Sexual Healing for Three (18 page)

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Authors: Gracie C. Mckeever

BOOK: Sexual Healing for Three
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“I said thank you.”

“I’m beginning to think you didn’t really mean it.”

Donna threw up her arms. “What do you want me to do? Get on my hands and knees and kiss your feet?” She turned her back on him and flounced back inside the hospital to the decidedly curious stares of several passersby and people gathered outside.

Chance rushed back inside too, catching up to Donna on her way back to the treatment room. He caught her arm just on the threshold and led her back toward a nearby private room on the floor. He pulled her inside, closed and locked the door behind them.

Donna whirled on him, fists on her hips, arms akimbo, feet planted apart.

She looked like Wonder Woman minus the red, white, and, blue outfit and crown and lasso.

What the hell had he gotten himself into, and why had he let her provoke him? Sure, he’d had a rough day before she’d ever shown up and a pretty rotten, rough lifetime dealing with judgmental naysayers who thought they were better than him, at least more normal. But he knew Donna wasn’t like that, that she was different and didn’t see him as a freak the way Julie had. He’d felt it when he bonded with her, knew the inherent goodness in her soul.

“You’re not God, you know,” Donna said, snapping his attention to her doe eyes.

“I never claimed to be.”

“Yeah, well, I think I’m sensing some definite qualities in you that just scream ‘God complex.’ And I’m not going to be one of your fawning groupies.”

Chance frowned. “Where the hell are you going with this?”

“Nowhere at all. I just think you’ve let your abilities go to your head to think you can push me around as you please.”


Gracie C. McKeever

His jaw dropped when he realized what was happening, the aroma of her arousal and ambivalence wafting to him like a telltale smoke signal. “I know what you’re trying to do.”

“Really?” She smirked.

“You’re trying to alienate me to protect yourself.”

She didn’t say anything, which was more telling than words could have been. And when she folded her arms across her breasts, he knew she was trying to avoid the issue.

He closed the space between them before she could erect a more solid wall and pressed her against the wall adjacent the closed door.

Her bag slipped to the floor between them.

“I don’t like being manipulated, Chance.”

“How am I manipulating you? You think I had something to do with that monster trying to strangle you earlier?”

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

He bent his head to nuzzle her neck. “Then tell me how.”

Goddess, he was going to do this. He was going to have her if she didn’t stop him. And this wasn’t the most ideal place or time to do it.

It wasn’t how he had foreseen them finally getting together, but he wanted her so bad he felt light-headed from the stimulation. All the blood had left his brain and gone straight to his cock, making it pulsate behind the zipper of his pants until the little metal teeth mercilessly bit into his shaft and head.

He kissed his way from her throat to her chin, then back again, lower, until his lips brushed the lacey top of her bra.

She moaned deep in her throat, the sexy sound shuddering through his entire body, tightening his balls. He’d never been so close to the edge before, had never allowed anyone to get close enough to push him to the edge. Closeness meant rejection down the line. And he didn’t think he could bear to see that emotion glaring out of Donna’s eyes, not when he only wanted her approval and understanding.

Chance nipped her breast, then circled his tongue around the small bite mark as he brought his arms up around Donna to pull her close.

Sexual Healing for Three


Her hands went to his head, burrowed deep against his scalp, and shot slivers of sensation straight to his groin before her fingers found the leather tie holding his hair in a ponytail. She yanked off the leather the same instant he lifted his head to claim her lips.

Her tongue swept into his mouth, hunger clashing against hunger, her purrs merging with his growls as she curved one leg up around his hip.

Chance caught a glimpse of her with Russ, his brother pressing her against a kitchen counter and kissing her. He didn’t know whether he was experiencing the past or the future and squeezed his eyes against the vision to keep from seeing double. He tuned into Donna’s consciousness instead, focusing on integrating his thoughts with hers.

It wasn’t difficult since she was so open to him now—physically, mentally.

He slid in slowly, however, giving her a chance to adjust to his invasion, the thick blue thread of his psychic energy unfurling and searching for her red one. It wasn’t long before he found her pulsing force approaching and circling his.

Chance slid his hand under her skirt, teasing the rim of her lace panties with a finger at the same instant his energy coalesced with Donna’s.

She gasped as he thrust his middle finger into her tight heat, the digit instantly becoming moist with her cream, the scent of her arousal a pungent sweet aphrodisiac. He couldn’t have been more turned on unless he had his head between her legs and actually tasted her essence. His mouth watered at the mere thought, his psychic energy throbbing as hot and hard as his cock with the idea of slipping his tongue where his finger now probed.

Chance had never engaged his psychic ability during a sexual encounter before, never tried to synchronize his physical activity with his psychic activity and read his partner’s mind, as well as her body.

But Donna invited his touch on every level, her verbal moans and mental whispers like an advanced guidance system that told him 140

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exactly where she needed and wanted to be touched to set her off.

And Chance gladly followed where her body led him.

He slid another finger inside her, pressing her swollen clit with his thumb. She bucked in his arms, imprisoning him against her with that one strong leg, urging him on.

Chance turned and wiggled his fingers, exploring and brushing sensitive tissues and nerves in his quest for her G-spot. He delved further and curved his middle finger up toward her navel while he flicked her clitoris with his thumb.

Donna suddenly stiffened in his arms, fisting his hair and nipping and sucking his mouth with a hunger and ferocity that belied her businesswoman attire and façade. She was so aggressive and intent he could easily see her in the woods, bringing down prey like the intrepid lioness that she was.

Chance moaned at the idea of being her willing prey, held her as the orgasm rocked through her, reciprocally feasting on her mouth, feeding on her pleasure.

Several moments after the storm and several aftershocks passed, Chance pulled back from her just far enough to slide her skirt down.

He watched, licking his lips as she unzipped it from the side and tucked in her red silk blouse, slowly zipped up her skirt, then buttoned the three buttons he had undone on her blouse sometime during his foray.

Goddess, he had been on automatic pilot the last half hour, instincts ruling him as they never had before. And still floating on a cloud of instinctive care, Chance reached out to fold down her collar.

Donna flinched and stepped back, looking at him as if he was a stranger, like he hadn’t just had his fingers in her pussy and brought her to an explosive climax.

“Donna, what is it?”

“That shouldn’t have happened.”

“But it did.”

Sexual Healing for Three


“It was a mistake.” She bent to retrieve her bag, slipped the short strap over one shoulder, and moved past him to the door.

Chance didn’t try to stop her this time, though it killed him to sense such distance between them when he had been inside her only moments ago. But now he had been deemed a
. It wasn’t quite a
, but it pierced his heart just the same.

He watched her turn the knob and open the door, a dull ache where his heart used to be. He almost reached for her with his mind, wanted to know what she was thinking, but his open invitation had run out. She had closed herself off almost the minute she came, her psychic energy ebbing away from him like an elusive dream he wanted to capture and relive.

She turned back like she sensed his need to link, then shook her head as if to shake off a bad experience she wanted to forget, and went out into the corridor without another word.

When Chance heard Donna’s exclamation of surprise a few seconds later, he rushed to the door to find her pressed against his brother’s chest.


Gracie C. McKeever

Chapter 13

“What happened to you?”

Donna didn’t know if Russ was referring to earlier, when he’d walked in on her and Chance in the treatment room and Chance’s hand had been on her thigh, or if he meant just now, when Chance’s hand had been in far more intimate places on her body, so she remained silent, and that was the biggest mistake of her life. Russ took her silence and must have let his imagination run away with him, for she watched him scowl at something behind her and turned to find Chance standing on the threshold of the private office from where she had just fled.

She saw the dazed look in his brandy eyes and hated herself for putting it there. She was not proud of herself, not by a long shot.

She’d never been one to tease and lead a man on. She was someone who meant what she said and said what she meant, and she knew that she had plainly given Chance the impression that there could be something between them when she knew there couldn’t be—not when she was a wreck around him and not when she didn’t trust herself around that awesome power of his.

It was so insidious and alluring, so comforting and innocent when he reached out for her like a child wanting a long overdue hug. And she’d reached for him too, because she’d needed him, needed that mental touch, the vibrating reassurance that there was nothing wrong with her for needing and wanting.

How much more would she need and want him if she let this go any further? How much more out of character would she act?

Sexual Healing for Three


Already she’d been reckless where normally she wasn’t, not since her teens. But worse, she’d lost control, let her hungers dictate her actions, and come harder than she ever had in her life from just manual stimulation, and not that of a man.
what she needed to get off, knew exactly how to make herself climax. Her methods weren’t ideal as much as they were practical and did the job. And when she was stressed and horny, that’s all she wanted—to get the job done, no muss no fuss. That someone else knew how to do the job better and managed to engage her emotions and ego while doing it, that scared her.

She hadn’t been scared when Chance had entered her mind and found and caressed her G-spot with expert precision. She was scared now, though, feeling shaky and vulnerable, as if she had done something inherently illegal and would be punished for enjoying it so much.

It couldn’t be right for one woman to be as pleased as she was. It couldn’t be right for one man to be able to please her like Chance had.

kind of pleasure had to be wrong. And if she felt this way with just one brother, how would she survive being with both of them when one had nearly succeeded in shattering her sanity with just the flick of a few fingers and his tongue?

She tilted back her head to better take in Russ’s gray eyes, immediately struck once again by the differences in the siblings, though there was one thing undeniably the same about them—an almost palpable sexual magnetism.

Did Russ have psychic powers too? She suddenly wondered and didn’t know why the thought hadn’t occurred to her before now with the way he invaded her personal space at her apartment and in his truck as if trying to get a fix on her. But she didn’t feel anything from Russ like what she felt with Chance, no connection to her mind, no melding of their souls.

Maybe Angela was wrong, and it was just Chance with whom she was meant to be, except that her body told another story, her heart 144

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thrumming a syncopated rhythm in her chest while she fairly panted against Russ’s chest.

It was too soon after her encounter with Chance to have to deal with Russ too. She found it hard to deal with him under normal circumstances, and the circumstances definitely weren’t normal.

“Donna? Is everything all right?” Russ asked.

“Everything’s fine.”

Russ pointed his chin at his brother. “Did Chance say something to you?”

She looked from Russ, to Chance, and back to Russ again and finally asked, “Say something like what?” before it dawned on her.

Was he talking about…? “If you mean did he talk you up to prep me for our little three-way, then no, he didn’t.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

How could she have
entertained the thought of being with both these men at the same time? How could she handle it when she was barely holding on to her good sense just standing between them in a busy hallway?

Not to mention she didn’t like the adversarial way the two brothers were looking at each other, testosterone whirring around her head until she was dizzy from it. She felt the aggression in the air and really couldn’t countenance the idea of being the one to come between the brothers when they had already been apart for so long.

Russ must have sensed her discomfort, for he released her and stepped back enough to give her room to breathe.

Donna took advantage of the small distance and pulled in a deep breath before slowly letting it out. She reached out her hands and placed a palm on each man’s chest before closing her eyes. She felt the rhythm of their heartbeats speed up to match hers.

That she was so attuned to these two men when she had yet to sleep with either of them astounded her. That she was already overwhelmed by her feelings for them should have been her cue to stay as far away from them as possible, but she couldn’t move, didn’t
Sexual Healing for Three

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