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Authors: Vince Flynn

Separation of Power (42 page)

BOOK: Separation of Power
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Without telling the senators and congressmen, Stansfield had decided to amend that agreement over the years. He had created a series of dummy files that he kept in the safe in the director’s office. The files contained letters of notification to the House and Senate leadership, all of them dated within twenty-four hours of the start of covert operations run by the Orion Team. This was what was required by law
and ultimately what Congressman Rudin was so irate about. In addition to the dummy files, Stansfield had passed along a wealth of information about a number of influential lawmakers on the Hill—the type of information they would like kept secret. Kennedy saw a chance in what, just hours earlier, had looked like a hopeless situation.

Hayes brought his gaze up and asked, “How in God’s name are you going to testify tomorrow?”

“I’m not sure I’m going to, sir.”

There was a brief pause while the president wondered if she would withdraw her name. “I wish there was a way we could fight this, Irene.”

“Oh, there is,” Kennedy replied with an understated confidence.


“It’s going to involve some risks, sir, but I think it will work.”

The president studied her, wondering how she could possibly get out from under Rudin’s sights. “I’m listening.”

“Whatever Congressman Rudin has in that file that he was waving around today, it is classified material.”


“It is classified material that he received from an employee of the CIA. Someone, sir, has committed a crime by passing along that information.”


“If they are an employee of the CIA they have signed a national security nondisclosure document, sir.”

The president looked skeptical. “It’s bigger than all that, Irene. The press is involved.”

“Please hear me out, sir. Much of what the Orion Team did, originally, was handled outside the CIA. Over the last year, Director Stansfield went to great lengths to legitimize the actions of the team. Giving Mitch a legitimate personnel file was just part of what he was up to. He created a real paper trail of classified documents documenting what the team has done. He has a list of senators and congressmen who were informed every time the team was sent into action.”

The president was frowning. “How legitimate is this?”

“It’s not a question of legitimacy, sir.”

“Sure it is. What if they deny ever signing such a document?”

“They won’t,” Kennedy said with a steady voice.

Hayes took the hint. The rumors about Stansfield keeping files on people were true. “You mean they might be afraid of what would come out if they didn’t go along?”

“Maybe.” Kennedy stayed evasive, but got her point across.

The president seemed ill at ease with this course of action.

“Sir, all of this is legitimate enough for you to ask FBI Director Roach to seize that file and any copies that Rudin has made.”

Wincing, the president asked, “You are asking me to have the FBI bust into the home of a U.S. congressman?”

“Yes, I am.”

“You can’t be serious. The press will—”

“Sir,” interrupted Kennedy. “Rudin didn’t exactly play fair with you on this one. He, or someone close to him, has broken the law. Normally, we would gladly turn a blind eye to it, but he has forced our hand by purging top secret information on national TV.”

The president stubbornly crossed his arms. “Where is this whole thing going to take us, Irene?”

“If I go up to the Hill tomorrow and answer questions, I’ll be crucified. If I withdraw my name from the process, Rudin will hold hearings within a week, and I’ll be crucified. Either way it’s going to happen, and under both scenarios, sir, your presidency will be guilty by association.”

“We’re screwed.” Hayes stood tall as if he needed a full breath of air. He placed his hands on his hips and continued, “And of all the times for it to happen, it has to come along right now when this whole Iraqi thing is about to heat up.”

“There is a third way, sir,” she suggested.

“I’m all ears.”

Kennedy began carefully laying out her plan. They would need the FBI to raid Rudin’s home and office. The uproar from the other politicians and the press would be unavoidable, but predictable and ultimately short-lived, for Kennedy had something very bold planned for Albert Rudin, something that would in all likelihood end his career.

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lark put on a suit for the meeting. It was in his plan to call the president and talk to him about the news created by Rudin. If he was going to keep the president in the dark about his involvement, it was best to act sympathetic and see if there was anything he could do to help. There wasn’t, of course. He had the president and the Democrats boxed in. Kennedy was going to become the lightning rod for one of the most sensational hearings ever launched.

The president had surprised him slightly by calling him first. He asked Clark to come over to the White House. Hayes made it known it was extremely important that they talk tonight. Clark worried briefly that his name might have somehow been dragged into the mess. If that was the case he could handle it, but it would, of course, be much better if the president never knew of his involvement.

The president’s chief of staff escorted the senior senator from Arizona into the Oval Office and left. The president closed the classified documents he was looking at and set his reading glasses on his desk. Hayes had also put on a suit. He rose to greet the man whom he thought was his ally.

“Hank, thanks for coming in.” He stuck out his hand.

“No, problem, Bob.” The two men had served in the Senate together, and Hayes preferred to be called by his first name when no one else was around.

“Let’s take a seat over here.” Hayes gestured to the couches by the fireplace. “Can I get you anything to drink?”

“No, I’m fine, thank you.” Clark unbuttoned his suit coat and sat.

The president took the opposite couch and said, “Well, your old buddy Al Rudin has created one hell of a mess for us.”

Clark was very conscious of the president’s tone. He worried briefly that he might know more than he was showing. Clark let out a sigh and said, “Tomorrow is going to be a circus.”

“There’s no doubt about that.” The president leaned back and draped his right arm over the back of the couch. “How are you going to handle it?”

“That’s a good question. As you might imagine my phone hasn’t stopped ringing since this morning. Every reporter in town wants to know what’s going to happen tomorrow. Practically every member of my committee has called; most of them are furious. They all pretty much feel the same way. If there is any truth to what Albert said on TV this morning, Dr. Kennedy is toast.”

This was no great revelation to the president. His chief of staff had already talked to several of the Democratic senators on the committee and they were already trying to distance themselves from the
president and his nominee. The president used the moment of frankness to ask a question that he normally would not. With a sly grin he asked, “And just what is your party leadership saying?”

Clark stared unwaveringly at the president. “They want your balls, and they want me to serve them up on a silver platter.”

Hayes stared back. “Are you going to?”

Clark blinked and looked away. “You know I don’t like this crap, Bob.”

“You didn’t answer my question.”

Clark kept up his act of looking torn. “I’m not going to call your capabilities into question.”

“But someone else on your committee will.” The president moved his head in an effort to get Clark to look him in the eye. “Senator Jetland perhaps?”

“Bob, this is beyond us. I have a tremendous amount of respect for you, but you know how this works. There’s blood in the water, and the sharks are circling.”

“I’m sure they are.” There was a trace of amusement in his voice. Hayes was silent for a while and then said, “Hank, you’ve been a good colleague over the years, so I’m going to give you a warning. Do yourself a favor and delay the hearings for a day or two.”

“There’s no way I can do that.” Clark shook his head vigorously.

The president wondered how far he should go and after brief reflection decided that he didn’t have to go far. The battle lines had been drawn. It was Republican against Democrat with Albert Rudin in the middle, a
very dangerous place to be in Washington. “From one friend to another, Dr. Kennedy is going to be very tight-lipped tomorrow. Do yourself a favor and go easy on her.”

“How tight-lipped?”

“Invoking the national security nondisclosure document that she signed when she went to work for the CIA, she is going to refuse to answer any questions in an open hearing.”

“I have a lot of respect for Dr. Kennedy, but this is beyond that. If she cops that kind of an attitude, she’s going to give me no other choice but to go after her.”

“Don’t,” warned the president.

Clark frowned. “You remember the deal. If the Orion Team was ever found out, Stansfield and she were to fall on their swords.” He paused to let the weight of his words sink in. “She needs to do the right thing and come before my committee and admit fault. I’ll do everything I can to protect her.”

“Well, she’s not going to do it tomorrow, so be smart and go easy on her.” The president stood. “As one friend to another, Hank, I’m giving you fair warning. Take the high road tomorrow.”

Clark looked up at the president and wondered what he could possibly have up his sleeve. The man was clearly checkmated, and he had the gall to bring him into the Oval Office and think that he could intimidate him. Inwardly, Clark wanted to laugh in his face, but outwardly, he acted as if he was carefully considering the president’s words. Clark stood and said, “I’ll take your warning under advisement.”

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his meeting with Clark and went back downstairs where the secretary of defense, the national security advisor, Irene Kennedy and the Joint Chiefs awaited him. The secretary of defense Rick Culbertson had returned from Colombia just that morning and was briefed personally by the president on the situation in Iraq. Security was so tight around the ultimate target that the president had made the decision to keep the inner circle very small. The only member of the Joint Chiefs who knew was General Flood. To the individual heads of each branch, there was to be no mention of the Al Hussein Hospital and what lay beneath it.

The president entered the room and before anybody could stand he said, “Stay seated, please.” Hayes took his chair at the head of the table and looked to General Flood at the opposite end. He nodded once.

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs proceeded to distribute a briefing to each person at the table. “Gentlemen,” Flood was speaking mainly to the Joint Chiefs, “you will be happy to know that in light of the recent aggressive behavior of the Iraqi air defenses the president has given the green light to go in and clear them out. If you’ll open your briefings you will see a target list.” Target lists for the Iraqi theater were updated on a daily basis as aerial, satellite and human intelligence was fed into the system. The military men at the table hadn’t seen a list this comprehensive since the war. Eyes bulged and murmurs could be
heard as the warriors flipped through over a dozen pages of targets. Each target was given a designation, a description, a GPS number identifying the exact location and the type of ordnance and delivery vehicle that would be used against it.

General Flood continued. “At twenty-one hundred tomorrow evening, Saudi time, we will commence operations against Iraq. The attack will proceed as follows. The first wave will consist of A-10s, Apache attack helicopters, F-117 stealth fighters and cruise missiles.” Flood did not need to go into detail. Each officer had seen the plan outlined a thousand times. The first wave goes in undetected and takes out the air defenses, and then the second wave, consisting of bombers and attack fighters, goes in to take out the hard targets. The men sat stoically and listened to Flood. None of them asked a single question or added a thought. It was all predetermined. The men and women stationed in and around the Gulf trained for this 365 days a year. The military machine was in place. All that needed to be done was to flip the switch.

Flood finished his thumbnail sketch of the plan and said, “I apologize for not giving you more warning, but there are some other circumstances that figure into this. It goes without saying that we don’t want to tip our hand on this so let’s be real careful. Are there any questions?”

The admiral and three generals shook their heads. “Good,” Flood said, “I’ll let you men get back to your commands and put things in motion.” As the men got up to leave Flood added, “I should be back
in my office within the hour, if you need to speak to me.”

When they were gone, the president held up his briefing book and said, “General, I don’t see the safe corridor blocked out. How are we going to keep our Delta boys from getting bombed?”

“When the aviators go in for their final briefing they will be handed one of these.” Flood held up a map of Baghdad with a portion of it blocked out in red. “Nowhere on their target lists will there be a site within this red zone. They will be given specific instructions before takeoff that they are not to drop bombs within this area.”

“Won’t they get a little suspicious?”

“Since the Chinese embassy incident they’re used to being told to stay away from certain areas, but this cordon that we have marked off here,” Flood pointed to several roads going in and out of the city, “this is pretty unusual.”

“So they might wonder?” asked the president.

“Yes, sir, some of them will, but you have to remember they’re going to have a lot on their minds.”

“Sir,” interjected Kennedy. “The hospital is in the Al Mansur district of Baghdad. It’s very upscale and is home to several embassies, most notably the Russian embassy, the Jordanian embassy and the Pakistani embassy. It also happens to be where the Iraqi Intelligence Service and the Republican Guard are headquartered. It is not unusual for us to stay away from this area when we conduct strikes.”

BOOK: Separation of Power
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