Selkie's Revenge (20 page)

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Authors: Rosanna Leo

BOOK: Selkie's Revenge
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She grabbed his hand and held it tight.

The littlest one, an ethereal pixie of a woman with flowing, dark hair, ran up to her and hugged the life out of her. She knew immediately it was Fae, Mack’s mother. He’d described her to a tee. Fae kissed her on both cheeks and then wagged a finger at Mack. “I know you told me not to overreact, Machar, but I’m so happy you’ve brought Beth to us. Welcome, lovey. You’re at home here.” And then she held Beth by the cheeks and looked her in the eye as if trying to peel away all the layers of hurt she’d suffered. Fae teared up. “Mack was right. You do need a good feeding.”

Beth exploded in laughter and tears at the same time. She fell in love with Fae at once. She hugged her new mom-in-law and dripped tears onto the woman’s shoulder.

“There, there, love,” Fae whispered, rubbing her back. “You’re one of us now, and we take care of our own.”

Mack sauntered over and enfolded both of them in a big bear hug. “That we do.”

Beth wiped her eyes and looked at him. She was stunned to see the tears shimmering in his black eyes as he gazed at her. Oh, how she loved him.

A huge man, an older version of Edan, approached. “Now do I get a chance to hug my new daughter-in-law?” Beth fell into Alun Kirk’s massive arms. As he held her, she was enveloped in his long mane of ginger hair and stifled a giggle. These selkies loved keeping their hair long and wild. Mack’s father squeezed her, held her by the shoulders, and gave her a knowing look. “It’s no wonder the finman took a shining to you, pretty wee thing that you are. But don’t you worry, if he shows his blasphemous face, we’ll have his stinking hide.”

She was starting to feel better with all these big selkies on her side.

The rest of the group approached her, and Beth stood silent as Mack introduced them. She didn’t know where to look. They were all like Mack in many ways, angelic in their beauty, long and lean of form, with muscles everywhere. Even Maggie and Elsie, the two former humans, didn’t quite seem human to Beth. There was a shimmer about their skin, a glow that could only be selkie magic or deep love. They were radiant. And, of course, their fingers were webbed, which she expected was a new development for them.

She was kissed and hugged by so many brothers. Calan, Angus, Drummond, and Breannan. Edan and Jamie got a couple more kisses in too, giggling, before Mack wizened up and thumped them. Beth just stared openmouthed. Angus, the eldest brother, was like a handsomer, naughtier version of Prince Harry with his red spikes and naughty grin. Calan, with his sculpted body and long, brown locks, could have put underwear models to shame. By the time she looked at Drummond and Breannan, both stunning examples of dark-haired perfection, Beth was shaking her head in disbelief.

She’d never seen anything like them.

The two younger women approached her and hugged her. Maggie, Calan’s wife, smiled at her and whispered, “It takes a while to get used to their crazy brilliance, but you will.”

Elsie, a petite brunette, rolled her dark eyes. “Just try not to stare at them too much. It goes right to their heads. Believe me, they don’t need any more encouragement.” While Beth laughed, Elsie held up the youngest member of the family. “Would you like to say hello to Morgan?”

Beth paused, looking at the baby. Her breath caught. She hadn’t held a child in a year. She wasn’t sure she could. She turned a pleading eye to Mack.

I can’t.

Understanding, he took a step forward. He was about to reach for the baby instead when Beth decided enough was enough. She needed to hold this baby. It was time to live again.

She put out her quaking hands. “I would love to say hi to Morgan.”

Elsie and Beth stared at each other for a second. A world of understanding passed between the two moms. Maggie joined in, settling her hand on Beth’s back. In that moment an inexplicable bond was forged between the selkie wives, one Beth didn’t comprehend but for which she was grateful.

She gathered the baby to her and smiled at her little face, which was wet with drool. “She’s so pretty. Look at those gorgeous brown eyes. My Luke had brown eyes too.”

Elsie sniffled. “I would love to have met him.”

Maggie just continued rubbing Beth’s back, her eyes creased with empathy.

Fae, wiping her own eyes, marched over and took the baby from Beth. “Well! Let’s take this party inside. There’s enough food for an army in there. Alun, uncork a few bottles of wine, would you, love?”

Beth laughed as the single brothers fell over themselves to get at their mother’s food. Fae and Alun walked in, making bubbles at the little one. Angus and Calan wrapped arms around their wives and followed.

Mack pulled Beth to him. He ran a hand over her hair and kissed her with more tenderness than she’d ever known. “I love you.”

She snuggled into his embrace. “I love you too.” She looked up and smiled, feeling lighter. “Let’s go eat. I’m starving.”

* * * *

As dinner wound down, Beth held Morgan, rocking the baby until she fell asleep. She was astounded. She’d held a baby and hadn’t imploded. Somehow, her grief hadn’t gotten the best of her and made her want to run screaming from the room.

She might be able to do this family thing again. Of course, she’d never forget Frank and Luke. How could she? And she was beginning to think she didn’t need to forget them. She could live with their memory now. Mack had given her that. He’d given her everything.

She watched from a distance as the men indulged in a game of darts that looked far too competitive to be healthy for a normal man. With all the raucous roars and belly laughs, it was amazing the baby slept at all. She must be used to happy noises.

Elsie, who sat next to her with her feet propped up on a chair, offered her an evil grin. “They’re something else, aren’t they?”

Beth looked at Mack, who currently had Jamie in a headlock over a points dispute. He caught her eye and offered her a smile so gorgeous she wanted to grab him for some quiet time. Or some loud, hammer-me-to-the-wall time. She glanced at Elsie and waggled her eyebrows at her new sister. “‘Something else’ doesn’t quite describe it.”

Maggie wandered over with coffees on a tray for the three of them. She cocked her head at Elsie, her eyes bright and mischievous. “Did you ask her about the sex yet?”

Elsie gave her the eye. “Shh! I’m getting to it!” She leaned in. “Look, if we’re too loud, they’ll know what we’re talking about, and then we’ll incite a sex-crazed riot. I’ll use a euphemism … playing the trombone. So, Angus and Calan could give freaking master classes in
playing the trombone

Beth just stared. “Oh my God…”

Elsie poked her. “Oh, come on, don’t be shy.” She looked around to make sure the men weren’t listening. “Maggie and I have talked, so you need to spill too. We know Mack’s hung like a horse because we’ve seen them all. These men love taking their clothes off more than they love eating. But what we really want to know is … well, is Mack also a trombone virtuoso?”

Beth almost spurted coffee out her nose. She caught her breath and stifled a laugh. “Dear Lord, oh yes. I’ve never seen anything like it. He’s like the Yo-Yo Ma of trombones!”

The other women cackled, causing the men to look over with suspicion. Mack narrowed his eyes at Beth. She tried to look away, hoping he wouldn’t determine the cause of their hilarity, but the warmth in his eyes made it clear he understood. His gaze held hers. Then it dropped, oh so slowly, to her bosom and followed the line of her crossed leg. As his gaze traveled up her body again, leaving her shivering in its wake, he licked his lips. And then Jamie tackled him to the ground, making everyone laugh.

Fae joined her daughters-in-law, her impish face stern. She sat down next to Maggie. “Don’t think for a moment I don’t know what you lasses are up to.”

The three younger women froze, and Beth waited for Fae to call them out for lusting after her well-hung sons.

Fae blinked. Her dark eyes sparkled with glee. She laid a finger at the side of her nose. “I have a selkie man of my own, you know. And he’s not afraid to play his trombone either.”

Peals of feminine laughter interrupted the men again. Angus stalked over. He slid the baby out of Beth’s arms and kissed his infant daughter as she slept. He glared at Elsie, but the mischief in his eyes belied his passion for his wife. “You’re all incorrigible. I don’t know which of you is more wicked. I see you’ll fit in just fine with this heathen lot, Beth.” He walked away and Elsie smacked him on the behind, making him jump.

Mack walked over, eased Beth out of her chair, sat down, and pulled her on his lap. While the others joked, he positioned her so she was sitting right atop his erection. And then he held her there and wrapped his arms around her. His length was a delicious wedge against her. Beth didn’t think he’d ever felt quite so hard or so big.

He leaned in a whispered, “See how I ache for you.”

Beth’s cheeks filled with saliva. Her body tightened, and she soaked through yet another pair of panties. Why did she even bother wearing them around this man?

He brushed his lips against the back of her neck, licking at the top of her spine. “Then don’t. I prefer you without them.”

She turned to him, grinning. “And I’m supposed to be the incorrigible one?”

“Aye,” he murmured against her ear and then tugged her lobe with his teeth. “Completely irredeemable.”

His erection strained against her bottom, and Beth knew her need for him was so great she might come right at his mother’s table if given the chance. “Would it be rude if…?”

Mack hoisted her up and grabbed her hand. He nodded at the others. “We’re going. Good night.” And as the others laughed at Beth’s heat-stricken face, she shook her head and followed her man.

* * * *

They weren’t outside for more than a few seconds before Mack had her up against the nearest tree, tugging at her clothes and bruising her with his lips. “Woman, you drive me mad. I can’t think of anything but you. Every time I breathe, I smell your scent. Every time I swallow, I taste your cream.” He buried his face in her neck and licked the length of it.

Beth fought to remain upright against the tree trunk, even as he pressed his weight against hers. “Take me right against the tree if you want.”

Mack lifted his head, his eyes so dark in the black of evening, piercing into her as his body would soon penetrate hers. “I have something else planned.” As if she weighed no more than a child, he threw her over his shoulder and jogged the remaining paces to the outbuilding they were sharing. He caressed her ass the whole time, smoothing over her rump and then slapping her, dangerously close to her needy pussy. Her sex throbbed for him, and she arched it against his hand.

Beth gasped, eager for his aggressive touch, yearning to be taken hard. “Mack, hurry.”

As he carried her, he leaned in and gave her a playful bite on her ass. “Hungry for me, Beth?”


He reached the stone cottage that served as his temporary abode when he stayed with his family. Beth barely had time to register the loveliness of the old stone work and the black-shuttered windows. Mack threw open the door, locked it behind them, and raced into the bedroom. He dropped her onto the bed and began to tear at his clothes. “I’ll show you around tomorrow. Right now, we fuck.” She touched herself in anticipation, and his lips twitched, making him appear to be an animal. “I’m going to take you hard, Beth.”

She slid her fingers over her still-clothed pussy, teasing him, feeling more wanton than ever. “I’m counting on it.”

It didn’t take him long to strip out of his clothes. It took Mack even less time to remove hers. He slid her out of her tight leggings and best silk blouse, tore off her bra, and ripped at her panties with his teeth. Once she was splayed out naked before him, he knelt before her and touched a reverent finger to her left nipple, lightly tugging. He frowned and gazed at her as if she were a living, breathing miracle. “This is how we’re meant to be, my love. My skin sliding against yours. I’m not whole if I can’t be naked with you.”

Beth touched the hand on her breast and placed it over her heart, overcome by the purest, deepest love she’d ever known for a man. A love that had come out of nowhere and shocked her into awareness. He was her every breath. And every beat of her heart whispered
Machar Kirk
. She wanted to be with him forever.

But Beth hadn’t forgotten the hushed words Ingrid Gustavsen had spoken as they’d parted. The witch saw the future as well as the past and had imparted a warning. Beth wasn’t convinced a happy ending was in her future at all. The poignancy of the fact struck her. Now that she’d rediscovered happiness, it might still be taken from her. And she couldn’t say a word of it to Mack.

He leaned over her, kissing her neck, and she shut her eyes against the need to cry. If she lost him, she’d die.

Rather than break down in front of him, Beth allowed her heart to howl and wail in silence instead. And she determined in that moment that she’d do everything in her power to keep him safe.

It was up to her.

His lips found hers. “Kiss me, Beth.”

She did. She drank him in as if it were the last time. “I want you inside me, Mack.”

He traced her lips with his tongue, tasting both corners of her mouth. “Not just yet. I want to savor every delicious part of you.”

He slid down her body, licking all the way, teasing her nipples, dragging his teeth along the stiff buds. Putting his stamp on every inch of her. He brushed his fingers along her rib cage, caressing her as if she were fragile, making goose bumps burst out on her skin. He kneaded her belly, groaning as his hands made contact with the line of her pubic hairs. He spread her legs apart, and she moved them even wider to accommodate his large body. She would open herself right in half if it meant he’d be in her quicker.

Mack stared at her pussy, his nostrils flared, and she knew he was inhaling her woman’s perfume. And then he slid two fingers inside the wet opening, stretching her. His mouth followed his fingers and he licked her there.

As Mack sucked, pulling her labia into his mouth, the first shards of ecstasy shot through Beth’s core. She arched her back and let out a scream. “Mack, oh!”

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