Shades of Deception (2 page)

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Authors: Amanda Meadows

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Shades of Deception
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Chapter 3


“Hey, gorgeous,” Hunter said.

“Have you been running? Or are you just really turned on right now?”

Amber had brought her cell phone and climbed on top of Hunter's bed. She sank back against his pillows so that she could smell his presence.

Hunter laughed. “A little bit of both, maybe. I jogged back here so I'd have more time to talk to you.”

“No little ones chasing you tonight?”

“The whole family left for a party. I have at least two hours before they return.”

Amber smiled and twirled a lock of her hair in her fingers.

“I thought it sounded a bit quiet there. That is, with the exception of the heavy breathing.”

“Hmm . . . I'm lying here on the bed wishing you were with me,” Hunter said softly.

“I'm lying on your bed wishing that you were with me,” Amber said, grinning. “I was just thinking of all the fun things we've done in this bed.”

Hunter groaned on his end of the phone.

“What are you wearing, gorgeous?”

Amber looked down at herself.

“The usual painting attire. The jeans with a hole in the knee. My pink tee shirt. Well, it was pink. Now it has about ten other colors splattered on it.”

“I don't think that's acceptable,” Hunter said.

“What does it matter what I'm wearing?”

Amber sat up straight. Was Hunter getting aroused right now? She thought he was joking earlier. However, his breathing was definitely more rapid than normal.

“I want to picture you lying naked on my bed.”

“Is that so?” Amber said, feeling herself flush. “And you are positively all alone in the house?”

“Well, there is a cat in the living room.”

Amber smiled. “In that case, I want you to be naked as well.”

Hunter chuckled. “Baby, I was naked before you even answered the phone.”

Oh! That was certainly a surprise!

“Put me on speaker,” Hunter commanded, his voice firm. “I want to talk to you while you undress.”

Amber obeyed without thinking.

“Do I just whip off my clothes or do you want details?” she asked, her voice breathless.

“First, pull down the covers. I want to envision you in the sheets.”

Keeping the phone close, Amber pulled down the comforter and the top sheet.

“Okay, what's next?”

“Let's start with the tee shirt. Take it off first. You might as well simply throw it on the floor like you normally do.”

Amber laughed. “So we're going for realism?”

“Yeah, I want to think of you down to all your annoying little habits.”

Amber could hear the smile in his voice.

“Oh, let's not get started on annoying habits,” she warned.

“Is the shirt off?”

Amber reached down, grabbed the ends, and pulled it over her head.

“Shirt off and tossed in the middle of the room,” she said, grinning.

“Excellent. Now lie down on your back with your hands over your head. I want to visualize how you look right now.”

“Done," Amber said, surprised at how sexy she felt.

“Hm . . . I have an idea. Why don't you stand up and walk around to the foot of the bed? You might need to put the phone a bit closer as well. Just at the end of the bed.”

Amber wondered where this was going. Intrigued, she followed his directions.

“Okay? What now?”

“I think that the foot rail comes about to your waist. Am I right?”

What the hell? Amber stared at the wood railing.

“Um . . . Yes?”

“And the round knob on top of the spindle? Where does that come to on your body?”

“The bed knob?”

Amber stared at the grapefruit-sized knob. What the hell was Hunter thinking?

“Yes, the bed knob.”

Amber stared in confusion. Surely she must be missing something here.

“You mean like in that old movie where the kids find a bed knob that takes them places?”

“Yes, yes, yes!”  Hunter sounded exasperated.

“Oh. Well, it comes to about six inches above my waist.”

“Fine. Go and get the chair and put it facing the bed knob.”

Amber walked over to the middle of the room and dragged the chair over. She glanced down at fresh scratches and winced, realizing she should have picked the chair up first.

“Uh . . . If you heard scraping, that was . . . um . . . static in the phone,” she said.

“Never mind. I suppose I asked for it when I said I wanted all your annoying habits,” Hunter replied. “Just please get on your knees on the chair.”

Amber climbed onto the chair and suddenly understood. The bed knob was right at her groin. Oh! He must think she was pretty dense. When she spoke, her voice was breathless.

“Okay, I think I see where we're going with this.”

“Where you're going, baby,” Hunter said. “Now, undo your jeans and slide them down just a little bit. Uncover that lovely ass so that your panties are showing. Are you wearing a bra?”

“Yes,” Amber said softly, pulling her jeans down like he said. "My white lace one."

As weird as this felt, she was starting to get a little turned on.

“If you lean over the railing, can you support yourself with your hands on the mattress while still maintaining contact with the bed knob?”

“Um . . . I'll try.” Leaning over, Amber found that she could do as he asked.

“Yes,” she said, gasping as her groin made contact with the firm ball.

As an added bonus, she noticed there was a small raised nub on the knob. 

“Now, I want you to imagine that I'm there under you. I want you to think of nothing but rubbing against me.”

“Oh! Ah!”

“Are you okay, baby?”

“Ah! Yes! Definitely okay!” she said loudly, her body liking the new sensations.

Hunter groaned on his end of the phone.

“Push against me, baby. Start out slow and hard.”

Amber gasped as she imagined Hunter's hardness beneath her.

“Those are my jeans you feel against your legs, baby. I'm right there with you,” Hunter panted.

Amber felt a rush of wetness between her legs.

“Oh, Hunter! I've been wanting you so much!”

“I'm here, baby! Don't hold back. Push harder. Faster. I want to hear you come.”

Hunter's voice sounded strangled.

Amber lost control of her lower body. She simply listened to Hunter, letting herself writhe against the bed post. She felt the pressure building. She moaned as she felt herself climbing closer and closer to the edge. She listened to Hunter moaning on his end. Finally, she knew she was on the verge of coming. She yelled as she started to climax, her hips rocking against the post.

As she spiraled down, she fell back on her heels on the chair, still half in her jeans, her heart thumping, her chest flushed.

“Oh, Amber, I miss you so much!” Hunter said, his breathing still hard.

“I wish you could hold me,” Amber said, still gripping the bed rail.

“We never got you completely naked, did we?” Hunter asked suddenly. “Wow, I got so carried away that I didn't even get a peek at those luscious nipples.”

“There's still time,” Amber said mischievously.

“You're right! Take you're time and don't fall off the chair. Climb down and finish undressing.”

Hunter's voice got tender. “Then curl up with my pillow against your chest. Pull the sheets up so you don't get cold. I just want to snuggle with you.”

“I like sleeping in here,” Amber confessed. “I like to curl up with your pillow when I go to sleep.”

“I like to hear that,” Hunter said. “I don't have your pillow, of course. Wouldn't fit in my carry-on bag. So I use something a little different.”

“Really? What is it?”

Hunter cleared his throat. “You're going to think I'm a bit nuts.”

“Come on. Tell me! Did you snip off a lock of my hair or something?”

Hunter laughed. “Don't give me ideas!”

“Seriously, what did you take?” Amber squirmed in the bed.

“Well, you know how much I like that blue bra and panty set on you?”

Amber bolted upright in the bed. “You took my bra and panties in your carry-on bag?”

She started to laugh.

“What if they searched your bag at the airport?” she squealed. “How would you have explained it?”

Hunter chuckled. “My plan was to say that I was experimenting with being a cross dresser.”

A little while later, as they talked softly, Amber noticed that Hunter was responding less and less. She looked at her watch and realized that it was late there. He was probably exhausted.

“Hey, why don't you get some sleep,” she said.

“Don't get up yet,” Hunter pleaded, his voice groggy. “Stay in the bed a little while until you think I've gone to sleep. I want to keep imagining you holding onto me.”

“I'll stay right here,” Amber promised softly. “Close your eyes. I'll rub your face until you go to sleep.”

Even after they hung up, Amber caressed the pillow, willing it to really be Hunter's face. Finally, she fell asleep.

Chapter 4


Amber woke to soft knocks on her door.

"Amber?" The voice belonged to Caleb.

She sat up, wondering why she was sleeping naked on the bed. Then she remembered her phone call with Hunter.

“Just a second, Caleb!” she called out, getting up and searching for her clothes.

She really was a slob, she realized, as she discovered more than one pair of jeans and several tee shirts on the floor. She dressed quickly and padded out barefoot to see what Caleb needed.

“Sorry if I woke you,” he said. “But Hunter sent me a text earlier today saying that you wanted Chinese for dinner. Asked me if I could make sure that you didn't forget to order it.”

“Of course he did.” Amber said. “Mr. Food Police figured out that we forgot to go food shopping.”

Suddenly she had a disturbing thought.

“Hey, was he angry at you for the lack of groceries?”

Caleb turned and busied himself getting a soda.

“Um . . . He mentioned that we might want to pick up some things,” he said vaguely.

He turned and pointed at the takeout menu. “I'm starving. Do you mind if we go ahead and order now?”

He held up his phone. “I circled the things I wanted. Are you getting your usual or do you need to look at the menu first?”

Amber wanted to push the issue concerning Hunter, but she realized that it was already after seven. She must have been out a couple of hours.

“The usual,” she said.

She still thought it was unfair for Hunter to take out his frustrations on Caleb. But Caleb was a big boy. He undoubtedly knew how to deal with his friend better than she did.

“Great! I'm just going to work on homework for a little while,” Caleb said, stretching. “Can you just let me know when the food gets here?”

“Sure, go ahead.”

Amber pulled out her laptop. She might as well work on the descriptions of her art pieces while she waited. She was able to get the first two finished before she heard the delivery guy knocking on the door.

Getting up, she grabbed her purse so that she could pay. But when she offered the guy money, he simply smiled.

“It's okay, Miss. The food always goes on your account.”

Amber blinked at him in confusion. “We have an account? Since when?”

“At least as long as I've worked here." The delivery guy smiled at her.

“Oh, well, here's a tip then,” Amber said, giving him some cash.

“Thanks, Miss. Have a great evening!”

The delivery guy clattered down the stairs as Amber shut the door and carried the food inside.

“Caleb, food's here!” she called out and waited for him to come out of his room.

“Great! I'm famished!”

Caleb washed his hands in the sink and grabbed plates from the cabinet. When he saw Amber simply holding onto the bags of food, he looked startled.

“Is something wrong?”

“Did you know that the bills for the takeout go on an account?”

Caleb shrugged. “Sure. That's how Hunter set it up in the beginning. Why? Did they take your money?”

Amber studied him for a moment. “No, I only tipped him.”

Caleb looked confused. “And you're upset why exactly?”

Amber sighed with exasperation.

“So what happens to the money that I've been contributing every time we order?”

“Oh, that! Hunter just has me . . .” Caleb broke off and looked alarmed.

Amber narrowed her eyes at him.

“Hunter has you do what exactly?”

Caleb swallowed nervously and then reached for the bags of food.

“No big deal. He just has me put it in the desk drawer.”

Amber pulled the bags out of reach. “I thought that was where the bills went.”

“Well, yes. Those too.”

Caleb reached for the food again. “Seriously, Amber, you're making too much of a deal about this. I'm starving.”

Amber shoved the bags of food across the table. She moved to the far corner of the living room where Hunter had an antique, roll top desk tucked away.

“Where's the key?”

“Aw, Amber, you're killing me here! If Hunter finds out that I upset you, he's bound to take my head off.”

“Well, that puts you in a bad spot, then. Because if you don't give me a key, I'm going to kick your ass.”

Caleb stared at her in astonishment and then laughed.

“I'm sorry, Amber,” he said, snorting, “but I'll take my chances with you.”

Amber stormed over, furious.

“Although if looks could kill,” he added quickly, “I'd definitely be avoiding you.”

Amber kicked him in the shins, using the side of her foot as she'd been taught.

“Ow! There's no need to get violent!” Caleb hobbled away. “Okay, I was wrong! I'll deal with Hunter!”

Amber grabbed his arm, pulling him to the desk.

“The key?” she demanded.

Caleb started to object. Then, seeing her angry expression, just pointed to a hidden nook.

“If Hunter asks, I'm going to tell him you physically threatened me,” he muttered. “Even if he doesn't believe me.”

Amber unlocked the drawer and stared at the large pile of cash stacked neatly to one side of a pile of receipts. She didn't have to ask whether it was all her money. Of course it was. She slammed the drawer shut.

She stormed into the kitchen. She wanted to be mad at Caleb, but he looked like she had kicked him. Oh, yeah. She had actually kicked him. She winced. He really hadn't deserved that.

“Um . . . I'm sorry I kicked you,” she said. “He just frustrates me to no end!”

She beat her fists on the table and Caleb jumped.

Amber giggled at his look of alarm. “I promise I won't kick you again.”

Caleb backed away, rubbing his shin. “I know a martial arts kick when it hits me. Trust me.  I'm not ever making you mad again.”

Now Amber felt mortified. She couldn't believe she had lost control like that.

“Seriously, Caleb, I am so sorry! The guy who taught me would be pissed as hell if he knew.”

Caleb appraised her, nodding his head thoughtfully.

“Does Hunter know about your ninja moves?”

Amber laughed. “No, I suppose not.”

“So . . . You could say that you've been keeping something from him?”

“What? It's not like that. It's just never come up. I'm not trying to deceive him.”

Caleb hesitated. “Um . . . You left your phone on the table last night.”

Amber narrowed her eyes at him. “And?”

“And I swear I wasn't snooping. But the damn thing buzzed all night. I thought maybe Hunter was trying to get in touch with you. I saw the messages from Hannah.”

Shit! Amber swallowed.

“Yeah, well, she and I are having a huge argument right now.”

Caleb looked torn. “I'd rather not be involved in your private life. But that was some pretty intense stuff. She was trying to get the address here.”

He lowered his head. “I shouldn't have, but I scrolled up to see what was going on.”

Amber glowered at him. “I can't believe you invaded my privacy like that!”

As soon as the words slipped out, Amber remembered how she had read Hunter's letter from Isabelle Lebas. Well, that was different. Wasn't it?

To her surprise, Caleb jerked his head back up, his face hard.

“And I can't believe that somebody was demanding that you steal the car for them and you didn't bother mentioning it! I saw my name on those texts. What the hell am I supposed to think? Don't you think I would like to know a little detail like that? You know, in case somebody tries to carjack me?”

Amber gaped at him.

“Look, I know Hannah sounds psychotic. But I have this situation under control. You don't need to worry.”

Caleb stared at her in disbelief.

“So, you're vouching that this girl isn't planning anything bad for me or you? That she's just blowing off steam?”

Amber glared at him.

“I said I had things under control. Which is the whole point of this conversation. Somehow, you and Hunter are under the impression that I need to be babied.”

“Bullshit!” Caleb's face darkened.

“Look, I know you think that Hunter was a jerk for not telling you about the takeout being on an account. But did you consider that maybe he did it on my behalf? And that he had to figure a way to accept your money without you feeling like your contribution meant nothing?”

“But only my money is in the drawer,” Amber said. “Not yours.”

“Because I have a prior arrangement with Hunter,” Caleb said, his eyes dangerous.

“Which is?” Amber demanded. She immediately regretted asking.

She held a hand over her stupid mouth. What was wrong with her tonight? Everything she did and said was inappropriate.

Caleb looked hurt, but he stayed silent.

“I'm so sorry! That is totally none of my business, Caleb. I'm running off at the mouth and I should just shut up.”

Caleb studied her for a minute. He took several deep breaths and slowly relaxed. Finally, he gave her a cautious grin.

“Does that mean I get to eat without getting beat up?”

“That can be arranged." Amber smiled, relieved to know that the tension between them was gone, at least for now.

She waited until Caleb had started eating before she asked the question that puzzled her the most.

“What was he going to do with the money?”

Caleb looked uncomfortable.

“Maybe you should ask Hunter.” He shifted and then seemed to make a decision.

“If it makes you feel any better, Hunter doesn't make it a habit to talk about you with me. I know he can be a controlling ass, but he would never do anything to hurt you.”

Amber sighed and put her fork down.

“I know! I know! I must seem like a maniac. It's just that I've never been able to rely on anyone before. It's really hard when you've had only yourself to depend on.”

Caleb held out a hand and touched her arm.

“Look, Amber, I get it. More than you can imagine. But you really have to figure out who your real friends are. You don't have to face all your problems alone. Let us help you.”

Amber finished her meal in silence. Now that her anger was spent, she was surprised to discover how hungry she was. She looked up and saw that Caleb was watching her with a relieved look. He looked away quickly, as though guilty.


“Um . . . Nothing really.”

Amber smiled sweetly. “Caleb, don't make me hurt you again.”

“Aw, come on, Amber. Don't even joke about that anymore. My leg still hurts.”

“Oh, don't be a baby! Let me see.”

But when Caleb pulled up his pant leg, Amber gasped and put a hand over her mouth.

“Oh, Caleb! I feel terrible! That is going to be one nasty bruise.”

Caleb winced. “Don't worry. I'll be fine. Just be available the next time I need a bodyguard.”

Amber felt sick. “Seriously, Caleb, I've never intentionally hurt someone before. At least not anyone who didn't fully deserve it. You must think I'm a monster.”

Caleb took her by the shoulders and looked her in the eyes.

“Look, Amber. I'm a big boy and I've been in a lot of big boy fights. I've broken a few bones and shattered a few noses. I've gotten plenty of my share of lumps.”

He shook her shoulders lightly.

“Seriously, I'm fine. I should have never made the assumption that you were a weakling. That was one of my first lessons growing up. I'm embarrassed I let you get in that first shot.”

He grinned and released her, heading for his room. Then he turned suddenly.

“If anyone asks, I whacked my leg on the coffee table. I'd never live this down at the gym.”

Amber washed up the few dishes and put away the remaining takeout leftovers. She would leave Caleb a note asking for a grocery list. She could get the things after her shift ended.

She checked the time. Already after eight o'clock. If it wasn't after three in the morning in Paris, she would have been tempted to call Hunter. He was lucky that the two Lebas children slept in the room next to his. If not, she would have at least sent him a stream of texts. Instead, she finished her write-ups for art class and worked on her history notes.

As she climbed into bed, she started to think about what Caleb said about her keeping things from Hunter. Would he feel obligated to say something to Hunter? Ugh! Hunter would explode if he thought that she was keeping something important from him. But she had everything under control. There was no need to involve Hunter. Was there?

Sighing, Amber got out of bed, determined to make Caleb promise to keep the texts from Hannah a secret. But when she tiptoed to his door, his lights were already out. She padded back to bed. But now she was wide awake. Ugh! She went to get her laptop, unable to control her curiosity any longer. Had Kayla sent another e-mail? She knew she shouldn't even be looking, especially when she had to get up so early the next morning.

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