Serve His Needs - Destination (4 page)

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Authors: Karolyn James

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Serve His Needs - Destination
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As her pointer fingers moved down her nipples, the phone lit up.

Why stop there?  Both hands down your stomach…

Amanda had already started the movement requested from Alexander and she rushed her way down her body until she felt the very light stubble of her shaved skin.  Her fingers curled, tickling the tips of her fingers.  She was eager to keep going but wanted to give Alexander the satisfaction of telling her to do so.

A few seconds later, the message came.

Use your right hand and touch yourself.

Amanda’s fingers then moved between her legs, feeling the silky skin of her most erotic spot.  Her middle finger took full control, gently rubbing left to right, opening her labia.  When she touched her hole, feeling its tender pulse, she cried out again.  Dammit, she wanted Alexander there, in the shower, right then.

She started to penetrate herself, the tip of her finger making small circles, opening herself when another message came through.

Don’t stop.

The message bothered Amanda and she used her left hand to grab the phone and reply.

I need you.  I need you Alexander.  I’m all yours.  Please.  I need you.

It was desperate and that was okay.  Amanda was desperate.  Hopelessly desperate.  She stood in the shower of a billionaire with the middle finger on her right hand circling the inside of her warm vagina. 

What more could she do to prove how desperate she was?

What did Alexander Porter want?

His next message would be more of a final message to Amanda, clear and to the point.

Dear sweet Mandy – when you come, I’ll come.

Amanda knew exactly what that message implied and since her finger was already halfway inside of herself, she went along with it. 

The first thing she did was turn and place her back against the wall of the shower.  She’d need to brace herself because the thought of Alexander watching her touch herself certainly made the notion of an intense orgasm possible.  The next thing she did was reach up and turn the shower head, making sure the water could still spray her body. 

Then came the really fun part…

Amanda closed her eyes and pictured Alexander Porter’s naked, muscular body.  She lifted her finger hard into her herself, going as deep as should could reach.  When she pulled out, a wet warm mess followed and she went right back inside.  This time she tested a second finger, opening herself more… for herself to enjoy. 

Now with two fingers, the pressure grew and so did the pleasure.  In her mind it wasn’t her fingers, pumping in and out of her tender hole, it was Alexander’s fingers.  She could see him… one hand against the wall of the shower, staying a few inches away from her body.  His hand between her legs, his fingers working her moist spot with perfection.  Moving at the perfect pace, not too hard and certainly not too soft.  The perfect pace that kept her pleasure growing. 

Amanda started to thrust herself as she dug her fingers deeper.  She twisted her fingers and tried to make circles, stretching her deep cave.  She moaned and then sighed when she heard her voice echoing against the sound of the rushing water.  She could smell Alexander now, her small nose able to memorize his powerful smell.  The wild mix between musk and man.

“Oh,” she whispered.  “Oh yes…”

Her pointer finger came into the picture now, rubbing along her sensitive labia.  As she curled her pointer finger up, she exposed her delicate clitoris.  With just one flick of her finger matched with her two other fingers moving in and out, Amanda felt a rush inside herself.  An orgasmic rush.

Her body jerked forward.  She moved to her tip toes as her back pressed hard against the shower wall.  She rocked her body, staring down now, watching as she pleasured herself.  She could see everything, her pink skin, her labia curled, bloomed like a fresh flower. 

As her fingers started to move faster, her pointer finger did the same.  She pressed on her clit and rubbed hard and fast.  The connection of the movements coming from just one hand helped Amanda as she began to reach her climax. 

  She bit her lip so hard at one point she tasted a little bit of blood.  Her hair was soaked, heavy, sticking to her shoulders and just above her breasts.  The muscles in the back of her legs were aching from being on her toes and from thrusting.  The more she reached climax, the more the rest of her body tensed. 

Just as she felt herself reaching the pinnacle of her masturbation, the phone next to her vibrated against the shower wall.

She looked to her right with a deep sigh.

You look close.  Come for me.

Amanda let out a helpless sounding
as her body reached orgasm. 

The deep rush from her lower stomach through her vagina made her knees bend.  She took her pointer finger from her clit and focused on her fingers inside herself.  She moved with her body as it throbbed, thrusting with her orgasm, keeping it alive and intense.  She also kept her eyes open as she tried to look in every possible direction in the shower to allow Alexander to see her face as she came. 

As she came for him.

When her orgasm subsided, Amanda slid her fingers from herself and relaxed her body, letting a smile graze her pretty face.  She put her head back to the wall and closed her eyes.  The water continued to pound on her body and she swore she could feel each and ever tiny droplet of water hitting her, keeping her orgasmic high alive and flowing through her body.

She glanced at the cell phone and then reached for it.

She typed one word to Alexander.

DONE.  ;)

She put the phone down and let out another deep breath.

Alexander wrote back with  -
I can see that.  I wish I was there.

Amanda scowled and wrote back with speed.

I came.  Now it’s your turn.

After a short pause, a message came back from Alexander.

I’ll be there soon enough.  Why don’t you shower?  Relax and enjoy.  I’ll be watching.

Amanda’s fingers moved to the phone to write something back but Alexander sent another text message.

Once you’re done with the shower, we can move back to the bedroom.

“Back to the bedroom?” Amanda asked and then shook her head.

How long was this really going to last?


The soothing smell of lavender still lingered in the air in the bathroom, even after the soap and shampoo were washed down the drained, the water turned off, and Amanda mostly dried.  She found herself once again attracted to the large window in the bathroom, standing with her palms flat against the moist glass, feeling the outdoor’s chilly air trying to work its way inside. 

The pitch black left nothing much to see other than the silhouetted outlines of the mountains.  The sky looked cloudy leaving little starlight to be seen.

Amanda had the towel wrapped tight around her chest, the cell phone on the bathroom counter.  It hadn’t gone off since Alexander’s last text message about going back to the bedroom. 

A peaceful aura came over the bathroom and the cabin and for a moment Amanda felt at home.  She felt at ease.  She felt like perhaps she could get used to a life like this.  She knew luxuries came with a cost and not just in the monetary value either.  But for Amanda her price was a good one… she just had to offer her willingness to be sexually available for Alexander. 

She knew that whatever cameras were in the bathroom were probably still on, and that Alexander was probably still watching her through them. 

Her eyes rolled looking at as much of the window as she could.  It didn’t seem likely there would be cameras somehow installed in the windows of the bathroom. 

It gave Amanda an idea.

She tugged at the top of the towel, loosening it.  She opened the towel, exposing her clean lavender scented body to the window and beyond.  Inside she knew what Alexander told her about nobody being able to see inside the window, but she pretended that wasn’t true.  There wasn’t a spot of light anywhere in the mountains indicating other people but deep inside, Amanda wanted to be seen.  She held the towel up, covering her back and backside so that Alexander couldn’t see her.  She took a few steps back, wondering if her reflection in the window could be seen by the billionaire. 

Amanda turned her head and smiled, then puckered her tiny lips into a kiss.

All for Alexander Porter.

That’s when the phone went off again, bringing back the reality of it all.

Nice tease show.  You’ll pay for that soon enough.

Amanda laughed and then squeezed the phone in her hand.  She turned and started to move towards the bathroom door.  When she caught herself pausing and gazing around the amazing bathroom, she wasn’t sure why.  She took one last deep breath of the warm, moist air, picking up on the comforting smell of lavender on her skin.

Something told her that this place, the bathroom, would be the calm before the storm. 

Amanda welcomed it and hurried from the bathroom back into the hallway. 

She wasted no time walking down the soft plush carpet, feeling the chill of the room temperature air attack the skin that remained exposed until the closed towel. 

She stopped before entering the bedroom, able to see just inside of it.  Part of her honestly didn’t want to go back into the room.  She didn’t want to be alone anymore.  She didn’t want to play Alexander’s games anymore.  The games were hot and steamy, but just how far away was he?  And when did he plan on coming here?  (Or worse yet, did he plan on coming at all?)  Somewhere, the mature version of herself forced Amanda to consider the fact that she did have a life thousands of miles away, and she knew it waited for her but she almost wished it didn’t. 

Amanda typed to Alexander –
I need to know, right now, when will you be here?  No more games.  I need you.  Here. 

She sent the message and started to walk again. 

If Alexander didn’t give her the answer she wanted, she would… would…


Amanda realized that in her passion for lust she didn’t have any sort of backup plan.  She had nobody to contact and no way of telling anyone where she was.  The driver that had brought her to cabin had dropped her off and left.  She didn’t even know his name.  The reality was that the only person Amanda could contact right now was Alexander Porter himself.

She was trapped.

Trapped in his cabin, under his rule.

As her feet crossed the threshold of the bedroom, a mix of fear and lust hit her.  It toyed with her emotions.  Part of her wanted to trust in whatever Alexander was doing, but another part of her tried to find some kind of better judgment call.

Her thoughts were broken up when the phone vibrated in her hand.

She looked at screen, reading the message…

I’m right here.

“I’m right here.”

It took Amanda a second to realize that this message came with a voice.  It wasn’t her voice reading the message either.  She knew the voice and when she looked up she dropped the cell phone to the floor.

There, leaning against one of the bedposts, his arms folded, his dark eyes drawing her in with a sexual trance was…



Amanda froze, stuck between her need to cheer, jump up and down, tear her towel from her body, or just flat out smack Alexander across the face. 

“Good evening, sweet Mandy,” he said in a voice so calm, it left Amanda calm and collected.

“So there you are,” Amanda said and smiled.

Alexander put his left hand out and moved his fingers, calling Amanda forward. 

What could she do?  Whatever notions she had moments ago about being mad at Alexander, about leaving, about feeling trapped… well, they were shattered and thrown away.  Staring into his dark eyes and catching that seductive scent of his body and cologne broke her.  It always broke her, even back at the restaurant when they were just the poor waitress and the billionaire customer.

Amanda walked to Alexander and took his hand, squeezing it, feeling his strength as he squeezed back.  That alone made her wet, leaving her body aching and her knees wanting to give way again. 

Alexander curled his hand tight around Amanda’s and he pulled.  For a quick second her feet were off the ground and when they touched the carpet again, she stumbled forward, almost crashing into Alexander.  She put her free hand out and found it placed against his chest.  She felt the hard curve of his chest and let out a sigh as she looked up into his eyes again. 

He put his fingers under her chin and ran then up to her lips and then off.  He brought his hand to his nose and sniffed, smiling as he did so.

“You smell wonderful,” he said. 

“The soap was amazing,” Amanda said.  “Everything… is amazing.”

“Even the cameras?” Alexander asked with a wicked smile.

He pulled again and Amanda came closer, her body just inches away from his.

“Not sure how I feel about the cameras,” Amanda said.  “And why do you even have them?”

“Being rich comes with a price, sweet Mandy.  I’ve been ripped off and robbed more times than I care to think about.  I have cameras in every room in this place because there’s something worth taking in every room in this place.”

Amanda opened her mouth, enticed by the idea of criminals trying to harm the great billionaire in any way at all.  It was like meeting the rich action hero of a movie.  Alexander didn’t feel like talking about it and made that point very clear when his hands went back to Amanda’s mouth, his fingers at her jaw.  He pulled her face to his and their lips touched.  It was a gentle touching, a fluttering touch, leaving Amanda breathing heavy on Alexander. 

“Ah, yes,” he whispered with his eyes wide open.  “I’ve missed you.”

His next kiss was lip to lip, and hard.  When he pulled back their kiss made a sound. 

Amanda wanted more.

“I missed your desire,” he spoke with a confidence that made Amanda’s body gush.  Any thought of losing
the urge
after her orgasm in the shower was now shattered.  She almost had a virginal feel in that moment, her body fresh, clean, and ready.

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