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Authors: Sally Painter

BOOK: SexedUp
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Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication




Sexed Up


ISBN 9781419914980


Sexed Up Copyright © 2008 Sally Painter


Edited by Sue-Ellen Gower.

Cover art by Syneca.


Electronic book Publication March 2008


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book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing
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This book is a work of fiction and any
resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely
coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and
used fictitiously.

Sexed Up
Sally Painter



To Stella and all the women of the future.


Chapter One


“What did you say?” Randi Mayers pivoted,
surprised to find him standing in the hallway. Was that excitement awakening in
those brown depths? Impossible. None of the others had the spark of life, so
how could he? Her heart pounded harder when he entered the bedroom.

“I’m here to please you. Whatever you
want,” he said.

If that deep baritone voice wasn’t enough
to send her into an instant orgasm then his grin certainly was. Heat rushed
through her. He took a step closer and her breath caught in her throat. His
scent prickled her nostrils with a hint of sea and what? Was that the scent of
a man? She couldn’t be sure since she’d never been with a man.

“This is amazing,” she said, letting her
stare move over his naked body. Her attention fell to his erection bobbing in
front of him as he closed the distance between them. Randi licked her bottom
lip and watched his cock bobbing with each step. He was perfect!

“I shall show you amazing, Randi,” he said,
reaching out to cup one of her breasts. Warm fingers seared through her cotton
nightshirt as he thumbed the nipple until it puckered in response.

A moan parted her lips and he smiled.

“You want me,” he stated and pinched her
nipple between his thumb and forefinger, sending an excited twinge to her

“I-I…” She couldn’t speak.

“I want you,” he breathed and tugged at the
hem of her nightshirt, slipping it up her thighs. Mindless, Randi lifted her
arms as he peeled it over her head and tossed it to the floor, never once
taking his eyes off her.

She closed her eyes with a moan, but
mentally shook herself from the seduction.

“I really have to get to work. I was on my
way to the bathroom to take a shower when I accidentally…” Who was she kidding?
The last thing she wanted at that moment was to leave him.

He ignored the weak protest and gripped her
upper arms, tugging her against him. The contact of his hard body set her
senses into overdrive.

“Ohh…” she murmured. What she wanted to say
was sweet heaven she’d never felt anything as delicious as his body rubbing
against her. Heat radiated from him and surrounded her like a cocoon.

“You’re so beautiful.” His breath caressed
her cheeks and Randi’s heart fluttered.

“I…you…” Liquid heat rushed between her
thighs and Randi squirmed when his cock pressed into her abdomen. He was better
endowed that she had hoped. And those large hands of his were everywhere,
trailing over her back, dipping past her waist and then cupping her buttocks.

She looked up into his eyes. The brief
flicker of desire gave way to smoldering heat. Her breath caught in her throat.
He was too gorgeous to believe.

“Wait,” she said, struggling to regain some
control over her body’s reaction to his maleness. She gripped his arms, surprised
when the thick muscles didn’t budge beneath her grasp.

Suddenly, Randi found herself being lowered
onto the bed with him leaning over her.

“Wait for what?” he asked, dipping his head
to draw a tender bud between his lips.

She gasped. There was no stopping this. He
sucked the sensitized nipple and then flicked his tongue around it. Why would
she want to stop him? Delightful streaks scorched a path to her pussy,
pulsating against her clit. Her mind reeled. This couldn’t be happening. It
wasn’t what she’d planned. It was too soon.

“I…” she breathed, unable to pull from him
even though she’d be late for her first day at work. He made her feel too good
to stop him now. She wanted more. Randi arched her back to allow him better
access to her breasts, but the nipple slipped from his mouth. Cool air rushed
over the wet path and she shivered. The fog clouding her mind momentarily
cleared. “Oh God, I can’t do this right now,” she murmured, yet didn’t make any
move to stop him because of the sudden look settling in his eyes.

Was that disappointment shining in their
brown depths?

“Are you telling me not to make love to
you?” he asked.

Oh, yeah, that was definitely
disappointment now moving over his face and drawing his lips into a firm line.
She scooted out from under him and sat up, leaning against the headboard.

“I can’t believe I’m going to try and
explain this to you, but here goes. It’s my first day starting a new job.

“I’m not stupid, Randi. I do know what a
job is,” he smiled and sat up on his knees.

“Of course you aren’t stupid. I didn’t mean
to imply… It’s just. Well, this job is important.” She watched the frown deepen
the creases in his forehead.

Okay, that wasn’t right. He couldn’t be
disappointed—or anything else for that matter. Randi dropped her stare to his
cock. How could any woman resist that? Was she crazy to even be having this
conversation? She should forget about work and spend the day in bed with him. A
staccato heartbeat pounded in her chest. Was she insane? She had to go to work.

“Can you understand the kind of stress I’m
under?” She shook her head. “I don’t guess you can. Look, it’s not personal. I
have to get dressed. I need to be at work in—” She glanced at the clock. “Oh
no! I only have twenty minutes to shower and get dressed.” She started to swing
her legs over the side of the bed when strong fingers dug into her shoulders
and Randi found herself pressed against the headboard.

“Calm down. You have plenty of time.” He
straddled her with his erection within grabbing distance. She balled her hands
into fists to keep from reaching out and curling her fingers around his cock.
“Your new office is only two blocks from here. You moved into this condo to be
closer to your work. You certainly have time for a quickie.”

“How could you possibly know all that?”

He moved in, planting one hand on the
headboard above her while leaning closer until his cock brushed against her
cheek. It left a moist trail toward her lips. His dominating demeanor sent her
pulse into a riotous beat.

“Take it in your mouth,” he whispered.

Randi touched her tongue to her lips.

“Just a taste,” he said.

Her hand trembled as she reached for him.
He flinched under her touch. Was it just a physical reaction or did he feel the
same giddy excitement she did?

His flesh was hot beneath her fingers. She
massaged his shaft, enjoying the contrast of velvety skin against steely
hardness. He was perfect!

“Taste me,” he rasped.

She flicked her tongue over her lips once
more. She longed to taste him. Her heart felt as though it beat in her mouth.
What did a real man taste like? She drew his cock to her lips and flicked her
tongue over the tip.

His breath rushed from him in a throaty
sound. She took him into her mouth and greeted the moist tip with another quick
lash of her tongue. He tasted good—different from anything she’d ever known.
She tightened her lips around him, taking him deeper inside her mouth. She was
rewarded with another groan and slight rotating of his hips as he pulled in and
out of her mouth.

Randi held the base of his cock with one
hand and cupped his balls like she’d seen in the museum vids. Men always seemed
to enjoy the gentle massage.

He cradled the back of her head with one
hand as he plunged his cock deeper.

“How do I taste, Randi?”

Her cheeks rushed hot. She knew it was silly
to feel embarrassed but the question made her self-conscious. She looked up at
him and was rewarded with a smile, a very satisfied smile that seemed to move
over his face. Randi had never considered the pleasure she could give him.
After all, he was there to please her. Without warning, he pulled from her and
tugged her down onto the mattress. Masculine fingers slipped up her legs and
glided over her skin. She was lost in the sensations electrifying her
nerve-endings as he parted her legs.

She waited for the touch but he hesitated.
She rolled her hips to encourage him, but he didn’t move beyond featherlike
strokes over the lips of her pussy. Running his fingers between the fleshy
mounds, he dipped along the slit, but didn’t probe further. A moan pressed
against her mouth from the building heat and she released it in a breathless
rush. She ached to feel his fingertips massage her swollen clit and wriggled
her hips, but he eased his fingers from her.

“Please,” she panted.

He chuckled under his breath and her heart
skipped a beat. It was such a natural reaction her mind reeled with thoughts of
him taking her completely. When the pads of his fingers finally brushed against
her clit, Randi’s breath caught in her throat.

“Oh God,” she gasped and moved under his
touch, writhing with the need inching up her spine each time he stroked her
clit. He slid his fingers toward her opening and plunged inside. Fire shot up
her spine. He palmed her clit, spreading her legs wider as he lowered his head.

Randi gasped for air when he flicked of his
tongue over her swollen nub. Wildfire sent her into a frenzied need.

“That feels so…good,” she panted and
thrashed beneath his lovemaking.

The need to come rose higher with each lash
of his tongue. She rode the urgent energy and lifted her hips, spreading her
legs wider so he had full access to her sex. He finger-fucked her faster while
sucking her clit between his lips. She moaned, needing more. The rapid energy
undulated up her spine. The sucking sound grew louder as her juices drenched
his fingers.

Randi murmured something, unsure what she
said. Her thoughts were disjointed. The only thing she could think about was
release. Heat rushed to her clit.

He lifted his head, his breath fanning over
her. Randi whimpered and tried to guide him back but he just smiled, a very
devilish smile.

“Do you like that?” he asked.

“Are you kidding?” She pushed his head back
to her pussy and gasped when he pressed his thumb into her anus.

A new barrage of sensations seized her and
she bit her lower lip, closing her thumb and forefinger over the tip of her
breast, squeezing a nipple as he flicked his tongue faster.

“You’re…driving…me…crazy,” she panted.

He lifted his head, “Do you want me to stop

“Hell no,” she said and pushed his head
back into her groin. “Quit responding to my comments.”

Once more his tongue found the perfect spot
and the molten energy surged through her, rushing to her head in a sudden burst
of light. She shuddered in the wake of spasms, the walls of her pussy clamping
around his fingers. She felt as though she melted right into the satin sheets
as her muscles contracted and the orgasm continued to seize her.

He lessened the pressure of his tongue and
slowly withdrew his fingers. She whimpered, missing the sensation of his touch
when he paused to plant kisses against the lips of her pussy.

Something stirred in Randi. His tenderness
was a gesture born of caring and emotion. It was unexpected.

He released a groan so full of satisfaction
she was surprised he had derived pleasure from her orgasm. Before she could
form the question, he reached up to peel a strand of damp hair from her face.
Her breath caught in her throat when she met his stare.

“I had no idea sex could feel this good
with a man.” She drew in a deep breath and expelled it in an equally satisfied
sigh. “That was incredible. You’re a much better lover than I’d hoped.” She
trailed her fingers over his cheek and marveled at the stubble that had formed
overnight. The bristle pricked her skin and sounded like a piece of sandpaper
scraping over a smooth surface.

“Why did you doubt my ability?” he asked,
standing from the bed with his hand around his cock. She watched him move it up
and down his thick shaft. “I want to fuck you, now.” The look in his eyes
reflected the same wildfire he’d just quenched in her.

Why had she allowed him to take over like
this? It was too soon. Things should never have gone this far. Not yet. Her
gaze dropped to the clock hologram. 7:50 glowed in bluish lights above the

“Oh shit! I’m really sorry to do this to
you, but—” She reached for the remote control on the nightstand and fumbled
with it.

“What are you doing, Randi?” A hurt look
washed over his face and she felt as though she’d somehow betrayed him. Of
course, it was absurd to feel such a thing. He leaned over the bed and reached
for the control.

She scrambled across the bed out of reach,
coming to her feet.

“We’ll finish this tonight.” She pressed
the “off” button and he froze in his attempt.

The surprised look on his face shocked her.
He wasn’t programmed for emotions. Could the nanites have written new

“Dammit. I can’t leave you like that all
day.” She clicked the “on” button and he fell forward, landing face down on the

“What are you doing?” he asked, rolling
onto his side and grabbing for the control.

Randi squealed and tapped the off switch
again. His arm relaxed on the mattress.

“There, that’s better,” she sighed and
tugged the bedspread from the floor. She paused to admire his male physique.
“You’re my best design so far, big guy, but you need to learn who controls the
“on” and “off” switch.” She looked at the bedside clock. “Gotta go.” She tossed
the covers over him and dashed into the bathroom. She could still make it on
time if she took a very quick shower.

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