Seth's Cravings: An Endless Series: Book 2 (27 page)

BOOK: Seth's Cravings: An Endless Series: Book 2
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     “I am touching you, baby.” I grunted teasingly knowing
that’s not what she meant. She wanted my hands on her pussy. I don’t know why I
was teasing her. I wanted that just as bad.

     Nadia suddenly shot up out of my lap surprising me, and
leaving my hands desperate for her skin. Disappointment washed over me because I
thought she was trying to get away from me, but instead she turned and straddled
my lap facing me. I got a brief glimpse of her eyes that were fever bright with
out of control passion before her mouth crashed down on mine.

     Damn, she ran hot. I couldn’t recall ever being this
hot, this fast…this crazy. The instant our lips met, our tongues clashed and
fought; mine stroking hers, hers tangling with mine. It was a fight to see who
would control the kiss. She wiggled in my lap and her hands were everywhere,
running over my shoulders, knotting in my hair, trailing down my abdomen. My
stomach clenched at how close she was coming to my aching cock. My hands were
roaming just as freely over her back and squeezing her ass.

I can’t…” She cried in frustration.

     I finally realized what she was trying to do with all
that wiggling. She was attempting to line us up so her clit could get some
relief, but the chair was making it difficult. Fuck it…that was my job.

     “I’ll take care of you, honey.” Clutching her ass I
rose still kissing her frantically, took a step, and fell forward onto the
couch. In seconds my hand unfastened her shorts and then my finger was sliding
through nirvana.

     Nadia’s head slammed back and she nearly screamed.

     My balls drew up tight and my dick throbbed at the sound.
Until this moment I didn’t realize I loved loud vocal satisfaction…her
satisfaction. “Damn, Nadia, you feel so fucking good.” My finger glided through
hot smooth labia dripping in wetness. Dipping one finger inside her
unbelievable tightness I pumped once and then pulled out circling her clit.

     Nadia’s eyes flew open and the sight of her aquamarine
eyes staring up at me in dazed bliss and supplication just about undid me. Her
face was beautifully flushed, her lips pink, ripe and swollen. My hips rolled
on her leg in agony, and my finger stroked and pumped into her as I imagined my
cock doing it instead. The next instant I felt a hand pulling at the fastening
of my shorts, and then that hand was encircling my dick and squeezing…hard.

     “Oh shit...” I stared down at her dumbfounded that
anything could feel this damn good. I mean…shit, it was only her hand!

     Nadia pushed her hips into my finger as she stroked me
firmly. “Oh my,
. You feel
. So big, so hard, so
smooth.” She panted.

     I panted along with her as we both rolled our hips
simultaneously. The daintiness and softness of her hand was a contrast to the
powerful strokes she used. My orgasm rushed toward me and there was no way I
was going to be able to hold it off. I squeezed a second finger inside of her.
The walls of her sex were unbelievably tight and I could feel every smooth and spongy
surface, every contracting muscle. The sensations transmitted straight to my
throbbing cock.

      Setting my forehead to hers I groaned in impending
climax. With my fingers twisting and thrusting I rubbed at her clit in near
brutality. “Come for me, Nadia. Come for me hard.”

     It was like she was waiting for my command, and she
didn’t just climax, she detonated, screaming, and melting, and coming and coming
and coming, her walls compressing me so hard my knuckles crunched together. I
had to cover her mouth with mine so the whole house didn’t hear.

     Her reaction, the thought of having my dick in there,
as well as her hard tug on my cock, had me following her into the abyss, and
the streaks of pleasure that ripped through me were almost more than I could
take. For the first time in my life I actually roared in release. Pressing my
face into her neck I pumped my hips frantically into her hand and felt my semen
shoot out of me in hard spurts that went on and on and on.   

     When I was finally drained I slumped into the curve of
the couch half on, half off of her. My face was stuffed in her neck and I
breathed in her citrusy scent letting it wash through me, ground me. Both of us
were breathing hard and we seemed to be too worn out to remove our individual
hands from the other person’s pants. Hell, I was fine with where each of our
hands were. I liked her hand cupped around me, as well as the feel of her in my

didn’t come close to how I felt.  

     After several minutes of absolute contentment, Nadia’s hand
lazily stroking through my hair suddenly tensed. “
Chto, chert voz’mi ty
delayesh’ so mnoy.”
She whispered pulling her hand away from my dick
leaving it feeling deprived.

     I didn’t know what she said but it wasn’t difficult to
discern from her tone that she was regretting what just happened, but I wasn’t
going to let that be an option for her. Sure, the situation had escalated
beyond both of our control, as it had last night, but our chemistry was too
damn off the charts to deny. I just had the most intense orgasm of my life with
a woman that elicited numerous emotions from me. There was no way I was letting
that go.   

     Moving my leg over both of hers I circled her clit
softly. Her hips jerked and she gasped. “English, Nadia,” I commanded sucking
on her neck. She swallowed hard under my lips.

     She stayed silent and I kept up my ministrations; circling,
stroking, pumping. If I had to do it all over again to make her realize that we
were bound to happen than I would…gladly. My cock was already swelling for
another round. What was a little more spunk in my pants?

     Nadia’s hand clenched in my hair and her breathing
shuddered out as her hips began to rotate with the movements of my hand. “We
can’t do this again.” She protested at the same time arching in response to my
touch. “Auhh,” she cried softly. 

     Damn, she brought out my primitive side; made me want
to bend her to my will. But she was right that we shouldn’t do it again…I think.

     Raising my head I growled. “Woman, you make me crazy.
Tell me what you said.” I had to stay focused or we’d be attacking each other
all over again.

     Nadia’s cheeks were glowing pink and she panted with
bliss, but still she looked me in the eye with an indomitable spark in hers.
“Efery time you touch me I lose myself. I’m no longer me. You make me forget zee
rest of zee world, my responsibilities. Zee control I lif my life by becomes
nonexistent.” She glared at me. “I don’t like it.”

     I had to punish her for that so I pumped my finger into
her hard a few times making her neck bow and had her crying out in pleasure.
“You don’t like this?” I asked hoarsely. Fuck, I wanted inside her. I wanted to
feel these walls that were constricting around my finger on my cock. “Tell me
you don’t like this, Nadia.” I demanded sucking her lower lip between my teeth.

     She stared at me her eyes hot with passion and dissent.
The dissent bothered me. I wanted her trust. I halted in my stroking to cup her
so she would be able to better comprehend what I was going to confess. “I like
you, Nadia. I want to get to know you more.” The rebellion in her gaze dimmed
to uncertainty. “Yes, this situation got out of hand…again, but it’s not
something I planned. Would it be so bad for us to get to know each other
better?” I asked. “I know you’re busy and I’m willing to do this on your
schedule. Just give me a chance.”  

     Her gaze flickered away and she sort of slumped. I
removed my hand grudgingly realizing this was crucial moment for me, for us.
She needed to make this decision without my hand down her pants. But I wasn’t
above a small amount of manipulation. Nuzzling her ear I murmured. “There’s
something special between us, Nadia. Come on, say yes. Let’s have an actual
date. I’ll take you out to dinner, to the movies, maybe bowling, or couples

     Nadia’s mouth twitched and her gaze tracked back to me.
The rebellion was gone, but the uncertainty still remained, and the new glint
of yearning told me she wanted to say yes.

     My heart loosened at the sight. It was unbelievable how
badly I wanted her to agree to a date, and down deep I knew that if she said no
I would keep hounding her. She was a strong woman, a fighter, and she was
obstinate enough to fight her own emotions discounting them as unimportant if
she thought they would interfere with her responsibilities to her family.

     It was an admirable quality.  

     “Maybe we could try.” Nadia conceded softly.

     Of course I had to kiss her in relief, and
encouragement, and who knows how far it might have gone if my phone hadn’t buzzed
in my pocket. I pulled away with regret. “I’d better get that. Could be about

     Pulling myself off of Nadia I reached into my pocket.
As I did I felt and saw the mess I’d made in my boxers. Shaking my head at my
lack of control I moved to the table to grab some tissues as I answered the
call from Evan. “Yeah.”

     “Hey, we’ve hit several hotels and can’t find Landon’s
brother. We’ve been calling around to others but there’s no sign of him. We’re
thinking that they may have gotten a room under the other guy’s name, but
Landon doesn’t know him, so we’re heading back and Landon says he needs to get
back to Charlottesville…now”

     There was a heavy pause on Evan’s end as I absently
cleaned myself while watched with avidly interest as Nadia straightened her

     “Seth, the man’s in a dark place. He’s not hearing
anything we tell him.” Evan imparted worriedly.

     Damn! It was really difficult not to push Nadia to
reveal what had been said. “Okay, I’ll tell everyone to get their stuff
together.” I responded pushing disconnect.

     Nadia stared at me in questioning concern. “Is
everything okay?”

     I fastened my shorts. “Landon wants to head back.”

     She nodded like she wasn’t surprised. “Yeah, okay. You
should ride back with him. I have some doubts that he will talk about it, but
you never know. No matter what though, he needs to know that you guys are there
for him. From how he reacted I think he’s going to have a rough time ahead of
him.” Her look was apprehensively pensive.

     I was surprised by her compassion for someone she
really barely knew…astounded at her depths…but I was also amused at her slip
into management mode as she told me what to do. Walking up to her I took her
hands. “Are you turning mother for him?” I asked.

     She sighed. “I just feel bad for him, and while I can’t
tell you what it’s about, I can tell you that he’s going to need his friends.
I’m going to stay the rest of the day with Luka and Issy. We don’t get to the
beach very often and two days in a row is quite a treat for them.”

     I nodded in total agreement. The three of them shouldn’t
lose out on an enjoyable weekend because of something that had nothing to do
with them. I pulled Nadia closer wrapping her in my arms. She resisted at
first, because that was just part of her personality, but she ultimately allowed
me the hug and even relaxed some.

     “So, about this date? When would be a good day?” I
asked rubbing her back.

     “Uh…I’m not really sure. I have a parent’s night at
Issy’s school Monday, and Tuesday I have a poker game…” 

     I tensed at that. “Another game. Where?”

     “Mike Tanner’s house on Hillcrest Drive.”

     She’d rattled that off quickly. “Sounds like you’ve
been before.”

     “I’ve been to his house a few times.” She responded

     I did not like the idea of her going to those poker
games by herself. “What do you think about me tagging along with you that

     She gave me a skeptical look. “That sounds like a blast
for you; chauffeur and chair ornament.”

     “Believe it or not I could find lots of things to do
sitting in a chair.” I countered with a wicked grin.

     She blushed in remembrance, but her eyes narrowed. “It’s
going to get pretty damn old real fast watching me play poker for an hour and a
half.” She pushed away from me shaking her head. “You just want to babysit me,
but I’m too old to be babysat.” She grumbled walking toward the door.

     Grabbing her hand I spun her back in my arms. She
twirled and we connected chest to chest. She looked up at me in disgruntled
surprise. “Let me take you, Nadia.” I grumbled in frustration. I loved that she
was independent, but she needed to learn to give a little.

     We had a stare off for about twenty seconds before she finally
grinned and gave one-shoulder shrug. “Fine, but it’s your boring funeral.”

      The girl’s mood could switch on a dime. I leaned down
and took her mouth roughly for the unnecessary aggravation. For about three
seconds she held back, but then her hands dove into my hair, and she devoured
me like she hadn’t kissed me in months.

     My blood instantly heated shooting straight to my groin.
Clamping my hands on her ass I found the nearest wall slamming her up against
it. Who knows how far it would have progressed if there wasn’t a knock at the

     “Seth…Nadia…Luka’s looking for you. You might want to
wrap it up in there.” Amanda chuckled from the hallway.

     We tore our lips apart gasping for breath and I stared
down at her in amazement. I have never come close to igniting so fast or so strongly
as I did with her. This connection had to be rare.

     Nadia pushed me away peevishly. “Stop kissing me for
sake.” With one last heated glare my way she marched toward the door.

     Chuckling I strode after her knowing the only reason
she was peeved was because she’d lost control again.

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