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Authors: Indu Sundaresan

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Bibliography of Select Works

Ball, V., trans., and William Crooke, ed.
Travels in India by Jean-Baptiste Tavernier, Baron of Aubonne
. London: Oxford University Press, 1925.

Begam, Qamar Jahan, and Begum Jahanara.
Princess Jah
Begam: Her Life and Works.
Karachi: S. M. Hamid Ali, 1991.

Begley, W. E., ed., and Ziyaud-Din A. Desai, comp.
The Shah Jahan Nama of Inayat Khan: An Abridged History of the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan, Compiled by His Royal Librarian: The Nineteenth-Century Manuscript Translation of A. R. Fuller
(British Library, add. 30,777). Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1990.

Begley, W. E., and Ziyaud-Din A. Desai.
Taj Mahal: The Illumined Tomb: An Anthology of Seventeenth-Century Mughal and European Documentary Sources
. Cambridge, Mass.: Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture, 1989.

Blochmann, H., trans., and S. L. Goomer.
The Ain-i-Akbari by Abul-Fazl Allami.
Delhi: Aadiesh Book Depot, 1965.

Constable, Archibald, ed., and Irving Brock, trans.
Travels in the Mogul Empire,
1656–1668, by François Bernier. Delhi: S. Chand, 1968.

Elliot, H. M.
Shah Jahan.
Lahore: Sh Mubarak Ali, 1875. Reprint 1975.

Eraly, Abraham.
The Mughal Throne: The Saga of India’s Great Emperors
. London: Phoenix, 2004.

The Mughal World: Life in India’s Golden Age.
New Delhi: Penguin Books India, 2007.

Gascoigne, Bamber, and Christina Gascoigne.
A Brief History of the Great Moguls.
New York: Carroll & Graf, 2002.

Hansen, Waldemar.
The Peacock Throne: The Drama of Mogul India.
New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972.

Hoyland, J. S., trans., and S. N. Banerjee, annot.
The Empire of the Great Mogul: A Translation of De Laet’s “Description of India and Fragment of Indian History.”
Delhi: Idarah-I Adabiyat-I Delli, 1975.

Irvine, William, trans.
Storia do Mogor, or Mogul India, 1653–1708, by Niccolao Manucci
. Calcutta: Editions Indian, 1965.

Khan, Mubarak Ali.
The Court of the Great Mughuls (Based on Persian Sources).
Lahore: Book Traders, 1986.

Koch, Ebba, and Richard André Barraud.
The Complete Taj Mahal: And the Riverfront Gardens of Agra
. London: Thames & Hudson, 2006.

Lal, Muni.
Shah Jahan
. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1986.

Misra, Neeru.
Succession and Imperial Leadership Among the Mughals, 1526–1707
. Delhi: Konark Publishers, 1993.

Misra, Rekha.
Women in Mughal India (
). Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal, 1967.

Qanungo, Kalika Ranjan.
Dara Shukoh
. Calcutta: S. C. Sarkar, 1935.

Saksena, Banarsi Prasad.
History of Shahjahan of Dihli
. Allahabad: Indian Press, 1932.

Schimmel, Annemarie, Corinne Attwood, and Burzine K. Waghmar.
The Empire of the Great Mughals: History, Art, and Culture.
New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2005.

Thackston, Wheeler M., ed. and trans.
The Baburnama: Memoirs of Babur, Prince and Emperor
. New York: Modern Library, 2002.

Tillotson, G. H. R.
Mughal India.
London: Penguin Books, 1991.

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This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2010 by Indu Sundaresan

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First Washington Square Press trade paperback edition March 2011

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Map by Paul J. Pugliese

The Library of Congress has cataloged the hardcover edition as follows:

Sundaresan, Indu.

Shadow princess : a novel / Indu Sundaresan. — 1st Atria Books hardcover ed.

p. cm.

1. Princesses—India—Fiction. 2. Mumtaz Mahal, Empress, consort of Shah Jahan, Emperor of India, d. 1631—Fiction. 3. Shah Jahan, Emperor of India, ca. 1592–1666—Family—Fiction. 4. Emperors—Succession—India—Fiction. 5. Brothers and sisters—Fiction. 6. Taj Mahal (Agra, India)—Fiction. 7. India—History—1526–1765—Fiction. I. Title.

PS3619.U53S53 2010



ISBN 978-1-4165-4879-9

ISBN 978-1-4165-4880-5 (pbk)

ISBN 978-1-4391-6914-8 (ebook)


Principal Characters

Maps and Family Tree

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six




A Readers Club Guide: Shadow Princess

Mountain of Light

About Indu Sundaresan

Bibliography of Select Works

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