Serial Separation (20 page)

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Authors: Dick C. Waters

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery, #Thrillers, #Suspense, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense

BOOK: Serial Separation
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The list
according to my notes looked like:



Men Same Hockey League

JJ Johnston in League

Sexual (Nature)

Women Knew Players

Is JJ Next?


Women Wanted To Hurt Them

Gang to Kidnap Him

Multiple (People)

Mrs. Kelly Witnessed

Friday Night

Many (More)

Friday Night


(Motive) Revenge

Black Car


College Age

Black Gang

Deliver to Waterfront


Cathy Raped Stabbed Dumped

Held All Weekend

Waterfront (Pier/Building)

Sullivan Played With Others

Men Killed Sunday



Currently Vacant

Friday (Kidnappings)


Fairly Remote

Leftovers (Evidence)



Too Late



Slum Gang



Paddy summarized
the next action: “Team, it looks like we need to intercept the kidnapping of JJ
this Friday. Paul, I want you to contact Lowell P.D. to bring them into the
loop to see how we can shadow JJ and his gang.”

“Another step is
to review a list of available waterfront-accessible buildings off the beaten
path. Mike, can you take the lead on that? Mercedes and Scott, Mike could use
your help. Nice job everyone.”

Chapter 53


It had been a
busy day, but they made significant progress. Mike was waiting for his guests
at his favorite pub. He thought about Scott’s comment regarding Mercedes making
him uncomfortable.

He purposely
wanted them to work closer together so they would be more comfortable. Staying
overnight in the same cabin might have been taking it a little too far.

Lisa had been
acting very strangely. That could drive Scott to a safer haven. He wondered if
Scott purposely let himself get hoodwinked by Mercedes. She obviously wanted to
be with him, knowing that the roads were very treacherous. With this new
assignment, they were going to be working closer together.

Maggie came over
to check on him. “Did they stand you up?”

“No. They’re not
late yet, but they will be. Wait, I see them coming.”

He noticed how
well they complimented each other as they approached. He also noticed Maggie
stayed to eyeball Scott again—and the striking redhead with him.

“Hello, Maggie,
good to see you; hi, Mike. Maggie, this is Mercedes; Mercedes, this is Maggie .
. . she has to put up with us,” I said winking at Maggie.

Mercedes shook
Maggie’s hand. “Nice to meet you, Maggie.”

Maggie grimaced.
“Wow, what a handshake. I think it’s nice to meet you. What will you folks
have?” Maggie noticeably stared at the front of Mercedes’ yellow sweater when
she took her coat off.

responded, “I’ll have a Bloody Mary, please.”

“Just the usual,
Maggie, thanks,” I said. We all watched Maggie walk away shaking her hand. First
impressions were lasting ones.

Shortly, Maggie
returned, throwing the coasters on the table and setting our drinks.

Mike toasted.
“Here’s to our quick capture of these killers.”

Mercedes and I acknowledged
his toast.

Mike said, “I’ve
been with Paddy most of the afternoon. Have we discovered anything related to

responded. “Mike, I called my dad’s office. One of the associates is going
through property records looking for available buildings along the waterfront.
The focus is on the Boston Harbor area. Scott and I, and you, if you’re
available, will review the properties in person later. That is, if Scott and I
are allowed to work together?”


* * *


Mercedes must have hit a nerve.
Mike had a problem swallowing his beer. I looked at him and then at Mercedes to
see if her comment had been a serious one. She looked like she was waiting for
an answer. I just kept my mouth shut, looking at Mike.

He hesitated too
long, answering, “Sure, that’s no problem. It’s fine with me. How about you,
Scott? Do you have any problems working with Mercedes?”

I hadn’t
expected a question being fired at me. “No. No problems here.” I could feel the
heat around my neck, knowing I had turned red.

I looked at
Mercedes, who was now smiling, getting a kick out of my reaction. Wow, she
really looked good in that sweater. How had I missed that all day? My gaze did
nothing for my complexion, I’m sure.

Her knee touched
mine, and I jumped.

Mike’s attention
was drawn to Maggie, waiting on another table. Mercedes’ knee touched mine
again, along with her hand, and she whispered to me, “That reminds me . . . you
still owe me an answer.”

She had me
trapped again. I couldn’t react to her touch without drawing more attention,
but my face still maintained its color.

“So, Scott . . .”

Mike’s voice
made me jump.

Mike continued.
“So, Scott and Mercedes, you both contributed to our session this morning. I’m
glad you’re both working with us on this. Mercedes, can you tell me more about
your father and his business? It’s nice of him to help us collect this

Mercedes moved only
her hand, brushing her hair back. “My father is in real estate and has been for
several years. He lucked out by investing in some property, which the city of Boston included in their revitalization project. He made his fortune with that one deal,
and I’m sure it’s helping with my education as we speak.”

“My mother and
sister are also in the business. My sister manages some leases for him, and my
mother runs the office. I manage one property myself because I’m close by. He
says it gives me some experience.”

Mike nodded his
head. “Where’s the property you manage?”

“The building is
near where the
is docked.”

“Is it right on
the water?”

“Yes, as a
matter of fact it is,” she said, smiling at both of us.

That caught
Mike’s and my attention immediately. Before Mike could ask the next logical
question, she added, “However, it’s not remote.”

Maggie’s timing
was perfect, since I didn’t know what would have come next in this line of

“Can I get you
folks another round? How about something to eat?”

Mike responded.
“I’m ready. Why don’t you bring them another, unless they disagree? Can you
bring the menu for Mercedes? Thanks.”

Mercedes got it
right out without any delay. “Mike, if you want to ask me any further questions
. . . go ahead. I’m not stupid. If you think I’m in any way connected with
these killings, I’ve got too much to lose, and, also, wouldn’t be foolish
enough to put myself so close to this investigation. So, the next move is yours.”

Maggie arrived
with the menu and handed it to Mercedes. “Mercedes, do you attend Harvard or
one of the local colleges?”

Mercedes relocated
her knee and answered. “Yes, I do . . . oh, what a gorgeous ring. Are you

Maggie beamed.
“Yes, I just got engaged. Thank you so much.”

I thought to
myself, Mercedes is really, really good.

Mercedes looked
at the menu, ordered quickly, and we added our orders to hers. Maggie pretty
much danced away. I watched Mercedes and Mike looking at each other; neither
was speaking, just looking. I was just about to break the deadlock when Mike

“So, Scott, what
more can you relate about JJ?”

I was happy to
intervene. “He played hockey extremely well. We called him ‘Tippy,’ as he had a
patented move—he would come streaking down the ice looking like he was going to
shoot on goal, and then he would sweep behind the net and stuff it in the far
side of the goal. It worked continually for him even though the goalies knew the
move was coming.”

“He’s also
black. He had a reputation on the ice—not someone you would want to mess with.
He would lose his temper quickly if he was checked. He would often have fights.
Those girls would really get excited about the hitting and resulting fights.”

I reached for my
drink when Mercedes’ knee and hand interrupted me.

I continued. “I
played on the ice with the four of them, but they were a different level of
player. I liked playing the game, but those players seemed to be on a mission.”

Mike drank some
of his beer, nodding his head. “So, Mercedes, how do you want to tackle
reviewing the list of properties?”

She leaned
closer to whisper across the table. “Does that mean I’m no longer a suspect?”

Mike leaned
closer to her. “I have another question, but I’ll wait a few minutes before I
give you an answer.”

The two of them
stared at each other for a few seconds. Mercedes spun on her stool and headed
in the direction of the restrooms.

I looked at Mike.
“Mike, are you serious about this?”

“Not really.
She’s so good at putting people on the defensive . . . I wanted to see what she
was made of. It’s actually getting pretty interesting. Watch what happens

Maggie brought
our food and a third round of drinks. Mike gave a questioning look, and she
gave us a point of her head toward the owner. He signaled it was on him.

We would be on
our third drink—not much for us, but it might loosen up Mercy’s tongue. Oh, I
shouldn’t have thought about that. She broke my thought by arriving looking in
control again.

She finished her
second Bloody Mary and had a questioning look on her face about the new drink.
Mike gestured toward the man standing next to Maggie. “That one’s on the house.
I guess he has this thing for redheads; we never got a free drink before.”

She looked to
where Mike pointed and blew him a kiss.

We finished our
food and a portion of our new drinks. I’d had enough to drink, and my stomach
was satisfied. There was a deafening lack of conversation.

When Mercedes
finished the last of her meal, Mike leaned across the table again and quietly
asked, “So, Mercedes, what do you really do to occupy your time on weekends?”

Chapter 54


After talking
with Neil, Jeremy decided to share what happened to him with Dottie. She
deserved to know more than anyone else. If he didn’t make things better between
them, there might not be a ‘them.’

He called
Dottie, telling her he wanted to take her out to dinner. That wasn’t a lie, but
his real plan was to tell her what happened to him. He was early picking her up
at her dorm. It was cold outside, but the roads were in good shape. Once they
were inside his car, they kissed.

He could tell
she was surprised by how passionately he kissed her.

She straightened
her hair. “Well now, that’s the way to greet a lady. Did you just see a sexy
movie, or what?”

They kissed
again, and it had the same passion as the last one. “Dottie, I have some things
to tell you. It has to do with what’s been bothering me.”

“JJ, you have my
attention. I’ve missed you being like this for weeks now. Can we just hold the
talk and continue?”

Minutes later,
they were still parked in front of her dorm. She realized they were attracting
an audience. The girls at the dorm’s front window were clapping. She waved,
straightening out her blouse, pushing Jeremy away.

“JJ, let’s get
going. We can pick this up later. They’re keeping score in the window,” she
said, pointing her thumb toward the dorm.

Jeremy bent and
looked, smiled, and waved to them. He gave the thumbs-up sign and started the
car. He had picked out a nice restaurant where he felt they could eat dinner
and still have privacy.

“JJ, where are
you taking me to dinner?”


“I thought we
would go to
The Top of the Hub.

He sensed her
looking at him, but he did not make eye contact.

“You’re kidding,

“Why? What’s
wrong with that?”

“You know damn
well nothing is wrong with that. Are you going to propose to me?”

“If I was, don’t
you think you just ruined the surprise? Do you want to get married?”

“That better not
be your proposal, mister.”

He just stared at her for a couple
of seconds, until he heard the loud horn.


* * *


Jeremy reacted
just in time, avoiding the collision with the cab. However, his heart was
thumping. Dottie was holding her chest, looking like she stopped breathing.

“JJ, please don’t
ever do that again. We’ve both worked too hard to get where we are. I want to
be around a little longer.”

He watched the
road and turned in at the Prudential Center garage.

“Dottie, that’s
the subject I want to talk to you about—being alive.”

While he was
receiving a parking slip, she just sat there trying to comprehend. Shortly,
they were riding up to the fifty-second floor to the restaurant. Jeremy
wondered how they would be greeted, as some restaurants reacted in strange ways
to blacks. However, the maitre d’ greeted him respectfully.

“Good evening,
Mr. Johnston.” He bowed his head slightly to Dottie. “Your table is available,
and you will have a nice view of the city. May I ask, is this a special

Jeremy thought
for a moment. “Yes it is . . . this is a celebration of the rest of our lives.”

“Excellent, Mr.
Johnston, we will provide some suitable bubbly to acknowledge that. Would that
be acceptable?”

“Yes, thank

Jeremy gave
Dottie his arm, following as the maitre d’ guided them through the nearly dark
restaurant. She squeezed his arm, and he smiled at her.

When they were
seated, the maitre d’ took their napkins from each goblet and placed them on
their laps. “Your server, Nicolette, will be right with you. Enjoy your meal—and
the rest of your life.” He smiled at them, bowed, and glided away.

“Jeremy, this is
beyond my grandest expectation.”

“Do you think we
should do this more often?”

“Are you paying
for your education? If you are, we better not.”

Their server was
equally elegant. They ordered their entrées; Nicolette helped him order a
suitable bottle of wine.

He finally had a
moment alone to talk. “Dottie, I do have something I need to explain to you.
First, I am going to apologize for how I’ve behaved the last few weeks. Second,
you are the love of my life, and I don’t want to lose you. Third, I would love
to marry you; can you stand me for the rest of your life?”

Nicolette came
to the table. Dottie held up her hand to wait. “Are you actually asking me to
marry you?”

Nicolette turned
on a dime and left them alone.

“I hope I just
did. Let me try that again. You are the love of my life. If I’m going to
celebrate my life . . . I need you in it.” He got out of his seat and knelt on
the floor. “Will you marry me and fulfill my life?”

Nicolette was
standing next to the maitre d’, whispering in his ear.

“Holy shit—Merry
Christmas and a happy New Year. Yes!”  She was hugging him while he was still

The maitre d’
glided over to their table and popped a bottle of champagne.

. . . on a very nice start. I take it she said ‘yes?’”

“This is compliments
of the house. He poured from the bottle and disappeared.”

They got reseated, held hands, both
smiling while tears streamed down both of their faces.


* * *


They had a
wonderful meal. Jeremy couldn’t remember much other than he was finally very
happy. He felt like he had just won a significant battle, the pressure on his
chest finally gone. He waited until they had finished their meals and a special
dessert prepared and served by the pastry chef, with his compliments.

“Dottie, I have
to tell you what has been bothering me. It relates to why we haven’t had sex in
weeks. What I’m going to tell you will really shock you, but it’s the truth.
You can’t tell anyone about it. Do you promise?”

She studied him
and then answered. “On one condition. If you are going to tell me you were with
another woman . . . the marriage is off.”

Nicolette came
by and asked if they would like an after-dinner cocktail. He replied, “Dottie,
you should order something. I would like a Drambuie on the rocks, please.”

“I’ll have a
Frangelico on the rocks, please.”

“Hon, I wasn’t
with a woman . . . I was with four.” JJ rushed to continue. “I was held against
my will.”

Her expression
changed from anger to uncertainty.

brought the drinks and the check. “Congratulations . . . this was my first
proposal.” She smiled and left quickly.

“I’m going to
tell all of this. It is totally the truth. Please let me get it all out.”

She moved her
chair so he could talk without anyone else hearing.

“It happened
early November on a Friday night. I was kidnapped by a gang, and the next thing
I knew I was naked, blindfolded, and tied up. More particularly, I was hung by
my ankles. I can’t tell you about the things they, the women, did to me, but I
have scars. I’ve been hiding them from you, which is why we haven’t had sex.”

He stopped and
settled the bill, and Nicolette glided in from somewhere and took it.

“Thank you for
the excellent service Nicolette.”

He guided Dottie
from the table, smiling to the wait staff.

They noticed
Dottie looked still surprised by the proposal.

He continued
when they were alone. “Anyway, they showered me, brushed me, whipped me, and
did other things that made me regret being a man. This went on the entire
weekend. Remember the weekend Neil and you questioned where I was?”


“Well, come
Sunday, I really wanted to die. I wanted the pain to end . . . I didn’t care
about anything . . . I just wanted the pain to stop. They stretched me out on
this table, or platform. They removed my mask and showed me some kind of device.
I think this is how these women dismember the men you’ve heard about.”

“Oh my God,

He held up his
hand. “My eyes couldn’t focus on them. Not enough to recognize them, if I saw
them now. There were three of them. I was shown a knife, and I could tell by
where they held it what they were going to do next. That’s when I heard a new

He took a deep
breath, his eyes giving away his emotion. “It got quiet. They had gone away for
what seemed like over an hour. I was cold, but it gave me time to say my
prayers, and say good-bye to you.”

Dottie reached
for a handkerchief in her purse.

“They came back,
untied me from the platform, and hustled me to a car, still tied, blindfolded,
and naked. They drove for maybe thirty minutes, throwing me out in the woods.”

The elevator
arrived at the ground floor, and they both exited, trying to hide their tears
from the guard on duty in the lobby.

“When I got my
blindfold off, and managed to get untied, I made it out of the woods to the
street. I realized where I was—the Medford woods. Some college kids saw me and
thought it was a hazing.”

Outside the
building, he hugged her. “When they saw how badly I was beaten, they stopped
laughing and listened to me. They got me clothes and drove me to Kenmore Square. I was lucky to make it to the dorm.”

“JJ, I’m so
sorry. I wish you had told me before now.”

“Does that mean
you forgive me?”

She slowly wiped
the last of the tears, smiled, and put her arms around his neck. “Yes, and I
think it’s time for me to tend to those neglected wounds.”

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