SEE HIM DIE (6 page)

Read SEE HIM DIE Online

Authors: Debra Webb

Tags: #See Her Die, #vengeance, #Barbara Freethy, #woman in jeopardy, #Murder, #love on the run, #Secrets and Lies

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Chapter Seven



Julie bolted upright in the bed, her heart pounding so hard she couldn’t manage a breath. Marie stared at her, worry pinching her face.

Julie squeezed her eyes shut. She was okay. She wasn’t in that bathroom with a murderer trying to reach her. She was with Marie… in her daughter’s bedroom.

“You cried out,” Marie explained. “Are you okay?”

“Just a bad dream.” She shoved her hair back from her face. “Sorry, I hope I didn’t disturb the kids.”

Marie sat down on the bed next to her. “They’re in the backyard.” She made a face. “Randall is here to see you.”

Julie had known he would come looking for her eventually. “Give me a minute.”

Marie gave her a hug. “Take your time. I’ll let him know you’ll be down shortly.”


When the door was closed, Julie sat on the side of the bed for a minute. Austin was dead.
. Her hands shook and she hugged herself. She had known he had enemies. She’d heard him arguing with callers. After overhearing that one phone call that referenced the list she’d found, she had started to pay more attention to his conversations. She’d gotten quite good at eavesdropping. He’d only caught her once and she’d talked her way out of that one. No one made it big in the business world without making a few enemies.

She stood. Putting off the inevitable wouldn’t do anyone any good. Austin was dead. He deserved to have his killer found and brought to justice. No one deserved to be murdered. She shuddered as the images from early this morning filtered one after the other through her mind.

It wasn’t fair to make Randall wait. She washed her face and ran her fingers through her hair before going downstairs. Randall waited for her in the living room, his ever-present bodyguards likely stationed on the porch. Randall never went anywhere without his bodyguards. Austin had refused to be followed around. He’d been convinced he could take care of himself.

How had this happened? What had he been doing at her apartment? Had someone followed him there? She’d told the police about Barbie. Were they looking for her?

Randall stood when she entered the room. Despite the night’s events, he looked as he always did—regal and polished. Randall Barton was an elegant man. He never allowed himself to be the subject of rumors or to be involved in scandal. He’d never been married and rarely dated, much less womanized. Now he was alone.

He was surely devastated. Tears flooded her eyes. “I can’t believe this happened.”

Randall pulled her into his arms. “You have my word, we will find the person responsible for this.”

Julie nodded as she drew back from his embrace. “The police made me feel as if they thought I was involved somehow.”

“Don’t worry about that, Julie, I’ll make sure they understand that’s impossible. They’re only doing their jobs, but I’ll see that they back off.”

“Thank you.” Not trusting her ability to keep standing, she perched on the edge of the sofa. She’d managed a couple hours sleep, but nightmares had haunted her.

Randall sat down beside her. “I understand you didn’t see the intruder.”

“I didn’t. I think he intended to kill me, too, but my landlady interrupted him.” Julie hugged herself again.

Randall reached out and squeezed her shoulder. “Based on what you told the police, I agree. That’s why I believe you should come home with me. You’ll be safe there until we figure this out.”

The unexpected invitation gave her pause. Wasn’t he afraid of how her presence at his home would look? “That’s very kind of you, Randall, but I’m okay here. I’ll have to get back to work as soon as I can.” She looked down a moment. “I’m sure you’re aware that Austin and I had separated. He didn’t allow me to keep anything. Not even my car.”

“God knows I loved my brother, but Austin was a fool at times.” Randall released a weary breath. “I’ll take care of everything. I’ll have funds transferred into your bank account tonight and get your car returned to you.” He shrugged listlessly. “I tried not to intrude into Austin’s personal business, but I won’t allow you to be subjected to this nonsense any longer. You’re family, Julie. Don’t forget that. You can come to me any time.”

Hard as she tried, she couldn’t hold back the fresh wave of tears. She had anticipated that he would be nice to her, but she never dreamed he would be so generous. “You’re too kind, Randall.”

He stood and held out his hand to her. “See me to the door and I’ll attend to the matter immediately.”

She took his hand and walked with him to the front door. “When will we be able to make funeral arrangements?” An ache pierced her heart. At one time, she had loved Austin. She couldn’t pretend those feelings never existed.

“We should be able to proceed by Monday. I’ve asked the coroner’s office to hasten things along. The sooner we can put this to rest, the better.”

Julie squeezed his arm. “Thank you for checking on me, Randall. I should have called you, but I was so exhausted when they released me I couldn’t talk to anyone. I had to close out the world for a few hours.”

“Completely understandable.” He gave her another hug. “I’ll have your car delivered this afternoon. You call me for whatever you need, no matter the hour.”

“Thank you so much.”

When he was gone, Julie closed the door and sagged against it. She closed her eyes and willed the images and sounds away. How long would it be before she stopped reliving those moments?

“You okay?”

Julie opened her eyes to her friend. “I am.” She pushed off the door and hugged Marie. “I am because I have you as a friend.”

Marie led her toward the kitchen. “You need to eat and I have to get to work.”

“I should be there, too,” Julie offered.

“No way. You’re staying here and relaxing.”

“I’ll watch the kids then.”

Marie laughed. “I would never do that to my best friend.” She gestured to the window that overlooked the backyard where the kids were climbing a tree. “You are not ready for those two.”

Julie laughed despite the pressure still pressing against her chest. “Maybe you’re right. I’ll try to relax and watch movies.”

“Sounds like a good plan.”

Julie definitely needed a plan.
Austin was dead
. The shock of that reality still shook her.

She’d never be able to sleep in that room again.


Assuming she hadn’t been evicted already.


11:45 p.m.

“The car is still out there.” Marie drew back from the window, her face pinched with worry. “Should we call the police?”

Julie tried to decide on the best answer, but her mind wouldn’t stop whirling with questions and worries and…
. It had been months since she and Austin had been intimate. They’d stopped sharing a bed around the same time she’d realized how very much she despised him. Hating anyone went completely against her nature, yet he had pushed her across that boundary with his lies and cheating. Not to mention his demeaning treatment. He’d made her feel worthless. Why on earth had she stayed with him those last six months? How could he have been so different from his brother?

A puff of frustration escaped her lips. “I don’t know. What if it’s someone Randall sent to watch me?”

Marie shrugged. “Could be.”

As promised, he’d had the Jag Austin had bought her for a birthday gift last year delivered to Marie’s house. He’d had ten thousand dollars deposited into her bank account.
Ten thousand dollars.
It felt surreal, to say the least.

“I’m sorry you felt the need to come home early.” The bar didn’t close for another hour. Julie felt terrible that her personal problems were disrupting Marie’s quiet, stable life. Funny, Julie had thought that was exactly what she was getting with Austin. He’d seemed so elegant and mature.

Why hadn’t she seen the real man behind the façade?


“I’m going out there,” Marie announced.

“No,” Julie argued. “Let’s just—”

A rap on the front door stole the rest of her words as well as her breath. Their gazes locked.

“It could be the police.”

Marie shook her head. “The only vehicle I saw out there was that same dark sedan.”

Julie bit her lip. This was crazy. Marie’s children were upstairs.

Marie executed an about face and headed for the door. Julie rushed after her. She glanced around the narrow entry hall for a weapon. The vase on the table where Marie tossed her keys at the end of the day wasn’t big enough to be of any help.

Gazing through the security peephole, Marie whispered, “Male. Thirty or thirty-one. Dark hair and eyes.” She turned back to Julie. “He looks like the guy who stood up to Austin last night.”

A frown tugged at Julie’s brow. “Detective Duncan?”

Marie shrugged. “He certainly doesn’t look like a killer.”

Julie took a look. Definitely the detective and he definitely did not look like a killer. Blake Duncan was too gorgeous. He was the only man who’d ever made Julie consider cheating on her marriage vows—no matter that her husband had been cheating on those vows for months.
Now he was dead

Julie’s stomach churned. Her head ached. “Maybe he wants his money. I certainly can’t deny having the cash to settle up with him.” No. She shouldn’t take Randall’s money. For reasons she couldn’t explain, it didn’t feel right. Randall had never been anything but kind to her. Still, it felt wrong.

Could he have known his brother was into criminal activity?

“Should I let him in?” Marie checked the security peephole again.

Julie shook off the troubling thoughts. “Sure. He’s a cop. Maybe they have more questions.” As much as she didn’t want to talk about last night again anytime soon, she didn’t mind talking to this particular cop.

Sweet Jesus. Apparently, she should have taken Marie up on that stiff drink offer she’d made when she’d rushed home.

Her friend opened the door and Blake Duncan’s broad shoulders instantly filled the space. He wasn’t wearing a suit jacket tonight, just a rumpled shirt and worn comfortable jeans. The day’s beard growth on his square jaw only added to his rugged good looks. Julie blinked, reminded herself that less than twenty-four hours ago she’d had her husband’s blood all over her.

“Ladies,” Blake said with a nod.

No matter that she tried not to notice, his voice was deep, rich, and somehow comforting. “Do you have more questions?” Julie tried to keep her breathing even. She had to stop dreading the questions. If asking her the same questions repeatedly helped the police find Austin’s killer, she had no right to complain.

Marie pulled the door open wider. “Come in, Detective.”

“No need.” He jerked his head toward the front window. “I noticed you peeking out the windows and I figured I’d better let you know it was me out there.”

“That’s you in the dark sedan?” Marie asked before Julie could.

“The black Taurus,” he confirmed. “I’ll be keeping an eye on things tonight.”

Julie shivered at the images his statement evoked. She had most assuredly lost her mind. “Has there been a new development?” Lieutenant Cannon hadn’t said anything about anyone watching her. Though he had warned her not to leave town. Were they worried about her safety or did they fear she’d disappear? Her chest tightened with uncertainty.

Blake shook his head. “If there’s anything new, I haven’t heard about it. Keeping an eye on the survivor of an event like this for a day or two is standard operating procedure.”

Relief swept through her, making her knees a little unreliable. “I appreciate it.” She glanced at her friend who seemed completely lost in inventorying the detective’s many appealing physical assets. Those broad shoulders were just the beginning. Julie drew in a deep breath and banished the foolish thoughts. “I’ll feel better knowing you’re out there.” She sent a smile in Marie’s direction. “As much as I appreciate my friend’s hospitality, she has two young children. Do you think my being here puts them in danger?”

Blake considered her question. “I don’t think so.” He shrugged one shoulder. “Besides, I’ll be right outside if you need me.”

“Thank you.” She mustered up a smile. As much as she wished none of this were necessary, she felt more comfortable that it was him—a man she hardly knew yet who somehow managed to make her feel safe.

“You still have my number?”

Julie nodded. The damage she’d done to his Mustang abruptly bobbed to the surface of her muddled thoughts. “I guess your car is in the shop?”

“For the next few days.”

“I can pay you now if you don’t mind taking a check.”

He held up his hands. “Like I said, we’ll work out the arrangements when this investigation is cleared up.”


A beat of silence followed and Julie wished Marie would say something.

“Well, I’ll get back to surveillance if you don’t need anything.”

“Thank you, Detective,” Marie said. “You let us know if
need anything. Water, coffee, a sandwich.”

He nodded before turning and walking away. Julie closed the door and locked it. Maybe she would actually sleep tonight and dream about something besides blood and death.

“He’s got a thing for you.”

Julie blinked. “What?”

“Detective Duncan has the hots for you.”

Julie frowned. “What’re you talking about?” The last twenty-four hours had apparently been too much for her friend as well. Evidently, Julie wasn’t the only one who’d lost her mind.

“I saw the way he looked at you,” Marie argued. “I heard the way his voice changed when he spoke to you. He likes you.”

“We scarcely know each other.” Julie waved her friend off and headed for the kitchen. She suddenly felt like she could actually eat. “I rear-ended his Mustang.”

“And,” Marie said pointedly, “he’s in no hurry to settle up.”

“Detective Duncan,” Julie said just as pointedly, “is simply being nice.”

“Whatever you say.” Marie opened the fridge door and grabbed a beer. “But I’m right.”

Julie grabbed a beer for herself. “Just remember that guys like the detective have never found me attractive. I was too busy with my nose in a book and my fingers on a calculator.” Her husband was dead. They shouldn’t even be having this conversation. Then again, why not? Austin had stopped being her husband months ago.

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