Share You

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Authors: Rene Folsom

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

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If Kelli has learned one thing over the years, it would be that desires rule your life—aversion has no place if you truly want to be happy.  And she was all about getting what she wanted.

It all started on a rather hot, summer day when her husband, Nick, decided they needed to rent a room out in their house in order to make ends meet.  Kel knew it was the only way they could continue to afford their lovely home.  Still, deep down, she'd always hated the idea—at least until Ava walked through their door.

After several grueling tenant interviews, they finally rented the room to the sexy, long-legged blonde, causing Kelli to reassess what she really wanted.



Copyright © 2013 Rene Folsom

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission from Indie Style Press or Rene Folsom, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Editing Services Provided by Cynthia Shepp

Cover Created by Phycel Designs



For Jim –

Sharing is caring.



Table of Contents


Share You

Roommate Romance Series

About the Author

Follow Rene

Share You

If I’ve learned one thing over the years, it would be that desires rule your life. Aversion has no place if you truly want to be happy. And I was all about getting what I wanted.

It all started on a rather hot summer day. My husband and I decided we needed to rent out a room in our house to someone in order to make ends meet. I was initially opposed to the idea, because I would have to give up my little reading nook I spent countless hours in to escape reality.

It was either lose the nook or lose the house—and I’d be damned if I lost my dream home.

After interviewing the sixth loser that responded to our ad, I was about to throw in the towel. I was not willing to share our home with some punk off the streets who thought a bar of soap was a luxury, thankyouverymuch.

“Don’t worry. We’ll find someone perfect,” Nick said, patting my hand and trying to console my nerves as the sixth person climbed in his beat-up car and puttered away, leaving a string of exhaust fumes in his wake. I just rolled my eyes at Nick’s optimism.

It’s not that I’m against a young person trying to save a few dollars and make their way in this world, and I especially didn’t mind someone who had to scrimp on the luxuries to afford necessities, but I didn’t want my home destroyed by a band of punks all because we were hard up.

The last interview of the day was due to arrive any moment and I was actually nervous at the possibility that this would be another

I heard the motorcycle before I saw it pull into the driveway through our living room window. Confused, I glanced down at our notepad that had the name
Ava Janks
scrawled in my husband’s messy handwriting. Surely he got the name wrong.

At the same moment I was going to ask him about the discrepancy, I saw the rider climb from the machine. Tight black pants hugged a pair of sleek, long legs and were accented with… heels? Yes. This rider was wearing a pair of leather, spike heels.

Just as I was convinced we were about to interview a cross-dresser and this nightmare would never end, the helmet came off.

Straight, blonde hair fell like a stage curtain around her leather jacket, landing just above her ass in those tight pants. After setting her helmet down on the seat of her motorcycle, she bent over quickly, flipping her hair down and back up as if to naturally fix the helmet head.

Okay, at this point I had to admit to being a very judgmental person. I not only judged the sex of our interviewee based on the vehicle she drove, but I also speculated that I liked her already, solely because of her badass ride and rocking body.

“Holy shit,” I heard Nick whisper as he sat and watched the same scene I did.

“Um, yeah. Holy shit is right. You might want to pick your jaw up off the floor before she gets in here,” I said as I stood up to make my way to the door.

Just before I began to walk away, he grabbed my wrist and stopped me. “Kel, wait. I don’t want some chick in this house that’s going to make you jealous for no reason. We don’t need that kind of stress.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Nick. I am not the jealous type and you know it,” I affirmed as I shrugged out of his hold and went to answer the already ringing doorbell and thought,
Not unless he gives me something to be jealous about

As soon as I opened the door, a huge smile and bright blue eyes nearly blinded me. She was definitely a knockout and maybe Nick had a point.

“Hello there. My name is Ava. Is Nick here?” she asked as she tried to peer around me into the house.

“Yes, I’m Nick’s wife, Kelli,” I said as I offered her my hand. She had a firm, confident handshake as she looked me up and down—her satisfaction was made obvious by her smile. “Please, come in.”

Stepping inside, she looked around the large foyer area before saying in a near whisper, “Wow. What a beautiful house!”

“Thank you. It is definitely our dream home and we’re just looking for the right person to share it with.” Well, that came out a little strange, but it was true.

Without instructing her to do so, she immediately made her way into the living room where Nick was camping his ass on the couch. As we entered, he stood and held his hand out to greet our guest.

“Ava! So nice to put a face with the name. We’re very happy you were able to make it out on such short notice,” Nick schmoozed while grinning a little too broadly.

“Oh, please,” she said with a wave of her hand. “I’m just thankful the opportunity was still available. I should be thanking you.”

Interviewing Ava was like meeting with an old friend. All three of us naturally bonded and we offered her the room immediately. Upon showing her which room would be hers, she asked if it was okay for me to keep all the books and bookshelves exactly where they were so she could read them. I wanted to tackle-hug her for that alone because that meant I wouldn’t have to put my beloved library collection in boxes.

As I watched her mount her motorcycle and drive away, I said out loud, “That is so bad ass!”

“I know, right?” Nick chimed, approaching me from behind and making me jump a little.

I turned so I was facing him and draped my arms around his shoulders. “You like her, don’t you?” My words came out more as a statement instead of the question it was meant to be.

“Well, yeah… I mean, what’s there not to like? She looks responsible and is very friendly…” he stuttered.

I just laughed as I patted him on the cheek lightly, assuring him it was okay to like another chick. “Nick likes a girl. How sweet,” I teased, hoping it would lighten the mood a little.

“What? No… I… well…”

“Shh. It’s okay. I think that girl would even have chicks crushing after her—with her
teeth making that
smile. She really does have a way with words, too,” I said as I stood on my tiptoes and inched my way closer to his mouth.

Just as our mouths were about to touch, his eyes got really wide and he let out a bellowing laugh. “Ha! Kelli has her first girl crush! And here you are picking on me!” He continued to laugh as he backed away and pointed at me—bending at the waist and making an overly dramatized slapping-of-the-knee gesture.

Was he right? Was it a girl crush? Or was I just happy to find someone I could feel so comfortable with to share our home?

The first thing that flashed through my mind was the way her ass looked in those tight pants as she drove away on her motorcycle.
Well, fuck me sideways—I do have a girl crush.

A flush immediately overtook my face. Hell, I could feel the tomato-red complexion overtaking my entire body as embarrassment rendered me speechless. Nick stopped his hysterical laughing, wiped a tear from his eye, and immediately became serious.

“Really? I’m right?” he questioned. “I mean, I was just joking.”

To save my pride, a slow smile crept up my face before suddenly letting out a burst of laughter that mimicked his previous eruption. “Gotcha!” I hollered as I pointed and pretended to fake my initial embarrassment.

“Yeah, I don’t buy it,” he said with a shake of his head.

“I like her, Nick. I’m so glad we’ve found someone that seems genuinely perfect for a roommate,” I admitted as I stood in front of him, nervous about what he thought of me—a definite first since the day we said
I do

“Yeah, me too,” he agreed. “Plus, I’m thankful I don’t have to carry all those damn books out to the garage.”

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