September Storm (19 page)

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Authors: Brenda Jernigan

BOOK: September Storm
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He watched Marty as he stood and said, "I'm impressed, Miss Kapur. I'll go over your proposal with the president and we’ll get back to you." He glanced down at his watch.  "Let’s grab a bite to eat before the limo takes you to your hotel.  I want you to enjoy a night on the town compliments of The Mass Corporation."

"You don't have to--."

"But, we insist.  And here are two tickets to the Broadway musical
Steel Magnolias." He motioned toward the door.  "I hope you know someone here that you can take."

"I did know someone," she answered,
“but I don’t know if he’d be interested.”

Adrian w
atched Marty and Dani as they disappeared out the conference room door.  "Oh, she knew someone," he said, then smiled as he loosened his tie. He quickly changed into a casual jacket.  He didn't want to look like a businessman when he set his plans into motion.


Chapter Eleven



Nick’s Deli bustled with customers
as they were shown to a booth. Dani felt like a mouse in a maze as they wound their way around the high-back brown booths.

When they reached a vacant one, Marty turned and asked, "Is this all right with you?"

"Fine, thank you."

Dani was worried she
would have nothing to say at lunch, but since she and Marty both came from Texas they had quite a lot in common.  Marty was a very nice man with brown hair and green eyes. He was certainly attractive and full of energy, but as they talked she found herself unwillingly thinking of Adrian.  In spite of the good company, he seemed to jump to the front of her brain almost as if he were here watching her.

She smiled at Marty, all the whi
le thinking about another man. Once she checked into her hotel room, she'd make her decision whether to call Adrian or not. Could she really handle seeing Adrian again? Was the pain really worth the effort?

"Marty!" a familiar
voice rang out from behind Dani. She jumped.  As she turned to see who stood behind her, she choked on a chunk of chicken from the salad.

"Adrian, good to see you," Marty said, extending his arm to shake
hands.  "Please join us."

ani began coughing and gasping for air as she waved her hand in front of her face.

"My God, she's choking!"  In one swift motion, Adrian had jerked her from the booth and pulled her hard against his chest. Placing his knuckle below her breast bone, he squeezed hard.

She gasped and coughed up the offending piece of meat.  Embarrassed, she reached for the napkin to rid herself of the morsel.  Still coughing, she managed to sit back down, but not without noticing that everyone was staring at them. Heat rose to her eyebrows as she wiped the water from her eyes.

"You okay, Miss Kapur?" Marty asked while Adrian patted her on the back.

Dani nodded, still unable to speak.

"It appears I've saved your life once again," Adrian commented as he handed her a glass of water. "Here, take a couple of sips, sweetheart. It should make you feel a little better."

"You two know each other?" Marty asked.

Dani sipped the cool water, then nodded at Marty's question still unable to speak. Of all the ways to embarrass herself, she thought.  Of course, it was all Adrian's fault.  Why did he always spring up in her life at the most inopportune times?

"Good."  Marty smiled. "Now you'll have somebody to take to the musical."

Dani cleared her throat, but her voice still came out in a whisper, "I guess so," she rasped, her voice oddly hoarse.  How could she do otherwise?  Marty seemed to like Adrian, and she did have two tickets.  Maybe somebody up there was looking out for her.

Marty stood.  "Since you have someone who apparently can take good care of you, Miss Kapur, I'm going to run back to the office. I have another meeting. The limo is at your service while you’re in New York. Here."  He handed her a cellular phone. "Just punch two, and Henry is at your service."

"You have really done way too much, but thank you," Dani managed to get out before taking another sip of water.

Adrian moved into Marty's seat.  "Waiter, bring the lady a cup of hot coffee."

Dani sat back and dabbed at her eyes. Evidently, Adrian didn't seem aware that three months had passed since they had last spoken, because he acted like he'd just seen her yesterday.

The waiter brought a cup of hot coffee, and she took a sip, hoping it would relieve her hoarseness and soothe her throat. "Small world, isn't it?"  Dani tried to sound carefree, but her statement came out forced.

"Sure is.  I never seem to know where you're going to pop up.  It's a good thing I did happened to be here, because once again you needed saving." Adrian leaned over and took her hand.  "Do you suppose I'm your guardian angel?"

She pulled her hand from his grasp. "I would have said the devil, myself."

"Ah, Dani.  How I've missed your sharp tongue."

"Evidently, you haven’t missed me much since you haven’t bothered to call."

"I had a very good reason."

"Yeah, sure." Dani stood, grabbed her coat and purse then started for the door.

Adrian reached for her, but Dani jerked away. "Don't you want to hear my reason?"

"No," Dani said, punching in the Limo's number.  "Henry, Can you pick me up at--" She turned to look at the building.

"Nicky's," Adrian supplied.

"Nicky's," she told the driver.

"Look, I told you before that I was going through a nasty divorce.  And I wanted that behind me before I saw you again."

She stopped at the street curb, raised her chin and with a cool stare, she said, "No, Adrian, you never told me anything of the sort.  Now you’re telling me you were going call? Get real.”

Adrian, his body warm and sexy loomed over her, but instead of stepping away, Dani waited to see what he would do. He took her face in his hands. "I really can't imagine never seeing you again."

His piercing blue eyes were hypnotic and she wanted very much to believe him. There was something so damned charming about him.  Her composure slipped a notch.
Dani, girl, you are
so hopeless,
She told herself. As the limo pulled up, Dani jerked away from Adrian, "Don't."

He grabbed her arm.  "Listen, Dani.  It's Christmas, and you're in New York and I'm in New York. I think we need to talk. We'll talk, but first let me show you the city.  It's much more pleasant than sitting in a cold hotel.  Then we can take in that musical, which I believe Marty told you to take me to,” he said with a grin.
“Besides, I haven't bought my mother's Christmas present and I could use some help picking it out."

Dani looked at his handsome features stamped with determination.  At the mere mention of Christmas his
eyes sparkled like a child's. "Don't you have to work today?"

"No.  I've got some time off.  What do you say?"

He was right about her being in a big, unfamiliar city. And she really didn't want to sit in her room . . . alone.  I guess so.  But I've got to check into the hotel first."

Adrian smiled when Dani turned her back, but that quickly faded when he saw Henry start to say something. "You must be Henry, I'm a friend of Miss Kapur's."

The chauffeur frowned, but Adrian gave him a signal to play along.

After Dani checked in at the hotel desk, she returned to Adrian, who'd taken a seat in the lobby.  "Let me change clothes and get rid of this suitcase and then I'll be ready to see your city."

"Should I come up with you?"

Dani shook her head and held up her hand. "I don't think that's a good idea."

Adrian’s dark brow flicked upward with amusement. "Afraid to take a chance?"

Dani smiled at him.  She couldn't help herself when he was this charming.  He could charm the pants off anyone as she could testify. "The last time I took a chance--I nearly drowned," she pointed out, then turned toward the elevators before he could respond.

Quickly, she changed into her white wool slacks, silver sweater and tennis shoes. Grabbing a silver ball cap, and heavy jacket, she headed for the door.

She really wasn't sure that spending time with Adrian was such a good idea, but then again maybe it was. She had to decide if she was going to tell him about the baby. She'd keep everything on the light side, and she definitely wouldn't fall willingly into his arms again.

True she might love him, but he'd never given her any indication that she was anything more than a bed partner. And Dani didn't want someone popping in and out of her life. She wanted someone who would make a commitment.

He stood when Dani approached him, and she couldn't help thinking he'd take any woman's breath away.  He had a supreme sense of confidence about him that she liked.  He gave her a sweeping appraisal from her head to her toes, and Dani shivered with delight.

Adrian's casual dress made her think of the beach.  He was dressed in an oatmeal-colored sweater, brown slacks, and a chocolate brown coat.

"Why don't we walk to Macy's?" Adrian said. His eyes twinkled with amusement as he took her elbow.  "I could use the fresh air and exercise."

"I'd like that," Dani said, then shrugged into her nylon bright pink jacket. A wool jacket would probably be better but she didn’t have one."

"Every pick-pocket in town will be able to see you coming,” Adrian said. “But I have to admit that color is becoming."

"Thank you," Dani said easily. "If I'm accosted, I have you to protect me, so I'm not worried." The words had tumbled from her mouth so easily, but the truth was she really did feel safe when Adrian was near her.

"But who is going to protect me?"

She smiled. "You don't need protecting."

"That's where you might be wrong, Dani."

She realized that his words held a double meaning, but she didn't comment as they left the hotel.

"Time Square.  I never thought I'd see it in person."

"It’s impressive,” Adrian said. “Did you know that Broadway is one of the longest streets in the world?"

As they walked down the crowded street, Dani said. "It's very crowded.  Even the sidewalks are almost as bad as the streets. I feel like I'm going to be run over at any moment.” She turned and pointed toward the busy thoroughfare. “Just look at that traffic jam."

Adrian chuckled.  "I've never thought about it, but there is one difference."

"What's that?"

"The human's don't have horns."

"Thank goodness," Dani laughed.
"I decided on the way into the city that no one in New York can drive without a working horn in their vehicle.

They crossed at the curb and continued down Broadway.

"I must say the stores are certainly decorated prettily," Dani commented.

"Do you have plans for Christmas?" Adrian asked.

"Not many. I told my mother I'd go home for Christmas."

"Sounds nice.  It’ll give you a chance to compete with your brother and sister."

"Don't remind me,” Dani said with a half-laugh. “But this year is different."

Adrian wasn't so sure he liked the way she said that. Could she have met somebody in the last three months?  That was a  thought he didn't find appealing. "You don't look any different," he teased, trying not to demand what was different.

She stopped walking, drawing his attention. "You're looking at an independent business woman." Dani smiled, took his hand and they moved on.  "I started my own advertising agency."

Adrian let out a puff of pent up air. He didn’t realize he’d been holding his breath. 
That was
, he thought, then remembered he wasn't supposed to know about her business. "Congratulations," he said projecting excitement in his voice.  "If we were not walking down the street, I'd give you a kiss."

"In that case it's better we're moving," she said. "I'm not killing the world with my business, but I'm slowly growing and if I land the deal I came here to promote, things will be a little easier."

Adrian hoped that she did land his account, but he was a businessman first and he'd have to listen to the other proposals and give them all a fair chance. He also hoped he knew what he was doing.  His instincts warned him that Dani was going to be a complication. It seemed when he was around her he did things he normally would not do.

Like shopping.

He rarely took a day off and habitually worked into the wee hours of morning. Today he'd planned to simply say hello to Dani, then dismiss her as he usually did the other women in his life. But when he found he couldn't, it scared the shit out of him.

"So that's what you're doing in New York?"

Dani nodded.  "I presented a proposal to your friend. I was hoping to meet with the President, but he wasn't available. I've heard tell he's a cold fish over a business deal, so it's probably just as well that I got the Vice President."

"Who said such a thing?" Adrian demanded, then decided he’d better tone his voice down. "I like the guy, myself."

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