Seraph of Sorrow

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Authors: MaryJanice Davidson

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: Seraph of Sorrow
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Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page





PART 1 - Jonathan Scales

CHAPTER 1 - Schooling

CHAPTER 2 - Secrets

CHAPTER 3 - Schemes

CHAPTER 4 - Skills


PART 2 - Glorianna Seabright

CHAPTER 5 - Tested by Fire

CHAPTER 6 - Tested by Love

CHAPTER 7 - Tested by Family

CHAPTER 8 - Tested by Faith


PART 3 - Skip Wilson

CHAPTER 9 - Subtraction

CHAPTER 10 - Addition

CHAPTER 11 - Division

CHAPTER 12 - Multiplication


PART 4 - Winona Brandfire

CHAPTER 13 - Following Rules

CHAPTER 14 - Following Instincts

CHAPTER 15 - Following Footsteps

CHAPTER 16 - Leadership


PART 5 - Henry Blacktooth

CHAPTER 17 - Perfect

CHAPTER 18 - Threatened

CHAPTER 19 - Flawed

CHAPTER 20 - Ruined


PART 6 - Everybody Else

CHAPTER 21 - Rebirth, Afterlife, and Everything in Between

CHAPTER 22 - The Seraph



Praise for
Jennifer Scales and the Messenger of Light

“A delightful story . . . fun to read.”—
Midwest Book Review


“Filled with humor, friendship, and fierce loyalty . . . Jennifer’s character and attitude fly off the pages.”



“A truly wonderful read . . . This is one series that earns its place in any keeper shelf.”—


“A book to ignite the senses . . . The plot is original, the characters charming, and the dialogue enchanting and engaging . . . If you like dragons, mystical creatures, secret societies, and reading about the things that go bump in the night, this is definitely a book for you.”

Romance Reviews Today


“Amazing! . . . wonderful . . . The characters are well crafted and believable . . . You will love the witty dialogue.”

Roundtable Reviews


“Lighthearted . . . with a regular laundry list of preternatural creatures . . . strong story line and humorous touches.”

Monsters and Critics


“The writing . . . rolls right along, interesting and imaginative. The dialogue is witty and sharp, and the characters and world setup are great to read. Fun for all ages, this writing duo has hooked me into this series.”

The Romance Readers Connection



Praise for


Jennifer Scales and the
Ancient Furnace

“A wonderfully funny read! . . . a thoroughly engaging and captivating story.”—


“A good, entertaining story filled with some intriguing turns and surprises . . . giv[es] off a Buffyesque vibe. Jennifer is a good, strong character with a lot of potential, and I look forward to future offerings in this series.”—
SF Site

Titles by MaryJanice Davidson and Anthony Alongi

Jennifer Scales and the Ancient Furnace
Jennifer Scales and the Messenger of Light
The Silver Moon Elm: A Jennifer Scales Novel
Seraph of Sorrow: A Jennifer Scales Novel


Titles by MaryJanice Davidson


Undead and Unwed
Undead and Unemployed
Undead and Unappreciated
Undead and Unreturnable
Undead and Unpopular
Undead and Uneasy
Undead and Unworthy


Derik’s Bane
Sleeping with the Fishes
Swimming Without a Net
Fish out of Water




(with Laurell K. Hamilton, Rebecca York, Eileen Wilks)


(with Laurell K. Hamilton, Charlaine Harris, Angela Knight, Vickie Taylor)


Dead and Loving It


(with P. C. Cast, Gena Showalter, Susan Grant)


Demon’s Delight
(with Emma Holly, Vickie Taylor, Catherine Spangler)


Dead Over Heels


Mysteria Lane
(with P. C. Cast, Gena Showalter, Susan Grant)

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An Ace Book / published by arrangement with the authors

Ace mass-market edition / February 2009

Copyright © 2009 by MaryJanice Davidson Alongi and Anthony Alongi.

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For our moms and dads,
who were once fifteen, too

It is an illusion that youth is happy, an illusion of those who have lost it.



This fourth book in the Jennifer Scales series has been our favorite. It’s also a touch aggressive and complicated, particularly for those of you who may not have had the good manners to read the first three. Rather than chastise you or callously insist you put this book down right now until you’ve paid twenty or so bucks for our earlier paperbacks, we’re going to help you out. Because that’s the kind of people we are. Well, it’s the kind of person Anthony is. MaryJanice would rather let you hang.

Here’s the minimum you should know (or remember) from the first three books:

To start,
Jennifer Scales
is our hero, and she’s a
. That means she’s one of a rare breed that turns into a dragon every crescent moon. Weredragons have a hidden refuge called
Crescent Valley
. Jennifer’s different from her kind (a “freak among freaks,” as she would put it) in that she can change shape whenever she wants. Lately, she’s found a way of passing on that power to other weredragons, which makes her popular with many of them, including
Catherine Brandfire
, who’s just old enough to drive the Ford Mustang convertible her grandmother
owns. (
What, no boldface font on the Ford Mustang convertible?
you ask. It’s a good car, folks, but it doesn’t drive the plot here. Try to stay focused.)

Jennifer would be even more popular among dragons if she weren’t also half
. A beaststalker is a warrior bred to kill dragons and other monsters. They run
, the town the Scales family lives in. In fact, beaststalkers invaded Winoka about sixty years ago, back when it was called Pinegrove. They “cleansed” the town of its dragon populace and pretended the old town never existed. The mayor-for-life is
Glorianna Seabright
, an elderly woman with unusual eyes who barely tolerates the Scales family but appears to have a soft spot for Jennifer’s mom,
. Also in a position of power is
Hank Blacktooth
, husband to
and father to
. Eddie and Jennifer have been friends for years.

Jennifer also has
to cope with. All right, everyone, you’ve all taken this sort of test:
is to
is to . . . guess what? (
Start over!)

Despite their terrifying spider and scorpion shapes, werachnids are not all evil. Sure,
Skip Wilson
, Jennifer’s would-be boyfriend, betrayed everyone. And sure, his father,
Otto Saltin
, tried to put Jennifer in a coma and kill her father,
. And sure, a half dragon, half arachnid (name of
) came blazing through this dimension for a few weeks to terrorize her family. And sure, a powerful arachnid foursome (called the
, of which there are two confirmed survivors, a girl named
and a teacher named
Mr. Slider
) recently tried to scrub out beaststalkers and dragons completely from the universe.

But really, they’re nice guys and gals. Sometimes. Like dragons, and beaststalkers, and normal people like
Susan Elmsmith
(Jennifer’s best friend) and you and us.

MaryJanice and Anthony

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