Sex, Culture, and Justice: The Limits of Choice (43 page)

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Authors: Clare Chambers

Tags: #Philosophy, #Political, #Political Science, #Political Ideologies, #Conservatism & Liberalism, #Social Science, #Anthropology, #Cultural, #Feminism & Feminist Theory, #Women's Studies, #Gender Studies

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abortion, 72, 178

Adkins, Lisa, 61–62, 66 advertising

for Clarks shoes, 27

for Dove deodorant, 27–28 for L’Oreal, 28

and social construction, 27–28 by the state, 137, 198

affirmation versus transformation, 108–11 affirmative action, 102–3, 104.
See also

crimination Afghanistan, 163, 168 n. 19

ageism, 89–90

agency, 46, 56, 67–68, 83–84, 93.
See also

autonomy; change AIDS, 41–42

Allen, Pamela, 62–63

Amish, 15–16 appearance norms

and autonomy, 87–89

and choice, 2–6, 32–33, 191–92

diversity of, 6, 208

and gender, 25–30, 32–33, 87–91, 184–86,

191 n. 72, 210

and power, 22, 25–30, 184–86, 191 n. 72,


and race, 32–33

See also
breast implants; cosmetic surgery; female genital mutilation; routine secu- lar circumcision

armed forces, 162–4, 215 n. 33, 234–36

Arendt, Hannah, 31

Arneson, Richard, 9, 206–9, 221, 224, 227

n. 50 assimilation

ideal of, 102–3, 107

as re-universalized citizenship, 149–50 transformational, 103–5

association, freedom of, 142–46 autonomy

and culture, 13–17

enhancement of, 230–31

group versus individual, 13–17, 104–5,

108–14, 118

and harmful norms, 173–76, 191–92, 195.
See also
breast implants; female genital mutilation

and irrational first-order goals, 227–28 and irrational second-order goals, 224–27 limitations of, 228–30

as once-in-a-lifetime choice, 235, 254–55 and paternalism.

and restricted lives, 162–68, 233–39, 243–

See also
nuns; cultures, restrictive role in justice, 102, 110–13, 229

and social construction, 4, 7, 22–23, 30,

32–33, 38, 56, 79, 86–89, 124, 220–21,


substantive versus content-neutral, 253–56

transformation approach, 209 n. 16, 235–

39, 244, 247–55

first- versus second-order, 160–68, 219,

228, 233–39, 263–64.
See also
political liberalism

See also
choice; liberty; paternalism; per- fectionism; social construction

Ayalah, Daphna, 5–6

balancing strategy, 225–26 Balde´, Lala, 213

Bambara, 34

bank robbing, 218–19 Barry, Brian

on autonomy, 110

on choice, 109, 118–20, 124–25

on exit, 9, 150

on liberal universalism, 94

on multiculturalism, 128–34, 140–41

on paternalism, 203

on state intervention, 130–34, 136–38

Bartky, Sandra Lee, 24, 26–27

basic structure, 182–84 beauty.
appearance norms

beauty pageants, 26–27, 87–90

Benhabib, Seyla, 10–12, 86–87, 199 n. 88

Bentham, Jeremy, 23

Berlin, Isaiah, 124, 226–27

Blanchard, Tamsin, 261 body

gendering of, 24–30, 54–56

Michel Foucault on, 21–24, 33–34, 86 Pierre Bourdieu on, 52–56

and power, 26, 33–38, 43

sexist evaluations of, 32–33, 89–91,

205–6, 208–9

See also
appearance norms; breast im- plants; breasts; cosmetic surgery; fe- male genital mutilation; routine secular circumcision

Bordo, Susan, 6, 24, 32–33

Borneo, 48 Bourdieu, Pierre

on change and resistance, 33, 45–46, 56–

69, 79–80

on gender, 46–52, 54–56

on habitus and field, 52–56, 59–60, 66–

70, 82, 84

normative resources of, 81–85 on regulated liberties, 63–66

on symbolic violence, 50–52, 55, 57–58,

60–61, 82–84

Braley, Silas, 188 breast implants

ban of, 191, 194, 196–200, 203–4, 211,

217, 222–28, 257

in girls and young women, 192–94 invention and testing of, 187–88 normalized and normative, 5–7, 39–40,

43, 90–91, 159, 192–94

and pornography, 185–86

as preparation for university and career, 194

removal of, 186–89

replacement of, 187

as requirements for fame and status, 193– 94, 208, 222–24, 227

as requirements for self-esteem, 1, 159,


safety of, 187–89

side effects and complications of, 189–91, 223–25

statistics, 6–7, 186 n. 55, 193

UK Department of Health on, 187–90 USA Food and Drug Administration on,


USA Institute of Medicine on, 187–90, 225

See also
cosmetic surgery

breasts, 5–7, 30, 159.
See also
body; breast implants

Brown University, 184

Bruley, Susan, 63

Butler, Judith, 24, 64, 85–86, 94, 98

Byrne, John, 186

Califia, Pat, 51

Calvinism, 165

Caney, Simon, 229

capabilities, 166–67, 170, 178–79

capital, 52, 55

labor, paid Cartland, Barbara, 51 Catholicism.
Christianity change

normative justification of, 7, 249

Pierre Bourdieu on, 33, 45–46, 56–69,


possibility of, 32–33, 56–58, 124

reactionary, 61–66, 82–83 role of the state, 70–80

through consciousness-raising, 57–63 childcare.
labor, caring


and cultural membership, 147–48 and religion, 141–43

See also
family; labor, caring China, 174


insufficiency of, 39, 119–32, 156–57, 171–

72, 263

and justice, 42–43, 117–18

in liberalism, 2–4, 8–17, 43–44

as normative transformer, 21, 38, 100, 156,

167, 171, 263

role in change, 67–68

and social construction, 28–33, 38–40, 52,


See also
autonomy; liberty Christianity

and homosexuality, 246–48, 252

Papal authority in Catholicism, 144, 250,


priesthood, 140–46, 182, 249–52

See also
nuns; religion

female genital mutilation; routine secular circumcision

coalitions, 75–76

coercion, 14, 28–31, 43, 51, 87.
See also

power, repressive; state intervention Cohen, G. A., 9

Cohen, Jean, 73 n. 93, 74–75, 78, 106 n. 71

communitarianism, 81, 112 conception of the good, choice of, 162 consciousness-raising, 46, 57–63, 70

consent, 51–52, 82–83, 85, 128 n. 18.
See also


reproduction contracture.
breast implants convents.

Cornell, Drucilla, 12–13, 75, 180 n. 41

corseting, 25 cosmetic surgery

case of Myriam Gaona, 1–3

compared to female genital mutilation, 177

as falsification, 90–91

on feet, 261–62, 266

on knees, 40, 227

as normalized and normative, 6, 26,


and paternalism, 215–17

racial, 32–33

statistics, 193 n. 76

See also
breast implants Cudd, Ann, 128


and children, 147–48 clashing with liberalism, 95 as contexts of choice, 13–14

diverse appearance norms in, 5 and diversity, 66

equality between, 104–13

equality within, 9–16, 104–5, 127–28,

130–57, 264–65

multiple memberships in, 152

prejudice against non-Western, 176 n. 33,

180 n. 41, 197 n. 84, 203–4

requirements for membership, 129, 147–

48, 155, 179–80

See also
multiculturalism; religion

Davis, Kathy, 177, 192 n. 75, 227

democracy, 75–76

deliberative, 10, 12–13, 75, 110

Denmark, 41

Derlet, Marlene, 62

determinism, 32, 46, 56–58, 84 dieting

compared with cosmetic surgery, 90–91 compared with female genital mutilation,

177, 181, 191

difference between fasting and starving, 166–67, 170

as discipline, 26–27

cultures; diversity; gender; multiculturalism; religion

disadvantage factor

and childcare, 121–22

defined, 120

and exploitation, 122–23

and intervention, 129–30, 157, 263–65

and justice, 118, 120–21, 156–57, 210

See also
equality; influence factor discipline, 22, 26–30

discourse, 40–42, 45, 92–93

discourse ethics, 10–13

discrimination, 119–20, 125, 128–29, 132–

See also
affirmative action diversity

in the context of social construction, 32–33 cultural.

and liberalism, 100–114

divorce, 129, 131, 134–39, 141–43, 151, 153–55,

See also
marriage Dodo’s Dictum, 118–19 Dogon, 34


Iris Marion Young on, 102

Bourdieu, Pierre; patri- archy

Michel Foucault on, 33–34 normative critique of, 84–85
See also

Dorkenoo, Efua, 34–35

Dow Corning Corporation, 187–89 drug use, 210–11, 215–16

Dryburgh, Heather, 69

Dryzek, John, 10

dueling, 207–8, 221

Dworkin, Andrea, 24, 49 n. 12, 73, 75, 169

Dworkin, Gerald, 160 n. 1, 162, 207, 221 n.

44, 222, 225

Dworkin, Ronald, 9


and autonomy, 126–27, 164, 175 and the equality tribunal, 137

harmed by working mothers, 125 nn. 13–14

Egypt, 35

labor, paid employment tribunal, 133–35, 264

Enlightenment, 23


and harmful practices, 217–19 between groups, 104–13

connection with universalism, 97–100 difference versus sameness, 108 equality tribunal, 132–46, 157, 229–31,

See also
state intervention gender.

in liberalism, 4–5, 8–13 normative not objective, 92

of opportunity, 38, 132–35, 182–83 in political liberalism, 181–86 required by justice, 33, 215

and state intervention, 71–73, 172, 195

unequal norms, 7, 29–30, 39–40, 89–90,


within groups, 9–16, 104–5, 127–28,


engineering, 69

essentialism, 49, 89–90, 92

Ethiopia, 34–35

European Court of Human Rights, 204 euthanasia.

exercise, physical, 24, 26, 90, 210 exit

freedom of exit in liberalism, 9–10

as insufficient for justice, 79, 118, 135–40,

149–50, 156

as a requirement of justice, 112 and voice, 135–36

breast implants exploitation, 122–23

false consciousness, 29, 82, 87–88, 180 n.

41, 193–94, 220–22.
See also

family, 54–55, 65, 182–84.
See also
children; labor, caring

fascism, 107 fasting.

fathers’ movement, 65

Feinberg, Joel, 206 n. 7, 209–12, 215–21,


female genital mutilation (

compared with routine secular circumci- sion, 35–37

complications of, 177–78, 213–14, 225

ending, 76–77, 194, 208 n. 13, 213–14

as inherently social, 43, 82, 193–94

Martha Nussbaum on, 176–82, 191–92

objections to, 177–82, 184, 186, 191–92,

196–98, 203

reasons for, 34–36, 41–42

women’s experience of, 121 n. 9, 212–15

UK law on, 178 n. 39, 216 n. 36 feminism

and the body, 24–26, 33

and change, 56–58, 67–68, 70–71

cultural, 101

debates within, 76 n. 111

and genealogy, 37–38

and Michel Foucault, 21–22, 33

and Pierre Bourdieu, 46, 56–58 political not moral, 211 sex/gender distinction, 49–50

and social construction, 4, 7–10

and the state, 70–71, 75

and universalism, 5, 85–86

See also

female genital mutilation field.
Bourdieu, Pierre Firestone, Shulamith, 57, 60

footbinding, 49 n. 12, 174–75, 194 Foucault, Michel

and autonomy, 30–31, 56, 86, 172

on the body, 21–24, 33–34, 86

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