Serial Separation (11 page)

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Authors: Dick C. Waters

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery, #Thrillers, #Suspense, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense

BOOK: Serial Separation
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Chapter 29


It was still snowing; the wind was
coming in waves against the building, causing the windows to rattle. Jeremy
felt the cold air entering when he placed his face close to the glass.

Yellow plow lights cast interesting
and changing patterns on the connected apartment buildings. The ski slope
moguls near where the road used to be were really parked cars. The storm hit so
fast people couldn’t abide by the parking ban. He looked to see if he could see
his own car, but there wasn’t a chance.

The window frost made it hard to
clearly see things but he observed something other than the plows moving. It
was a cross-country skier. Across the tree-lined median was another skier. He
wiped the window. He was wrong. It was hard to believe. It was a young guy
riding a bike, dressed only in underwear. Must be a senior showing off for the
underclassmen, or someone already hitting the good stuff . . . or both.

Despite the bad weather, he felt in
better spirits. Instead of a confusing Christmas visit at Dottie’s parents’
house, he would just hang out at the dorm with Neil and the others. He wondered
what Neil was up to and decided to check the lobby area.

Most all the remaining dorm members
were huddled around the television listening to the storm report:


. . .
the slow moving storm
surprised everyone
The roads are jammed with stuck or abandoned cars.
Officials are recommending only emergency travel until late tomorrow. The
unexpected nor’easter developed off the coast when two low pressure areas
merged, creating a monster storm. There is severe flooding along the shore.
Wind gusts hit sixty miles an hour during the height of the storm.

The storm is currently off the
coast of Maine and is expected to move on to Nova Scotia by noon tomorrow.
Emergency vehicles are currently attempting to restore power to many coastal
areas where downed trees have taken out utility service. Officials warn
citizens not to go near any downed electrical wires. Those wires may still be
live and could cause serious injury or death.

Snowfall amounts in Boston are estimated to reach ten to twelve inches, cities north of Boston twelve to
sixteen inches, and the Cape six to ten.


Jeremy spotted Neil.

“Neil, you missed it. There was a
cross-country skier, right in the middle of the road, but there was a nut cake
on the other side. He was riding a bike wearing only his shorts and a T-shirt.”

“I’m not surprised at all . . . must
be that spiked eggnog.”

The television announcer cut in:


We interrupt our normal program
for the following. This is WBZ TV reporting that investigators were at the
scene on the North Shore, where a body was found in a fishing trawler’s net. Investigators
speculate the body is related to the two other recent torso slayings but failed
to comment further. We return you to our regularly scheduled programming.


Neil said to Jeremy, “I wonder if
that’s the missing guy they reported earlier in the week?”

“Yeah, it’s probably Bob Sullivan.”

“Why do you remember the guy’s

“I guess I just remember the report
of who was missing.”

Neil studied his roommate, knowing
him well enough to know he was not providing the full answer. “You look like
you just saw a ghost. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine . . . I guess I’m just
upset I can’t be with Dottie.”

“Yeah, the storm is a bummer, but
I’m glad I didn’t try to go anywhere earlier today.”

Jeremy was thinking about the body
and the connection to the other two torso slayings. He knew Bob Sullivan was
part of that hockey league. His mind drifted to his own tortured weekend.

“Earth to JJ . . . I’m talking to
you and you’re not here. Where are you?”

“Sorry, I guess I was just thinking
about the guy they just found, and the other two guys.”

Jeremy was also thinking about his
cousin Jason, who played in that same hockey league. His dad and Jason’s dad
were brothers, but Jeremy never spent time with Jason . . . they were two
different people.

“JJ, I think we both could use a
drink . . . how about it?”

“You know that is a great idea.”
Jeremy knew he had to wash away the memory of that horrible weekend.

Chapter 30


Would Scott and Lisa get married?
Mike Miller thought about Scott while he watched his kids play with their
presents. Would they have a family like his? They were really meant for each
other, just like he and his wife were.

The television was on in the
background, but every time the kids moved, it interfered with the reception due
to the rabbit ears. He didn’t much care, it was just for background, but he
wanted to hear about the storm.

He was glad Paddy consented to let Scott
on the task force again. Paddy’s hands were tied once he decided to have
Mercedes join. Once that decision was made, Scott had to be included on the
task force.

He thought it was strange Scott was
intimidated by Mercedes.
She seems nice. She might even give Lisa a run for
her money, but Scott seems set for life with Lisa.

His thoughts were interrupted by
the storm report:


The slow moving storm took many
by surprise. The roads are jammed with stuck or abandoned cars. Officials are
recommending only emergency travel until late tomorrow. The unexpected
nor’easter developed off the coast with merging low pressure areas creating
severe flooding along the shore. Wind gusts hit sixty miles an hour during
the height of the storm.

The storm is currently off the
coast of Maine and is expected to move on to Nova Scotia by noon tomorrow.
Emergency vehicles are currently attempting to restore power to many coastal
areas where downed trees have taken out utility service. Officials warn
citizens not to go near any downed electrical wires. They may be live and could
cause serious injury or death.

Snowfall amounts in Boston are estimated to reach ten to twelve inches, cities north of Boston twelve to
sixteen inches, and the Cape only six to ten.


He was lucky to make it home from Newburyport. They had someone transport the body to the state crime lab in Framingham. He was glad he hadn’t tried to go with the others as it would have been a
stretch to reach there due to the bad road conditions. He wondered if Colleen
had relayed his message to Scott and Mercedes warning them not to try to make
it to the coast.


* *


We interrupt our normal program
for the following. This is WBZ TV reporting that investigators were at the
scene on the North Shore, where a body was found in a fishing trawler’s net.
Investigators speculate the body is related to the two other recent torso
slayings but failed to comment further. We return you to our regularly
scheduled programming.


He thought about the report not
saying much, but that was good. It would tell the killer, or killers, that they
had a body. It didn’t mention Bob Sullivan’s name in the report, but they believe
it was him. The timing was right.

His mind drifted back to the storm.
He wondered if Scott had tried to make it to Newburyport. What if he tried and
was stuck? What if Mercedes tried and also was stuck?

What if they both went together and
got stuck? That could be a disaster in the making. Scott would miss Christmas
with Lisa and her family. He was sure there was nothing to worry about. Colleen
never mentioned that they had already left. What would happen to their
relationship if they were together and Lisa found out?

He thought about the meeting with
Scott at the Harvard Pub. Signs pointed to the body being that of Bob Sullivan.
He had also played in Scott’s hockey league. Scott said these three guys were
all the same caliber of players, and he could think of one other player in that
same regard. Jason ‘Tippy’ Johnston was this other player’s name.

He thought that might be an
important lead to check out when he returned to the office. What would these
guys have done in the hockey league to get them killed? It made no sense. If
they were stabbed, shot or beaten to death, he could see it—but not dismembered
and mutilated like that. Could that be just a smoke screen to hide the fact
that someone in the league had a vendetta against them?
We need to walk
Bob’s last steps to see what we could learn.
His thoughts were interrupted.

His wife asked, “Hon, are you still
with us?”

“Yes, I was just thinking about
Scott and some things. I’m sorry.”

Chapter 31


I remember lying on the covers
while Mercedes was in the bathroom, but I must have fallen asleep. The fire had
burned down; its glow was the only light in the cabin. I looked over and could
see Mercedes’ red hair sticking out from under the covers. I noticed her
clothes on the chair and a towel draped over the arm.

I didn’t want to disturb her, but I
wanted to see what was happening with the storm. I moved cautiously and looked
outside. It was still storming outside. My car was just a lump near the fence.
From what I could tell the snow was up to the bottom rail, meaning there had to
be more than a foot of the white stuff.

There were no visible lights
outside and no traffic along the road. The only noise was the wind hitting the
window. The scene could be set miles in the woods. There was no rush to leave
from the looks of things. I checked the time, and it was twelve fifteen. It was now Christmas.
I’m sorry I didn’t get to be with you today, Lisa.

I went to the bathroom and flipped
the light switch, and flipped it again. Nothing! No power.
Better bring the
fire to life or we’ll freeze to death.
It took some persuading, but the
fire came to life. I was sure the larger log would eventually catch. The orange
glow was much brighter now, so I went back to the bathroom.

I tried the blower switch just to
make sure the power was really out. Nothing happened. When I closed the door,
there was no light coming in from the small window. It took my eyes a moment or
two to adjust to the darkness, but I could see well enough to use the john. I
decided to take a shower to avoid a problem in the morning when Mercedes was

When I got my clothes off and
stepped in the shower and drew the curtain there was not enough light any
longer. I got back out and opened the door enough to let some light in. I
turned the shower on and quickly realized there wasn’t going to be any hot
water. It was dark in the shower and I had to open the curtain enough to let
some light in. I don’t mind cold showers, but this was one that made me hurry.

Mercedes had already brought in the
shampoo and conditioner bottles, so I washed my hair. When I turned to rinse I
thought I saw the bathroom door move. I watched it for a few seconds, but I
must have been mistaken.


* *


I continued my shower, watching
every now and then to see if the door moved, but never saw it. My mind drifted
to Mercedes in the bed right on the other side of the wall. What if she had
opened the door? There wasn’t enough light in here to see me anyway. She
wouldn’t have done that. I thought about how uncomfortable she made me, and
then I couldn’t help thinking about her long legs.

Even with the cold shower, my body
reacted to her image. I couldn’t help thinking about the many showers Lisa and
I had taken together. She hadn’t been in a shower with me for months now. I
knew she was suffering in silence from her ordeal.

I thought I heard the metal door
latch and turned quickly to see but saw nothing. The shower was now extremely
cold, and I had to turn the water off.

I got out and dried off, but the
air in the bathroom was freezing. I thought about the fire and how warm it
would be. I left my clothes on the small linen cabinet and wrapped the towel
around me. I peeked out of the bathroom and checked to see if Mercedes was up
and about, but she was still under the covers.

I went over to the fireplace and
tried to add a couple of larger logs, but in the process one of them fell on
the floor. I checked to see if the noise woke Mercedes, but she never moved. Within
a couple of minutes the two logs flamed up, and I could feel the warmth. The
rocks of the fireplace were warm. I wish I could take one of them with me to

In the next minute, my damp towel
was on the floor beside the bed, and I had done my best to climb under the
covers without disturbing her, but I did see her naked back.

My thoughts went to the body
discovered in Newburyport and the ordeal those men must have endured. Would
there be any additional guys killed? Could Jason Johnston be next? I thought
that I had to help Mike and the others focus on him. Maybe we could prevent him
from being killed.

I was glad I was thinking of him,
since I was not thinking about how warm it was under those covers with Mercedes
lying right next to me . . . or was I?

Chapter 32


She awoke that morning still naked
from the night before. She loved her current environment—anything was better
than the factory. That’s how the women referred to the warehouse, if they
weren’t using ‘Ice House.’

She closed her eyes, imaging her
fantasy partner, loving how quickly her body warmed to the image. She reached
for him and knew instantly he was naked.

Her mind drifted to their prior
killings, and the next. This one would be Carole’s trophy. The first two were
Jean’s and Sandra’s. Her breathing quickened, remembering the look on Bob’s
face when she brandished the knife. The women all had their reasons for
revenge. However, they all agreed JJ’s would be the most justified.

She remembered Carole describing
the rape of her fourteen-year-old sister at the hands of JJ and his gang. Rumor
had it they committed many rapes several years ago.

Unfortunately, the police never did
anything as the families never came forward. The families avoided the publicity
and shame of a trial. Consequently, the police never had enough evidence to
arrest and prosecute.

Shortly, JJ would have his own
trial, and justice would not be swift.

Bob had felt the cold that weekend,
complaining about it. That was their plan, make them uncomfortable and sorry
for their sins. They all did, screaming their regret, but too late. They
couldn’t reverse their rapes.

Those men should have considered
the consequences of their actions. She and her friends had focused on revenge,
but, she realized, the killings had taken on a greater dimension.

She thought of JJ and how he would
be protected by his gang, but if they could get him and other gang members,
that would be special.

When they came up with the idea of
keeping body parts as trophies, they realized the benefit of showing them to
the new victims—immediately conveying their fate. A picture is worth a thousand

The trophy display changed them
from big bad men to babies. Having other gang members watch the transition
would be rewarding. She felt her body react to the image of a naked companion.

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