Read Sexual Healing for Three Online

Authors: Gracie C. Mckeever

Sexual Healing for Three (11 page)

BOOK: Sexual Healing for Three
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Was she willing to throw all those years and hard work out the window for a steamy but ill-advised dalliance?

“Are you thinking about Chance?” Russ asked.

He didn’t sound angry or jealous, just curious, which made her answer his question with one of her own. “And if I am?”

“Then it might be my duty to take your mind off of him.” He bent his head, and Donna planted a palm in his chest to stop his forward motion and push him back a step.

“What’s your take on this?”

“A ménage?”

When he said it out loud, it just put everything into kinky perspective and highlighted that one member of their potential little
was glaringly absent.


“I’m not sure how I feel about sharing you when I haven’t even had you to myself yet.”

He stepped closer, pinning her against the kitchen counter with his big body in such an aggressive manner that made it obvious to her just how turned on he was.

“But I’m willing to rectify that if you are.” He firmly cupped her face with both hands, bent his head to cover her mouth with his, and Donna didn’t stop him this time, just held her breath as his lips made contact with hers, lighting fires of confusion and pleasure in her chest and already sizzling core.


Gracie C. McKeever

Giving in further, she stood on tiptoe, curved one leg up around Russ’s hip, aligned her slit with the bulge behind his zipper, and pressed herself snug against his hard heat. Shame or self-reproach were nowhere in the equation, Chance’s kiss an evocative and inspiring memory when Russ thrust his tongue into her mouth and slid his hands back to cup her skull and draw her closer as if he was trying to eradicate that very memory.

There was no comparison, no competition, as far as Donna was concerned. Each man held an erotic appeal for her, each bringing to the table his own interpretation of rugged sensuality that complemented and ignited things in Donna she hadn’t even known she’d been missing the last two years—namely her femininity and carnal self.

Russ moved one hand down from her head to her jeans, skillfully unbuttoning and unzipping them. He slid his hand inside her pants, down and around to grasp a bare cheek, and hissed through his teeth as if he was in pain.


“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong. I just wasn’t expecting a thong.” He pulled back to smile at her. “You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?”

Donna shrugged. She thought she was certainly surprising herself tonight. “What, an old lady can’t wear a thong?” she teased.

“You’re only as old as you feel, and
feel like heaven to me.”

He emphasized his words and skimmed his fingers over her ass, firmly squeezing each cheek before moving his hand to the front of her underwear and cupping her heated crotch.

She could have sworn she heard a sizzle from the contact, and when he slid his hand into her thong, brushing his fingers over the moist curls covering her pussy, Donna gasped and caught him around the biceps to keep herself from falling her legs felt so weak. One would think she’d never had a man’s hand in her underwear before!

Sexual Healing for Three


But God, it had been so long since she’d been fondled, so long since she’d felt this way—desired and wanted.

Russ bent his head again to kiss her and slid a finger inside her slow and easy as he stroked his tongue against hers.

Donna moaned low in her throat when he made gentle circles against her inner walls and thrust deeper. She bore down and clutched at his finger with her vaginal muscles when he stimulated long-unused nerves before curving his finger up, expertly caressing her G-spot.

She shuddered in his grasp, searing heat bursting and spreading up and out from her core like a fast-moving blaze, until she felt like her entire body was engulfed in flames.

Her eyes rolled up into her head as Russ fisted her hair with his free hand. She loved the rough exhibition of control. She wouldn’t have tolerated the same treatment from anyone else, but here and now with Russ, she couldn’t think of anything else that made her feel more alive, more powerful and acutely aware of her existence.

Just when she was really getting into the kiss, however, Russ groaned and brought an abrupt end to it. “Shit, that wasn’t supposed to happen.” He reluctantly pulled his hand out of her jeans and pressed his forehead to hers.

Earlier, she might have agreed with him, but now? She felt like what had happened was the
thing that could have happened, the only thing that
have happened. And she wanted more—from him, for him.

He pulled away, and Donna gasped, bracing herself with both hands against his chest as he firmly held her shoulders like he was trying to gain control. Whether it was over himself or her, she couldn’t be sure, just that he looked like he was in pain when he took a step away from her, eyes closed tight as he gritted his teeth.

“Fuck,” he muttered.

“Not to be crass, but I thought that’s where we were heading.”

“I can’t do this to him.”


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He nodded, panting as he took another step back and slid his grasp down her arms in a tender fondling motion before zipping and buttoning up her jeans.

Donna took comfort in his heavy breathing and flushed complexion. At least she wasn’t alone in her yearning, but then his erection that was still prominent between them told her this.

She reached for the front of his slacks, caressing, then cupping the hard bulge.

He closed his eyes and rotated his hips, rubbing his hard-on against her palm before slowly moving away and taking both her hands in his. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes to stare at her.

“I know you said you met my brother several months ago and have only been dealing with him as a colleague at the hospital, but from what I saw earlier, it’s obvious there’s more between you and him than just a professional relationship.”

Donna didn’t know whether to be relieved and touched that he kept bringing up his brother, or annoyed. “I see someone else has been hanging around and listening to my sister too much.” She grinned to cover up the sexual frustration that was rolling through her, making her pussy tremble with unrequited lust despite the fact that she had just come from being finger-fucked. At least she had gotten off. Russ was the one who should have been complaining, and he wasn’t, at least not that she could hear.

Embarrassed, she shifted her weight as subtly as she could, her swollen and throbbing clitoris rubbing against the damp crotch of her thong. It took everything in her not to draw closer to Russ and slide her center across his erection for just a little relief. “Angela’s romantic soul mates notions have contaminated you too?”

“Maybe a little. But I think it’s more my conscience.”

She could take that several ways but decided not to address it.

Instead she addressed her own burgeoning relationship with Chance.

Sexual Healing for Three


“I won’t lie to you, Russ. I’d like there to
more between your brother and I than a professional relationship.”
As unwise as that is

“But we’ve just begun to explore a more personal relationship tonight.”

“That’s surprising.”

“You think so?”

“My brother’s always been a little impulsive.”

“Are you trying to say he thinks with his dick?”

Russ laughed. “I plead the Fifth.”

She wanted to be annoyed with his evasive tactic but couldn’t, not when she had been thinking with her own genitalia only moments ago. Her vaginal muscles were still clenching with hunger, anticipating all the ways that Russ could sate her, all the ways his cock could fill her.

“What I should have said was that once Chance sets his sights on something, he doesn’t waste time going after it. And it’s obvious he’s set his sights on you.”

On some level she supposed she’d always known the truth of what Russ said. From the first time she’d seen Chance, she’d felt an irrevocable attraction. She had spent the last several months trying to ignore it, however. But why else would she invite him, of all the males that she knew, to go to Angela’s barbecue unless she knew, deep down, that he found her attractive and would accept on the strength of that?

“What about you, Russ? What have you set your sights on?”

He shook his head. “That’s irrelevant.”

“Not to me. What do

He frowned at her as if taking his wishes into consideration was an alien concept and this entire issue was all about what she and Chance wanted. She got the feeling that Russ made it a habit of putting his brother’s needs and feelings before his own, and his next words confirmed it.

was thinking with my dick a few moments ago.”


Gracie C. McKeever

“But you’re not anymore.”

“I’d be buried deep in you right now if I hadn’t come to my senses.”

Donna bit back a groan at his words She thought that keeping her senses was extremely overrated, especially when all she wanted to do was
Russ buried deep in her. In fact she could already feel his cock throbbing against her heated moist walls, making her more moist.

She wondered if his self-sacrificing mien translated to everyone in his life and not just Chance. What would the ex-wife have to say about his impulsiveness or lack thereof?

She couldn’t see Russ rushing into anything without thinking it through, weighing all the pros and cons. He seemed the very deliberate type, one who, once he committed himself, was in it for the long haul, one who would take and keep control of a situation—or person.

What that meant for her and this situation, Donna couldn’t say, just that the possibility of being at the mercy of Russ’s dedication and command turned her on to no end.

“I think I’d better hit the road before I do something I’ll regret.”

“What about the coffee?” Donna had to fight not to sulk. She wanted him to do something they’d both regret.

“I’ll take a rain check.” He gave her hands a squeeze before he leaned in to give her a brief, teasing kiss on the lips. Donna licked out her tongue for a quick taste, and Russ jumped back with a growl.

“You’re playing with fire.”

That gave her pause until he grinned and said, “I’d love to stay and stoke it, but I’ve got a couple of hot-headed kids to get home to.

I’d like to make it home while my house is still standing.”


“The worst kind. Two teens.”

Hmm, a family man. Despite his mention of an ex-wife, this vision of him definitely didn’t go with the one she had of him
Sexual Healing for Three


straddling her writhing, perspiring body and restraining her by the wrists as he plunged into her balls-deep.

God, she had never had such vivid fantasies before! It had definitely been too long.

“Not afraid, are you?”

Donna shook her head and focused on him, saw the frown and knew that he had misread her silence and what must have been a pensive expression.

“You’re kidding, surely. With my big family? Two teens would be a piece of cake for me.”

“We’ll see if you’re so confident once you meet them.”

“Will I?”

“You’ll probably be meeting them at Angela’s next barbecue on Memorial Day, if not before then. It’s up to you.”

“Is that an invitation?”

He nodded. “I think we’ll be safe from my dick making any decisions at a family outing.”

“Don’t be too sure.” Nothing had ever stopped any of her sibs from getting down and dirty when the feeling struck. She remembered several heart-pounding stories of heated encounters against a tree outside a brownstone, in a boutique dressing room, behind closed doors at the office in the middle of the day, and this was just her brother EJ and his wife Tabitha. She didn’t even want to think about all the illicit indoor and outdoor sexcapades her other brother and sisters had engaged in with their significant others. She was overheated as it was and with no relief in sight, at least not from Russ.

B-O-B will be getting a workout tonight, no question.

Russ groaned at her taunt and leaned in for another kiss, this time adding a nip and a suck to her bottom lip before retreating. “You’re not going to make this easy on me, are you?”

She laughed at him using her words against her and couldn’t believe that they had only met earlier that evening. She felt like she had known him for years.


Gracie C. McKeever

Maybe Angela knew what she was talking about and there was something to be said for soul mates, after all. And maybe instead of ignoring her sisters-in-law and denigrating most of the male population when the girls all got together and expounded on the joys of the male form and married life, she needed to pay more attention to the gabfests and take some notes.

“Angela is really bucking to make you a member of the clan giving you an invite to her annual Memorial Day Blowout,” Donna teased.

“I got one for the Fourth too.”

Geesh, she’d actually been joking, but it seemed Angela was serious about keeping Russ in the picture, specifically in Donna’s face, since all of their sibs had standing invites to all Angela’s big shindigs and rarely turned them down.

“I’m assuming you’ll be there for both?” Russ asked.

“Wild horses and all that.”

“You’re so sentimental.”

“You have no idea.” He really didn’t. No one did. She’d spent too long burying that side of herself, shielding herself.

Russ put an arm around her in a protective gesture as if in response to her thoughts and led her out of the kitchen. She felt the tenderness, but there was an underlying authority and strength in his manner, and it was that strength that she was drawn to, like a plant to the sun, like she knew he could fulfill the dark needs she’d been denying since Bo because surely she shouldn’t want rough sex or to be dominated in any way after Bo’s treatment. What kind of sick chick would that make her?

BOOK: Sexual Healing for Three
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