Selkie's Revenge (12 page)

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Authors: Rosanna Leo

BOOK: Selkie's Revenge
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Desire whipped at him, its lashes biting into his skin, branding him with her scent and flavor. He needed more of her, so much more. Mack pulled down on the cup of her bra and exposed her breast. He took a moment to admire its loveliness, thumbing the swollen nipple, and then lowered his head.

Upon claiming her breast with his mouth, Beth moaned like a mad woman in an asylum. He worried for a second that his eager lips and tongue had hurt her, but then he realized she was as transported as he was. Her eyes were wild and bright, and she held him close to her breast.

“More,” she begged. “Bite me. Let me feel your teeth.”

Mack couldn’t respond, could only nod. There was a very naughty side to Beth, one that had been hiding for some time, perhaps always. He’d brought it out in her and was heady with the knowledge.

He made her want. He made her cry out in pleasure. Her demand to be bitten made the animal in him roar with longing. Oh, to sink his teeth into her, to mark her as his own! He closed his lips around her nipple once more and sucked hard.

All at once, a terrible rumbling noise outside tore Mack’s greedy mouth away from Beth’s skin. They pulled apart, both shocked by the deafening sound. Beth adjusted her bra and reached for her shirt, throwing it on. Mack grabbed her to him. There was something in that cacophony that was unnatural, evil, and he wouldn’t let it touch the woman in his arms. Especially not now that he suspected her of being the mother to his unborn pups and light of his blasted life.

From inside, they watched as the sky outside turned an ominous black. Lightning streaks chased each other across the sky and a fierce wind whipped up, shaking the evergreens in Beth’s yard. In a matter of seconds, the wind grew so intense it began to pound against the windows.

Beth clutched at his shirt, her face pale. “Is it him?”

Mack frowned at the window. “The finman shit? I’d say so.”

The windows quaked so hard they appeared concave for brief seconds. The howling outside seemed to infiltrate each entry into the house, making it seem as if the wind was all around them. A fearsome thunder crack sounded. Just as Mack hurled Beth to the floor and covered her with his own body, the windows blew in, sending shards of glass all over the living room. The screeching sound that accompanied the blast was tinged with inhumanity and fury.

They huddled on the floor for a few moments, and the wind began to die down. Keeping Beth sheltered by his body, Mack turned to inspect the scene. There was debris and glass everywhere, but at least the sky was lightening once more, and the horrific howling had disappeared. He got up and helped a shocked Beth to her feet, carefully brushing bits of glass from her sleeves.

When they saw what was in the middle of the living room floor, Beth uttered a cry.

The picture from the mantel, the one of her and her former family, had fallen to the floor. It was smashed beyond recognition, with pieces of glass and frame everywhere. The photo itself was torn to pieces.

As if an angry person had shredded it by hand.

Beth reached for the scraps of the photo and pulled out a piece that bore half of her son’s face. With aching slowness, she turned to Mack, clutching the torn memento. “Why do you hunt this bastard?”

“Because he destroyed something, someone, that meant so much to me.”

“The same finman who gave me the charm?”

“Yes. I’d know him anywhere.”

“And you still want revenge?”

He stared at her, noticing a new hardness glinting in her eyes. “With all my heart. I want him dead. For that and for what he’s doing to you.”

“So do I.” She returned his gaze, her chin high. “I want to hunt him with you, Mack. I want to help you.”

As her words and desperate desires resonated within him, Mack despaired. As much as he wanted to see Beth fulfill her own vendetta, he needed to do all he could to keep her from the finman, not let her near him. Especially not now he knew the truth.

Calan said it would only take a kiss or the scent of her. He’d been right. Beth was his mate.

Now he just had to somehow let the widow know. And keep her safe from harm.

Chapter 8

“I can’t do that, Beth,” Mack said. “I can’t make a hunter of you.”

“Why not? Because I’m a woman?”

No, because you’re my woman
. Mack struggled for words that wouldn’t make him sound like a stalker. “It has nothing to do with your sex. Believe me, I’ve known many a formidable selkie woman. You should meet my mother. She looks like a fairy princess, but she could send a man twice her size flying across the room.”

“Because I’m not selkie then?”

He touched her lips, tracing the line of them with his thumb, and fought the urge to smash his lips against hers again. “That’s partly it. Love, you’re mortal. I can’t expose you to such danger.”

“But you’d be with me.”

I’ll always be with you
. “It doesn’t matter, Beth.” He gestured around the glass-littered room. “Look what the evil shit did to your home! This is an unstable creature with tremendous power. I’m not letting you anywhere near him and that’s final.”

She pulled out of his arms, her movements jerky and angry. Even still, there was a softness in her eyes that belied her feelings. Machar could see there was a part of her that was glad of his protective nature. Good, because he wasn’t about to curb it.

Even standing so close to her, Mack needed to be in contact with her. His heartbeat skipped at being deprived of her touch, so he reached for her hand and smoothed his fingers over her soft skin.
There. Better
. His pulse regulated once more. He’d have to talk with his brothers about this sensation that he’d die if he didn’t get to touch his mate. Every time she wasn’t in his arms, he felt ready to have a conniption. How was he supposed to explain it?
Beth, love. You’re my intended mate. How about we give it a go? Fancy being a selkie?
It made him sound daft. No better than a finman, just nicer manners.

She turned toward him, her pupils dilated, her lips moist and open. She felt it too. “W-what do we do then?”

“I’m going to take you to the safest place I know. My parents’ house. I’ll feel better knowing you have other selkies around you while I hunt this bastard. You’ll be protected there.” It was true. Once his family knew the truth about his feelings for Beth, they’d move heaven and earth to keep her free from harm. His brothers might rib him about the mating business, but once the deal was sealed, they’d welcome Beth with open arms as they did with Elsie and Maggie.

Her eyes widened. “You want me to stay with your family? I’m a stranger!”

Mack grinned. “Trust me. They won’t see you that way. My mother will be so happy to have another lass in the house. She’ll be beside herself. She’ll spend all day cooking for you.” He ran a hand down her delicate arm. “I rather like the idea.”

She frowned and pulled away, making his heart hitch again. “Right. We all know you think I’m too skinny. No need to rub it in.”

He pulled her back. “Woman, I think you’re bloody perfect, but don’t think I don’t notice when you skip meals. I need you to be healthy.”

“Why do you need it so badly?”

Because I want you around for a long time. Because I want you to be strong so I can love you into the wee hours. Because I’m afraid if I hold you like I want to hold you, I’ll crack you open
. Mack swallowed. “I just do.” He took a deep breath to clear his head. “Let’s pack up some clothes for you.”

Beth stood still as he moved. “I can’t go.”

“And why not?”

“I can’t just drop everything in my life, Mack.” She raised her hands and let them drop again in frustration. “Besides, I have a music lesson later today.”

Mack stared, feeling heat in his face. “I think, given the dire circumstances and the broken glass scattered all over your carpet, we could postpone it.”

She shook her head. “No. The finman took so much from me. I won’t let him take this too.” She walked into the kitchen, opened up a utility cupboard, and produced a broom and dustpan. “Now, will you help me with this glass, or are you going to stand there fuming at me some more?”

“Woman, I should put you over my knee.”

She walked over and thrust the dustpan at him. Her eyes narrowed and one side of her mouth lifted in a half grin. “You’d like that too much.”

Mack’s cock did its best to leap out of his jeans. He liked this side of Beth, needed to see more of it. His lips thinned, and he passed a trembling hand over his face. He took the dustpan. “Fine. But if you won’t leave and go to my family, I’m bringing my family to you.”

She gaped at him. “What? You’re inviting them all here?”

He bit his lip so he wouldn’t laugh at her reaction. “Not all. Just a couple of my brothers. They’ll be keen to help, brawlers that they are.” Mack sent out a mental summons to Jamie and Edan, using the silent form of communication they’d used since they were pups. It came in handy at times like these. “And you can’t argue. I’ve already called them. Edan and Jamie are excited to meet you. They’ll be here soon.”

Beth’s shoulders slumped. “So, in the next while, my house will be full of selkie men?”

Mack grabbed the broom from her limp hands and began sweeping around her. “That’s right, Beth.” He laughed. “I’ll board up the windows, and then we need to go shopping for more food.”

* * * *

Beth sat at the piano in the den with little Colin Finnegan, Gerald’s son. Gerald and Mack were both perched on opposite ends of her floral settee, and neither seemed pleased to be in each other’s company. Gerald’s back was ramrod straight and he stared at the piano. Mack glared at Gerald, his large body tensed, his hands clenched. He was clearly raring for a fight.

Surely what he said couldn’t be true … that the finman must be someone she knew. And if it were true, she could never suspect Gerald of being a malicious shape-shifter. Besides, he had a son.

Colin banged on the piano keys in a show of temper. “I don’t want to play piano!”

Beth reached for his flying hands and settled them on his lap. She then placed an encouraging hand on the boy’s back. “I can’t wait to hear how well you’ve done since our last lesson, Colin. Will you play ‘The Happy Puppy’ for me?”

“No! I want to play with Luke.”

“Colin,” Gerald warned from his seat, “we’ve talked about Luke. Listen to Beth.”

Beth darted a look toward the harried father. “It’s okay.” She took a breath. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. You can’t play with Luke. Now, ‘The Happy Puppy.’”

Colin would not be deterred. “No. I want Luke!”

I want Luke too
. Beth closed her eyes for a moment, and then opened them and tried to smile. “I know, Colin.” She paused. “Look, I never liked ‘The Happy Puppy’ anyway. Let’s do another one.”

The little boy grunted. “I don’t want to do another one.” He let out an exasperated puff of air. “Why did Luke have to die? He was my friend. He went away, just like mummy. She never visits me either.”

Beth glanced over at Mack, who was running his hand through his hair with such vigor she feared he’d tear it out. He seemed ready to spirit the whole Finnegan family out of the house, and she was tempted to let him. But she couldn’t do it. This boy had suffered loss, just like her. And God only knew Colin had even less ability to deal with it than she did. She placed her arms around his quivering frame and kissed his head. “It hurts, doesn’t it, buddy?”

Colin let out a whimper against her chest. “Yes.” He raised wet, brown eyes toward her. “Is Luke coming back ever? Daddy says no.”

Beth swallowed the massive lump in her throat. She looked over at Mack and fought the urge to run into his arms for comfort. She didn’t think she’d ever felt as good as when she was enfolded in Mack’s arms. She turned back to Colin. “I’m sorry. Luke’s not coming back. Not ever.”

The boy sighed, wiped his eyes, and proceeded to play “The Happy Puppy” for her. And although Beth clapped for him at the end and smiled in encouragement, she realized afterward she hadn’t heard a single note.

* * * *

After Gerald had ushered Colin out, Beth and Mack did a quick run into town to stock up on humungous amounts of food. Beth was getting nervous about meeting Jamie and Edan and was even more nervous about the damage they could do to her kitchen. She’d seen what Mack could put away. She couldn’t imagine having to feed three Macks. They’d come out of the store, arms laden with meat, meat, and more meat. And Mack hadn’t let her pay for a thing despite the hefty bill.

As they ran their errands, Beth laughed to herself every time Mack unwittingly attracted the hungry gaze of another woman and several appreciative men. He didn’t seem to notice, but she saw the lust in their eyes. She noticed the covert appraisals of his muscles, chiseled face, and inky hair. Hell, she was looking too.

And he looked back at her, offering her many a secret smile that made her heart race. She realized there were few things that gave her such satisfaction as having Mack smile at her. Each time he did, the sun seemed to shine brighter and all the clouds drifted away. Literally.

“So weird,” she whispered.

“What’s weird?”

Heat streaked across her cheeks. “I could swear every time you smile at me, the weather improves.”

Mack grinned at her and blinked, black lashes sweeping over eyes that seemed like bottomless pools of desire. “Of course you noticed,” he mumbled, as if to himself. “Selkies have a similar power to fin folk. Our emotions influence the weather. It can be hard to control when we feel strongly. If I’m tense, you’ll see clouds gather. And when I hold you, the sky will be blue and clear, and the air will be warm.”

“That’s amazing.” She could get addicted to the feeling.

“You are, Beth.” His face was a study in quiet eroticism. His eyelids were lowered and pensive, and his lips were moist and apart. Mack’s nostrils were flared. Whenever he turned to her, he seemed to breathe in her scent. It made his eyelashes flutter and made the sun sear her.

She knew he wanted to touch her again, and she was dying to touch him. Kissing him had given her infinite satisfaction. In fact, she couldn’t even apply the word “satisfying” to how she felt when he touched her, when he brushed his lips against hers. The experience was baffling, but it felt so right.

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