Sexting Mommy - A Family Secrets Taboo Story

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Authors: Kat VonSant

Tags: #erotica, #incest, #mother and son, #son mom love, #son and mom, #pseudo incest, #taboo porn, #taboo family sex stories, #taboo lust, #son incest, #mother and son incest, #son sex, #taboo incest fantasy, #mother and son sex, #taboo family sex, #taboo erotica family, #taboo family sex erotica, #taboo erotic fiction, #taboo stepmother stepson pseudo incest oral anal sex erotica breeding, #son fucks mom, #taboo mother son sex, #taboo erotica sex, #taboo family incest, #taboo psuedo incest, #taboo erotica explicit erotic short stories, #taboo incest erotica, #taboo incest sex

BOOK: Sexting Mommy - A Family Secrets Taboo Story
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Home Sick

Kat VonSant



Copyright 2013 by Kat VonSant

Smashwords Edition


This book is licensed for your personal
enjoyment only.


This book is a work of fiction and any
resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or
locales is purely coincidental.




Adult Reading Material

Disclaimer: The material in this book is for
mature audiences only and contains graphic sexual content. It is
intended only for those aged 18 and above.





Chapter 1


I thought it was strange that I didn't hear
the front door open and shut like it had done for the past 2 years
while John had been going to the local college. He's usually quite
punctual with his 7:00am departure, but looking at the clock it's
now 7:15 and I hadn't heard the usual sounds which are my queue to
get out of bed every morning.

I managed to roll out of bed and reached for
my robe sitting on the bedside chair. Why does it become more
difficult to wake up every morning the older I get? I couldn't say
that I was out of shape. Walking three miles a day had been the
first the first task for me every day since I can remember. I
always watched what I ate and managed to keep my weight to a
reasonable level. I just felt like I was pulling a ton of bricks
behind me as I drug my ass out of bed —at least I had my cup of
coffee to look forward to.

"John, are you hear?" I managed to mutter as
I scampered across the living room floor and into the hallway
towards John's bedroom.

"Johnny?" I repeated as I knocked on his
bedroom door with my eyes still half shut.

"Yeah, Mom. I'm still here." I heard the
faint sound coming from the other side of the door. It didn't quite
sound like the normal chipper John that I knew.

"Can I come in?" I asked.

"Uh-huh," he said.

His answer sounded more like a moan than a
response. This was not like him. I opened the door and saw my sweet
19 year old buried deep in his covers in the fetal position.

"John. What's the matter?" My eyes
immediately took in the sight and I woke up like I just had a
gallon of caffeine injected in my veins. I moved toward the bed and
knelt down beside him and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"It's nothing Mom. I really don't feel good.
I think it must have been something I ate last night on

It was never like John to miss school for any
reason. John was nine when I married his dad, and he always had
perfect attendance since I've known him. So it seemed rather
strange that even feeling as ill as he was, that he would actually
miss a day.

"You must be really sick."

"I just need a little bit of rest. I'll see
how I feel at noon."

"No, Honey. You need your rest.

"Don't you even think about going to school
today. If your dad were here, he'd have his say and I'm sure it
wouldn't be in your favor."

John looked up and gave me a courtesy

"When is he suppose to be back?" he

"He said it would be another week or two.
Something about the client not liking the proposal he had written."
I couldn't help but run my fingers through his hair to move it back
from his eyes and to comfort him at the same time. "But, you don't
need to worry yourself about him, my gorgeous young man. You need
to get some rest and get better. School and the football team can

"Ah crap," he said.

"Ah crap what?" I replied.

"Football. We were suppose to start learning
some new play for the next game. It's mandatory that we be

"No. You are not getting out of bed in your
condition. Who do I need to call?"

"Mom. Don't do this to me. I'll be fine."

"You look like shit, John and you probably
feel twice as bad as that. I know you. You're as stubborn as your
dad. Besides, if you just sleep it off, you'll probably feel
perfect tomorrow. Or, at least good enough to stand on your own two

"Fine. But, can you do me a favor then?"

"Name it."

"Can you get me my phone in the kitchen so I
can text the team Captain?"

"I'll do it for you. What's his name?"

"Mom. You don't even know how to text."

"I do too, young man. I'm not ancient, ya
know. I may not be great at texting and I darn sure can't do all
that swiping crap, but I can do some things with it."

"His name is Robert Fielding and he's in my
contacts. Just let him know that I'll try to make it, but I may

"I'll tell him you won't make it."

"Thanks, Mom."

"This one's on me," I replied.

I walked out of his room and looked back at
him just before shutting the door. Even being lying in bed, he was
still gorgeous. He never let his great looks take away from his
wonderful personality. I always wondered why he never wanted to
settle in to a relationship with any girl. There were always girls
interested, and he had gone out on many dates. But, it just seemed
like he never wanted anything to tie him down or distract him from
his schooling. I gave him a wink and smile before shutting the
door, but he was already settled in with his eyes shut and snuggled
in the blankets.

I found his cellphone on
the kitchen counter and the blue light flashing indicating he had
received a text message. As any good, and curious, mom would do, I
slid my finger across the screen to unlock it and read the message.
It was from Robert who I assume was the same guy John mentioned.
The message read,
"No practice today. BTW
Rachel liked the pic you sent her."

Ok. No practice got it.
Pic? What pic? As in picture pic? Hmmmm. My curiosity was getting
the best of me, but first I replied to the message with a

I stood in the kitchen and debated with
myself. It seemed to be a good ten minutes. In reality, it was
probably only a minute. Maybe he was talking about a picture of the
football team or something going on at campus. Maybe it was a
vacation picture of John with me and his dad.

Ok. I'm doing it. I looked in the SENT folder
in his text messages and scrolled down looking for the name Rachel.
There it is. Sent two days ago at 11:40pm. Weird. John usually goes
to bed around 9:00pm. I wouldn't think he would be texting that
late at night on a week night. A paperclip icon indicated an
attachment was sent with the message. I tapped on the message to
view it.

Holy shit was the only thing I could think.
It was a picture of a cock. I'm not talking about the cock with
feathers and beak. I dick kind of cock. Not only was it a cock, but
a rather large cock to say the least. My best guess is that it was
nine inches. The girth was incredible and the size was apparent
because whoever the cock belonged too could barely get his hand
around it. I've seen my share of cocks in my life, but this one
sets the bar to a new level.

Wait. I could barely make out the blurred
background in the image. Looking beyond the knee caps in the photo,
I could see the familiar settings of a TV and bookcase loaded with
paperback books. Could it be? Oh my god. There's no way that this
gorgeous hunk of meat belonged to my own step son. Even though I
wanted to deny it, I was absolutely sure that it was John's manhood
that I was staring at and admiring. I felt the sudden surge of
juices flowing in my lady lips as they started to swell. I could
feel my nipples getting incredibly hard and sensitive and my
breathing became more erratic.

Oh fuck, Donna. Are you really getting turned
on? I placed the phone down on the counter and backed away as if it
were contaminated with some infectious disease. The only thing
that's diseased, Donna, is you. You sick bitch. What would your
husband think? What would John think? Damnit.





Chapter 2



I heard John's voice and it snapped me back
into reality.

"Mom." He called again. Shit. Gain your
composure Donna. Fix your house coat. Straighten out your hair.

"Yeah, John." I made my way from the kitchen
and moved toward his bedroom once again.

"I'm thirsty. Can you get me something to

I hadn't quite made it to his room just yet,
thank god. I don't think I would be able to hide how flush my face
had become.

I stopped just short of the far end of the

"Sure. Anything in particular?"

"Something with ice. Juice or some veggie


I turned to make my way back to fetch his

"And can you bring me my cell?"

Oh god. The cell. Would he be able to tell if
I saw the message? Would he know that I saw what I saw? Who am I
fooling? Donna, you saw your step son's dick. My mind was racing as
I grabbed a glass and poured him some grape juice with a few cubes
of ice. I picked up his phone and thumbed through the screens to
make sure everything was closed up like before.

Ah shit. He will know that I answered his
text. He'll know I read about Rachel's response to his pic. I got
it. I'll just play dumb. I'll tell him I answered, but had no idea
what she was talking about and I'll leave it at that.

I made my way to his room again, grapefruit
juice and phone in hand. I knocked on the door and not waiting for
a reply, I entered his room. My eyes immediately focused on the TV
and bookcase that I saw in the background of the picture.

"Thanks, Mom. You're a life saver."

John sat up in his bed. The blanket slid down
his torso and revealed his chiseled chest and abs. I assumed he was
wearing shorts or underwear, but I somehow wouldn't be surprised if
he slept nude.

"You okay, Mom?" I wasn't sure what he was
talking about until I noticed that the glass of juice was sloshing
around a bit from the shaking of my hand as I reached out to give
it to him.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Sweetie. Must be my need for
my morning coffee. Withdrawals you know."

"Sure. I know you always need your cup of Joe
in the morning."

John grabbed the juice from me and reached
his hand out for his phone.

"Did you text Robert?"

"Actually, I did. He had already text you to
say there wasn't any practice today, so I just told him

John thumbed through the menus and icons on
the phone to review his messages.

"Oh, cool. So I guess it worked out then.
I'll see how I feel in a bit. I have a study hall for one of my
classes that I'll probably try to catch later today if I feel up to

"You really should get some rest," I said. I
kneeled down next to him with one arm on the bed as he set the
glass on his nightstand and laid back down on his side still
holding his phone.

"Who's Rachel?" I asked.

"Rachel?" He looked at me and crinkled his

"When Robert text you, he mentioned someone
named Rachel."

"Ohhh. Rachel. She's some girl at school.
Nothing big."

The word
was not the word I
really wanted to hear right now. The moment he said it, the image
of his cock jumped back in my mind and I looked down at the floor
and cleared my throat.

"What's wrong, Mom?"

"Nothing, Sweetie. Is she someone

"No. Not really. I mean, she's cute and all,
but I don't know if it's going to go anywhere."

"Well, there's only one thing you need to be
doing and that's getting you're rest. I'm no help here anymore, so
if you need me, just call me."

"How about if I text you?" he said as he let
out a small laugh.

"Ha. Smart ass. If you want. I'll just be in
my room."

"You're not going to work?" he asked.

"No. I'm going to call in sick too so I can
make sure you're taken care of."

"Awww. That's sweet. Thanks, Mom."

"No problem." I got up off the floor and
looked down at him in his bed knowing that he had taken a shot of
his gorgeous manhood most likely from that very position. "I'll be
here if you need me. Just text."

"Okay, Mom. Thanks again. Love you."

"Love you too." I left his room and headed to
my own bedroom. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and called
my work to let them know that I wasn't feeling well and would be
taking a sick day. It wasn't like me to miss any work at all. I
usually saved up most of my days to take around the holiday season.
So, after a few rounds of questions as to whether I was going to be
okay or if I needed to see a doctor, I managed to end the
conversation and hang up.

I laid back on my bed with my phone on my
chest. My robe slipped to the sides exposing my thin nightie. I
actually enjoy sleeping in the nude more, but with John in the
house, I didn't want any situation to happen in the middle of the
night that would cause me to be exposed to him. I couldn't stop
thinking about the picture. It looked beautiful to me and I was
actually getting really turned on about it. I let my hands wander
my body. My fingertips made little round circles around my nipples
and up along the side of my neck. As my hands slid down the middle
of my stomach, I parted my legs and slipped my right hand under my
panties while my left still held the cellphone on top of my chest.
With my eyes shut, I kept that picture in my head and at the same
time imagined John standing in front of me totally naked with a
raging hardon. His body so firm and tight. His dark brown hair cast
across his face in a sexy unkept look and saying, "Come and have
me, if you want."

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