Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection (18 page)

Read Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection Online

Authors: Lexy Timms,Sierra Rose,Bella Love-Wins,Christine Bell,Dale Mayer,Lisa Ladew,Cassie Alexandra,C.J. Pinard,C.C. Cartwright,Kylie Walker

BOOK: Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection
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Chapter 16

Three Days Later



After meeting Selene's grandmother, I was sold on wanting more with her, no matter the cost. There was a warmth between the two women that I'd never experienced in my own family. I coveted it, wanted it, though I'd never tell a living soul of my longing for authentic love.

The last three days had been filled with working at the bar and helping a few of Rusty's friends around town for extra money. Selene was wrapped up in something with her father, so we didn't get to see each other much. By Wednesday, I was going nuts.

I started to text her after I finished up my shift, but a subtle knock at my bedroom window gave me pause. A smile lifted my lips and I got up, walking with anticipation to see if it was her. I prayed like hell it would be.

The smile on her pretty face stole my breath, and I worked quickly to open the window and help her inside.

"You crazy bitch. It's the middle of the afternoon. Anyone could have seen you." I pulled her into my arms and consumed her mouth, not giving her a chance to reply. She tasted like peppermint and lust. A low growl left me and I slid my hands over her rear, squeezing softly and moving to kiss at her neck as she swatted at me.

"I'm like a ninja, Luck. Stealthy and deadly to boot." She laughed and pushed at me again, finally getting her way as I moved to close the window.

Her shorts hugged her thighs beautifully, and her tank top accentuated her slender middle and big tits.

"You're so fucking beautiful." I moved toward her again and she laughed, letting me pick her up and take her to my bed. Dropping her down, I climbed on top of her and pressed my lips gently around her nipple, sucking it into my mouth and grinding my hips against hers.

She slid her fingers into my hair and let out a moan that hardened me with efficiency.

"I need you," she whispered roughly and jutted out her chest as she pawed at me.

"Same." I moved back a little and worked to get her shorts off with a frenzy I couldn't ever remember feeling. "It's been too long. Why haven't we seen each other in three days?"

I brushed my fingers over her silky pink panties and licked at my lips.

A shiver ran through her and she reached up, running her fingers down my lips as she licked at hers. "Eat my pussy?"

"Yes. I can't imagine anything I'd rather do." I tugged her panties off to find her already wet. "I love you."

I hadn't meant to let it slip, but was grateful when she let it slide without making a comment. We hadn't been dating for more than a few days, so expressing such deep feelings seemed a little odd. I moved down to rest between her taut thighs as she reached down, sliding her fingers into my hair and forcing me toward her need.

"Hush talking and get going." A sexy laugh bubbled out of her, and I wanted to give her the world.

"Put me where you want me." I glanced up at her one more time as I pressed my tongue to her center.

She cried out and closed her eyes, dropping back on the bed and working herself against me.

I slid my hands up her thighs, over her curvy hips and up to her breasts, playing with her tight little nipples over her shirt.

Between her sounds and the taste of her on my tongue, I almost came by the time she did.

"Your fingers," she whispered roughly as her fingers dug into the bed beside me.

I sucked her clit into my mouth and pounded against it with my tongue as I drove two fingers into her until she buckled and screamed my name louder than I wanted her to.

I reached up with my free hand and covered her mouth as best I could.

The little tart sucked my fingers into her mouth and moaned around them as I continued to assault her.

She finished twitching and I moved up on the bed next to her, pulling her back against my front so I could hold her.

"That was so incredible," she said breathlessly.

"Good. I want to give you the world, but I don't own it yet. We'll start with mind-blowing sex, though. That good?"

"Fuck the world. Give me the sex." She laughed and I joined her as she turned to face me, pulling me down for a long kiss. With the way she sucked at my tongue and held me tightly, I thought I might actually melt. The woman was everything I wanted and so much more.

"Make love to me." She kissed me against and I tightened my grip on her.

"Soon. I have some good news to tell you." I nipped at her lips and let out a short sigh of pleasure.

"Oh yeah? What's up?" She propped herself up with her elbow and reached out to rub my neck and shoulder.

"I've been invited to be a prospect with the Stone Wolves. The introduction ceremony is tonight." Excitement bubbled up inside of me, but it was mixed with worry.

"That's incredible, baby." Her face lit up and I knew without a doubt that the woman was for me. She was on my team, no matter what that meant. Her natural response to even hearing anything regarding the Stone Wolves would have been to turn up her nose, but because it was me... she was willing to accept it.

"Thanks." I rolled onto my back as a smile spread across my face. "I've been waiting forever for this day."

Lena scooted closer and ran her fingers under my shirt, playing with my abs and the top of my cock as it poked up from my jeans.

"I'm so proud of you. I wish I could be here to celebrate it with you." Sadness crept into her voice and I looked over at her, giving her my full attention.

"Me too. Someday, maybe?" I leaned up to press my lips against hers and slid my hand into her thick, pretty locks. She smelled like wild honeysuckle and desire. I wanted more of her.

The buzzing of a phone pulled her from me and she let out a soft growl. "I have to go."

"I'm glad you
." I wiggled my eyebrows.

She laughed and swatted at me before finding her shorts and tugging them back on. She moved over to my desk and shuffled a few things around as she spoke over her shoulder. "Call me tonight after your induction? I want more of you. I've missed you."

"Me too, baby." I started to move toward her to see what she was up to, but she turned with a nefarious smile on her lips, stopping me. I walked her to the window and pulled her in for one more kiss, letting her get away with whatever she was up to. I had no doubt she was up to something. She always seemed to be. "You doing okay?"

Her eyebrow lifted. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"I just know you were upset about the situation the other night with your dad and stuff." I shrugged, trying to play it off, seeing that she didn't seem to want to get too far into it.

"I'm working through it, I guess." She shrugged, opened the window and stuck her head out. "I'll figure it out, but if I need help, I'll come to you."

"Good." I reached over and brushed my hand over her ass as she lifted it in the air upon making her exit.

She dropped to the ground and cursed me for almost making her fall, but the smile on her face told me that she wasn't too upset.

I leaned out and looked down at her, wanting so badly to tell her again that I loved her. I was grateful when she saved me from it.

"Until later, sexy boy." She turned and jogged toward the woods behind the lodge.

I couldn't help but watch her until she disappeared into the thick brush.

I might not have said it, but she and I both knew it was true. Lena Delgado was supposed to be my enemy, but nothing could be farther from the truth.


The ceremony was only a few hours later, and I took full advantage of the time I had to myself. A nap was in order and after getting it, I was rested and ready to step up next to my brothers and join as a prospect. I knew it would be a long road to becoming a patched member, but I had the rest of my life to make it happen. This was only the beginning.

Blade stopped me at the entrance to the conference room and took me by the shoulders. "I'm proud of you, boy."

"Thanks, Blade. I'm thrilled to be moving in the right direction." I wanted to shrug and play it off like it was nothing, but that wasn't true, and the older man in front of me knew that. Part of growing up was not hiding behind indifference, no matter how comfortable it was.

"You got your notes for your part of the testing?" His eyebrow rose sharply like he half expected me to realize I needed notes.

"Of course I do." I pulled them from my pocket and smiled. "I've memorized most of the information from our history and such, but I have my notes just in case."

Rusty let out a chuckle as he moved to stand beside us. "Those notes will save your ass. Lucky punk. We didn't get notes back in the day. We actually had to know the shit."

"This is true." Blade released me and nodded toward the room behind us. "Get your ass in there and make me proud."

"I’ll try my best." I walked in and took my seat next to Animal. I was getting moved up to prospect, but he hadn't proven himself yet, or so I assumed. He wasn't moving up with me. The guys never gave up on a hang-around though. They'd help him get to where he needed to be.

"Alright. Let's get this party started." Knife stood up and looked around the room.

I faded out as he made his usual announcements and called the meeting to order. Anticipation rolled through me and I had to force my hands not to shake.

"Lucas Lucky Morrison. Stand up." Knife moved out in front of the room with me. "We'll be asking you twenty questions as part of this induction ceremony. Miss more than three and we'll all get to lay a punch on you as we walk out, and you'll remain a hang-around. Got it?"

"I do." I pulled my notes from my pocket as Knife winked at me.

One at a time, they began one at a time to ask their questions about the history of the town, the history of the Wolves and what we believed.

I had no trouble answering the first four, but Blade slung one out on the history of the Delgados that threw me for a loop. I pulled up my notes and let my eyes scan the paper as ice water rushed through my veins.

The piece of paper in front of my face didn't have my handwriting on it. Lena.

Just a few things I like about you (p.s. good luck with your questions... you should know this shit, so give it your best shot, big boy...)

* Your cock is so insanely big. Like a monster. My monster.

* The way you look at me when we fuck leaves me needy and wanting to be a whore.

I jerked my gaze back up to Knife as I realized the little bitch had taken my notes and replaced them with the hottest, most inappropriate shit ever. My cock twitched to life in my pants and I prayed that I could not only get through their questions, but wouldn't look like a creeper with a hard-on while I did it.

"Um... on the east valley?" I asked the question, only to get a resounding 'boo' from the whole group. I tucked my notes back in my pocket as my cheeks burned with the information found in the letter.

"That's one, knucklehead." Knife gave me a stern look and I knew I was in trouble.

Selene better hope that I get this shit right. Retribution is mine for her silly little trick. Enjoying it or not... the woman is getting one hell of a spanking for this one.

Chapter 17



The ride back to my father's house was far more pleasurable than the ride over. I couldn't stop thinking about the look on Lucky's face when he got in front of his guys and realized he didn't have his notes, but a sexy one from me.

It was mean, and I was doomed to get in trouble for it, but I didn't care. If he could get past my warped sense of humor, then he would be my man for life. Most people didn't get me at all, but Lucas Morrison seemed to. I was going to put that shit to the ultimate test by pulling out all the stops. He had confessed his love during our sex earlier, and I had let it slide. I felt the same way, but before we took that next big step of committing to each other that deeply, I wanted to make sure he was the man I thought he was... and I needed to show him the woman I was.

I parked my bike under the old oak tree in the front yard as the sun pulled toward the west end of the sky.

Elec glanced up from a bike he was working on and pinned me with a glare. "Where you been?"

"Riding around town. Why?" I pressed my hand on my hip and returned his glare. I gave him a break from my attitude most days of the week, but every once in awhile he needed to be reminded that I wasn't a child anymore.

"Just asking." His face softened and he went back to working on the bike.

"Who's this for?" I ran my hands over the seat and paused beside him.

"Your father. We don't work on other people's shit. You know that." He ignored me and went back to his task.

I stood there a minute longer, wanting to ask him a million questions about why he was the way he was, but it wasn't the time. I'd have tried to get a beer in him and then ask, but he was a violent drunk. One wrong word and he'd fly off the handle and pop me in the face.

No thanks.

I walked to the house and made my way to my father's study to check in before heading to my room. He wasn't there, and I was grateful. I wasn't sure how I felt about the testing scenario he'd put me and Dante in a few days back.

Having to sell drugs for a living wasn't going to work for me. The moment I realized my father had different plans for me, there was a mixture of relief and disgust that coiled tightly inside my belly.

I couldn't be a dealer and the fact that my father was didn't sit well with me. I'd known it for a long time, but it was easier to ignore the fact when you were face to face with the reality of it. Dante didn't seem to mind any of what happened to him that night, but then again, no one cared what was asked of them in my father's MC. There was too much honor associated with being a part of it.

"Disgusting," I mumbled and jogged up to my room.

I hadn’t lain across my bed for two minutes before my buzzing phone forced me to get up and grab it off my desk.

The note was cryptic, but it was from my father.

Papa: Test two, butterfly. Twelve-fourteen Rider Ave. be there in fifteen minutes and put out the fire.

"What?" I read it again and thought about texting him back and giving him hell. I wasn't in the mood to go anywhere. I was hungry and it would be dark soon. The only place I wanted to be was with Lucky, and since that wasn't a possibility, I'd take a warm meal and my bed instead.

Or not.

I walked out of my room and jogged down the stairs as Mateo walked in the front door.

"Where you headed, Lena?" He held the door open for me.

"To do something for Daddy. Save me a plate." I rolled my eyes and walked out before he could start a full conversation with me. He was a chatty Cathy and while most days I didn't mind, I had no time for that shit tonight.

Elec glanced up again, but didn't say anything. The way his top lip twitched into a nefarious smile, I had no doubt he already knew where I was headed, and unlike me, what was waiting for me there.

The ride went quickly and thanks to the GPS on my phone, I didn't get lost. Pulling up to the old warehouse, I glanced around, not seeing any 'fires' to put out.

Several cars were parked out front and the sound of someone using a welding machine filled up the darkening night. I tucked my phone into my back pocket and walked around to the large opening on the backside of the metal building.

Concern rolled over me. I paused just outside the door, trying to get my bearings and understand better what the fuck I was doing there.

A burly guy with more tats than skin and dark eyes glanced up from beside the car that was getting some body work done on it.

"What do you want, toots?" he barked at me.

"I was told to stop by here by a friend." I glanced around and shrugged. "Not sure why, to be honest."

"Did your friend give you a message to give us, or give you any instructions?" The guy under the car rolled out and stood up, taking off a large welding mask and turning his head to the side as realization rolled over his face. "Delgado?"

I took a step back, not liking the predatory way he looked at me. "Yeah. My father is the kingpin."

"Wow. My lucky day." The guy laughed and glanced toward a lanky greaser who had moved up to my left. "Grab her, Caleb. The stars have turned in our favor."

I turned and fought against him, finally laying a punch to his jaw which afforded me a few minutes. They would get to me before I could get to the bike, but I only needed a minute. I tugged my phone from my back pocket and hit 9-1-1, sending it to Lucky before dropping the device into the front of my pants. I prayed like hell that whatever was going on, my father would ride in before these guys found the phone. If that happened, I would never forgive him.

Two strong arms wrapped around me and lifted me off the ground. I screamed and kicked as the guy from under the car pressed his face against mine. "No, no, my pretty. Someone hand delivered you to us, and we're going to have a great time fucking you up and sending you back to your daddy."

"Let go of me, motherfucker." I waited until his face was at the back of my head to jerk back and slam into him. "Bitch!"

I fell to the ground and scrambled up, running for the door before finding a behemoth with far too much facial hair and a need for a good tooth brush in front of me. "Where you going, pretty girl?"

"Why am I here?" I took a step back as the third guy, Caleb, from what I could recall, wrapped me in a bear hug.

"Watch your face, old boy." The large guy chuckled and turned to talk to the one with the bloody nose. "Why did you let the cunt get one over on you? Dumbass."

He pressed a rag to his nose and turned an angry glare on me. "That's going to cost you."

I tried to jerk away from him as he moved toward me, fury in his gaze, but his friend only tightened his grip. My arms were trapped to my sides, but I kicked out, catching him in the gut once and the face the next time.

"Hold the bitch still, Caleb. Fuck." The guy moved up and swung at me before I could turn my face. His fist connected with my cheekbone and pain laced my cheek.

I screamed as dizziness rolled over me. His laughter caused my stomach to turn upside down and bile to rise up my throat.

Hot tears burned my eyes, but they had nothing to do with the promise of getting beat up and possibly raped.  All because of
sent me into the vipers’ den. Why my father would do such a heinous thing was beyond me. Testing someone was one thing, but threatening their life on multiple occasions and putting them in impossible situations? He was a sadist. I had no doubt.

"You thought you were just going to come up in here and put a bullet in our heads? Huh, bitch?" He slapped me on the other side of my face and I grunted, working hard to get lose from the idiot holding me.

"Fuck you. I was told to come here to help put out a fire." I spit blood at him and jerked back again, busting the guy holding me in the face as well.

He cried out and dropped me. I rolled and got my footing before finding a tire iron and chunking it with all my might. It hit the big guy in the face and he turned, screaming.

A gun. I needed a gun. Surely I was going to die if I couldn't find one.

"You fucking bitch. You're gonna die now. An eye for an eye, Delgado. Your daddy wanted to feed drugs to my baby sister and watch her die... we'll be returning the favor." The leader of the group moved toward me about the time I saw him pull out a gun.

I reached for it and lifted it to his face as he stopped in front of me with a sick smile.

Caleb pointed a gun at me. “Should I shoot her?”

“Hell, yeah!” the other guy said. “Do it now!”

“Please!” I said. “Don’t hurt me. I don’t want trouble. Just let me go.”

He cocked the gun and my heart raced.

“Just let you go? I’ll
let you go
back to hell,” he said.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” I begged. 

Caleb fired at me but missed. I aimed the gun at him to show him I wasn’t playing.

"You silly little girl. You're not going to do shit with..."

He aimed again, and right before he pulled the trigger… He didn't get the words out of his mouth before I turned and put three holes in his chest. The skinny boy fell to his knees and dropped over as I shook.

I couldn't force myself to stop shaking violently. I was going to die. I had no doubt. Killing them was my only option and yet it seemed impossible to do.

"Shit. You killed him." The leader turned as tears filled his eyes. "Your dad killed my older brother and my sister, and now you've killed my younger brother. I'll hunt every last one of you down and slit your throats." Glaring, he aimed the gun at me.  

I pulled the trigger twice, the first bullet hitting him in the chest, and the next in the shoulder. Blood covered the ground around us, and I took a shaky step back as I horrible cry left me.

Something inside me died, and I knew without a doubt I’d never be the same. Lucky wouldn't want me anymore. No one would. I was my father's daughter and there was only one thing left to do.

I turned my gun on the last guy as he held up his hands and started to cry.

“I’m not going to kill you,” I said. “Your friends were about to kill me! I just defended myself. I just wanted to leave, but you wouldn’t let me.”

"Please. We didn't do anything to deserve this. Your father did this to us. Whoever sent you here is the one you should be pointing the gun at. They knew what we'd do to you because of what was done to Jack's sister." He nodded to his friend on the floor.

The voice that left me didn't sound at all like my own. "What happened to her?"

"She was drugged and sent into the forest naked. They all came after her, taking turns raping her, only to have them send her running again. She hoped she would live through it, but she didn't. She was shot by the last Delgado waiting on her."

"Who?" I whispered as horror washed over me in nauseating waves. My knees began to shake and the scream building up inside of me was terrifying.

"The crazy one. The one that no one will mess with. Please, miss. Don't take my life. I won't tell nobody what you've done."

Elec. He had to be the one that killed the girl.

I turned and looked around the room, realizing that I'd taken two lives and the guy in front of me was the only witness. It was self-defense. I knew forensics would prove my story.

He must have noticed the look on my face. "I promise. I won't say nothing."

Maybe he wouldn't... “Just go!” I said.

“Thank you!”

A pair of arms grabbed me from behind and the large guy laughed, moving toward me and raising his fist to hit me with all of his might.

"We'll make sure your daddy gets your corpse."

His fist connected with my face again and I lost consciousness.

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