Seven Princes (66 page)

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Authors: John R. Fultz

BOOK: Seven Princes
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Tong managed to raise his head a bit. He moaned softly at the pain of his pierced flesh. The white creatures crouched among the bodies of the dead men. Scarlet stained their long claws and bony chests. Tongues descended from their fanged maws to lick at the bronze faces of corpses. At first he thought they were lapping up the blood, that they would devour the dead men and himself. He only hoped they would kill him before eating him. Yet the eyeless ones seemed only to explore the men’s faces and armor with their weird pink tongues like curling tendrils. Their tongues moved more like curious fingers than organs made for tasting.

Now they gathered about Tong, sniffing at him and sliding their tongues across his skin. Tongues wrapped about each of the arrow shafts and pulled them from his body in quick, painful jerks. Fresh blood welled from the ragged holes. The eyeless faces drew near to his own, and he heard them sniffing. He must smell like a wild animal dying of infected wounds. Perhaps his stink would drive them away, and he would lie here and die at last.

The shadows of the jungle converged to flood his brain, and the beasts lifted his useless body. He hung weightless in the grip of their powerful hands, and their claws unavoidably
pricked his skin. Blood spilled from his poisoned wounds as awareness spilled from his mind.

The creatures raced in bounding, graceful strides through the scarlet wilderness.

He did not believe they were carrying him toward the green fields of the Deathlands.


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Publications by John R. Fultz

Books of the Shaper

Seven Princes

Dramatis Personae

Vod the Giant-King
—Ruler of New Udurum, City of Men and Giants; slayer of Omagh the Serpent-Father; sorcerer and living legend.

Queen Shaira of Udurum
—Wife of Vod; Sister of Ammon; former Princess of Shar Dni; Mother of Fangodrel, Tadarus, Vireon, and Sharadza.

Prince Fangodrel of Udurum
—Shaira’s first son; named after Vod’s father; born during the reconstruction of Udurum.

Prince Tadarus of Udurum
—Shaira’s second son; named after Shaira’s father; born one year after Fangodrel.

Prince Vireon of Udurum
—Shaira’s third son; born one year after Tadarus.

Princess Sharadza of Udurum
—Only daughter of Shaira and Vod; sister of Fangodrel, Tadarus, and Vireon; born several years after Vireon.

Prince Tyro of Uurz
—Son of Dairon; twin brother of Lyrilan; swordsman of renown.

Prince Lyrilan of Uurz
—Son of Dairon; twin brother of Tyro; scholar and scribe.

Prince Andoses of Shar Dni
—Son of Ammon; Nephew of Shaira; Cousin to Fangodrel, Tadarus, Vireon, and Sharadza.

Prince D’zan of Yaskatha
—Son of Trimesqua; lone heir to the throne.

Olthacus the Stone
—Personal bodyguard to Prince D’zan; veteran of the South Island wars.

—Usurper of Yaskatha; ancient sorcerer and necromancer.

Ianthe the Claw
—Empress of Khyrei; former wife of Gammir; a known sorceress.

Gammir of Khyrei
—Former Emperor of Khyrei; a known sorcerer slain by Vod the Giant-King during the rescue of Shaira.

Omagh, Father of Serpents
—Ancient progenitor of Serpents; slain by Vod the Giant-King.

Fangodrim the Gray
—Uncle of Vod; Brother of Fangodrel the First; Great Uncle of Fangodrel, Tadarus, Vireon, and Sharadza; a leader among Giants.

Dairon, Emperor of Uurz
—First Emperor of the New Blood; former Captain of the Uurzian Legions; father to Tyro and Lyrilan.

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