Senn (A Cocky Cage Fighter Novel Book 5) (8 page)

BOOK: Senn (A Cocky Cage Fighter Novel Book 5)
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Chapter Ten


“Why are you always around here trying to fuck things up?” Claire turns on me and asks when we get outside to the parking lot. The same spot where almost a year ago I found out Linc and her were together and that he didn’t want anything else to do with me.

“I’m sorry if my unplanned pregnancy and…and life-threatening cancer rained on your newlywed parade,” I reply with a sniffle while digging in my purse for a tissue.

“No, you’re not,” she retorts. “You still haven’t given up on trying to get Linc back.”

“Death seems like a pretty conclusive end game. So, congrats, you don’t have anything to worry about.”

“That’s not true. When we’re stuck raising
baby, he’ll have no choice but to think about you every day, just like you intend.”

“Look, I’m really not trying to cause problems,” I assure her. “There’s a small chance I can make it through, but if not…I just want her to have a happy family who loves her. I know from experience that my parents can’t give her that. My sister’s not married. So you and Linc are the only ones who can offer her a mother and a father.”

“So-so you’re having a girl?” Moisture clouds Claire’s eyes at the same time mine overflow.

“Yeah.” My voice cracks on that one word. “We got confirmation today…and I may never get a chance to hold her.” That’s the point at which we both break down into blubbering messes and actually hug each other while we cry.

“You okay, sis?” Mace asks when he walks up and puts a hand on Claire’s shoulder.

She turns around and embraces him, asking about Hailey, but I don’t hear his response before he sniffles and walks away.

“I should go,” I say into the awkward silence, drying my eyes with the tissue. “Please, just think about it?”

“Okay,” Claire agrees with a nod before I get into my car and drive away.

Since I’m an emotional wreck, I go straight home --- one of the benefits of owning my own business. I just need to send a text to Bree, my assistant, to let her know I’ll try and get in tomorrow. Not wanting to be alone, I also send a text to Luke, asking him if he’ll come over.

Thirty minutes later, there’s a knock at my door. I yank it open and throw myself at him.

“Bad day?” Luke asks into my hair. “I heard some shit went down at

“Don’t wanna talk,” I tell him when I grab the elastic waistband of his shorts and drag him to my bedroom. Clothes fly along the way until we’re both completely naked, getting into my bed.

“You need to relax. It’s not good for the baby if you get all worked up,” Luke says when he climbs on top of me with a serious expression on his usually playful face. No, today he’s a man on a mission, one that doesn’t involve making me laugh. He leans down and kisses me slowly, deliciously. “Let me make you feel good.”

“Okay,” I easily agree when his mouth moves down to my neck before lowering to suck on one of my breasts. I start to squirm with need when his tongue flicks over my sensitive navel. “Please,” I beg. Senn and I are done, that much is obvious. He probably hates me, which I deserve. But hopefully he’ll eventually understand that I just want our daughter to have a family. There’s no way he will give up fucking a different woman every night to raise a baby he never wanted in the first place.

Without another word, Luke’s blond head dives between my spread thighs. A single finger trails along my wet folds before his tongue takes its place, swirling frantically inside me like my pussy’s a dripping ice cream cone he has to hurry up and eat before it melts. “God, that’s good. Right there,” I encourage him with a lift of my hips when he finds that one perfect spot over and over again. Luke’s young and inexperienced, but he’s a quick study. What he lacks in skills he makes up for with sheer enthusiasm.

! Oh God!” I cry out while shamelessly pushing his face against my pussy harder as my legs shake uncontrollably, squeezing the shit out of his head. I’ll apologize for that later when I’m not riding these blissful waves to heaven.

Eventually, Luke escapes my thighs’ death grip. Once his tongue is no longer touching me, my sweaty body sinks heavily into the mattress, and I sigh in happy contentment with an enormous grin on my face. Orgasm endorphins are the best.

“How was that? Feel better?” Luke asks, moving up my body so that his smiling face is hovering above mine.

“I love your tongue,” I tell him, reaching up to pat his pretty face, but missing it by about a mile.

Chuckling, his head lowers to suckle on one of my nipples. “I love the taste of your pussy,” he replies. “I love these girls, too,” he says, sucking so hard I worry my milk might come in early.

“Mmm,” I moan, arching my back and holding his head to my chest. I urgently lift my hips to grind them against his hard cock that’s nestled between my thighs. Not getting enough friction, I grab his tight, muscular ass cheeks and press him down on me. Better, but not what I need.

“Fuck me,” I order him.

His mouth instantly releases my breast. “You sure about that? We can wait. Today was just stressful…”

“No more waiting,” I say since the future seems so much bleaker today than even yesterday. Facing death…I just want to feel alive and cared for while I still can. “I need you inside me. Please, Luke.”

“Yeah, baby,” he says with an Austin Powers’ accent, making me laugh before he sits back on his knees and palms my lower belly. “Hold on tight, little girl. I’m about to rock your mama’s world.”

“Promises, promises,” I tease. Reaching down, I fist his cock and rub him through all the wetness he created between my legs before shoving him inside.

“Oh fuck,” he groans. His eyes shut tightly before he finally looks down at me again. “I agree with Senn. I love your pussy.” Working his way all the way inside, he slowly pulls back and rams in again, making my creamy walls clench around his thick shaft. 

“Rock my world faster,” I tell him.

“If I rock it faster…it won’t last but ten more seconds,” he replies, keeping up the gentle pace. “This is…only my second time, you know.” His mouth lowers and captures my ear between his lips. Then, letting his teeth graze down the side of my sensitive neck, he hovers above me again to watch my boobs bounce with each of his thrusts. “Slow and steady…wins the race.” 

I gasp when another orgasm gathers, putting me right on the edge…so close I can almost touch it.

“Tell me about the night you got pregnant,” Luke says, and I lose the hold I had on the pleasure.

“Huh?” I ask when he stops moving.

“Tell me how he fucked you.”

“Ohh-kay,” I say, still unsure how to proceed now, but I really do want him to keep going. So, I decide to start at the beginning. “We saw each other at
Old School
. You know, that club downtown? We left together. And in the backseat of the taxi, I got down on the floorboard between his legs and sucked his dick.”

Eyes closed again, Luke shivers likes he’s turned on hearing about me and another man, and I admit it’s kind of hot.

“Then what happened?” he prompts, thrusting deep inside me.

“He laid me upside down on his lap, wrapped my legs around his neck and ate me out.”

“Oh fuck. With the driver watching?” he asks.

“Yeah. He pulled over and…and watched us the whole time.”

“Did you fuck him in the cab, too?” he asks. I feel him swell inside me and know he’s about to explode. He starts moving faster, losing his rhythm, and I find myself getting close again.

“No. We came back to my apartment…and he fucked me in the foyer…standing up. There’s a dent in the drywall…from how hard we fucked.”

“Oh shit,” Luke groans before he pounds frantically in and out of me with his release that catapults me into my own. His hips slow until they eventually come to a stop, his cock still twitching inside me. “Wow,” he says with a smile.

“Wow,” I echo.

“That was hot,” he says with a quick kiss. “I ever mention my fetish for voyeurism?”

“Ah, no. So you like…watching?” I ask.

“Oh yeah.”

Can’t say I disagree since the backseat of the cab with Senn was one of the most erotic things I’ve ever done. I
liked having someone watch, and I’m pretty sure Senn did, too. “That’s why you didn’t get jealous after I slept with Senn?” I ask Luke.

“Just jealous that I didn’t get to watch,” he tells me with a chuckle.

“You want to watch…”

“Fuck yeah. I think you should give him another chance.”

“What?” I exclaim, coming up out of bed so fast Luke has to roll off of me. My stomach rolls with him, but not the usual way that accompanies nausea. No, this was more like bubbles… “Oh my God. I just felt the baby move!” There’s another wave of flutters.

“No shit?” Luke laughs. “Where?”

I press my fingers to the lower right side of my stomach, feeling around beside my hip. It’s too soon to feel her move on the outside, but maybe I can shake her up on the inside again. Nothing happens, though, causing my shoulders to slump in disappointment.

“It stopped,” I tell Luke, who’s rubbing a palm over my bump.

“Aw. That’s still pretty awesome.”

My eyes roam over the lean fighter perched naked on his knees beside me with messy, blond hair, a gorgeous smile, rows of abs and pelvic muscles to die for. How appropriate. But he’s not just a beautiful package. He’s also ridiculously sweet and would do anything for me without asking for a thing in return. “
are pretty awesome,” I tell him, reaching over to stroke my palm over this muscled thigh. “And really hot. Even if you do have a few odd fetishes.”

He chuckles before stretching out next to me, so I roll to my side to face him, propped up on my elbow. “I also seem to have one helluva fetish for pregnant women,” he says, eyeing my breasts and belly. “But don’t tell anyone.”

“Your secret is safe with me,” I say, flashing him a smile.

Grabbing my braid, he pulls it forward, draping it over my shoulder. “So Senn showed up at your doctor’s appointment?” he asks.

“Why did you tell him? You’re sort of crazy for getting close enough to even talk to him.”

“He’s the baby’s father, so you can’t just cut him out of this decision. Doesn’t he at least deserve a chance?”

“He doesn’t want to be a father,” I respond.

“Maybe he’ll surprise you.”

“Doubtful,” I mutter, laying my head down on the pillow.

“How do you know unless you try?” he asks, pulling the cover up and over us.

“Why are you suddenly so gung-ho for Team Senn?”

“Because I think he wants to be involved, he just doesn’t know how,” he explains. “Oh, and I want to watch you two fuck while you’re still up for it.”

Laughter burst out of me so hard I have to cover my mouth to keep from spraying Luke. “You are insane…there’s no way.” My body shakes with giggles just picturing Senn’s face if I asked him to do that.

“I think you’re wrong. He wants you. He’s already fucked you with an audience. And I’m guessing he would love a chance to claim you in front of me.”

“Claim me?” I screech, and I grab my stomach when there’s another shift inside. “She moved again.”

“I bet she hears you better when you raise your voice,” Luke says with a smile.

“Maybe so,” I agree.

“Now, can we start planning your seduction of Senn?” he asks, and I slap him in the chest playfully.

“You’re out of your young, dirty mind,” I tell him. “He hates me.”

“No, he doesn’t. Just give the big man a chance. You’ll only live this life once, right?” he asks.

His words only serve to remind me that my own personal doomsday clock is definitely ticking louder than ever. Am I scared of death? No. I’m absolutely terrified. But mostly I’m just sad because of everything I’ll miss. I pray to God that I’ll make it through the pregnancy, but like Fall Out Boy said, I may as well let the good times roll just in case it’s my time to go.

Chapter Eleven


It takes me three days holed up in my house before I can go back to
. I’m only going today because I’ve got a fight coming up in a month and I need to be ready if I want to keep moving down in the world rankings. At least Linc is out of town with Jude, who’s getting ready to try to take his brother Jax’s middleweight title up in Virginia.

I’m still pissed at Linc and Abby, but I’m also angry at myself for being the one to cause all this shit. If I hadn’t slept with her that night, that one single fucking time, she wouldn’t be pregnant. Instead, she would be doing chemo or whatever else to beat the cancer rather than risking her own life…

Damn it. I want to pick the tiny woman up and shake some sense into her. Then, I want to throw her down and fuck her, as messed up as that is knowing she’s…

Since it’s raining out, I shove my ear buds in and blast loud, angry music when I jump on one of the empty treadmills. None of the other fighters or coaches in the gym meet my eyes, like they’re afraid I might Hulk out on them if I catch them looking at me. Fine with me. I turn up the speed on the machine to push myself to run faster.

Grateful that DMX is too loud for me to think, I’m in my own little world of training to kick ass in the cage…or I was, until
walked in. What in the holy fuck is she wearing? In a short, black dress, the crisscrossing cups only hold approximately one quarter of her luscious, creamy tits that are standing out like spotlights in the darkness. The way the dress flows loosely, you can barely tell there’s a baby bump underneath. It’s so short her thigh gap is showing, and it’s wide enough for my cock…my cock that is lengthening in my sweats. If I don’t think of something else soon, I’ll be erecting a tent. Remembering that she’ll likely die within a few months takes the air right out of my sails. She sure as fuck doesn’t look sick.

I assume she’s here for Linc and doesn’t know he’s out of town. She’s probably hoping to make plans and shit for the future with him. Instead of heading to his office, her eyes rake over the fighters working out at the various stations before they land on me. How can a woman so small just look at me and that’s all it takes to instantly feel like I’m about three feet tall? When she starts walking toward me, I mutter a curse and turn down the machine to a walking pace to catch my breath. I don’t know what there is to say to her, and with her titties out, I’ll be lucky if I can remember my own damn name or hear a word she says.

“We need to talk,” she says when she’s only a foot away. From up on the inclined treadmill I can see right down into her cleavage, even better than usual. Did she ask me a question? No, I’m pretty sure it was a statement. Something about talking.

“Um, okay?” I prompt to request more information.

“Do you wanna come over later?” she asks.

My cock jerks at the word
. Yes, he’s jonesing to come. No, no, no. “Why?” I inquire.

“To talk.”

Oh yeah. Talk. Does motorboating count as a form of communication? My lips move during it, and sounds are definitely made.

“Okay,” I agree, telling myself I will go and talk without laying a finger on her. My cock disapproves. She’s fucking some other asshole, I remind him. He bets he can fuck her better.

“See you then,” she says before turning on her heel and sauntering out the door. A lot of eyes follow her, making me want to grab a club and play pop-a-motherfucker, pounding in the skulls of these dickheads. That woman really is turning me into a caveman.

I may or may not have cut my workout short, so I could get a shower and head straight to Abby’s. The absence of an orange mustang in the parking lot has me feeling a little better about the chance that Luke, the jackass, isn’t hanging around tonight.

Climbing the steps to the second story, I knock on her apartment door and wait. My hair is still damp when I run my fingers through it as I fidget.

“Hey,” Abby says when she opens the door, still wearing the same dress. Not sure if that’s a good thing or bad. Good because…damn. Bad because that fucking dress makes it really hard to concentrate.

“So where’s your boy toy?” I ask as I step into the apartment.

She smiles. “He’ll be over later.”

Lesson: Don’t ask questions you don’t want to hear the answers to.

Cracking my knuckles, I try to move things along. “What did you want to talk about?”

Following her to the white leather sofa, I sit next to her but with plenty of room between us.

“The baby,” she starts. “I’m having it, end of discussion.”

“Yeah, I got that,” I mutter. After thinking about it for three days, I know where she’s coming from. I wish I could change her mind, but Abby’s stubborn and wants to have this baby more than anything. It’s the worst possible decision anyone could make, so I have to respect her a little for not taking what seems like the easiest way out. But that also means that I need to let her know she can count on me, no matter what happens. She needs to hear what I want, now that I’ve had time to figure out exactly what that is.

“I may not be father material now,” I admit. “But I promise you that I’m gonna try and do better, for her. I want to either help you raise this baby or do it myself.”

Abby’s jaw drops open a few seconds before she recovers and shakes her head. “I don’t think you realize how hard it will be to raise a baby on your own. They don’t sleep much. They eat all the time and poop a lot.”

“It must not be that bad if everyone does it,” I point out. “And my schedule is flexible.”

“Who will watch her while you’re at the gym?” she asks.

“That’s what daycares and babysitters are for. Plenty of parents drop their kids off and go to work. Besides, my work day is only four or five hours.”

“A girl is gonna need a mother figure to help raise her.”

“Don’t you have a sister who can help me? And how do you know I won’t eventually settle down? Have a girlfriend? Get married?” I ask.

Abby’s jaw clenches, and she grabs her belly when she looks away. Huh. So she doesn’t like thinking about me with someone else.

“What if she’s a shitty mother?” Ah, so that’s what this is about.

“You think I have bad taste in women?” I remark, pointing out how hypocritical that was.

“She could be a real gold digger, out for your money, and not give a shit about you or the baby.”

“Really?” I ask. “Do I look that stupid? My money is on lockdown. I don’t even know how much I have. No one actually knows how well I get paid for fights.”

“They will if you get better.” She makes a valid point.

“I won’t let a gold digger screw me over.”

“Will you just consider that Linc and Claire might be the best option for providing her with a real family?”

“Claire will resent her and she’ll always cause problems for them. Do you really want to do that to our daughter? Do you really want to do that to Linc? Fuck his life over because you can’t be with him?”

“That’s not…I’m not…God, you’re such an annoying dickhole.” She’s flustered. And horny.

“Will you at least consider that I’m a better option than Linc and Claire?” I ask.

Abby stares at me for several silent seconds, judging my sincerity or whatever else, so I plow forward. “Just give me from now until the baby is born before you decide. If I can’t change your mind by then…”

“Fine,” she eventually grumbles, and then her face lights up. “If you can go the entire rest of the pregnancy without fucking anyone else, I’ll consider it.”

“You don’t want me to fuck anyone else?” I ask for clarification.

“No. If you can’t do that for a few months…”

“I can do it,” I assure her. I start to demand the same from her, but I don’t. In a few months, I’ll be free to fuck whoever I want and she…she may not even be…

“Yeah, right,” she scoffs. “There’s no way you can keep your dick in your pants for four more months.”

“I can. And who knows. Maybe all this arguing is for nothing.” I’m trying to think positively. Abby seems too healthy to be sick.

“Maybe,” she agrees with a small smile, telling me that she’s hanging on to that possibility with everything she’s got. I hope it’s enough. “So, do you wanna fuck?”

“What?” I ask, having clearly misheard her with my mind going back into the gutter.

“I’m sorry. Let me dumb it down for you. Do
want to
get naked
and put
your cock
inside me?” 

Blinking at her, I’m still not sure where the hell that proposition came from.

“You want to fuck?” I ask. “Like right now?”

“Uh-huh. Oh, and Luke wants to watch.”

I see her lips moving, but the words coming out are not making sense.

“Did you say Luke wants to watch? Like you and I–”

“Fucking? Yes,” she says with a nod and smirk. She’s enjoying making me squirm.

“Why the hell would I want to do that?” I ask.

“You liked having the cab driver watch us.” Fuck, I hate when she’s right about shit.

“I didn’t know him, and he didn’t fuck you afterwards.”

“You could watch afterwards,” she says, playing teasingly with her long braid while my jaw comes unhinged.

“No,” I say, shaking my head and getting to my feet. She has fucking lost her mind. What is wrong with her? Oh yeah, she may only have months to live. “I’ll um, talk to you later,” I say. And with an annoyed tug of my fingers through my hair, I get the fuck out of dodge.

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