Read Shannon's Fairy-Tale Foursome Online

Authors: Mia Ashlinn

Tags: #Romance, #General Fiction

Shannon's Fairy-Tale Foursome (23 page)

BOOK: Shannon's Fairy-Tale Foursome
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She couldn’t tell if he genuinely meant his insult or if he was just being a bastard, lashing out at the person he loved most. She guessed it didn’t really matter, either way. There were some things a man didn’t say to a woman, and “bitch” was at the top of that list.

“Do you seriously want me to kick you in the balls?” she inquired as calmly as she could. “I can arrange that, if it’s what gets you off.”

Drew’s fists clenched, his skin tightening over the bones. He held himself back. She saw the self-restraint he exerted to keep from launching himself at her. “Do you seriously want your ass spanked?”

Yes, she did.
Spank me, Drew, spank me real good.

She spun around and wiggled her ass at all of them, her fitted dress riding up. “Oh, baby. You can spank mine if I can spank yours.”

Jared turned his drink up, gulping down the liquid, his Adam’s apple bobbing with each swallow. He flung his glass onto the table, somehow managing to not break it. “Have you lost your goddamn mind?”

She shrugged, guessing that either way she answered would be bad for her health.

“Shut the fuck up, baby doll.” Randy reached for her, but she dodged him and twirled around.

I think I’ll seal the deal. It’s time to taunt them.

“I don’t hear any takers.” Shannon rubbed her lips with her index finger suggestively. “How about we make a deal. I will spank my own ass and you three can watch.” She licked the pad of her finger, savoring the salty flavor of her skin, then closed her eyes with a hum, “Mmmm. But no touching.”

Before she could deflect him, Drew picked her up and threw her over his shoulders, treating her with the same regard as a sack of potatoes, and made tracks for the door with Jared and Randy in tow. “We need to talk outside.

Chapter 18


Slung over Drew’s shoulder, Shannon wiggled and fussed and cussed as Jared, Drew, and Randy strode through the dining hall swiftly. The wedding party moved aside, their titters and coughs covering their snickers. She grinned at her family and friends, flashing a thumbs-up sign here and there to anyone who could see.
Dude, this is fun.

Drew stepped out into the dark night. Without releasing her, he walked purposefully up the hill to the hotel, barreled through the front door, and carried her into the elevators his brothers opened for him. He flipped her upright, depositing her on her ass on the floor just as the doors slid closed. “You don’t give orders.”

Randy punched a random button, choosing some unknown level. The elevator immediately began to climb, but he hit the stop switch before they’d gotten far and halted it between two floors.

She looked up at the three men looming over her and licked her lips.

“What did I tell you about pushing us around?” Drew removed his dinner jacket, letting it fall into a puddle next to her on the floor. “Let me remind you. Don’t fucking do it.”

Her pussy pulsated, gushing cream. She didn’t speak, no muscle twitched and no unnecessary breath taken. She waited, not-so-patiently, inhaling and exhaling at a turtle’s pace.

Jared and Randy removed their clothing leisurely. Their striptease had to be the longest striptease known to man.
Come on, come on. Let’s go. Could you fucking be any slower? Damn!
She bit her tongue to prevent her inner chattering from rolling off of it and getting her ass into even more trouble.

Drew distracted her. He pointed at the thin straps holding her dress up and ordered, huskily, “Lose those.” With no questions asked, she slid her fingers underneath the fabric and tugged. They ripped easily and quietly. She flung the torn strips over her shoulder and dropped her hands to the side.

Drew nodded appreciatively, “Pull the top down.” Again, she followed his directions without comment. She pushed down the material, exposing her full, heavy breasts to them.

Glancing up, her gaze went from one man to the next and back again. She observed Jared on her right side, caressing his engorged shaft casually. Then she focused on Randy at her left, standing still with his legs spread apart, hands on hips, and cock erect. He looked as unblemished and glorious as Michelangelo’s
, only handsomer, sexier, and most importantly, hers.

At long last, she peered at Drew standing in the middle, his posture cold and distant. Between the aloof attitude and detached demeanor, Shannon suspected she was about to be served yet another lesson. She considered walking away, but she needed to stay. What had initially been about sex and domination had turned, and now it was about love and commitment.

Winning him back would take a lot on her part—persistence, strength, and love. On the flip side, she risked everything an intelligent woman avoided— hurt, fear, and rejection—but she had to take the chance and hold strong. He had done it for her, and she would do it for him. Bracing herself, she stayed seated.

“Good, munchkin,” Drew complimented, his voice softening appreciably. “Remove your panties and pull up your dress. We want to see that gorgeous pussy. I’ll bet you’re soaking wet.”

Shannon gripped the hem of her dress, languidly drawing the material upward, an inch at a time. The speed of Jared’s hand directly corresponded with her hand. The more skin she showed, the faster he went.

Drew bent at the waist, his hand coming out and clamping down on her wrist. “I told you to take off your panties.”

“You did tell me, Drew. I didn’t listen.” She shook off his hand, which proved more difficult than she’d anticipated with his firm grip on her, and jerked her skirt up. Lifting her ass off the carpeted flooring, she tugged the material up until it was around her waist, revealing her glistening, swollen flesh.

The statue known as Randy came to life. “Fucking hell. You don’t have on any underwear.”

“Really? I hadn’t noticed.” She opened her legs and glanced down at her cunt pointedly. “Well, look at that. No panties.” She lifted her head, smiling wickedly. “Must be your lucky day.”

“Son of a bitch,” Jared hissed, releasing his cock from his sizeable hand. “You wench.”

Laughing jubilantly, she agreed, “Pretty much, yeah. That’s me. I’m a total wench.”

Drew fell on top of her with a groan, and she welcomed him with open arms. “You are going to kill us, munchkin.”

“But what a way to go, Studley Do-Right,” she whispered sultrily and took his face between her two hands.

He took her lips with his own, kissing her ravenously. “God, I love you, Shannon Roberts.”

“I—” she croaked, her voice freezing before she could utter another word.
Why can’t I say it, damn it?
An annoying little voice responded.
You know why. He’s hiding something just like you are, and you refuse to meet him halfway.

Shannon closed her eyes, shaking her head with a jerk. “Touch me, Drew. Please, I just need you to fuck me.”

Drew’s jaw snapped shut, the flames in his eyes dying out.

“Drew…” She trailed off, unsure of what to say.

Drew shook his head, telling her to back off, so she did. He put his hands on top of hers, pulling them from his face and pinning them to the floor on each side of her body. Jared and Randy appeared, one on each side.

“Shannon?” Jared asked in obvious concern, his hand brushing her cheek softly. “You don’t have to do this.”

“I know,” she replied with a small smile, “but I want to.”

Jared watched her closely before smiling back at her. “Okay.”

Randy and Jared both took one of Shannon’s hands in one of theirs. Their spare hands went to the inside of her thighs, holding her legs apart. Lifting up, Drew silently slithered down her body until his face was even with her pussy. The heat of his eyes on her most private part sparked a fire inside of her cunt. Yearning and longing ripped through her. She craved his heated mouth on her pussy, touching the tender tissue and tasting her free-flowing juices. She raised her ass from the floor, seeking Drew.

He denied her quest, leaving her pussy alone and searching. “Hold her waist,” Drew commanded gruffly from between her outstretched legs. His humid breath blew across her mound, causing her to quiver and moan. Jared and Randy each migrated one hand to the side of her waist, holding her down further. They shackled her resolutely, restraining and confining her.

Her breathing grew labored, coming in short bursts of air. Her chest ached with the need for oxygen, but she couldn’t seem to catch her breath. She wasn’t sure if she panted in pleasure or hyperventilated in panic.

Did she like not being able to move—at all? Did she want to be completely at another person’s mercy? Could she let go? Could she cede absolute and complete control to them? Governing her head motions, trapping her between their bodies, or tying her wrists was one thing but dominating her whole body was another.

Whenever in doubt, she followed the familiar path. Cursing like a she-devil, she bucked, attempting to resist them, but it didn’t work. The harder she fought, the sterner they got. Four hands tightened their grips on her wrists and waist. Two additional hands joined Jared and Randy’s on her body. Drew replaced his brother’s hands on her inner thighs. Where they’d only kept her legs apart, he exerted pressure and urged them to open further until they could spread no more. Ruthlessly, he held her in that position.

She was a prisoner, bound by their hands and enslaved by lust. Her initial fears disintegrated, crumbling at her feet and theirs. All the answers to her questions fell into place. All the pieces in the puzzle fit. Yes, she liked not being able to move. Yes, she wanted to be at their mercy. Yes, she could let go. Yes, she could cede control. Yes. Yes. And hell yes.

Drew looked at her with the eyes of a savage and licked his lips before dropping from her sight. He touched his white-hot, velvety tongue to the bottommost tip of her pussy in the lightest of caresses.

She cried out and struggled in their hold, her body attempting to arch upward. Jared and Randy braced her, crushing her to the floor. They dug their hands into her tender flesh, probably leaving evidence of their desire on her skin. The thought of bearing a mark of their possession drove her insane. She wanted to prance around town, proudly flashing her erotic badges of honor.

Drew glided his wet tongue forward, circling the outer fringes of her entrance. He journeyed inward at a rapid pace, not allowing anything to impede or halt his progress, and plunged his tongue deep inside her pussy. She felt a rush of moisture burst free from her core as if the dam broke. A torrential flood cascaded out of her cunt.

Drew didn’t pause, and he didn’t pull away. Instead, he caught her juices, lapping them up gluttonously.

Randy closed in on her. He leaned over her carefully, making sure to not release her from confinement, and opened his mouth. He took as much of her breast into his humid mouth as he could, swallowing her turgid nipple, vast areola, and a portion of the flesh surrounding them. Suckling her breast, he tugged and pulled dementedly. Randy’s insanity spread to her.

Crazily, she thrashed and cried out, but Jared reined her in. He held her in a death grip and inhaled her scream, his lips floating across hers in a kiss tender enough to bring tears to her eyes.

Three men, three different modes of attack on her body—Drew’s hunger, Randy’s madness, and Jared’s adoration. All of them converged and collided, overcoming her. Needs and desires swamped her, emotions and thoughts consumed her.

She couldn’t handle the rush. Her body pulled in every direction, her mind overloaded, and shut down. Nothing came in and nothing went out. Her heart stuttered, faltered, and finally ground to a halt. She searched for air, but couldn’t find it. Breathing eluded her entirely. Then her orgasm hit her with the force of a defibrillator, shocking her and bringing her body to life.

Her body tensed, and she sobbed as ecstasy raged inside of her cunt, the channel swelling and rippling forcefully. Lost in post-orgasmic bliss, she smiled dreamily and searched for her men through unfocused eyes. “Jared? Drew? Randy?”

When no one answered and they all pulled away, her stomach churned and revolted. She blinked rapidly, forcing her eyes to focus. Drew’s face was a mask of a man she didn’t know, a man she didn’t want to know. Jared and Randy watched their brother with cautious and concerned eyes. The anger settling in their baby blues warred with the worry she saw brewing underneath the surface.

Drew heaved himself off of her, leaving her sprawled on the floor with two highly aroused men at her side. They were not the only unsatisfied men. Drew’s rock-hard shaft looked one button away from breaking free of the confines of his pants.

He reminded her of the Mae West quote, making her fight the urge to ask him, “Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?” She wanted to tease him, but this was no laughing matter, and if she made it one, they would make damn sure she lived to regret it. Silently, she counted to ten so she would have the willpower to hold her tongue in check.

Drew’s face closed up, and she saw him emotionally drifting away from her. “I don’t want a fuck buddy, Shannon.” Drew grabbed his jacket, but she barely noticed. She was too busy admiring the glint of her juices on his lips. It was so damn sexy to see one of her men wearing her cream on his lips.

Jared let her go, getting to his feet. He moved between her and Drew, protectively. “Back off, Drew.”

BOOK: Shannon's Fairy-Tale Foursome
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