Seth: Futuristic Spy Romance (Cyborgs: More Than Machines) (17 page)

BOOK: Seth: Futuristic Spy Romance (Cyborgs: More Than Machines)
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Chapter Twenty

Manhandling his wife perhaps wasn’t the most
mature of responses, but when he heard the word ex-boyfriend and found out he was a cyborg? Irrational or not, Seth kind of lost it.

He bellowed, “I’m going to kill the bastard,” to which she replied, “Good luck, he’s also a spy model, and bigger than you.”
To add insult to injury, Aramus laughed and said, “Suckah!”, which was so totally unexpected that Seth just about had a meltdown.

And then Anastasia’s words really penetrated. “Bigger than me? As in size or
?” he demanded, his brows drawing together in a frown.

“Does size really matter? I did end up dumping him if it’s any consolation.”

Not really. So over his shoulder she went, protesting all the way. She obviously didn’t mind too much, else she could have gotten out of his fireman hold. Any half-trained idiot could, but she let him carry her while trying to placate him. “Now, Seth, husband, there’s no need to be so irrational. Yes, Adam and I dated after our breakup during the revolution, but ultimately we parted ways.”

“Because you hated each other

“No, more because I needed to go off
-planet to follow some leads. We left on good terms.”

“And this is supposed to make me feel better how?” he snarled, stomping to his old quarters on board.

“Because if I ask him to help us, he probably will.”

“But I don’t want his help.” Petulant? Yes.
He wouldn’t deny it. He didn’t care if this other cyborg shared some of the same nanos and experience. He didn’t give a flying fuck if he could help them. Seth didn’t want this guy, this bigger guy, anywhere near

“Oh stop being such a baby about this. We need his aid. Why are you so opposed to it?”

“Isn’t it obvious? He’s seen you naked.”

“So? Other women saw you naked too,” she reminded. “You don’t see me going all batshit crazy.”

“What if I told you one of them was on board right now, what would you say?”

Like he’d thought, she let him manhandle her because he’d no sooner taunted her than he found himself on his back with a gun pointed at his head.

“Where is the slut?” she snarled.

“Jealous much?” he asked.

“Just point me in her direction. I have a cure

With her snapping eyes, curled lip
, and intense expression promising deadly retribution, she looked beyond gorgeous. How he loved her, even if she had jealousy issues. “I lied. My encounters were of the paid-for variety.” Mostly. But none of them meant anything and, now that Anastasia was back in his life, would never happen again.

She tucked her gun away and rose to her feet.
“I hate you.”

“But not as much as you love me,” he said with a grin.

“Do not.”

“Sure you do.” He winked
, knowing it would aggravate her. It did. So cute. “By the way, I meant to ask, how the hell did you get your hands on a gun? Don’t tell me MJ armed you?”

Not exactly. You know how I hate to be unarmed.” She shrugged. “I kind of took it from another one of your shipmates when I went chasing after you.”

You didn’t kill him, did you?” Wife or not, if she murdered another cyborg, it probably wouldn’t go over well.

No, I didn’t kill him. I actually didn’t have to use any violence at all.” How disgruntled she seemed. “When I explained I needed his weapon to murder you, he handed it over. Said to tell you Aphelion says hi.”

A snort of laughter escaped him.
“That sly little fucker. I knew he had a sense of humor buried in that serious body of his somewhere. But we’ve digressed from our original problem. You slept with this Adam dude.”


“I don’t like it.” He admitted it. Given the lies that had come between them before, he saw no reason to hold back the truth. Perhaps had they both been more open in the past, they would have never gotten to the point they had in the first place.

That makes no sense. Adam and I broke up a while ago, so I don’t get why you would have a problem with it, especially since while I was dating Jerry you didn’t seem to give two hoots.”

He couldn’t help but make a disparaging noise.
“Ha. Jerry was a human. I knew he couldn’t compare to my awesomeness.”

“Says you.”

“Knows me.”

“I dare you to prove it.”
She planted her hands on her hips and her lips curled into a smirk of challenge.

“Excuse me, but are you daring me to show you, in person, just how awesome I am?”

“I’m sorry. Did your higher brain functions get damaged from too many slaps to the head? That’s exactly what I’m saying. And, since you’re having problems with your comprehension skills, let me explain it in simple terms. I would like you to prove it to me while naked. I also want you to make it exciting, and I do expect a screaming orgasm for the finale.”

A mortal man would have fallen to his knees in worship before such a demand. As it was, Seth’s BCI practically melted from the overload of his circuits as he swept her into his arms and ran the rest of the way to his quarters.

He couldn’t have said how their clothes ended up on the floor, although picking up the shreds later, he could vaguely recall some ripping of fabric amidst panting kisses.

Forget thinking logically. Forget taking his time and savoring the moment. Passion
consumed him. And hunger. A hunger for her flesh.

Having placed her upon his bed, her body naked and splayed for his visual feasting, he admired her, memorized every inch, replacing his old memories of her with the new. She’d changed little on the outside, and yet, with them starting afresh, he felt a need to re-catalogue everything he knew about her, starting with her beautiful face. With her
eyes half open, the lids heavy with desire, her cheeks a slight pink, meaning she’d let her body controls loose, and her lips swollen and juicy, she took his higher thinking process away. No other woman could ever compare, not for him.

He let his gaze wander, dipping down to her breasts, perfect, round globes with sweet puckered nipples. H
is already hard cock pulsed at the sight, but it pearled at the glimpse of the moist haven between her thighs.

“I can’t believe you dyed it blonde,” he murmured.

“All part of my cover. It’s also easier than keeping it shaved,” she replied with a naughty smile.

“I like the new hairdo, but
I’ll admit, I preferred the original.”

“Then perhaps it’s time I went back to being a brunette. With my cover blown, there’s no reason why I can’t.”

There she was again, implying that his wishes mattered. Could it be she was changing her mind about the two of them staying together? Did he dare hope?

He’d worry about it later. With the sensual feast spread before him, he had more important things to attend to, such as bringing her so much pleasure she’d never even want to look at another male again.

Suddenly impatient, he covered her body with his, her softer, toned frame the perfect complement to his sleek lines. He shuddered at the skin-to-skin contact, savoring it. Never mind he’d touched and explored her during their trip out to the military ship. Now, things were different. Now, he could see the possibility of a future. Something in her had changed.
I do believe she’s ready to stop fighting and to try again.
Which meant she sought to control. Theirs ever had been a war of who would prevail. Her arms twined around his neck, her fingers laced through his hair, and she drew his mouth to hers, engaging him in a passion-filled kiss.

Let her think she called the shots
. He’d still make her scream first. Maybe twice.

her bottom lip between his teeth, he tugged before sucking it. She squirmed under him, hips grinding and pressing her moist sex against his cock, which was trapped between their bodies.

“So impatient,” he murmured against her mouth as h
e untangled her arms from around his neck and pushed them over her head. Wanting to dominate the situation or not, she moaned at his manhandling. In public, she might act tough and bitchy, but when naked in his arms, she liked it when he used his superior strength against her.

Anchoring her hands with one of his,
which she could have broken free of but didn’t, he went exploring. His lips traveled the sensitive skin of her neck down to the valley between her breasts. He buried his face, inhaling the unique scent that was hers alone. With his one free hand, he cupped a firm globe, squeezing it until she moaned. Leaving the heavenly valley, he shifted his head to latch on to her protruding nipple. With the hard nub caught between his lips, he sucked and swirled his tongue around the engorged tip, delighting in the way she writhed and mewled.

And people thought cyborgs didn’t feel. He begged to differ. Cyborgs felt all too much, when they chose.

Even the simplest of acts, like him blowing on the wet nub, had her gasping and arching her upper body. So fucking beautiful.

But it seemed wrong to lavish all of his attention on just the one berry.
He switched over to the other nipple, giving it the same passionate attention. Back and forth he played, an enjoyable game of drive his wife nuts, a game he could have easily conducted for hours, but another pleasure zone awaited him. And, by the way her hips thrust and the way she panted, she was more than ready for him to switch his focus.

Down her body he slid,
his hand still gripping hers, holding her a willing prisoner. He pulled them from over her head to rest on her stomach to make it easier for him to indulge in his new objective.

Her legs parted, giving him plenty of space to nestle himself and give his lips access to the most sensitive part of her. Her entire body shuddered as he blew on her sex. How the scent of her arousal titillated. He wanted to bury his face against her pubes and just breathe her in, savor the richness of her desire. Instead, he gave her one long lick, letting the taste of her sit on his tongue, an explosion of flavor that he
filed under the term ambrosia.

Seth.” She moaned his name, and a shiver went through him. Experience wasn’t something he lacked, not when it came to women, and yet, no one ever made him feel like Anastasia did. No one could make him lose control. Make him forget who and what he was. Make him feel

Forget teasing her. It was more like torture, for them both. He let his hunger take over and feasted on her sweetness. Tasted her sweet pussy. Spread her velvety pink lips and let his tongue rediscover the wonders of her flesh.

She went wild. His beautiful controlled wife bucked and writhed under his oral assault. She cried out his name. She heaved, she thrust, she begged. With her enhanced strength, he had no choice but to release her hands but only so he could anchor her hips, pinning her for the tongue-lashing he was determined to give. Forcing her to feel his tongue as it plunged into her sex. Feel as he flicked it across her clit. Scream as he bit down on her most sensitive spot.

As he sucked and nibbled at her clit,
Anastasia came, tremors of bliss rocking her sex, tremors he felt on his tongue when he plunged it between her damp folds.

But even when the shakes and shudders of her body slackened, he didn’t relent. They weren’t done.
Far from it. He went back to his pleasurable task of teasing her. Tasting her. Bringing her back to the blissful edge. When she panted his name, over and over, “Seth, please. Seth, now. Se-e-eth,” he finally stopped his oral play and allowed himself to slide up her body until they were face to face again.

“Look at me,” he demanded.

He didn’t have to ask twice. Even with her lids passion swollen, she gazed at him. In that moment, she couldn’t hide what she felt. Couldn’t hide her need for him. Couldn’t hide her love. Couldn’t hide her vulnerability.

All things he recognized because he felt them too.
“I love you, Anastasia. I always have. I always will. You are the only one for me.”

Her hands cupped his cheeks.
“And I love you. Forever and always.”

Which for cyborgs could mean a very long time. Was it wrong to want to fist pump at a time like this?

Probably, especially since he was braced on his forearms, the tip of his cock nudging her moist sex. Forget easing his way in to that snug channel. She locked legs of steel around his shanks and drove him in.

“Fucking yeah!” Perhaps not the most romantic thing he could have said, but then again
, could anything really describe the intensely pleasurable sensation of being buried so deep within the woman he loved? Hell, he was so overcome by the bombarding sensations, both physical and emotional, that he couldn’t help but close his eyes to truly savor it.
She loves me. She wants me.
She was also wet, tight, and still slightly quivering from her first orgasm. Control? What was control? Where his wife was concerned, he didn’t have any. Instead, he felt as though he was in a race, a race where neither wanted to finish first. A race where a tie was the best win of all.

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