Sewing the Shadows Together (26 page)

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Authors: Alison Baillie

BOOK: Sewing the Shadows Together
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The idea for this book has been in my mind for over thirty years, since I was teaching at Portobello High School in Edinburgh, but I would never have got round to actually writing it without the inspiration, encouragement and support of a great many people. You are too many to mention individually, but I’d like to thank you all very, very much – you know who you are!

Some of you, however, must get a special mention. Firstly, my wonderful family and friends, who read the early drafts, gave me feedback and motivated me to carry on – John and Alec, Heather, Taina, Pauline, Clare, Gillean, Michael, and Rolf H. Special thanks also to Fiona and Mary Sarah on South Uist, and Gabriele and Gabriella in Plettenberg Bay, for introducing me to these beautiful places. Huge gratitude also goes to my writing friends, Sarah Ward and Tana Collins; my editors, Frances Richardson and Sam Kruit; my tutors and fellow writers on the Arvon courses and everyone at Matador.

This is a work of fiction, but I have ‘borrowed’ a few incidents, sentences, or houses from real lives. They are too numerous to list here, but I’d especially like to thank my English teacher, Tony Barringer, who introduced me to ‘Bat’ and awakened my love of poetry, and Rowena, for her superb organisation of the Ilkley Grammar School reunions. And always remembering dear Rolf S and Alex B.

The book is set in Portobello, Edinburgh, the Outer Hebrides and Plettenberg Bay. I have played a little fast and loose with their geography and institutions, but I hope I have remained true to the spirit of these beautiful places I love.

About the Author

Alison Baillie (Massie/Taylor) was brought up by Scottish parents in the Yorkshire Dales. After studying English at the University of St Andrews, she spent a year in Finland and then taught in various Edinburgh secondary schools, including Portobello High. She later moved to Switzerland, where she taught until her retirement. She now spends her time reading, writing, travelling, walking in the mountains, being with her family and friends, and going to crime-writing festivals.

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