Shadow of Death: Book Two of the Chosen Chronicles (12 page)

BOOK: Shadow of Death: Book Two of the Chosen Chronicles
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Another groan escaped the Noble

s lips and he turned away from the scene. He did not want to calculate the damage that the snow had already done.

How are we going to get home, Fernando?

Bridget crossed her arms and glared up at her Chosen

s stricken face.


m not walking home in that. I wore straps.

Quick to divert the oncoming fight Notus offered the only solution he could think of.

You two are most welcome to spend the day here. I

m sure by nightfall tomorrow the storm will have passed and the streets will have cleared.

Surprised at the offer, the Angel regretted not being open to the emotions of the Chosen.

Notus—” he began but was quickly cut off.

The two of you can take the boy

s bed.

Knowing where the next sentence would lead, he headed the monk off at the pass by walking over and collapsing onto the sofa.


ll take the couch.

Are you sure? We don

t want to put you out.

Bridget walked over to sit back onto her spot forcing the Angel to take up residence at the other end.

She might not want to, but a bed is preferable to sharing a couch.

Fernando closed the drapes, cutting off the horrendous view and returned to his chair next to the tree.

Then it

s settled,

declared Notus as he went to change the album on the turntable.


d better let Juliette know that we won

t be coming back to the house by dawn.


d think she

d figure that one out on her on,

muttered the Noble.

Silence reigned as Notus picked out the next record to play and Bridget closed her eyes in concentration. Her communication with her Chosen was completed as Notus lowered the needle onto an old 78 of Fats Domino.

So, has the house been destroyed yet?

Bridget glared at Fernando.

The house is safer when you

re not there.

Now, now, it

s Christmas,

entered Notus. He sat down in the chair at the other end.

Truce everybody, truce.

Swivelling in his spot, the monk turned to face his wayward son.

Now where were you? You said you

d be home by dawn this morning, but you didn

t show. Do you know how much I worried?

The onslaught from his Chooser caught the Angel off guard. He opened his mouth to reply but no words were forthcoming. Even now, when he was over fifteen hundred years old, Notus still could make him feel as if the monk had just found him in that cave so long ago.  Chagrined, he let his eyes fall to the floor. He had tried to reach Notus, but by the time he had done so the monk was asleep so he opted to leave a message on their answering  machine. In soft tones he said as much.

We have an answering machine for the telephone?

responded the monk, incredulously.

A groan answered from the other chair. Fernando slumped further down;
finding it even harder to believe how technologically backwards his host seemed to be.

So where did you spend the day?

asked Bridget, intrigued. She curled her legs up under her and propped her head on her hand as her elbow rested on the back of the sofa. Her smiling eyes landed on the Angel.

With all eyes uncomfortably upon him he explained, to Fernando

s dismay, that he had spent the day at Gerry and Donna

s because he inadvertently stayed later to finish a project and barely made it into their home as the sun was cresting over the horizon.

You stayed the day at a mortal

s house?

asked Fernando.

Do they know what you are?

The questions should not have surprised the Angel, but it did.

No, they do not know I am Chosen, just that I prefer the night. They have a north facing guestroom and offered it to me. With the drapes pulled it was fine.

A sudden yawn made his eyes water as he covered his mouth with his hands.

It seems that you didn

t get much sleep,

smiled Bridget.

I didn


admitted the Angel as another yawn overtook him.

I was just about to fall asleep when Rory and Jenna jumped on me.

Who are Rory and Jenna?

asked Fernando, his face darkening with concern.

Gerry and Donna

s children,

answered Notus, a smile lifting the corners of his lips.


s shocked expression caused Bridge to hide a laugh behind her small delicate fingers.

They insisted I play with them and help set up for Christmas.

The Angel basked in the memory of the two pulling out games and puzzles, stuffed animals and action figures, fighting and laughing as he did something he had never done before

he played like a child and enjoyed every moment of it. They were the reason why he was happy to have stayed awake the whole day and into the next night, sharing a space at the Christmas
Eve dinner but hiding the fact
he did not eat and then helping to get the kids off to bed with his traditional story from his life,               fictionalized, of course. It was the closest to a normal human life he had ever come to and he loved it and them. A smile caught the Angel

s lips.

He did not realize that the others were waiting for him to continue until the music seemed louder to his ears. A sudden flush of heat radiated upwards and he ducked his head, letting the curtain of white obscure the blush.

Noticing his son

s embarrassment Notus cleared his throat.

Did you leave their presents under the tree?

Relieved at his Choosers rescue, the Angel nodded.

Mortgage papers stating that it is paid in full, their car loans and debts are paid off, and the legal papers for the trust funds for Rory and Jenna are all there. They will never have to worry again.

A large part of him wished he had stayed as Gerry had offered. It would have been wonderful to see the look of surprise as Gerry and Donna found the manila envelope and took in its contents. It was rare for the Angel to dispense joy, so when the opportunity presented itself he would attempt to witness it. Then again, not being there meant that Gerry and Donna had to accept the gifts.

There would be a phone call, of course. Gerry would try and refuse the gifts on a matter of pride, but what was done could not be undone. The Sanders

would never have to worry about their children

s financial future ever again, nor their own.


m glad to hear that,

beamed Notus.


he clapped his hands and rubbed them together,

that everyone has finally arrived; I believe that it

s that magical time.

What? To turn off that scratchy excuse for music?

mumbled Fernando.

They all looked over at the Noble. Being Master of all the Chosen in Britain had not smoothed his rough edges, only dulled certain ones while making others sharper.

Recognizing everyone was staring at him in either disbelief or hurt, Fernando sat up straight.


Not wishing to ruin Christmas with a fight between his guests, Notus signed and shook his head. He redirected the evening back to his question, this time answering it himself.

It is time to exchange gifts.

Why didn’t you say so in the first place,

countered Fernando. A gleam of excitement grew in his dark eyes.

Presents. I can definitely sink my teeth into that!

The monk

s incredulous bark was accompanied by Bridget

s laughter. The Angel did not join in, but his smile widened.



It was amazing that no matter how old they all were gift giving and, more importantly, receiving, still kept them young. Notus fondled the brown leather travel journal the Angel had given him, flipping through the decorated pages one by one, all the while the new point and shoot camera Bridget had bestowed, sat on his lap. The state of the art laptop, given by Fernando, lay by his feet.

Fernando sat on the dark laminate before the tree reading the manual of the large projector and sound system that would be installed in his home before New Years. All his attention was honed onto the fact that he now had a home theatre. It also explained why Bridget had been adamantly against him purchasing one.  The Noble glanced up from the print and smiled at her. Bridget beamed back, her fingers playing with the four-carat diamond ring on her left hand.

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