September Moon (2 page)

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Authors: Trina M. Lee

Tags: #menage, #PNR, #Supernaturals, #UF

BOOK: September Moon
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The demon clamped a heavy hand around Jez’s ankle and jerked her off her feet. It pulled her close, like she weighed nothing. Smacking its lips, it wore a gruesome smile. She swung wildly with her dagger, plunging it into the demon’s arm repeatedly. Murky black blood bubbled up from the wounds she inflicted, but the demon continued as if unaware.

I moved fast, swinging the Dragon Claw. I sliced a deep gash across its chest, and this time it did react. With a loud wail, it tossed Jez aside and came at me. Smoke rose from the wound. It stunk like death and sulfur. I waited for it to get closer, and then I plunged the dagger deep into its guts. The wailing grew louder and more shrill, hurting my ears.

Pulling the blade free, I lined up my swing and let fly. The blade sliced through its thick neck, and its head flew across the room to land with a sloppy slap on the teacher’s desk. The demon’s body fell at my feet, twitching and convulsing. Then it began to slowly dissolve until all that was left was a thick, black goo staining the floor.

“What the fuck was that?” Jez gasped, her eyes wide as she watched the goo bubble and pop. “Since when do demons do that?”

“That couldn’t have been a pure demon. Not one that was ever an angel.” I gazed down at the mess. Was Shya behind this? “Crap like this can’t just walk free among the rest of us. Not without someone powerful to call it.”

“Someone like Shya?”

“Or maybe someone like the FPA. Someone in their lockup. I don’t know.”

I couldn’t imagine why either party would want to unleash something so twisted in the city. I had a bad feeling that I was going to find out.

Jez retrieved her dagger from the black sludge, used the edge of a desk to give it a wipe, and stuck it back into her boot. “I bet you’re really missing the Vegas vampires now.”


Chapter Two



“What the fuck was that, Shya? I don’t appreciate being sent after shit like that without more warning. I’m not sure what you’ve been up to, but I don’t want any part of it.”

I disconnected the call with the press of a silent touchscreen button, missing the days when one could slam down the phone in anger. I doubted the demon would even hear that voicemail message, but it was the only way I could reach him without going to his house or summoning him through the demon mark on my arm. Since leaving the school, I had been a jumble of mixed emotions. Mostly, I was just mad.

“No answer, huh?” Jez nodded, twirling an unlit cigarette between her fingers. “Maybe it’s better that way. Do you really want to know how that thing got here? Let’s just be glad there’s nothing left of it but goop.”

She had a point. I probably didn’t really want the answers I was going to demand, but that wasn’t going to stop me from finding out. If I was going to protect this city, I needed to be in the know about this shit.

“Shya’s really tripping red flags for me these days,” I said, watching the activity on the other side of the room. “I want to know what he’s up to.”

The Wicked Kiss was almost finished undergoing renovations. The task was so much bigger than I’d anticipated. The nightclub was still open despite the many changes taking place. We were doing our best to work on one area at a time. It was difficult, but things were starting to come together.

The new flooring looked great. Non-slip luxury vinyl was a must. It was grey and designed to look like natural wood. The dance floor and bathrooms were done in the same material with a faux stone design. Deep red walls fit the bloodletting theme of the club without being bright or garish. Various types of fantasy artwork adorned the walls. From dragons to warriors and even vampires, the artists had finely crafted each piece.

I sat back against the new booth seat, enjoying the way it squished beneath me. The hard seats we used to have had been replaced with soft leather couches in a U shape. Not only was it more comfy, it made more use of the space, allowing for more people at one table.

As cozy as the new booth seats were, they were nothing compared to the sofa sets filling the space to the right of the bar, near the back hall entrance. Several L shaped black couches surrounded a large center table. It was early yet, but they were already occupied.

“I’d like to know what he was up to.” Jez nodded toward the doorway where Kale had just emerged from the back. “Obviously it was more important than having our backs during a demon hunt.”

My gaze narrowed as I watched him swagger through the club. Kale had done a great job of avoiding me recently. He paused to watch the guys working on the new stage. The last one had been destroyed while I was away. Kale wouldn’t tell me how, though I could imagine.

“Guess he needed a fix.” I should have shielded so as not to feel the saccharine energy Kale exuded. The truth was, I wanted to feel the flutter in the pit of my stomach, the intrigue, and even the hunger for him. Despite our twisted relationship, I enjoyed all of it.

He eyed the patrons hungrily, on the prowl again already even though he most likely had just left a victim in his bed. In black dress pants, a dark shirt, and leather duster, Kale wore sex and blood like a fragrance. Alluring and unbearably gorgeous, his presence demanded my attention.

Our eyes met across the distance. He paused, as if considering the best way to avoid me now. Screw that. I was mad, and he was going to hear about it. With a wicked glare plastered firmly on my face, I beckoned him over with a finger.

“I didn’t expect you ladies back so early,” he said, sliding in beside Jez across from me. His pupils were huge, and his energy hummed with a high frequency. He had definitely just been feeding.

“Where the fuck were you?” Jez snapped. “You were supposed to watch our back while that flesh-eating demon tossed us around like dolls. Oh wait, no, you were supposed to keep that from happening. Way to drop the fucking ball, Kale.”

With a shrug, Kale leaned back in the booth, feigning casual. Only the tension in his energy betrayed him. “You both look just fine to me. I assume you killed that thing.”

“What the hell was it?” I asked. “Tell me what you know. And God help you if you’re keeping secrets for Shya.”

“Are you kidding me?” he scoffed. He pinned me with brown and blue eyes, managing to appear both hurt and irritated. “I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that. Shit, Alexa, I thought you knew me better than that.” When I stared stonily at him, he continued. “Some kind of hybrid demon. A slave race or something.”

“What was it doing here?” Jez jumped back in. Together we fixed Kale with our best no-nonsense glares.

Kale held his hands up. “Whoa, settle down. You’re asking the wrong person. I don’t ask Shya more than I need to.”

I studied him, wondering how much he was keeping from me. Instinct told me it was more than what happened to the club when I was away. There was something else.

“Why did you bail on us, Kale? We used to hunt as a team all the time.” My phone vibrated in my shoulder bag, but I ignored it.

“Yes we did,” he agreed, glancing between Jez and me. “Things have changed. Neither one of you should trust me at your back now.”

“But we do,” Jez insisted, looking to me for support. When I dropped my gaze into my lap and remained silent, she snarled, “Ah, I see. This is more weird shit with you two. Well you know what? Get the fuck over it. You guys are ruining the group, and I really need you both right now.”

Both Kale and I stared at Jez in surprise.

Her lower lip quivered ever so slightly. “I need a drink,” she muttered, all but climbing over Kale to get out of the booth.

I waited until she was out of earshot to say, “She tries to hide it, but Zoey’s death hit her hard. She’s having a tough time getting over it.”

Kale was visibly relieved to have a change of subject. “Makes sense. Zoey was the only woman Jez has been with who knew what she was and who understood it. Jez fell hard for her. Harder than she let on.”

“I’m worried about her. She was a little fast and loose in Vegas. I don’t think she’s slowed down much since we got home.”

It hadn’t been all that long since Jez’s girlfriend was killed by a demon queen targeting my wolves. I felt guilty about her death even though I knew Jez didn’t blame me. She was drowning her sorrows these days, and I was starting to suspect it went further than booze. It was worrisome.

“Jez will be ok. We’ll take care of her.”

“Will we, though? Or will I?” I asked pointedly, fidgeting with a stray lock of long, blonde hair.

We stared at one another, awkward and tense. I couldn’t resist the temptation to stroke him with a gentle push of power. He stiffened, sitting up straighter. Just like I wanted him to, he pushed back against me. The effect was a metaphysical connection that buzzed with an electrifying sensual heat.

That is exactly why I’ve been avoiding you,” he said with a groan. “You make me fucking crazy. And for the record, I would never abandon Jez in a time of need.”

I dropped my hold on the power dancing between us, feeling burned by his words. He didn’t pull back like I’d expected. Instead he brazenly shoved power into me, not with the intent to harm but to tempt my hunger for him. It worked, tickling me in unseen places.

Everything in me recognized him as mine. He resented me for that and understandably so. However, that was a two way street. We had both wronged the other in unforgiveable ways.

“Nothing is going to change what we’ve both done, Kale. It is what it is, and we have to move forward.”

“It’s not that simple.”

“Why isn’t it?”

His energy dropped away, and he shielded so tight against me that I could feel the effort he exuded. “You can’t just pretend everything is ok. It’s not.”

“I know that.” I stared at the bar where Jez sat with a cocktail in hand. “Maybe she’s right; maybe we need to get the fuck over it.”

Kale pressed his lips tightly together and shook his head. “One day you’re going to realize why that will never happen. Until then, maybe we should keep our distance. I think it’s for the best.”

I gaped at him, dumbstruck and speechless. Was he for real? “What the fuck, Kale?” I managed to squeak out. “I thought we were friends.”

He leaned across the table and captured my hand in his. It was warm, almost hot. His shields were useless at this proximity. I could feel the strength of his power and how it so easily aligned itself with mine, ready to bend to my will.

“We were friends,” he said. “And then we were more. And now we need to be as close to nothing as possible. It’s best for both of us. Think about it.”

“No.” I shook my head vigorously and jerked my hand away. It was too tempting to use the influence I held over him to manipulate the situation. “I don’t want to think about it. Nothing you say can convince me that we should act like strangers.”

“What about Arys? Or Shaz? Can they convince you? Because I’m willing to bet they would agree with me.” He raised a dark brow in a silent challenge.

Fury slammed into me like a Mack truck. My face grew hot, and I had to think carefully so I didn’t spit out the first obscenity to hit my tongue. “Did you seriously just try to use Arys against me? That is so shady. I get that you’re having some issues of your own right now, but don’t ever use Arys against me. That’s bullshit.”

Kale shrugged and stood. “We need a break, Alexa. I’m sorry you don’t agree. If you can’t accept that you need it, then accept that I do. I will love you until I cease to exist. But this—” He waved his hand between us. “This is wrong. And we both know it.”

I slumped in my seat. Like a stubborn child, I crossed my arms and glared, refusing to agree when I knew damn well he was right.

We stared at each other, each of us seeing the path that we could have taken, the one he was willing to walk if only I would join him. The one I couldn’t walk without turning my back on everything I shared with Arys. I had left Kale no choice.

“Whatever, Kale,” I said flippantly, refusing to let the sharp pain show on my face. One thing I had learned in Vegas was a good poker face. It was handy now. “Do what you need to do.”

The sudden onslaught of rage that burst from him was overwhelming. He pounded a fist on my new table before leaning in so close our noses almost touched. “You are the one who turned your back on me,” he shouted. “You, Alexa, are the one who made me yours and then left me hanging, aching for you while you spend your days in another man’s bed. You put me under your spell and walked away. Don’t act so surprised that it’s come to this.”

His anger fueled my own, and I came up out of the booth with a blazing fury. “Don’t you fucking dare say I walked away. I want you in ways I can’t even begin to describe. The effort it takes for me to resist everything I want to do to you is fucking unbearable sometimes. Don’t for a second think you’re the only one who suffers. Even after what you did to me, I still fucking love you.”

Kale froze. He was clearly at a loss for words. He backed away a few steps, and it took all of my strength not to reach for him. He ran a hand through his dark hair and hung his head. When he looked at me again there was sorrow shining in his beautiful, mismatched eyes.

“I’m sorry,” he said so softly I barely heard him in the noisy din of the nightclub. “As long as this desire burns between us, there will always be pain. Maybe we can’t put out the fire, but we can stop feeding the flames.”

He turned his back on me and walked away before I could argue. It was just as well. I had nothing to say to that. I sat back down in the booth, shaky and emotional. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to cry, scream, or throw things.

Kale went to the bar and joined Jez. She glanced over at me before turning back to him. She sat in Willow’s usual spot, and I wondered where he was tonight.

My phone vibrated again, and I quickly dug it out of my bag. It was my sister. Our relationship was still on rocky ground, and though we were slowly reconnecting, it wasn’t like her to call me repeatedly without a damn good reason.

“What’s up, Juliet?”

I grabbed my bag and headed for the door in search of quiet. I swept through the lobby, squeezing through the small crowd waiting to get in. With a nod to Justin, my most trusted security guy, I escaped into the parking lot.

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