Shannon's Fairy-Tale Foursome (14 page)

Read Shannon's Fairy-Tale Foursome Online

Authors: Mia Ashlinn

Tags: #Romance, #General Fiction

BOOK: Shannon's Fairy-Tale Foursome
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Jared and Randy chuckled, but Drew did not. His face tightened, darkening dangerously as thunderclouds replaced the blue skies in his eyes. She trembled in lusty excitement. “Come on, Stud, I dare you to drop your drawers and let me have a taste of your big, hard cock.”

“Oh, shit,” Jared cursed at the same time as Randy asked, “Are you
to get him to kill you, baby doll?”

Before she could figure out what had them concerned, Drew pushed her off his body forcefully. What remained of her torn dress fell away as he twisted and followed her down, caging her in and pinning her naked body to the bed. “Poking the bear will only get your ass eaten. Want that, munchkin?”

“Yes,” she cried, writhing restlessly beneath him, and not giving a damn that his face was inches from hers.

“Fine,” he growled. “Put your damn money where your mouth is.”

“Now, now, Drew,” Randy said, laying his hand on Drew’s shoulder. “She isn’t exactly the normal type of girl you like to play these games with.”

Oh, hell no. You are not going there while you are in bed with me.
She glared at Randy out of the corner of her eye, sending every ounce of venom inside her body at him. “Do
talk about other women in the bed with me unless you want to lose your favorite appendage.”

Drew rudely shook off Randy’s arm. “Back the fuck off. She brought this on herself.”

Stepping in to help diffuse the situation, Jared said, “Seriously, Drew. Calm down. She doesn’t know better.”

“I’m a big girl,” she told the two overprotective men, like they needed a reminder. “I can take care of myself. Thank you very much.”

Drew laughed at her, in her face. “Well, we’ll see about that.” He slid away from her, moving from the bed. He slowly undressed, taking off one piece at a time. He moved methodically, each motion painstaking and deliberate, almost detached.

She watched him at the foot of the bed cautiously, taking in every detail as he undressed. Jared and Randy weren’t much better. They both gawked at their middle brother before silently moving to their respective sides of the bed and undressing themselves.

Uh-oh. I may have bitten off more than I can chew.

By the time Jared and Randy had finished, only Drew’s jeans remained. He spent an inordinate amount of time unbuttoning and unzipping them. Finally, after what felt like a millennia, he hooked his thumbs in his jeans and pushed them over his lean hips, down his muscular thighs and calves, until they hit the floor. When he stepped out of his pants, she had three hot-as-hell men standing on each side of the bed, surrounding her, aiming their colossal cocks at her. All she could think about was tasting, touching, exploring, and fucking every delicious inch of their steely shafts.

“Come here,” Drew commanded, his voice controlled and even.

“But I can’t move with my arms tied.”

Drew shrugged. “Not my problem.”

“Fine,” Shannon snapped. She wiggled and twisted, trying to get up but not making much progress on her own. In the end, Randy and Jared had to come forward to help her off the bed. Standing in front of Drew with Jared and Randy flanking her, she said, “Here I am.”

“On your knees,” he instructed brusquely, his bored appearance grating on her nerves.

Still, she stubbornly refused to back down. So, she bent awkwardly, lowering herself to her knees with Jared and Randy’s assistance.

“Open,” Drew ordered as he guided his meaty shaft to her mouth, brushing the purple-colored head across her bottom lip. She immediately opened wide, but he didn’t make a move to breach her lips. He stood with his feet firmly planted on the ground, shoulder width apart, holding his cock in hand.

Confused as to how to proceed, she held her position on the floor, leaving her mouth hanging open. She didn’t initiate contact, even though she wanted to, because she knew better. He was testing her, and she had no intention of failing.

“Good girl,” he praised, sounding like an animal trainer complimenting a dog.

Her jaw snapped shut. “You’re really pissing me off, Drew. I’m not your fucking pet.”

“Drew,” Jared barked, obviously having had enough of his brother’s actions. “That’s enough.”

“Stop this bullshit,” Randy snapped as he stepped aggressively toward his brother.

Acting like Jared and Randy weren’t even in the room, Drew spoke directly to her. “Do you like me treating you this way, Shannon? Do you
me to act this way?”

“Hell no.”

“Then don’t push me to it,” Drew said with brutal honesty.

The light bulb went on inside her head. “Was this some kind of fucking crash course? Did you seriously just treat me like dirt to teach me some stupid-ass lesson?”

Drew’s eyes visibly softened, his asshole façade fading. “Munchkin, I don’t want to treat you like that. I’ve been hard on women in the past—”

“Don’t go there,” she snarled.

“Let me finish, Shannon,” Drew said, holding his hand up. “I don’t want to be that way with you. But, if you push me, there is only so much I can take before I snap. This time it was just a lesson. Next time, you might not be so lucky.”

“I’m sorry. I’m n–n–new to this,” she stammered, blushing furiously. “I just thought you would want me to, hell, I don’t know.” She paused and focused on all the questions in her mind. “What can I do? Or, more importantly, what
I do?”

Jared and Randy smiled but hung back, obviously letting Drew explain.

“It wasn’t what you did,” Drew assured her, which confused her more than ever. “It was why you did it, and the way you did it.”

“Um, okay?”

Drew dropped to his knees in front of her and kissed her on the forehead. “You weren’t pushing us for the pleasure. It was about dominance. You were trying to show us who was the boss, and that can’t happen. If you want that, then none of us are the men for you.”

Her chest tightened and she gasped. “But—”

Drew covered her lips with his index finger, silencing her. “We want you for you. You have to accept us for us. This isn’t a game. You can challenge us, tease us, taunt us, and talk dirty to us.” He grinned naughtily. “Fuck, I love when you talk dirty. It’s sexy as hell. But don’t do it to prove a point. Do it because you want to and because we want you to.”

Drew removed his finger and captured her lips in a tender kiss. When she opened her mouth under his, he slipped his tongue between her parted lips and swept inside. Their tongues twined and danced, leaving her lips tingling and her breath unsteady when he pulled away. “Does that make sense?”

“Yes,” she replied with a smile. “It makes perfect sense.”

“Good,” Drew said, picking himself up from the floor, “because I can’t take much more. I have to have you.” He inclined his head to his brothers. “And neither can they.”

“Then have me,” she said, offering herself to them simply and without question. “I’m yours, all of yours.”

Chapter 11


Shannon kneeled in front of Drew in her bedroom as she waited for him to reposition his cock at her mouth. Not wanting to leave her other two men out, she glanced to her right and smiled at Jared before swinging her head to the left and winking at Randy. Both men chuckled, their deep laughs warming her heart and easing her impatience, if only a little.

Thankfully, she didn’t have to wait long. Drew touched his cock to her lips and growled, “Breathe,” before burying himself inside her mouth. She moaned around his thick shaft, her eyes rolling back into her head before popping open again.
I’ll be damned if I’m going to miss a second of this.

Drew grimaced and hissed, “Shit.”

“I think she likes it,” Randy remarked as he grabbed his erection and stroked it in time with her bobbing head. He didn’t release his cock from his hand when he approached her and squatted down behind her. “You are so damn beautiful.”

Jared closed in on her from the other side, kneeling next to her. “Randy’s right. You’re breathtaking. I love you, princess.”

“Mmmm,” she hummed blissfully, soaking in their compliments.

“Holy hell,” Drew exclaimed, picking up speed with a grunt. “Those vibrations are killing me, munchkin.”

Randy grabbed a handful of her hair, clutching it tightly in his massive fist. Tiny tingles ran across her scalp as he tugged the strands with enough force to restrict her movements. She relaxed, oddly enjoying the sting.

Apparently, his actions turned him on as much as it did her. He stroked his cock harsher than before, frantically jerking himself off. And he wasn’t the only one who had taken his cock in hand. Jared openly masturbated with as much zest as his brother.

Sweat formed on Drew’s forehead, and she could see the control he exerted in his tense face and the bulging veins in his neck. Out of nowhere, he jerked and yelled, “Motherfucker.”

Shannon felt herself pale as she tried desperately to release him from her mouth, but Randy refused to let her pull away, holding her captive by his hold on her hair. “You didn’t hurt him. He loves the edge of pain. Do it again,” he instructed her.

She listened to Randy and scraped her teeth down the length of Drew’s shaft, going a step further and swallowing around the crown when it came in contact with the saliva collecting at the back of her throat.

Drew panted, “Going to come. Get her off me

Randy tugged her hair roughly, pulling her head all the way back and kissing her deeply. By the time he released her lips, she could barely breathe. “God, I love you, woman.”

Jared didn’t give her a chance to catch her breath before he swung her into his arms easily and lowered them both onto the bed behind her. “Princess, I can’t wait any longer.”

Without delay, Randy joined them, but Drew took the long way. He came around the other side of the bed yet didn’t get any closer. He placed one knee on the mattress and crossed his arms menacingly. “Release her hands. We have better uses for them—this time.”

Jared and Randy helped her turn on her side just long enough that Randy could reach her wrists and untie the makeshift binding before they returned her to her original position.

Lowering his voice to a whisper, Drew crawled onto the bed with them. “I’m feeling generous, Shannon. I want your hands on me while I fuck you for the first time.” He indicated Jared and Randy with a curt nod of his head. “So do they. Otherwise, we wouldn’t allow it this time.” Drew grew closer to Shannon, his voice dropping even further, an air of danger swirling around him. “Next time we bind you, there will be no escaping it.”

Shannon whimpered.
God yes!

As soon as he reached them, he licked her nipple. “Fuck her, Jared. She’s ready.”

Butterflies fluttered in Shannon’s stomach, and she felt unease creeping up her spine as she eyed the three naked men.
I don’t know about that. I don’t even know what the hell I’m doing. God, what if I can’t satisfy them? One man is a challenge, but three…

“You can,” Jared told her confidently as if he read her thoughts.

“How did you—”

Jared stopped her with a soft kiss, responding simply, “I just did.”

He’s right. I can do this.
She sucked in a deep, ragged breath then another and a couple more after that before she said, “Okay.
I’m ready.”

Jared lifted himself up then lowered himself on top of her body and asked, “Do you want us to use condoms?”

Um, that would be a hell no.
Without speaking her eager thoughts aloud, she shook her head. But, when the men didn’t speak or move, she asked worriedly, “Is that okay with you guys?” And still silence lingered in the air. “I mean, I am on the pill for medical reasons. So, if you want, we don’t have to use anything. Well, unless the three of you are worried about needing them on your end.”

That got the men talking. Two emphatic, slightly insulted nos swept through the room, and a third voice confessed something that shocked her to the core.

“None of us have been with a woman in several years now,” Drew said simply.

Holy smokes, Batman. Seriously?

“Wait,” she murmured. “That means you didn’t sleep with…” She trailed off, not wanting to ruin the moment by bringing up another woman in bed with her men, especially after she’d made such a big deal of it earlier. But she needed to know this. She needed to hear it from them
they made love for the first time.

“No,” Drew replied. “They weren’t you, and unemotional sex wasn’t enough for us anymore. We needed
or nothing at all

“Um, I don’t know what to say to that,” she admitted with a blush.

“Then don’t say anything,” Randy said. “Just relax and let us love on you.”

Rather than adding anything to their conversation, Jared guided his huge shaft to her pussy and rubbed himself between her wet lips. The contact had her juices brimming over, running in rivulets past the delicate skin between her pussy and ass, down through the cleft between her cheeks and settling in a puddle underneath her. “Princess, I can’t wait to get inside you.” Jared tucked the head of his cock at her entrance. “It’s going to feel so good. You’ll be an addiction I can’t deny.”

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