Read Set Me Free Online

Authors: Melissa Pearl

Tags: #romance, #young adult, #conspiracy fiction, #suspense action, #mystery action suspense thriller

Set Me Free (16 page)

BOOK: Set Me Free
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"Where'd you hide?"

I looked out the back window, craning my neck to see down the road.

"There was a front yard back there with a pretty decent bush. I just tucked myself in there."

Peeking over the front seat, I took in his dirty appearance and nodded.

"I know, I know." Unbuttoning his shirt without a second thought, he whipped it off and threw it at our feet before scrambling under the passenger's seat for a new one.

I couldn't help noticing his toned body. No wonder he had so much sex. Not that I was overly surprised before. He was a real charmer, but nothing compared to my Zach.

My Zach.

I liked the way that sounded in spite of the thorn of sorrow that embedded itself in me every time reality hit. My Zach? Was that even possible?

Biting the inside of my lip, I squeezed the seatback in front of me. Elliot returned a second later, his fly still wide open. I closed my eyes against the flash of green underwear.

"Dude, flying low," Zach muttered, throwing me an apologetic look.

"Huh? Oh." Elliot arched back in his seat, doing up his fly as if it was the least embarrassing thing in the world.

I pressed my lips together, quelling the giggle that suddenly wanted to break free.

"So, there's definitely movement. I heard the garage door opening as I peed."

"You peed by his house?" I gaped.

"Two birds with one stone. I went around to his back yard. No one saw me."

My bulging eyes matched the army of nervous hacking at my stomach. These guys had no idea how lethal Tenner was. Had I not explained myself clearly enough? He'd probably shoot some kid for peeing in his yard. He was a—

"Look, someone's coming."

Zach and I spun around, squishing to the edge of the window. A blond guy with a buzz cut jogged down the driveway, a football tucked under his arm.

"That must be his kid, Billy."

"Billy the kid," Elliot snorted as we all watched him.

Zach rolled his eyes at me, then suddenly spun as we noticed the guy take a turn in our direction. I kept my head low, not wanting to be spotted. Alex rubbed his forehead, trying to look casual as Billy passed our car.

"Don't worry, he didn't even look our way," Alex mumbled.

I sat up to see Billy walking up the street. "Do you think we should follow him? It might be a good way to Tenner."

Where the hell that came from, I will never know, but Alex loved the idea and before I could even think of a protest, Zach and I were strolling up the street behind Billy Tenner.



Chapter 18





Catching my fidgeting fingers, Zach stilled them in his hand and smiled at me. "Hey, this is way better than just sitting in a car. It's good to be doing something."

"I don't know if this guy can get us in and I don't even know what I mean by in." I grimaced.

"His house maybe?"

"Are you insane?"

Zach quietly chuckled at my horrified expression. "Don't you think it's worth a shot? Who knows what he's got locked away in there. His son could lead us to a gold mine without even knowing it."

"I hate using people this way." I made a face.

Zach squeezed my hand. "You're too sweet sometimes, you know that?"

I shot him a look that said otherwise. He just grinned at me and pulled me down the next street.

We had no idea where Billy was going and he didn't seem in that much of a hurry. School was out, I guess. He was distracted with his phone for most of the long walk, but we finally reached a small diner where he was met by a few other guys dressed in sports gear and looking ready for a serious game of rough and tumble football. They did that funny handshake guys do where they end in this half hug and slap each other on the back. He did the rounds among his friends before they all piled into the diner together.

"Let's linger for a sec before we go in." I pulled Zach back before he could cross the road. "Look at your phone, pretend you're texting someone."

I glanced behind me, feigning boredom as Zach fiddled with his phone. It was kind of nice that he just did it without questioning me. He had no idea what I was up to, neither did I for that matter, but it was cool that Zach trusted me enough to follow my lead.

The phone in Zach's hand buzzed. He checked the screen.

"Still no movement from the house."

I glanced at my watch. "Tenner hasn't left yet?"

Zach shrugged. "Maybe he's not there."

My gut curdled. If he wasn't there, then where was he?

"Alex says it's pointless. They're heading to the FBI. He wants us to get something out of Billy."

I grimaced and looked to the ground, an idea brewing. I didn't like the idea, but it could work. One of Billy's friends had spotted Zach and I standing out here. I saw him glance our way as he entered and they were now cramming into a booth seat by the window.

"Don't put your phone away. Stay busy with it," I muttered before grabbing a lock of my hair and twirling it around my finger.

"What are you doing?" Zach kept his eyes on his phone. "You're not a hair twirler."

I kept my eyes away from him, pretending like I was pissed off that he was taking so long with his hardware. "You're really just gonna have to trust me. I have an idea of how to get Billy."

"You're going for dumb flirt, aren't you?"

I spun back, my eyebrow arching, but then broke into a smile, pinching my nail between my teeth. "Please don't hate me for it, okay. I just think Billy and his friends look the type to go for it. You want to get into his house, right?"

"Yeah," Zach practically whined.

I threw back my head with a laugh, before wrapping my arms around his neck and lavishing him with a passionate kiss that I kind of hoped the guys were watching. Zach's hot tongue seared the inside of my mouth, sparking fantasies from the night before. It was an effort to stay focused on the job.

"Grab my ass," I mumbled against his lips.

"You're kidding me." He squeezed my waist.

"Just do it."

Zach sighed into my mouth, his hands gliding over my body before cupping my butt and giving it a firm squeeze. I was once again grateful for my tight jean shorts. I hadn't even meant to wear them. When we'd got back to Zach's place I'd just grabbed the first non-FBI looking thing I could find. I normally didn’t wear such skimpy clothing, but I'd found them in the lost and found at Monte Vista High and couldn't resist.

Zach's fingers skimmed the flesh beneath the edge of my fraying shorts. Sparks flew down my skin, making me ache for those crispy white sheets.

I pulled back and licked my lip suggestively, not too much of a challenge in my current state of mind, before yanking his hand and pulling him towards the diner.

I threw a glance at the window facing the street and spotted a finger pointing in my direction. Two of the guys were eyeing me like vultures as I entered the restaurant with a smirk.

We took our seats, choosing a table that was close enough to be watched, but far enough away not to be heard. As Zach buried his head in the menu, I stole a furtive glance at Billy's table. I waited until I'd caught his eye before trailing my gaze down his body. I gave him a simpering smile and didn't pick up my menu until his cheeks were a hot red.

Yeah, he'd be an easy target.

Picking up the menu, I scanned the contents, not reading a word. I hated that I could do this. Trick people into believing something that wasn't real. I knew I was good at it. I knew I could pull this off without breaking a sweat...but it didn't take away the fact that I still felt like scum when it was over.



"So, what are you having?" The waitress approached and took our order. I noticed how quietly Zach spoke and once he didn't have the menu to hide behind anymore, I could see the tense set of his shoulders.

"You have to relax and go with this or you're gonna blow it."

"Well, forgive me for not enjoying myself. You have no idea how beautiful you are and watching you flirt with other guys is just a know...harsh on the old self-esteem."

I couldn't help the smile that stretched across my lips. If only he knew the effect he had on me.

I knew I'd be breaking character if I reached for his hand and gently caressed it, so instead I ran my foot up his leg. "You know I only have eyes for you, right?"

He snorted and looked away from me.

"I know I'm acting all flirty right now and I need to keep that up, but in all seriousness Zach, you are the only guy that has ever made me feel..." I let out a breathy laugh, suddenly embarrassed. I couldn't look at him, because my cheeks felt like they were about to catch fire. Tucking a lock of hair behind my ear, I finally shook my head and whispered, "I don't know... you're just different. I can't help being myself around you and I love it. No one else has ever made me feel the way you do."

His eyes hit mine as I looked up. His expression softening with a look so pure and sweet, tears began to sting my eyes.

"Now stop being nice to me or I'm going to lose it."

Slouching back in his seat, he scowled at me. "What do you want me to do then?"

"That's better." I shifted in my seat, making sure my body was facing away from him a little. I wanted to appear like a sizzling couple that bickered a lot and the only thing holding them together was a lusty that could easily be thrown away for a better catch. "Start telling me something long-winded. Something that you think is interesting, but will bore me to death." I examined my nails before gazing around the restaurant.

Zach started talking, the edges of his mouth lifting as he began. "Okay, the day my parents left, I spent most of it in my pajamas watching Discovery Channel. I know that sounds majorly lame, but I was in a foul mood that day and Discovery Channel always make me feel better."

He tipped his head to the side. He was so cute at the moment, I wanted to kiss him senseless.

"I think it's because it's just show after show of really fascinating facts. There was one about Australia that was so interesting."

My character would be snoring right now, but I was Lucy and fully intrigued. I never really watched TV, but the idea of snuggling up on the couch with Zach and watching a show about some foreign country made my heart yearn. I forced an eye roll, running my finger over my bottom lip and trying not to look at Zach.

"Do you know that Australia has some of the largest crocodiles in the world? Some of them grow up to be 17-feet and weigh a thousand pounds." His eyebrows rose as he nodded his head. He was so impressed right now. I forced my lips to stay in a pouty frown. It was a really big effort. "But the coolest thing is the way they attack. They just lie in water, stock still as if they were dead, just below surface. They wait for their prey to get really close and when they least expect it, they just explode out of the water. It's amazing. There was all this footage, I couldn't believe it. I'll have to show you sometime."

I curbed my matching enthusiasm and flicked him a cursory glance. I kept my voice flat and my eyes downcast. "I have to say that you are so incredibly cute right now and I find your enthusiasm over facts like this a total turn on."

His eyes narrowed. "Haha."

"I know I can't show you, because of this role I'm trying to play, but believe me, if we were at your place right now and you had just said what you'd said in the same voice and tone, I'd be all over you."

I risked catching his eye to let him know I was serious and his gaze lit with a fiery spark. "Who said geeks don't rule?" He sounded smug and I had to bite the inside of my cheek to stop from smiling.

"Not me, that's for sure." I flung my arm over the back of my chair, shifting my body even further away from him and trying to look annoyed.

Our food arrived and we ate in silence. I wasn't actually that hungry, but forced it down. I made sure to keep throwing flirty looks at the table of guys, hating myself every time I did it.

BOOK: Set Me Free
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