Shadows of the Empire (34 page)

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Authors: Steve Perry

BOOK: Shadows of the Empire
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They still looked blank.

“All right,” Dash said. “Here’s the idea. We know that the really big buildings on this planet extend as far under the surface as they do above it. One thing I know is, no matter how much graywater recycling and reclamation you do, some of it is always going to be lost. Waste products, sewage, they have to be pumped away where bigger and more efficient systems can work on them.”

“Basic stuff, don’t foul your own nest,” Luke said. “So?”

“A building as big as this one”—here he tapped a holographic postcard showing several huge structures that included among them the Emperor’s castle—“generates a lot of waste. There has to be a way to get rid of it. I haven’t seen any garbage vans or drain wagons on the streets or in the skies of Coruscant, so they have to break the solid waste down and pump it away, probably as a slurry. Therefore we are talking about pipes.”

Luke got it. He looked around the table. Said, “Big pipes.”

He saw the others get it.

Chewie said something.

Lando nodded and said, “Chewie is right. Those conduits, if they are big enough to admit people, will certainly be guarded.”

Chewie said something else.

“Yeah,” Dash said. “Chewie also points out such
drains would be hard to locate, given that every building will have similar systems. It’s probably a monster maze under the ground.”

“Right. But there will probably be fewer guards posted on a big sewage drain than the doors aboveground. They wouldn’t really expect any kind of assault that way; you couldn’t move a lot of troops in without making noise their sensors would pick up. But a few men would be lost in the background gurgle, if they were careful.”

Lando looked at Luke and Chewie, then back at Dash. “Assuming we could find a guide, you are saying you want us to wade through kilometers of
to get into this place?” He looked at Dash as if he had just turned into a big spider.

Dash smiled. “Exactly what the guards would think. Who would be that stupid?”

Lando shook his head. “Us. Who else?”

“And finding a guide is no problem. I know somebody.”

“I’ve heard
before,” Luke said.

ader took a deep breath, blew it out, then took another. The energies of the dark side filled him, and he could once again breathe as a normal man did. He focused his anger. It was not right that he be crippled, that he couldn’t do this all the time. It was … not … right!

The healing energies held.

As long as he could maintain his indignation, his lungs and breathing passages stayed open and clear. He fed the fires of his rage with the unfairness of a galaxy that would not let him be whole.

Still the healing energies held.

He fought the sense of relief he felt. Fought it and kept his anger pure.

they held. Almost two minutes now. A new record.

He would grow stronger. He would add Luke’s power to his own, and he would eventually be able to shed the armor, to walk around as normal men walked.

Luke …

He tried to stop the smile. Failed.

Sank back into the protection of his breathing chamber, unable to maintain the energies any longer. But even so, he’d managed two minutes. Eventually it would be ten minutes, then an hour, then as long as he wished.


eia was not the most patient woman in the galaxy, she knew. Being cooped up in a room, no matter how well appointed that room might be, was not her idea of fun.

She tried meditating, but her mind buzzed too much.

She worked on escape plans, but given how little information she had, that was also fairly limited in scope.

Finally she took to exercising. She knew some basic gymnastics, easy enough to do as long as you had a little floor space. The carpet was almost as thick as a tumbling mat, and while the roof wasn’t high enough to allow flips—even if she could still do one—there was nothing stopping her from doing handstands and assorted presses. She stretched, twisted, did splits, pitted her muscles against gravity in a variety of ways until she worked up a healthy sweat.

When she was done and fairly exhausted, she felt a lot better. She padded into the refresher and cranked up the shower. Turned off the lights and undressed, showered, and got dressed again in the dark. Tricky business, but since she was fairly sure Xizor had a hidden holocam or three in her room, she was
going to give him a show.

Feeling a little sore but better, Leia once again considered ways to escape. Or, more likely, ways to help Luke with whatever plan he had. She was worried about him, but on another level, pleased that he would come for her.

It was nice to know somebody cared that much.


ash’s contact, one Benedict Vidkun, was more than willing to scan the systems, make maps, lead them himself or whatever else they might want—as long as they had plenty of credits.

They didn’t really have a whole lot of money among them. Lando had a little stashed here and there, plus what he’d managed to get from the Galactic Bank before his accounts on Bespin were shut down by the Empire. But under a pseudonym, Leia had a line of credit from the Alliance for use in emergencies, and Luke knew the account’s access code. He figured this was as good a time as any to use it. Vidkun was willing to sell himself cheaply, too. The engineer’s integrity was apparently worth about three months’ salary—and that was not very much.

He was a short, thin man, fish-belly pale, with bulging brown eyes, a wispy beard and mustache, and more than his share of nose. He tended to clear his throat a lot. According to him, he worked nights, slept days,
and seldom saw the sun, save when he went to and returned from his duties under the Imperial Complex. His wife, a somewhat younger woman, apparently had very expensive tastes.

“—see this conduit? This is the subsewer for the entire sector. You could drive a landspeeder through it; it’s huge. The branch we want is here.” He pointed to the holograph floating over the table. “That one drains Xizor’s castle. There’s a locked grate to keep out rats and snake eyes and other vermin, but maintenance has the key codes. After that, it’s a clear shot to the building pipes, here. About a half kilometer is all.”

He touched a control on the projector and the picture changed, enlarged as the viewpoint zoomed in closer on the mass of noodlelike tunnels.

“How big are those?” Lando said.

“You can see, they’re to scale. Big enough for a couple of men to walk side by side, if they ain’t too tall.” He glanced at Chewie. “The Wook here’ll have to hunch down some.”

Chewie growled at the little man.

“Those go into the building itself?”

The engineer cleared his throat, a phlegmy rasp. “Yuh. There’ll be another rat-grate where they enter the structure. We’re not supposed to have the lock codes for those, but, well, it so happens my brother-in-law Daiv works for the firm that got the construction of Xizor’s castle and I can give you those. For a consideration.” He grinned, revealing yellow teeth that looked sharper than they should.

Luke and Lando exchanged glances.

“How much of a consideration?” Dash asked.

“Two hundred and fifty credits?”

“A hundred and twenty-five,” Lando said before Dash could speak.

“Save us a lot of trouble, we got those codes.”

“Blaster energy is cheaper,” Lando said. “We can blow the locks. One-fifty.”

“Make a lot of noise, you don’t want that. One-seventy-five.”

Lando nodded. “Okay, deal.”

The engineer smiled nervously and continued. “Now, we got to watch out for the varmint zapper, here.” He waved his finger through the diaphanous image. “Walk into that field and
it’ll cook you faster’n a high-amp microwave blast. As it happens, my other brother-in-law, Lair, he installs these things, and I have the bypass codes.”

“For a consideration,” Luke said. His voice was dry.

“Same price as the other?”

Lando cut his gaze to the ceiling.

Dash said, “All right.”

“After that, all you got to worry about is getting out of the gather chamber and past whatever guards are down there. I can’t help you there; Xizor uses his own people and I don’t know any of ’em.”

“We’ll manage,” Dash said.

Vidkun nodded. He stood.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Lando said.

“Huh? Home.”

“I don’t think so,” Dash said. “I think maybe you’ll stay here with us.”

“But you said you ain’t ready to go until tomorrow.”

“We changed our minds,” Dash said. “We want to go now. And since we don’t want to find a squad of stormtroopers or Black Sun guards waiting for us when we start wading through the sewers, we’d rather you didn’t make any calls.”

“Hey, I wouldn’t turn you in!”

“Not unless you thought you could get more for us from Black Sun or the Empire,” Lando said. “But since you’re going to be leading us, anybody starts shooting, guess who gets it first?”

Vidkun looked nervous. He cleared his throat, swallowed,
said, “How about if I call my wife and tell her? She’ll be really mad at me if I don’t.”

“So buy her a nice present when you get back,” Dash suggested. “You’ll have a pocketful of credits, you can make it up to her.”

The engineer rubbed at his face, flashed his orpimental smile again. “Yuh. Well. I guess so, since I don’t have much of a choice.”

“That’s right,” Dash said.

he planet-glow was so bright, the incoming and outgoing ships so plentiful that it never truly got dark here on Xizor’s private balcony. There was apparently a brisk convection-downdraft blowing, generated as the buildings cooled and the night air slid down into the artificial canyons toward the streets far below. Apparently, because even here, many stories above the surface, Xizor’s protections included hand-thick transparisteel plate wrapped around the balcony in an armored bubble. He could see but not feel the night. It was a small price to pay for the safe view.

There was always the option of donning a disguise if he wanted to walk along among the rabble, and thus far, the lack of personal freedom had not bothered him

Guri approached from behind him, her footsteps barely audible.

“All of our security systems have reported,” she said.

“And …?”

“No unexpected activity. Nothing more threatening than usual.”

He nodded. Waited a moment, then said, “I invited her up here.” He waved at the view. “She refused.”

There was a pause, longer than Guri would normally allow before speaking. She said, “Your pheromonal
attractant was insufficient to bend her to your will; that has never happened before.”

noticed that, thank you.”

“This failure has made her more appealing.”

Xizor said, “Your point?”

“One wants more what one cannot have. As long as she resists your advances, her charisma grows stronger. The more she resists, the more you desire her. It has become a contest of wills.”

He smiled. “So it has. Which I will win, eventually.”

Guri said nothing.

“You doubt me?”

“You have never failed before.”

Not really an answer, but true enough. “And you, my ever-vigilant bodyguard, you do not approve.”

“The more intelligent and dedicated someone is, the more dangerous she can be when threatened.”

He stared at a particularly congested lane of ground-to-space traffic. The running lamps of the vessels seemed to form an almost continuous line of bright-colored light.

He said, “You of all beings should understand. Much of life is about the search for equals. You are unique. There are others similar to you, but none exactly like you. You are superior to any other HRD ever created.”

“Yes,” she said.

“Don’t you ever want to meet one who is capable of moving, of feeling, of thinking up to your level? An equal?”

“Not particularly. What would be the point? Greater than I, lesser than I, what does it matter to my functioning?”

He turned away from the light show in the skies and looked at her. “Yet you wish for tasks that will challenge you.”

“Of course.”

“It is the same thing. Yes, it is dangerous to contend
with one who might defeat you, and perhaps it is even more dangerous to consort with one who might someday stab you as you lie sleeping next to her; still, the possibilities are so much … more.

“There are billions of women, many of whom are more beautiful, more adept physically, even more dedicated,” he continued. “Maybe even all three. But this one is the one I want and I
have her.”

Guri nodded once. “Ah. This is why you eat moonglow.”

He looked at her. She did understand, at least on some level. He nodded. “After I have accomplished the conquest, when I have grown tired of her, then you may eliminate her.”

“After you have accomplished the conquest.”

He smiled. Heard the unspoken “If you do” in her voice.

After Guri left, he returned to his skygazing. Most people would be thrilled to have found a partner with whom they could live in stimulation for the rest of their lives. He was not most people. He was, just as Guri was, unique. He would wait as long as necessary to taste Leia, and when he had done so, he would be satisfied and finished with her. In his search for equals, she was close, but not quite as good as he.

So far, nobody in the galaxy had been, and he did not expect he would ever find such a person. He was, simply, superior to everyone.

He had learned to live with it.


“Yes, Master Luke?”

“Everything okay on the ship?”

There was a short pause. Luke twirled the small comlink absently in his fingers.

Threepio’s voice was somewhat tinny from the comlink. “On the ship, yes. But Artoo has overheard some
tactical communications on a shielded operations channel. Apparently there are search teams in the area. They seem to be looking for a Corellian freighter.”

Luke stared at the comlink. “Hmm. Okay. Keep a sharp eye out. If anybody starts snooping around you, call me.”

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