Seven Will Out: A Renaissance Revel (46 page)

BOOK: Seven Will Out: A Renaissance Revel
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“Dolly, I’m flattered. But I’m not eyeing that second-best bed for our personal use, you know.”

“You grab a brolly, Wally, and I’ll bundle up Ollie and Vollie. Take my word for it; once we crack open that bed, ‘the world’s our oyster’!”


Elizabeth Barrett Browning:

A Vision of Poets

William Congreve:

The Mourning Bride

William Cowper:

The Task

Emily Dickinson:

Because I could not stop for Death

Gilbert and Sullivan:

The Sorcerer

George Gordon, Lord Byron:

She Walks in Beauty

Christopher Marlowe:

The Passionate Shepherd to His Love

Hero and Leander

The Shakespeare Plays:

All’s Well That Ends Well

Antony and Cleopatra

As You Like It

Comedy of Errors




Henry IV, Part I

Henry IV, Part II

Henry V

Henry VI, Part I

Henry VI, Part II

Henry VI, Part III

Henry VIII

Julius Caesar

King John

King Lear

Love’s Labour’s Lost


Measure for Measure

Merchant of Venice

Merry Wives of Windsor

Midsummer Night’s Dream

Much Ado about Nothing



Richard II

Richard III

Romeo and Juliet

Taming of the Shrew


Timon of Athens

Titus Andronicus

Troilus and Cressida

Twelfth Night

Two Gentlemen of Verona

Winter’s Tale

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