Set Up For Love (10 page)

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Authors: Lynde Lakes

BOOK: Set Up For Love
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Minutes later, Dane placed a tray in front of Jill. “This ought to renew your strength and make you feel better.”
Anything to keep her mind off the killer,
he thought. The maniac wasn’t after a model now. He was after an understatedly beautiful FBI agent.

Dane studied Jill’s expression to determine if she’d gotten over her initial shock of the break-in and the bloody mirror. His intentions were honorable, yet his eyes seemed to have a will of their own as they lowered and slid down her body. He felt a warmth surge through his loins. It was easy to imagine the curve of her legs beneath those slacks.

“This omelet looks and smells wonderful,” she said. “Thanks for this. And thanks for being there today.”
“Hey, don’t go all nice on me. I won’t know how to act.”
“I guess I did give you a rough time.”

Dane shrugged. Perhaps Jill’s previous combative manner had served a purpose. It had made it easier for him to resist her womanly body. But now, he was losing the battle.

He brought a tray in for himself and sat down next to her. Golden highlights danced in her tousled hair. He had an urge to stroke the strands and discover if they were as silky as he imagined. Jill drank down the small glass of juice as though it were a bracing shot of bourbon. She was good at hiding her fear, but he saw through her act.

“We’ll get a line on Tess’ whereabouts tomorrow, don’t worry.”
“Easy for you to say, Tess isn’t your sister.”
“There’s the Jill I know.”
“I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve that. It’s just that my nerves are so raw.”
“It’s understandable.”
Jill took a bite of eggs. And another. “This is wonderful.”

“It’s the mushrooms,” he said, pleased that she liked his concoction. “Or maybe it’s the drop or two of that Bacardi rum you had hidden in the cabinet.”

She laughed about the rum, then winced as if laughing hurt. It spite of her apparent discomfort, the reaction seemed to release some of her tension.

“You know, it’s just like a reporter to go snooping for concealed things.”
He grinned, feeling a warmth deep inside. “That’s me, Mr. Snoopy.”
“You bachelors and your outlandish recipes.”
“The rum was in your cabinet, not mine, Jill.”
Jill laughed, then her gaze settled on the long matches in the container by the fireplace.

“Want me to light a fire?” he asking, aching to light her

“No. I was thinking of Tess. I found a matchbook from the Jester’s Motel in her room last night. I went there and the night manager couldn’t or wouldn’t tell me anything. Do you know anyone in the video business who uses that place?”

Dane felt guilt curl through him.

She stiffened, holding his gaze. “You
know something about it!”

He sighed. “Before we leased the studio, several of us did shoots there.”

“You?” Her whole body seemed to go rigid. “Then you
into porno.”

“Dammit, I’m not into anything! I’ve done a documentary and a few commercials. Period.”
“Don’t expect me to believe this video business hasn’t brought you close to some unsavory characters.”
“I don’t deny that.”
“Anything for the story, right? I’d started to believe you were a decent guy.”

He stared at her for several heartbeats. “I don’t know how to answer that. To get the whole story I sometimes have to rub elbows with nasty company and, on occasion, I even get close to crossing that invisible line.” He shrugged. “You must know how we work.”

He felt her challenging him with her gaze.
“No, tell me. How involved are you? How many rules did you break?”
“You’re a real piece of work, Grayson.”
She narrowed her eyes. “It’s tough to be the one on the hot seat, isn’t it?”
“I can handle it.” He glared at her. “Anyway, you’re merely on a fishing expedition.”
“And will I find good fishing?”
He refused to flinch. “It would benefit us both if we dipped our poles in the same pond. Could be a fair exchange.”
“My answer’s still the same, forget it.”
“You like to play a one-way game. All your way.”

Dane leaned toward her. She looked stunned, as though she thought he was going to kiss her. He tried for a seductive look just to irritate her. He stopped, with great effort.
What the hell am I doing
? “A cop in the S.F.P.D. told me this killer varies his modus operandi like some women change their moods,” he said, unbalanced by his own mood swings.

Jill bristled. “That’s why the killer stayed a step or two ahead of us. It seems the more adept and knowledgeable he becomes, the more he enjoys pitting his wits against the bureau.”

He held her gaze. “Against you, you mean?”
Dane winced when Jill shivered.
“Why are you trying to scare the wits out of me? Your bedside manner stinks, Mr. Clark.”

Had he gone too far? “I’ve frightened you. Good. I know you’re trained to handle yourself, but you’ve gotten in way over your head.”

She pulled away. “Perhaps the killer shares your mistaken opinion, and that’s why he’s zeroed in on me. He has contempt for people he believes are dumber than he is.”

“So, how has he managed to stay free with both the police and FBI hot on his trail?”

“He’s a different breed, a rational maniac. Everything he does is planned. But if he loses his grip and acts purely out of compulsion, he’ll make a mistake.”

“Is he likely to do that?”
He saw a shiver flutter through her and wondered if he was pushing too hard.
“It’s possible, but with Tess’ life at stake I can’t wait.”

Dane stomach knotted at the desperation in her tone, but he couldn’t stop his words. “I thought the cops had missed something. That’s why I went undercover.”

“And what did you learn? Nothing to save Charmaine.”

“Good shot, Grayson. You know how to put the screws to a guy.”

“Sorry, that was out of line. This case has turned me into a barracuda. I wasn’t always this cruel. But it’s tough to fight the pressures from chasing psychopaths and the demands of the bureau.” She gave a weak smile. “Very sorry, really.”

“Guess I deserved it. I took some unfair shots myself. It was payback for the hours I spent in jail. Now that we’re even, let’s try again for a truce. How about it, at least for tonight?”

“We can try.”
“Okay. What do we know?” He knew she wouldn’t tell him anything classified, but it didn’t hurt to discuss what they both knew.
“I’ve asked myself if beauty and modeling are the real connections.”
“Maybe it’s what the beauty represents to the killer.”

“I considered that. There aren’t any facts in this maniac’s profile to prove it.” Jill leaned forward. “Was Charmaine into porno?”

Dane stared down at his hands for a moment. He had to make Jill understand. “Charmaine was a good kid. All she wanted was a chance at the brass ring of stardom.”

“Why are you dancing around the question? Did you film her in lewd acts?”
“Hell, no. How can you ask me that now?”
“Well, was she or wasn’t she in porno?”
“I don’t know. We talked about some offers she’d had. I told her porno was the wrong way to go.”
“Yet, if she wanted to go down that road, you’d oblige. Right?”
“Wrong. I’d never do that.”
“But you’d let her risk her life to get information for your big story.”
“You can’t keep the truce, can you, Agent Grayson? You have to keep pushing me against the wall.”
“For us to share freely, I have to know your involvement.”
Dane raked his fingers through his hair. “My involvement was going after the story. Period.”
“You pay for tips to uncover your big scoop.” Her tone had an accusing edge.
“I won’t deny that.”
“So, you tempted a young girl to do your dirty work?”
“That’s not an issue here. The caller lied.” He felt a muscle twitch in his jaw.
“You said you assumed she’d learned something about the video story that put her in danger.”

“Knowledge that the maniac was out there stalking models was supposed to keep her on guard.” His throat constricted. “I only wanted to protect Charmaine.”

Jill reached out as if to touch his hand then stopped. “Didn’t you warn her that snooping could be dangerous?”

“Yes.” Dane curled his hands into tight fists, wanting to slam them into something. “Charmaine wasn’t supposed to take any chances. I thought by going to her, I could get her out before it was too late.” He scowled. “What happened to our truce? You really want to pin something on me, don’t you?”

Jill met his gaze. Her eyes softened. “No, Dane, I want quite the opposite. I’m only trying to understand how involved you are in all this.”

“Involved enough to make someone nervous. That’s why I was set up and why Charmaine had to die.”
“Do you think she could’ve told anyone the name of the person she’d worked with last night?”
“It’s possible.” He couldn’t control the huskiness in his voice. “Models share job information.”
Jill’s eyes darkened. “You think she may have told Tess? Was Tess on your payroll, too?”
“I used her in a couple of commercials. She didn’t know I was a reporter.”
“That is, unless Charmaine told her?”
Dane tightened his jaw. “Right.” He hated what both of them were thinking—Tess could know too much.

He closed his eyes against the pain. The guilt and misery would be unbearable if something happened to Tess. Or Jill. Getting his story had slipped to second place. To live with himself, he had to stop the killer. But how?

He wished he could erase the worry from Jill’s face. Both sisters had the same fine straight nose and striking, wide-set blue eyes. In spite of the similarities, they were quite different. Tess was taller and light blonde. She was popular and conscious of her beauty—for her it was a commodity. Jill was darker, more serious, and rather than coveting popularity, she sought professional admiration and respect. She didn’t seem aware that she was just as attractive as her sister. Her unique womanliness and high spirits made Jill more attractive, at least to him.

Even with all her training, Jill was clearly more vulnerable than she’d ever admit. The killer could return. Dane knew she’d never agree to let him stay the night. But he wasn’t leaving.

Jill pushed her hair behind her ear. “Although I agree the folder with Tess’ pictures was planted, she still could’ve had some connection to the studio.”

“If she ever modeled there, I wasn’t aware of it.”
Jill met his gaze and rubbed her arms. She glanced in the direction of the bloodied mirror.
“Shall I start a fire?” he asked, pretending not to know what might be going through her mind.
“I should turn in early.” Her tone was tentative, as if she didn’t really want him to go. “It’s been a rough day.”

“There’s a newscast I must catch,” he said, stalling. “It comes on in about ten minutes, and if I’m on the road I’ll miss it. May I watch it here? It’s rather important.”

“Why do I doubt that? You’re up to something, but I’m too worn out to figure out what it is. Besides, how can I say no after such a touching appeal?”

“Thanks. Now, how about that fire?” He sent his most grateful smile and bent in front of the hearth, grabbed one of the fireplace matches, and waited.

Jill rubbed her forehead. “I can’t remember when I’ve gone through such a tangle emotions in so few hours. Worry, fear, helplessness—”

She stopped abruptly, and he wondered if another emotion concerned the electricity that sizzled between them.
“It’s all so impossible,” she whispered.
“You’ll sleep better after I burn off the chill.”
“All right. I need to make a couple of calls before turning in, anyway.”

He stared at her, fighting his needs, his worries. He had to find a way to spend the night. He told himself it was only to keep her safe.



Chapter Fifteen


Jill called Tess’ roommate first. Ellen hadn’t heard from Tess. Next, Jill called Gary. He told her that Dane had contacted him earlier to request that he check the university since they were out of commission at the hospital.

“Tess never showed up,” Gary added.

Jill closed her eyes, fighting the disappointment, the rising fear. Had Tess showed up, Gary could’ve put her in protective custody. As she hung up, Jill touched her lips.
How perceptive Dane had been. He’d tried to protect Tess.

As she hung up, a warmth flooded her heart. Dare she trust Dane? Had he held back something about her sister’s involvement with the studio?

Dane had a fire going in seconds and the room began to lose its chill. The amber glow played off the angles and planes of his face and highlighted his dark good looks. “Any news about Tess?” he asked.

“Nothing.” Worry weighed Jill down and drained every drop of energy. “She hasn’t even called. Gary checked the university, thanks to you. And he talked with Tess’ neighbors. They described friends and cars coming and going; however, no one could give names or license numbers. No one at the gym could tell him anything new either.”

Jill stared into space, losing herself. She felt her heartbeat quicken as Dane tenderly tucked a wisp of hair behind her ear.
“I don’t know what to say,” he murmured. “I can’t tell you not to worry, because I’m as worried as hell myself.”
“It helps to have you here.”
The warmth from the fire and the silence that settled between them made Jill drowsy.
She yawned and rubbed her eyes. “I’m bushed. Watch your newscast, then let yourself out, okay?”
He nodded. “Don’t worry, I’ll lock the place up tight.”

Jill heard the television come on as she left the room. Perhaps it was rude to leave him in there alone while she got ready for bed, but she was too drained to care.

She glanced at the mirror. The blood was gone. Dane must have cleaned it while she napped. How thoughtful. She would thank him tomorrow.

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