Shamelessly Spellbound (Spells That Bind Book 2) (17 page)

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Chapter Forty-One

I polished off my breakfast before dialing Dylan’s number.
It was an asshole move to call him on his honeymoon, even if he was on his way
home, but he should know about Julia working with Allie, too. I also figured it
would be best to tell them about Melina staying with me before they got back.
That last thing I kept going back and forth on, but in the end, I didn’t want
to shock Dylan.

“Hey, Trev,” Dylan answered, and I could tell by the
background noise that he was in the car with the call on speaker. “What’s up?
Is everything okay at the office?”

“Everything’s fine,” I assured him. “How was the trip?” I
didn’t want to make small talk, but I didn’t want to be rude either.

“Fantastic!” Allie answered.

“What she said,” Dylan added, and I could hear the smile in
his voice.

“Hey, Allie!” I greeted her.

“What were you calling about?” Dylan pushed. “I’m sure it
wasn’t just to chat.”

“Julia is at my house,” I explained.

“Uh oh,” Allie said softly.

“I can’t believe the stuff she told me,” I continued.

“About working with Allie?” Dylan asked.

“You knew?” I demanded.

“He drew up the contracts for Bliss,” Allie reminded me.
“Since Julia is my partner, her name is on all those contracts.”

“Did you know Julia is Allie’s partner because she’s
bisexual? My sister has been having sex!” I practically shouted, my brain again
conjuring images of the gap-toothed little girl.

“Everyone knows your sister is bisexual, Trevor,” Dylan
replied, and I could hear the bastard stifling his laughter.

“I didn’t know,” I sputtered.

“That’s only because you refuse to see your sister as
anything sexual,” Dylan pointed out. “You’ve seen her kiss girlfriends.”

“Girls kiss on the mouth for nonsexual reasons,” I repeated
the argument I’d made to myself about this. That argument was beginning to
sound weak. “I’m an idiot,” I muttered.

“Just a very overprotective older brother,” Allie assured
me. “It’s cute and annoying. Can I assume she told your parents about the
business and things didn’t go well?”

“Julia showed up here looking for a place to stay until she
can find an apartment,” I replied.

“I always knew you’d have a woman in your house again, but I
never expected it to be your sister,” Allie teased, leading me to believe Dylan
hadn’t told her he knew I had a witch staying with me.

“You’re very funny,” I muttered, deciding I’d let Melina
tell them about us. While I’d considered telling them, I was pissed about
everyone keeping information about my sister from me.

“Do you mind if we stop by your place tomorrow?” Dylan

“I thought you were getting into town late tomorrow.” That’s
what I’d heard, anyway.

“We’ve been lucky with the lines at the transport sights, so
we cancelled our hotel room for tonight,” Dylan explained. “We should be home
in a few hours.”

“Hold on and let me check my calendar to make sure I’ll be
here,” I told them. I needed to see what Melina’s work schedule was like before
making any plans. With everything going on with
Night High
, Melina’s
schedule was crazy, and I liked bringing her dinner on nights she worked. I
didn’t want to risk having Allie and Dylan here too late to feed my witch.

“Worried you’ll miss your busy schedule of brooding at home?”
Dylan asked, probably assuming the witch I’d moved in after the wedding had
already moved out. “Did you and Julia want to go pick up witches together?”

“Fuck you,” I shot back. Melina wasn’t supposed to be at the
studio tomorrow, and she’d told me there were no rehearsals, so she should be
free. I’d have to see if she wanted to be here when Dylan and Allie stopped by.
As depressing as it was to admit, she might not want Dylan or Allie to know
about our relationship because she believed it would end soon. “Looks like I’m
free tomorrow. What time were you thinking about coming by?”

“How about around two?” Allie suggested.

“Sounds good,” I told her, looking up to see Melina standing
in the doorway to the den, watching me. “See you then.” I quickly ended the call,
not caring if it was rude. “That bastard, Dylan, already knew about Julia, and
he didn’t tell me.”

Melina raised an eyebrow at my statement.

“Right,” I grumbled. “He’d have to know since he did the

“Did you tell them about us?” she asked, giving nothing away
in her tone.

I shook my head. “Where’s my sister?”

“She decided to stay with a friend,” Melina explained.

“Why?” I asked. “Is it because I was such an asshole about

“Actually, she doesn’t want to risk hearing you having sex.”

I chuckled. “That’s probably a smart thing since I’m already
thinking about stripping you naked and fucking you.”

That was an understatement. If I didn’t get inside my witch
soon, I was going to start begging.

“I just took a shower, and I need to get ready for my
sister’s baby shower,” Melina argued.

I nodded, because the gentlemanly thing to do was accept her
rejection and let her get ready to go. It’s not like she was turning me down
because she didn’t want me. Melina had a very good reason for saying no to sex,
and I could live with it. My dick insisted we could not live with being turned
down, and I was relieved when Melina said, “Fuck it. I can always be a little

Chapter Forty-Two

Even as my mind argued with me that my sister was going to
have a cow if I was late for her baby shower, I couldn’t convince myself to
walk away from Trevor when he looked so irresistible, a problem I had on a
regular basis.

Trevor groaned when I knelt on the sofa, straddling his lap
as I cupped his face. “I can’t get enough of you,” he rasped out when my lips
brushed against his. “Every time I think I’m completely sated, it’s an
illusion. The truth is, I want you more each time I have you. What the hell are
you doing to me?”

“I’m just trying to beat your record,” I said against his
lips, feeling like a mega-bitch as soon as the words left my mouth.

Trevor’s eyes flashed with anger, and I saw the visible
struggle to get his temper under control. The anger wasn’t the worst part of
it. The worst part was the hurt I saw in his eyes.

“I’m sorry, Trevor.” My voice was quiet, and I had to
struggle to keep my eyes on his when I wanted to look away. No, what I wanted
to do was run from his pain.

“Sorry for not having any faith me?” he demanded. “Or, are
you sorry for admitting that you don’t have any faith in me?”

I didn’t know what to say, and I suddenly needed space, even
knowing that was selfish. I tried to push away from him and get to my feet, but
Trevor gripped my ass tightly, holding me on his lap. “Let me go, Trevor,” I
demanded. “What we both need is space. Let me go to the baby shower, and we’ll
talk later.”

“No,” he ground out. “Answer my question.”

“I said I was sorry,” I shouted, pushing at his chest. I was
annoyed that I was getting turned on from fighting with Trevor. “We both know I
didn’t mean I have no faith in you. I’m a bitch. I say bitchy things,
especially when I’m uncomfortable with emotional stuff.” I was a little
embarrassed about admitting that last part, but Trevor deserved the truth. He
was being honest with me, and I was trying to push him away.

Trevor’s eyes flashed with a heat that I was guessing had
nothing to do with anger.

“You are a bitch,” he agreed, his voice no longer holding
any anger. Now, his words were a sexy purr that moved along my skin like warm
silk. “I’m going to have to punish you for acting that way.”

My brain came to a screeching halt. This was where I should
be explaining that I don’t play these types of games with any man, but my body
was throbbing with lust at the prospect, even without knowing what he had in
mind. I liked playing naughty games, but I wasn’t going to play bad girl or
turn into some submissive. Maybe it was the dark timber of his voice, or it
might have been the fact that I was a shameless hussy when it came to Trevor,
but the words that left my lips shocked even me.

“Please,” I practically whimpered.

Trevor’s hands tightened on my ass almost painfully before
he let out a ragged breath and released his grip. “I want you in my bed.”

“It’s too far,” I protested.

Trevor chuckled. “Eager to be punished?”

“Goddess, yes,” I admitted, not having any intension of
playing coy and risking him holding back. When I raised myself up on my knees
to kiss him, Trevor smacked my ass, which sent the usual shivers of pleasure through
my body.

“Get up,” he commanded, and I nodded before getting to my

Deciding I needed to move things along if I didn’t want to
make the trip to his bedroom, I slid my fingers under the hem of my sweater and
smiled at Trevor. “Wouldn’t you rather enjoy me down here?” I slipped the
sweater over my head, revealing my least sexy bra, which is when I realized I
was also wearing extremely unsexy panties. I needed to either do laundry or
shop if I was going to keep sleeping with Trevor. In my defense, I hadn’t
expected any sexy play time with Trevor before the baby shower. That was bad
planning on my part. “Maybe we should do this after I get my laundry done.”

“Trying to weasel out of your punishment already?” Trevor
asked, standing so we were toe to toe and I had to tilt my head back to look at

“Just rescheduling,” I insisted, as my body vehemently
objected to delaying things.

“Teasing me and then trying to deny me means an extra
special punishment,” he purred, leaning down to take my earlobe between his

The protest my brain had planned was somehow rewritten by my
body, and all I managed to say was, “Would you think less of me if I admitted
I’m ready to beg you?”

“I love it when you beg,” Trevor uttered.

Without giving me time to respond, Trevor scooped me up in
his arms and stalked out of the room, heading toward his bedroom. I’d never had
any man carry me off to his bedroom, or anywhere else for that matter. The
whole romance novel hero carrying the heroine off in his arms while she rests
her head against his chest had always seemed ridiculous. Now that I was in that
position, I had to admit that I’d been missing out.

Trevor moved at a quick pace to his bedroom where he dropped
me onto his bed.

“Take the rest of your clothes off,” he commanded, and
granny panties or not, I didn’t care. I needed to get naked with Trevor; I
needed him inside of me.

I nodded and began to undress. Trevor watched me the entire
time and didn’t even bat an eye at my granny panties. When I was naked, I
reached out a hand to him. “Are you going to undress and join me?”

He shook his head. “Lie back on the bed, honey.” His raspy
voice moved along my skin, sending vibrations of pleasure through my body.

I did as he said, keeping my gaze on Trevor as he climbed
onto the bed, straddling my hips on his knees before leaning forward to
position my hands above my head. I was so mesmerized by the sexy way he was
watching me that I didn’t even notice his lips moving or the warm silk sliding
along my wrists.

Trevor grinned. “Now, it’s time to begin your punishment.”

I tried to reach out to touch him, which is when I realized
my wrists were bound by his magic. When I tugged at them, the bonds didn’t
merely tighten, they sent tendrils of magic along my body, caressing my
hardened nipples, and stroking my swollen clit. I moaned and lifted my hips,
which ended up causing me to tug at the bonds again. This time, the tendrils of
magic moved at a frenzied pace, and I struggled to remain still, not sure I
could handle anymore. I practically screamed when the tendrils of magic pinched
both nipples tightly. This was something more than Trevor’s usual binding
spell, and I wasn’t sure I could take it. The pleasure was almost too much, and
every time I moved, it became even more intense.

“No more,” I cried out, and the tendrils of magic slowed.
Rather than giving me relief, I suddenly found myself needing more again.
“Please, Trevor.”

“Please what, Melina?” he asked with a pleasant smile as he
worked a finger around my opening.

“Please make me come,” I begged with no shame.

Kneeling between my legs, Trevor lifted them over his
shoulders, opening me completely to him. He also made me tug at the bonds on my
arms, and the tendrils of magic moved along my body again, causing arousal that
bordered on pain. As if that weren’t bad enough, Trevor’s tongue joined the
tendrils of magic working my body, and the sensations had me tugging
desperately at the magical bonds. I didn’t know if the increased sensations
from the spell made things better or worse, but I knew I’d die if Trevor

Before I knew what was happening, Trevor flipped me onto my
stomach and urged me up on to my knees. It was awkward with the magical
bindings, but I was still more than willing to move that direction since it
meant Trevor would be in me soon.

What he said next came as a shock. “I want to spank you,” he
said, massaging my ass as I moaned and wiggled against his hand. “Have you ever
been spanked before? More than those little love swats I give you?”

“Yes,” I admitted, arching my back in eager anticipation.

“Did you like it?” His hands were massaging my ass, teasing
me with what was to come.

“Yes,” I moaned when he repositioned his hand to slide two
fingers inside of me.

“Good,” he praised. “I’m going to spank you, and then I’m
going to fuck you hard. I’m going to grind against your stinging ass while you
come around my dick. How would you like that?” he asked.

“Oh, Goddess,” I groaned. “Please do that, Trevor.” While
many women were embarrassed to talk about things like this, I wasn’t one of
them. There was a strange link between pain and pleasure, and with Trevor’s
magic driving me to the edge of ecstasy, I craved the sweet release I knew I
could gain from crossing that line.

Trevor’s weight left the bed, and I heard him rustling
through his drawers before tossing a condom on the bed beside me. The leather
riding crop landed beside it.

“I bought this for you,” Trevor admitted. His hand began
massaging my backside, making me tingle with anticipation of what was to come.
“Let me know if it’s too much,” he commanded, and I nodded.

His first swat was light, but it still caused a vibration to
run through my pussy, which was already on sensation overload as his spell
continued to stroke me, barely sliding into my entrance and then retreating to
tease my clit. The second swat was harder, and hit the same spot, leaving a
sting. The riding crop came down on my ass in a rhythmic pattern, alternating
cheeks until I was moaning and rocking from side to side in a desperate attempt
to relieve the aching pressure inside of me. My movements only increased the
sweet torment of Trevor’s spell, and I was sure my nipples were going to ache
the next day from being tugged and pinched, but I was also sure the afterglow
was going to leave me achingly aroused.

As for Trevor, his ragged breaths were proof he wasn’t
unaffected by what was happening. The crop dropped to the bed, and one of his
hands began to massage my ass, spreading the stinging and making me whimper
with pleasure.

“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he rasped out, reaching one
hand forward to grab the riding crop again. A delicious tremor ran through my
body in anticipation of what was to come. I was at that strange point between
wanting to tell Trevor I couldn’t take anymore, while still wanting to beg him
for more. Bracing myself, I waited for the sting of the crop. Instead, Trevor
slid the crop between my legs, and I nearly screamed out as the leather glided
along my opening as I squirmed.

“You’re so wet for me,” he praised, before spreading me
wider, and shocking me when he slid his tongue inside of my body and began to
fuck me with his tongue. I could already feel the first pulses of my orgasm,
but he pulled away, denying me my release.

This time, I tugged desperately at the bindings of his magic,
not sure I could take any more teasing. The riding crop cracked against my ass,
and I cried out. “Yes!” The increase in my arousal made me crave this even
more. I was so close to coming that I knew it wouldn’t take much. The riding
crop made contact with my stinging backside several more times, while I
continued to cry out and beg for release. It was no exaggeration to say I’d
never been more turned on.

Trevor tossed the riding crop to the side, and I heard him
fumbling with his jeans before grabbing the condom and sliding it on. Then he
thrust into my body, filling me with every perfect inch of his cock. I clutched
him tightly, and I was already coming undone around him. The sensations
assaulting my body pushed me over the edge, and I screamed as I pushed back
against Trevor, writhing shamelessly as I came hard.

“Fuck me, Melina,” he hissed as the waves of my orgasm
subsided. “You are so fucking hot and tight.”

“Please move,” I moaned, not nearly as sated as I’d expected
to be after that intense orgasm. I rocked against him, which caused his magic
to clamp down on my nipples. I arched my back, and Trevor ground against me,
drawing out the sweet agony. His hand gripped my hips tightly to try to hold me
in place while he thrust into me with slow, shallow strokes. I wanted to beg
him to go faster, but all I could manage was some unintelligible whimpers.

Trevor groaned, and his thrusts finally increased, making me
moan loudly. I was close to my second orgasm already, but it was just out of
reach. When Trevor reached around to pinch my clit ever so slightly, I screamed
and came so hard, I saw black spots.

In that moment of complete abandon, my magic lashed out of
my body, snapping the warded anklet. As soon as the anklet fell from my skin,
my demon magic broke Trevor’s binding spell, drawing a scream from his lips as
it slammed into his body. My own pleasure intensified, even as I fought the
black tendrils of my magic, struggling to pull them back as they twisted around
Trevor. Looking over my shoulder, I saw Trevor’s eyes roll back as he let out a
guttural scream.

“No,” I breathed out. “Oh, Goddess, I didn’t mean to.
Trevor, I’m so sorry.”

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