Serving the Wolf's Den (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (10 page)

BOOK: Serving the Wolf's Den (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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No matter how many times his cock had taken her ass, her mouth, or that sweet pussy, he had made it his goal to try to keep his feelings under control in hopes that his own infatuation with her would subside. So far, his desire to fuck her senseless was as strong as when he had watched her humble herself during her interview. He knew he had been the worst kind of asshole, asking her to expose her breasts, but he had thought she would run away from him before she would submit to his demands.

It had taken all his willpower not to jump over the desk and haul her back onto the hard wooden surface to use her body to satisfy his own lust. He wasn’t used to reacting so strongly to a woman, and he didn’t like the lack of self-control she brought out in him then and now. The smart thing to do was to end it with her for all their sakes. But the longer he was with her, the harder it was to think of life without her. He also knew that his break from surgery would be nothing but child’s play compared to his parents’ reaction if they ever found out he and Toby were falling in love with a woman who was far removed from the world they lived in.

That thought brought with it a dose of reality that helped him refocus on the damn schedule before he posted it. Finally satisfied that he had taken into consideration all the different variables his staff had thrown at him, he stapled it to the bulletin board outside his office.

“Hey there, Max.” Katie walked over to stand beside him. “This was a tough one, huh?”

“I had to put Maura back out on the floor Friday and Saturday night.”

“No shit. I guess we can keep her from being molested for two nights if we all work together,” she said, shaking her head.

“Damn it, Katie! You know I wouldn’t do it if I had any other choice, but with Jody and Rhonda out along with Marissa, it’s that or do it myself, and I know that wouldn’t work.”

“Hey, don’t get mad at me. I’m just saying we’ll all just have to look out for her, that’s all.”

“She’s not your fucking responsibility. You’re not her babysitter. I’ll make sure Antoine keeps an eye on her.”

“I’m sure she’ll be fine,” Katie said, backing away from Max.

“Katie, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that.”

“It’s okay. I know your feelings run pretty hot where she’s concerned.”

“Excuse me?”

“Nothing. I said nothing.” Katie backed away quickly from him before turning toward the bar area.

He followed her. “Katie, what did you mean by that?”

“Look, Max, all I meant was that since Maura’s been working here, you’ve found yourself in some pretty heated situations. That’s all.”

“Is that all?”

Katie stopped and turned around. “Not really, but I don’t think you want to hear what I really think.”

“Since when have you been one to hold back?”

“It’s no secret that she’s living with you and Toby and that she’s more than a roommate. I thought you had a lot more sense than to get involved with someone who works for you and especially someone like her.”

Max didn’t say anything. He ran his hand through his hair.

“Listen, Max. I know she needed to be moved off the floor. Too much drama with the customers. But to put her behind the bar where she would be rubbing up against you and Toby…that was a helluva thing to do. You could have easily just put her in the kitchen or fired her. Either one was a better option.”

“I can’t get into her personal life, but she’s got some financial problems. She needs the tips.”

“Everyone’s got something, Max. Rhonda has a husband who’s disabled, Jody a son with a learning disability, and Candy struggles every day with her own demons from years of drug abuse. And me, I got my own shit, as you well know.” Katie took a breath before she continued.

“You and Toby are both fucking her, aren’t you? I mean we both know that threesomes are more natural to our kind, something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately.” She stopped herself before adding, “Remember, you told me to say it the way I see it.”

Max sat down on a barstool and looked around, grateful no one else was there to hear them. “So what do I do about it, Katie? It’s not just me. Toby’s head over heels for her.”

“I know. Toby’s a lot more obvious that you are. She walks into the bar and he lights up like it’s Christmas morning. This is not a good situation, Max. She’s not like us.”

Max was angry at himself and his brother. The two of them were acting like fools over a woman and in the process were making a public spectacle of their weakness in front of their staff.

“She’s a smart girl, Max. How long before she begins to figure things out? I mean, how long are you going to string her along before you dump her and send her packing because you have no choice? The kind thing to do is end it now.”

“Has she talked to you about me or Toby?”

“No, she hasn’t, and she won’t. Not her style. But I’d say that you need to talk to Toby about how you two are going to end this. I know part of her appeal is the fact that she doesn’t have a clue about who you really are. You’re not the first of our kind to want what they can’t or shouldn’t have. It’s our nature to love the thrill of the hunt and to take what we want. But not at this girl’s expense. What if she’s fallen in love with you both? It’s not healthy for any of you, Max. You need to set this thing right before you fall in love with her, too.”

Max didn’t say anything.

“Christ. You’ve fallen for her too.”

Max looked away from her.

“Damn it, Max. How did you let this happen?”

“She’s like no one else I’ve ever been with. She fits with us, Katie. She fits like she was born to be with us.”

“You know what you have to do.”

“I’ll talk to Toby.”

“He’s going to fight you on this, and she’s going to be devastated. She hasn’t done anything wrong that I’m aware of, except being beautiful along with being desirable.”

“Don’t tell me you got eyes for her, too?”

“Don’t make me think you’re even more stupid than I do right now, Max. Millie and I are still going strong. Although we’ve both talked about bringing another woman into the relationship, it will be someone that’s like us. What I’m saying is you can’t just fire her for no reason. It wouldn’t go over well with the rest of the staff. Not that’s there’s any love lost between her and some of the girls since you’ve taken her to your bed, but you have to be smart about this.”

“This weekend she’ll be back on the floor. With her track record anything could happen. One more infraction and even the other girls won’t question me if I have to let her go.”

“Maura should have known better than to get involved with her boss. At least that’s what I’m going to tell myself when she looks at me with those big doe eyes of hers after you’ve broken her heart. But I did warn her to stay clear of you.”

A number of expletives fell from Max’s lips. “I should have never let it go this far. I just…”

“I know,” Katie said, sympathy in her clear brown eyes. “We all fall victim to our desires at one time or another.”

Katie was good people. A little rough around the edges, but a gem for sure, and she called it the way she saw it. She was instrumental in helping him run the place and had been ever since he took over. She had worked for his uncle and stayed on when he asked her. He walked slowly back to his office and sat down behind his desk. He picked up a crystal paperweight that had been his uncle’s, turning it over in his hand. The ache inside him grew. He had never thought it was possible to want a woman the way he wanted Maura. He threw the paperweight across the room, breaking an expensive vase that had belonged to his uncle into a multitude of pieces.

I never liked that fucking vase.

Chapter Ten


When Max told Maura she had to work the floor, her stomach dropped. She had thought he would never put her in that position again. Max should have never permitted his servers to leave him in the lurch, but he was a soft touch where they were concerned. During her interview he had led her to believe he was anything but easy. However, no matter how last minute, it seemed he always ended up rearranging the schedule to accommodate them.

That being said, she knew none of them would have deliberately left him shorthanded if they could have avoided it. They were loyal to Max, not just because they liked him but because they respected him. He treated his waitstaff like they were important and not just the “Bitches” that served his customers.

She hated that term. But the girls didn’t seem to mind and called each other “Bitches” when it served their purpose or they were just joking around. She had told herself that she was used to it, but the truth was she wasn’t. When Frank had called her that, it was to degrade her. Knowing she had to work the floor again reminded her of what could happen if she weren’t careful. She just wished it didn’t hurt so much that Max didn’t seem to care.

She could have said no, but Max knew she wouldn’t. There was something about him that made saying no impossible for her. She couldn’t deny him anything. All he had to do was look at her and she wanted to please him in any way he desired. It was the same with Toby. Her body belonged to them and so, she knew, did her heart. She knew they lusted for her, but it had to be more than that. She felt their love in their touch and the way their lips took hers in long and loving kisses. Ever since that first night when they had taken her, not a day had passed when one or both of them had not spread her legs or the cheeks of her ass to bring her the kind of pleasure she had only read about in novels. It was an erotic love that took her into a world she never wanted to leave.

When Rhonda told her she was taking Todd for some tests over the weekend, she knew that Max had no choice but to give her the time off she needed. Todd hadn’t been feeling well, and Rhonda didn’t want to take any chances that he was developing an infection. Maura understood and didn’t tell her that she would be working her shifts. There was no reason to worry her. She also didn’t need to know that Maura had picked up her shifts at Lucy’s, making hers a double. Between normal anxiety with the kids and now Todd, she knew her friend was near the breaking point. She hoped they would receive good news at the doctor’s. If working her shifts helped, it was the least she could do.


* * * *


When she arrived at the Den Friday night, Max and Toby were already tending bar. She had told them she’d catch a taxi since she had wanted to take a shower before her shift. She saw them look her way and was about to go up to them, but Katie walked up to her.

“Guess we’ve got to get you into a uniform.”

Maura smiled and followed Katie to the changing room. She didn’t feel like smiling, but the last thing she wanted was for Katie to think she thought she was too good to serve, or to embarrass Max or Toby. Although they hadn’t said anything earlier that day about her going back to the floor, their actions had spoken volumes. When this weekend was over, she prayed she would never have to work the floor again.

Katie stood looking at her, concern on her face. “You sure you’re okay with this?”

“I won’t deny I like bartending a lot better, but of course I’m okay with this. I’m a team player just like the rest of you. I go where I’m needed.”

“Antoine knows you’re on the floor tonight, and you know I’ll be keeping an eye out for you, too. So signal if you need help.”

“Don’t worry about me, okay?” She hoped Katie wasn’t anticipating problems. But then again, with her track record, could she blame her?

“Worry is my middle name. Now get dressed, and I’ll see you on the floor.”

Katie walked out and left Maura alone to pour herself into the skimpy uniform. When she looked in the mirror, she saw a woman she had hoped never to see again. She hated parading around in front of the customers dressed like this. It made her cringe, but she knew she was expected to do her job, and she couldn’t deny she would be glad to have the tips in her pocket. Even though her expenses had been cut down considerably, she had a large debt to pay, and until it was paid, she would never be able to completely put the past behind her.

No use dwelling on what she couldn’t change. It’s the future I need to worry about, and it’s time to face the music, she thought as she slipped into the black high heels that were a far cry from the sneakers she had been allowed to wear behind the bar. With renewed determination she walked out of the room and onto the floor. She hoped the night wouldn’t hold any surprises that she couldn’t handle. Wrong attitude, she chastised herself.
There’re no surprises that I can’t handle.

Max and Toby were busy at the bar when she reappeared. She could feel their eyes watching her approach. She knew if they had been alone, her uniform would have been torn from her body. However, there was concern on their faces, too. Were they, like Katie, already expecting the worst?

“Hi, Toby. Hi, Max. Reporting for duty,” she said with a mock salute.

“You’ll take the tables…” Max began.

“By the door. I know. My old territory.”

“Right. You know the drill,” he said, his eyes lingering on her breasts. She immediately felt her nipples stiffen. A few hours ago they sponged and dried her body before they filled her with their cum. She was addicted to their lovemaking, and it seemed so were they. She had sucked their cocks until they came again. She was always amazed at their stamina.

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