deep red.

To Edmund, he said, “Hey, stinky feet. Keep watch. And don’t let the dogs burn, or I’ll fry your balls instead.”

Edmund’s reply was a big grin.


* * * *


“Good Lord. Look at those asses.” Taylor giggled. “Imagine how many women would pay big bucks just to be around the Knight men.”

“I’ll never get tired looking at my husband. Sometimes, I watch him sleep. He’s just perfect.” Julie sighed.

“Don’t know how many times Percival caught me staring at his butt. I just couldn’t stop.” Addie laughed.

“What’s up with that? Why do you women stare at men’s butts?” Edmund shook his head.

“Why do you men stare at women’s breasts?” Kirsten asked while lacing and unlacing her fingers with Edmund.

“I don’t stare, love,” Edmund defended.


“Yeah, right.”

“He’s blushing.” The sisters-at-heart all said at the same time.

Edmund covered his mouth with the back of Kirsten’s hand as he laughed.

Alex was enjoying listening to everyone talking when she noticed thick smoke coming out of the barbecue grill. “Uhm, Edmund. I think the hotdogs are burning.”

“Shit!” Edmund stood up fast and went to check the grill. As soon as he opened the lid, smoke enveloped him.

“You’re doomed!” Taylor said. “Gawain will grill your you-know-what.”

Everyone laughed.

Alex glanced at Gawain. He was deep in conversation with his brothers and Branyan. Like the rest of the Knight women, she, too, couldn’t stop staring at Gawain. He was a bundle of seductiveness. His voice, smile, his eyes. Oh, God, those eyes were so mesmerizing. Not to mention his body was to die for. Just one look at him and her imagination would run wild. Like lick him from head to toe or mark him everywhere.

She thought about what Gawain had made her do in the boat shed. Not in her wild imagination had she straddled a man’s head naked while he licked…

Alex’s body became warm. And it wasn’t because of the sunshine. She shifted from her seat, suddenly feeling uncomfortable and excited at the same time.

Sweet pea, can’t believe I’m thinking about making love with Gawain while in the middle of conversation with his family.

Gawain must have felt her stare. He looked in her direction. Even from the distance, Alex could see him winking at her. Such a simple action, but enough to make her sigh like a woman in love.

In love.

Yes, she was in love with him. Had been forever. And she told him so while wrapped in intense passion. Alex shook her head as reality hit her.

“What was that sigh about, Alex?” Kirsten asked.

Alex sighed. “I just realized something.”

“Do tell,” Julie asked. “I need new materials for my next book.”

“Let me take a guess.” Addie tipped her face toward the sun. “Alex finally realized that she’s in love with Gawain.”

Kirsten clapped her hands. “Is that true, Alex?”

“I believe so.”

Everyone except for Edmund, who sat back down holding a silver tong, screamed. He winced, too.

“I knew it would happen,” Taylor said. “Saw how you two looked at each other. And Gawain seemed different.”

“Different how, Taylor?” Alex asked.

“As if he just found something he’d been looking for.”

Julie nodded. “Yeah, Taylor is right.”

The Knight women were bright-eyed and grinning.

“How did you know?” Alex had never had this kind of conversation with any women. She had friends on the island, but they never really shared thoughts like this as if they’d been friends for a long time.

“I think Gawain is in love. Seen the look before.”

“When, Julie?” Addie asked.

“When Tristan first kissed me.”

Alex remembered the first time Gawain kissed her—the same day she had arrived in Orcas. Not only that, she shared a bed with him in just a matter of days. Oh, God. She couldn’t imagine what these women were thinking about her. Yes, none of them showed indifference toward her, but that didn’t mean they weren’t talking negative behind her back.

“Now, what was up with the frown, darling?” Julie touched Alex’s knee.

“I’ve just been here a week and…well,” Alex’s words tripped all over. Her tongue seemed to stop working and her accent was so thick in her ears.

Kirsten moved from her spot beside Edmund to sit on the chair Gawain had occupied earlier. She wrapped an arm around Alex. “It’s all right, Alex. No need to feel nervous around us.”

Alex sighed. “Thank you.” She looked at Gawain and caught his gaze. He must have been staring at her.

“Smile, or my brother will come over here and he’ll ask you what’s going on. Knowing him, he won’t stop until he finds out what caused you to frown.”

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