Shadows of the Redwood (9 page)

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Authors: Gillian Summers

BOOK: Shadows of the Redwood
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Thunder boomed over the Globe, rattling the stage. It was kind of like the special effects at a rock n’ roll concert.

A giant tree spirit materialized out of the mist. He was human-looking except for his eyes, which were vertically slitted, like a cat’s, and emerald green. He surveyed the stage and the surroundings as if memorizing everything. His trunk and roots, even in the dim light of the lanterns hanging in the Globe, were red like blood. Hence the name, Keelie figured.

And talk about a dramatic entrance. Keelie couldn’t help but be mesmerized by Bloodroot’s presence. There was something about him that drew her to him.

“Gentle trees, and shepherds who have gathered among us, I bid thee welcome to our forest. May you find peace in our soil.” His voice was deep and loamy.

Bloodroot fixed his intimidating gaze on Keelie. Her blood grew cold. He was looking into the core of her essence, and the tree magic within her would soon reveal all her secrets to him. Keelie dug the rose quartz from her pocket and pulled on a strong filament of Earth magic while visualizing a shield. She definitely agreed with Norzan. They were going to have to be careful around such powerful trees.

Grandmother had an enraptured look on her face, as if she’d found tree nirvana. Water droplets sprinkled on Keelie’s arms. It was going to rain very soon. She hoped the trees performed their ritual quickly.

“Tonight, we come together to find our shepherd.”

There was a deep “om” from the gathered tree spirits.

Bloodroot gestured with his branches toward the sky, and then, as if he’d caught a firefly, he clasped them close together.

There was a unified gasp of awe from the tree spirits.

“We send out an air spirit to seek him.” Bloodroot lifted his branches. His twiggy fingers glowed with glacial blue light.

The tree spirits swirled and cheered.

Keelie could barely make out a shape within the glimmering light. It looked like a small humanoid, shimmering like an image on bad TV reception.

“Air spirit, go out in the world, seek the one we have lost,” Bloodroot intoned.

Norzan grabbed the back of a chair to help steady himself. “It is impossible for a tree to capture an elemental spirit.”

The wind blew again. Lightning blazed like an angry streak of fire in the sky. Thunder roared like a hundred giant lions.

Knot hissed and arched his back.

The trees twirled up into the sky and spun like ethereal whirling dervishes around Bloodroot and the captured air elemental.

Then a green arc of lightning touched the tips of Bloodroot’s branches. Thunder exploded. Keelie covered her head. This was too close for comfort. Bloodroot was a weird evangelist, with a twist of tree wizard. Maybe watching a tree ritual wasn’t the safest experience in the world. The tree shepherds could be electrocuted and become elf barbeque.

Then the trees swirled back down to the stage and surrounded Bloodroot. “Go and seek our shepherd,” he commanded them. “Do not return until you do.”

The air spirit, released, ascended to the sky like a spectral comet.

Keelie followed its trajectory, forgetting to breathe.

More lightning flashed in the sky, and more thunder followed, and the skies released the rain.

On the way home, Knot hissed every time a water droplet fell on his fur, which was wet and sticking out in weird points.

��Shut up. You’re not the only one getting wet.”

A waterlogged Grandmother, Keelie, and Norzan slogged on behind the other elves, each lost in thought.

Keelie heard whispers from smaller trees, which were soon silenced by a green power. But Keelie sensed dark spots in the greenness, and she didn’t like it. That same prickly premonition feeling scratched at her brain. She shivered—not from the cold, but from that feeling. When they reached Wena, Grandmother touched her shoulder and she felt the green glow surround them. Keelie rode the sap without comment, thinking about what she’d seen tonight.

When she woke up the next morning, with a ray of sun shining through the little round window in the guest bedroom of Kalix’s treetop condo, something was kneading her hair. A loud purr started up in her ear. Keelie reached out and swatted at Knot.

He purred even louder. She rolled over, quickly rising to her knees, and pulled the pillow out from underneath him.

Knot landed with a thud on the ground, purring even louder. Of all the guardians available in the world of fairy, she’d wound up with the feline version of Puck. That thought reminded her of Peascod, and how he’d been unaffected by Bloodroot’s powerful magic last night. Keelie wondered where he worked by day. Probably at one of the festival shops or stages. Maybe he had a charm against the tree magic. If so, she wanted to look at it.

Knot gazed at her, his dilated eyes as black as small hematite stones and ringed in green.

She pointed to the door. He narrowed his eyes.

“Out. It’s time to dress, and you have to use the kitty box.”

Knot started to wash his tail. Keelie walked over to him, about to throw him out on his rear end, but he hissed and reached out to swat her, missing her bandaged ankle by an inch.

“Missed me.”

“Keelie, you’re up?” Grandmother asked from the doorway.

Knot shot out of the bedroom like a furry missile on four legs. Grandmother quickly stepped back; otherwise, Knot would’ve crashed into her. A moment later, the cat came crashing back in, his kitty paws sliding on the polished wood floor. He skidded under the bed and didn’t come back out.

Something was different about Grandmother this morning. Normally she would’ve said something negative by now, but she hadn’t even said anything about Knot.

“Do something about your hair. We have company for breakfast.”

Okay, that was more like the grandmother she knew.

Then Grandmother frowned, and her lips moved as if she was rehearsing to herself. After a moment her eyes met Keelie’s. “It won’t be for long, but we’ll have to make the best of it.” She turned and left, her cryptic words floating in the air between them.

Keelie threw on some jeans and a tank top, pulled a baggy sweater over that and walked out, barefoot. Sariela was at the stove, tending a batch of fragrant pancakes.

The table was set for four. Norzan was eating delicately, as if he’d never seen pancakes before and one might leap up and bite him. Next to him sat Risa, a tidy stack of small round pancakes cooling on her plate. She smiled tightly at Keelie.

“Good morning, Keliel, “ she said politely. Her eyes glittered.

“Risa, what a surprise.” Keelie looked around, hoping and not hoping to see Sean. He wasn’t in the tiny house.

“I’ve invited Risa to stay with us for a few days,” Sariela said. “It’s not right for an elven girl to be alone with all the humans.”

Unlike a half-elven girl, who had lived among humans for years with no harm done.

“Isn’t this a treat for you girls?” Sariela seemed to expect a happy response.

“Oh, joy.” Keelie wondered where the elf girl would sleep.

Sariela answered her unspoken question. “Keliel, you and Risa may share that big bed. Lady Keliatiel will have to make do with the little room.”

The little private room. The one with no Risa in it. So this was what grandmother had meant when she said it would only be for a little while. Right.

Risa let out a squeal and pointed. Keelie jumped, wondering if Bloodroot had appeared in the kitchen. Knot’s head ducked back into the bedroom.

“It’s Knotsie! Oh, I’d hoped he was here.” Risa jumped up, almost knocking over her chair, and dashed around the end of the table. Norzan watched with his mouth hanging open as she ran into the bedroom in hot pursuit of Knot.

“Love potion gone wrong,” Keelie explained. “She and Knot got mixed up.”

“Oh, my sweet woods and dales,” the tree shepherd said. “How unfortunate.”

“Tell me about it.” But now it was Knot’s problem. Keelie pulled Risa’s pancakes toward her and drowned them in syrup. It was going to be another long day and she may as well fuel up.

“Grandmother, I have some questions about last night. First of all, why did Bella Matera try to put me to sleep last night? Didn’t she want me at the ceremony?”

“Nonsense, child. She was being kind.”

Keelie remembered the tree touching her face, and then the beautiful music and the dreams about the stars. She’d had her mental guards up to protect herself from the tree probing her thoughts, but a tree using magic to put her to sleep was something new. Although it didn’t seem like magic, just beautiful images. She wondered if the zombie humans had seen something like that.

“What kind of magic would bespell a crowd of humans?” Keelie needed to know more. Even though Grandmother said that Bella Matera’s motives were kind ones, Keelie was guarded. “It seems like a dangerous kind of magic.”

“No elf magic would do such a thing,” Grandmother admitted. “Perhaps Viran had access to fae glamour. He’s left a lot of mysteries behind.”

The back door opened by itself and an orange streak ran out, followed by Risa.

“Gee, I hope she doesn’t fall out of the tree,” Keelie said. Not.

After a while Knot returned alone, mumbling in a low meow. He looked like a furry porcupine, his fur sticking out in demonic cowlicks, and he smelled like lotion.

“What happened to him?” Grandmother watched as Knot trotted on through to the living room.

Keelie ran a hand through her own tangled hair. “Whatever happened, serves him right.” She spoke super loud so the cat could hear her. A loud purr answered her.

“Bloodroot.” Keelie contemplated the sound of the name for a few seconds. “Sounds like a tree starring in a horror movie.” Looked like one, too.

“Keelie, you must always treat the redwoods with the greatest of honor,” Grandmother said, her voice low and her expression shocked. “They’re like the ancient sages of the woodland world. They deserve the utmost respect.”

“You must be cautious, as well. They are very powerful.” Norzan looked at Grandmother as if he would say more, but glanced at Sariela and turned his attention back to his pancakes.

“Finish your breakfast. We need to be at the festival. The Lord Mayor is going to introduce us to the festival players.” Grandmother sniffed. “Although I don’t know why he feels it is necessary for us to associate with them.” Grandmother was sounding more like herself. Keelie didn’t know whether to be relieved or to run.

At the shop, the rest of the furniture had been unpacked and the elven jousters were loitering around. Sean was looking very handsome and commanding in a braided leather jerkin that was trimmed in the silver and blue of his jousting troop. He also sported snug leather breeches and tall boots, and looked very much the elven knight.

Keelie thought again of how much Sean had changed since his father had been punished for using dark magic in the Dread Forest. He was more confident in his role with the Silver Bough Jousting Company, whose leadership he’d now assumed. He’d trained hard and long with the other jousters over the winter, while she’d had her head crammed with elven lore from Elianard. They’d had no time for each other—until now.

Sean smiled at her, crossing his arms over his chest as she walked up to him. The other jousters stood behind him as if waiting for her command. They all looked at her with respect. Maybe they were following Sean’s lead. Since restoring the Dread in the Dread forest, Keelie’s status as the half-elf daughter of Zekeliel Heartwood had been accepted.

“Lord Sean.” Keelie arched an eyebrow, hoping she looked calm and collected. Just looking at him reminded her of the kiss they’d shared, and she was glad she’d remembered to apply deodorant; otherwise, sweat stains would be popping out on the armpits of the white poet’s blouse she’d tossed on over her tank top. Keelie knew she looked Ren Faire chic.

A current of energy arced between them as they stared at one another. It was growing stronger, that something they felt for one another. She didn’t want to name it with that word, that word that started with an “
,” but it shone from Sean’s eyes. She wanted Sean to take her away from here, to be somewhere far away, just the two of them, Sean and Keelie, without roles and responsibilities clinging to them. Keelie could only dream of what would happen then.

A loud purr floated up from her feet, and then Knot rubbed up against her leg. Next would be the sinking of claws into the leather of her boots. She lifted him up with the toe of her boot. His purring increased. She tossed him off her foot. He landed on all fours and gave her his kitty smile.

How did Knot do it? He always showed up at the moments he was least wanted. Moodbuster.

Sean didn’t look down at Knot, but the cat’s purring indicated the moment of simply Sean and Keelie was over. He was leader of the Silver Bough Jousting Company and she was the tree shepherdess, daughter of the leader of the Dread Forest elves.

“Milady, your realm is ready for final inspection.” Sean waved toward the shop. “My men unpacked the rest of your boxes.”

“Thank you, Lord Sean.” She was touched.

“This is wonderful. Thank you so much.” Grandmother had arrived, with Scott close behind her.

“Looks good. You can come work for me anytime.” Scott slowly rotated in place as he studied the shop.

Sean stiffened, and then bowed his head to Grandmother. “I was glad to help, Lady Keliatiel.”

“Thank you.” Grandmother said graciously. Her cheeks were pink with pleasure as she looked around the shop.

Scott stood next to Sean and put a hand on Sean’s shoulder. He nodded with appreciation. “If this jousting gig doesn’t work out for you, I think you have a future in Ren Faire

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