Serving Celebrities: The Complete Collection (30 page)

BOOK: Serving Celebrities: The Complete Collection
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Our daughter is only five and she already rolls her eyes when she hears Bruce’s name (Though, for my birthday she wanted to buy me a book on Bruce Springsteen -- even though I’ve most likely read every book already. But is there anything sweeter than that?). Debra and I are preparing ourselves for her to hate Bruce because he’s “our music.” But both us hope that our daughter finds someone or something to be as passionate and fanatical about as we’ve found in Bruce Springsteen and his music. I hope that someday I can experience her watching something that takes her breath away as I had experienced that first night in Houston, Texas. I hope she finds a person, a band or a movement that helps her realize “that it ain’t no sin to be glad you’re alive,” to quote Bruce. Because passion breeds passion -- and nothing fills a life better than passion. I can only hope that she will follow her passion, whether it’s being a musician, or writing silly little stories about the celebrities she’s met, I hope she finds something -- no matter how strange it seems to other people. I hope she will always be true to her passions, because I found following your passions can lead to many good things. Believe me.

Bill Ryan

Photo by Marcy Gaston

BOOK: Serving Celebrities: The Complete Collection
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